[外语类试卷]GRE(ANALYTICAL WRITING)模拟试卷5及答案与解析.doc

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1、GRE( ANALYTICAL WRITING)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 一、 Analyze an Issue 1 Every individual in a society has a responsibility to obey just laws and to disobey and resist unjust laws. Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim. In developing and supporting your pos

2、ition, be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position. 二、 Analyze an Argument 2 Collectors prize the ancient life-size clay statues of human figures made on Kali Island but have long wondered how Kalinese artists were able to depict bodie

3、s with such realistic precision. Since archaeologists have recently discovered molds of human heads and hands on Kali, we can now conclude that the ancient Kalinese artists used molds of actual bodies, not sculpting tools and techniques, to create these statues. This discovery explains why Kalinese

4、miniature statues were abstract and entirely different in style: molds could be used only for life-size sculptures. It also explains why few ancient Kalinese sculpting tools have been found. In light of this discovery, collectors predict that the life-size sculptures will decrease in value while the

5、 miniatures increase in value. Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the prediction and the argument on which it is based are reasonable. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the prediction. G

6、RE( ANALYTICAL WRITING)模拟试卷 5答案与解析 一、 Analyze an Issue 1 【正确答案】 Throughout history the conflict between ones own judgment and the judgment of the lawmakers has given rise to many conflicts, wars and revolutions. In that context, the claim that individuals should follow their own sense of righteousne

7、ss by opposing laws that are in their opinion unfair and following laws that are fair is justified. Since individual judgment is subjective, however, I cannot completely agree with the claim. One of the negative consequences of blindly following a states laws becomes clear when one considers authori

8、tarian, ideologically extreme and fundamentalist countries. It is highly likely that power-hungry and oppressive governments like Nazi Germany are not founded on and buttressed by the most ethical laws. For example, when my grandfather was stationed with the German army in the Czech Republic in 1945

9、, he was tasked with executing five Czech partisans. As a soldier, he should have followed orders and could have been sent to prison or executed himself if he disobeyed. He managed to convince his superior that his pistol was rusty and would not fire and thereby saved the lives of the partisans by d

10、isobeying a direct order. When a states laws are in conflict with basic human codes of ethics, therefore, it becomes clear that one should disobey orders. Not all laws, however, violate human rights, so the decision to follow or oppose them is not black and white. In some cases a subjective sense of

11、 what is right might actually oppose a collective sense of what is right. For instance, I remember arguing with my parents while in 5th grade in school that, based on my antipathy towards school at the time, I had a right to freedom and should not be obliged to go to school. In fact, going to school

12、 is required by law in Germany, and I was arguing to break the law based on my own set of principles and rights. Since a sense of righteousness can be subjective, it is sometimes reasonable to accept laws that benefit the whole of society as well as the individual - even if the individual is not wil

13、ling to accept that as a universal truth. I furthermore cant completely agree with the claim with respect to the statement that society should obey “just“ laws. There are certainly circumstances in which a whole societys sense of right and wrong has been manipulated by years of propaganda. Consider

14、the law passed in 1939 by Nazi Germany labeled the“Endloesung“ i.e., the final solution. That law deprived Jewish people of any human rights and set the scene for the holocaust. Through years of brainwashing, a large proportion of German society accepted that law and actually believed that Jews were

15、 an inferior race. Therefore, depending on the circumstances and the manipulative powers of a regime, even laws that appear just to some are utterly appalling to humanity as a whole. Hence, the subjective nature of right or wrong does not only vary from person to person but is also subject to manipu

16、lation and deceit. For this reason I cannot agree with the claim completely. In conclusion, therefore, there are situations, such as when laws clearly oppose basic human rights, in which the claim is true and useful. However, an individuals interpretation of what is right is often subjective and vul

17、nerable to biased influences by powerful regimes. Therefore the truth of the claim is limited. 【试题解析】 This response presents a cogent, well-articulated analysis of the issue in accordance with the specific task directions. Each paragraph contributes significant analytical reasoning to support the nu

18、anced position that while resistance to authority is obviously justified in the most clear-cut cases, a sense of justification can be too subjective to be reliable not only in a personal sense but also on a societal scale, as when entire populations become deluded. In presenting that analysis, the w

19、riter takes a position that one must disobey unjust laws(second paragraph)and obey those that are just(third paragraph). But, in accordance with the task direction to address any compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge ones position, the writer also recognizes a counterarg

20、ument to his/her position in instances when people neither resist nor disobey unjust laws(fourth paragraph), particularly when they are “subject to manipulation and deceit.“ Furthermore, the examples and reasons are both compelling and persuasive as in the dramatic case of the Nazi soldier finding a

21、 way to disobey orders even though he “should“ have followed them to save his own life. The response conveys ideas fluently and precisely via effective vocabulary and syntax, as in this example: “Therefore, depending on the circumstances and the manipulative powers of a regime, even laws that appear

22、 just to some are utterly appalling to humanity as a whole. Hence, the subjective nature of right or wrong does not only vary from person to person but is also subject to manipulation and deceit.“ For its well-articulated, cogent analysis of the issue, this response earns a score of 6. 二、 Analyze an

23、 Argument 2 【正确答案】 The prediction that life size sculptures will decrease in value relative to more abstract miniatures rests upon dubious inferences within its supporting argument. These inferences invite questions whose answers will assist in evaluating the argument, its relationship to the market

24、 for Kalinese sculpture, and hence the prediction of relative price movements. One such inference appears to suggest that if the body sculptures are made via molds as opposed to the miniatures being made free-form by hand, then collectors will cease to value the body sculptures because they represen

25、t works of diminished artistic skill. For this to be true, we must first agree with the conclusion that the discovery of hand and head molds in fact means that the body sculptures are made entirely by molds. To evaluate this claim, we would ask if perhaps the molds could have in fact been used in ar

26、tistic studies, for guidance, and then the body sculptures afterwards made by hand in observation of the models. If this were known to be the case, we would expect no impact on collector demand, as the underlying skill level of the sculptures would stand unchanged. Alternatively, we would ask where

27、the molds are for the rest of the bodies. Without molds of back muscles, feet, limbs, and so on, could we truly conclude the entire statue to be a copy rather than an original creation? And if indeed the head and hand molds did produce parts of the statues, could we be sure that sculptorsskilled han

28、ds did not in fact join these aspects together to create a unified whole, exhibiting an adroit artistry worthy of appreciation and valuation? Furthermore, we also wonder why the miniatures, by contrast, are abstract in nature. Could they in fact have been produced by different sculptors, perhaps bel

29、onging to a discrete guild or to a different age? If so, such revelations would differentiate the two art forms making their relative valuation less easily anticipated. We thus note that the prediction that the value of the miniatures will increase due to new information about the body-sculptures ap

30、pears to rest on an inference that the two art forms are analogous. If instead they are made by different artists, in different eras, or of different materials, we would hesitate to assume such a relationship, and ask why, if they do not share an origin, would any decrease in the value of one form l

31、ead to an inverse change in its correlate? Finally, and in a similar vein, we would ask why the Kalinese body-sculptures are prized in the first place. Could it be that they are prized because of their physical beauty, or due to the unique materials employed, like pied clay? Pied clay is shot throug

32、h with various elements and colors. If in fact these sculptures high valuation follows not from the perceived sculpting skill of the artisan but from the attractiveness or distinctiveness of the human forms themselves, or the high value of the material(could they in fact be made of clay infused with

33、 gold?), then we could anticipate a much more modest devaluation, if any, due to revelations about the technique or materials involved in their creation. In fact, were they to be made of gold, amid current climates of international financial insecurity and imminent inflationary pressure, we might we

34、ll conclude that the most relevant questions by which to assess the arguments prediction would hinge on the financial context. For example, inquiries about the degree of monetary expansion planned by the Federal Reserve for the next fiscal year and the solvency of the Spanish Central Bank, rather th

35、an some remotely-supported questioning of sculpting technique on a far-off island of a bygone era, might be more relevant. 【试题解析】 This outstanding response clearly addresses the specific task directions while presenting an insightful, cogent, and well-articulated examination of the argument. Through

36、out, the compelling analysis is supported by persuasive, fully developed, and nuanced discussion. For example, in questioning the logic of the argument regarding the relative value of the life-size statues vis-a-vis the miniatures “Couldthe miniaturesin fact have been produced by different sculptors

37、, perhaps belonging to a discrete guild or to a different age?“ the writer concludes that the answers to the questions consistently undermine the arguments prediction: “If so, such revelations would differentiate the two art forms making their relative valuation less easily anticipated.“ Support is

38、always thorough and compelling as in paragraph three when the writer asks, “If insteadthe sculpturesare made by different artists, in different eras, or of different materials, we would hesitate to assume suchan analogousrelationship, and ask why, if they do not share an origin, would any decrease i

39、n the value of one form lead to an inverse change in its correlate?“ Language is fluent and precise, exemplifying the superior facility typical of responses that receive a score of 6, for example, “adroit artistry,“ “relative valuation less easily anticipated,“ “current climates of international fin

40、ancial insecurity and imminent inflationary pressure.“ Organization is both clear and skillful with ideas cohesively linked not only by more obvious transitions(“Furthermore,“ “Finally“)but also through embedded transitions(“Alternatively,“ “If so,“ “In fact, were they to be made of gold. we might well conclude.“). Because of its compelling and insightful development and fluent and precise language, this response fits all of the requirements for a 6.


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