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1、GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 21及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as

2、a whole. 1 The two astronomers who simultaneously discovered Comet Hale-Bopp were_: individuals pursuing astronomy as an interest, not as a profession. 2 The dictator (i)_ democracy as the (ii)_of ordinary citizens in government affairs. 3 The two friends occasionally indulged in_, as they both enjo

3、yed a bout of good-natured teasing. 4 Never an (i)_, but tending instead to see both sides of an issue, the senator was considered (ii)_by those who did not know her well. 5 The passengers experienced an intimacy not uncommon among vacationers spending days togethery, an intimacy more often due to_t

4、han to any community of taste. 6 Chairperson and CEO Andrea Jung has revitalized her company, considered_in recent years, to one whose products now attract millions of consumers worldwide. 7 Jessica was_by Jons angry outburst : she literally did not know what to say, think, or do. 8 In Dorothy Wests

5、 novel The Living Is Easy, the main character feels (i)_by her fathers authority, resenting his attempts to check her (ii)_. 9 Believing that the problem could be solved if enough information was garnered, the scientist vowed to (i)_her research as long as some (ii)_of obtaining additional data exis

6、ted. 10 Once the animals usual sources of nourishment have been exhausted, acorns are its only means of_. 11 Although many of the students had found the assignment_Harrison completed it with ease. 12 Juan is (i)_examining his own feelings and motives : he cannot tolerate (ii)_. 13 The new governor a

7、ttempted to win the publics sympathy by (i)_himself as the (ii)_inheritor of his predecessors fiscal mismanagement. 14 Rebecca knew that to finish her project she must overcome her tendency toward _and learn to make up her mind. 15 Jane Eyre is among the most (i)_of feminist novels: it is still wide

8、ly (ii)_ more than 150 years after its publication. 16 Led by Iviassasoit and William Bradford, the Wampanoag communities and Plymouth Colony created a military and economic_, drawing upon one anothers resources for decades. 17 Jasons gullibility was remarkable: he (i)_the most outrageous assertions

9、 and was therefore much too easily (ii)_. 18 Because curiosity is deemed the (i)_of the scientific temperament, theoretical physicist Richard Feynman, renowned for his ceaseless questioning, was regarded by some as an (ii)_of the scientific spirit. 19 The editorial charged that some contemporary mus

10、ic_fundamental social values by glamorizing what is essentially an outlaw lifestyle. 20 Some people believe a parrot can comprehend the words it utters, but most biologists believe parrots lack such_ability. 21 Nothing in the essay is_: every sentence contributes in an essential way to the overall m

11、eaning. 22 Unlike the wild turkey, which can successfully fly for short distances, the domesticated turkey is completely_flight. 23 Morale among the staff scientists (i)_when the director dolefully announced that chances of the projects receiving additional funding were (ii)_. 24 The slogan “What go

12、es up must come down“ was so universally accepted by economists that it was considered_. 25 The corporations code of ethics is ludicrous ; its principles are either (i)_, offering cliches in lieu of guidance, or so unspecific as to make any behavior (ii)_. GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 21答案与解析 SECTION 1 Dire

13、ctions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与

14、 interest(兴趣 )同义重复。researcher研究者, amateur业余爱好者, skeptic怀疑者, dilettante业余爱好者, pioneer先锋, experimenter实验者。答案选 BD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 2 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 dictator(独裁者 )和 democracy(民主 )对应,反义重复,说明第一空填入一个表示逻辑反义的词。 laud赞美, scorn嘲弄, endorse支持。答案选 B。absence缺席, meddling干涉, duty责任。答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 3 【正确答案】 A, C 【试

15、题解析】 as说明前后同义重复。空格与 goodnatured teasing(善意的玩笑 )同义重复。 banter打趣, grandiloquence夸张, badinage打趣, controversy争论, blather胡说, bombast夸张。答案选 AC。注:这里 grandiloquence和bombast是干扰项,同表示 “夸张 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 4 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 Neverbut 表示 “不是 而是 ” ,前后反义重复; did not know her well(不太了解她 )取反。第一空与 see both sides of an

16、issue(看到问题的两面 )反义重复。 absolutist绝对论者, ideologue理论家, elitist自觉高人一等的人。答案选 A。第二空与 see both sides of an issue(看到问题的两面 )感情方向相反。arrogant傲慢的, adamant固执的, indecisive优柔寡断的。答案选 F。 【知识模块】 基础填空 5 【正确答案】 A, C 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。空格与 spending days together(几天时间都在一起 )同义重复。 proximity接近, compatibility相互和谐, vicinity接近,p

17、rofusion大量, recalcitrance执拗, affluence大量。答案选 AC。注:这里profusion和 affluence是干扰项,同表示 “大量 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 6 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 revitalized说明前后反义重复。空格与 attract millions of consumers worldwide(在世界范围内吸引了数百万顾客 )反义重复。 avant-grade先锋派, moribund垂死的, auspicious好兆头的, dying垂死的, propitious吉祥的, spurious伪造的。答案选 BD.注:这里

18、 auspicious和 propitious是干扰项,同表示 “好兆头的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 7 【正确答案】 E, F 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 did not know what to say,think,or do(不知如何说,也不知如何思考,更不知如何去做 )同义重复。 disenchant使醒悟, mollify使平息, assuage使平息, beguile剥夺, nonplus使困惑, confound使困惑。答案选 EF。注:这里 mollify和 assuage是干扰项,同表示 “使平息 ”。 【知识模 块】 基础填空 8 【正确答案】 C, F

19、 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。第一空与 check(阻止 )同义重复。 favor喜爱, revive唤醒, limit限制。答案选 C。 anger愤怒, patience耐心,independence独立。答案选 F。 【知识模块】 基础填空 9 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 If和 as long as对应,同表示条件,前后同义重复。第一空与 could be solved(能被解决 )同义重复。 dispense with特许, terminate终止, persevere in坚持不懈。答案选 C。 some(ii)_of obtaining additional d

20、ata existed(一些能获取更多数据的 (ii)_)与 enough information was garnered(获得足够的信息 )同义重复。 likelihood可能性, doubtfulness可疑, pretext借口。答案选 D。 【知识模块】 基础填空 10 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。空格与 nourishment(食 物 )同义重复。resuscitation复活, distraction困惑, subsistence生存, survival生存, resurgence复活, camouflage伪装。答案选 CD。注:这里 resus

21、eitation和 resurgence是干扰项,同表示 “复活 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 11 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 Although说明前后反义重复。空格与 with ease(轻易地 )反义重复。frivolous不重要的, laborious费力的, gratifying令人高兴的, arduous费力的,agreeable令人愉悦的, timely恰到好处的。答案选 BD。注:这里 gratifying和agreeable是干扰项,同表示 “令人高兴的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 12 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。第一空与 can

22、not tolerate(无法忍受 )同义重 复。 accustomed to习惯于, averse to反感, mindful of警觉。答案选 B。第二空与 examining his own feelings and motives(检查自己的感觉和动机 )同义重复。adulation谄媚, introspection自省, spontaneity自发性。答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 13 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 第二空与 sympathy(同情 )同义重复。 grateful感激的, complicit同谋的, hapless不幸的。答 案选 F。 cast扮演,

23、 applaud赞扬, commend赞扬。答案选 A。 【知识模块】 基础填空 14 【正确答案】 A, D 【试题解析】 and说明前后同义重复; overcome取反空格与 make up her mind(下定决心 )反义重复。 indecision犹豫不决, independence独立, buoyancy浮力, irresolution犹豫不决, expertise专业知识, autonomy独立 .答案选 AD注:这里 independence和 autonomy是干扰项,同表示 “独立 ” 【知识模块】 基础填空 15 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复

24、。两空联动,第一空与 widely(ii)同义重复。 confusing困惑的, provocative挑衅的, enduring持久的; mimick模仿,read阅读, overlook忽视。答案选 CE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 16 【正确答案】 E, F 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。空格与 drawing upon one anothers resources(互相利用对方的资源 )同 义重复。 combat战斗, stalemate僵局,dilemma僵局, rivalry对抗, alliance联盟, ally盟友 . 答案选 EF。注:这里stalemate和 dile

25、mma是干扰项,同表示 “僵局 ”; combat和 rivalry也是干扰项,同表示 “对抗 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 17 【正确答案】 A, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复; therefore说明前后同义重复。第二空与(i)the most outrageous assertions(i)最武断的判断 )联 动,同义重复;第二空与 gullibility(容易上当受骗 )同义重复。 trust相信, propose企图, repeat多复;apprehend担忧理解, delude欺骗, imitate模仿。答案选 AE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 18 【正确答案】 B,

26、D 【试题解析】 Because说明前后同义重复。两空联动,同义重复。 bane祸根,essence本质, inverse相反的事物; incarnation化身, adversary敌手, inception开始。答案选 BD。 【知识模块】 基 础填空 19 【正确答案】 B, C 【试题解析】 fundamental social values(基本的社会价值观 )和 outlaw lifestyle(非法的生活方式 )反义重复,所以空格填入一个表示逻辑反义的词。 enjoin禁止,erode侵蚀, debauch侵蚀, spawn造成, escalate增大, augment扩大。答案

27、选BC。 【知识模块】 基础填空 20 【正确答案】 B, F 【试题解析】 but说明前后反义重复。空格与 comprehend(理解 )反义重复。auditory听觉的, cognitive认知的, emulative好胜的, mimetic模仿的,prophetic预言的, epistcmic认知的。答案选 BF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 21 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复; Nothing取反。空格与 essential(必须的 )反义重复。 paramount最重要的, querulous抱怨的, redundant多余的,mandatory强制的, s

28、uperfluous多余的, consummate完美的。答案选 CE。 【知识 模块】 基础填空 22 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 Unlike说明前后反义重复。空格与 can(能够 )反义重复。 subject to臣服于 , bend to臣服于 , inept at在 方面无能, captivated by被 迷住, incapable of在 方面无能, worthy of值得 的。答案选 CE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 23 【正确答案】 B, F 【试题解析】 soar高涨, plummet骤降, splinter裂成碎片。答案选 B。overwhelming势不可挡的

29、, calculable可信的, infinitesimal极其微小的。答案选F。 【知识模块】 基础填空 24 【正确答案】 B, F 【试题解析】 sothat 说明前后同义重复。空格与 universally accepted(广泛接受 )同义重复。 conjecture推论, axiom公理, fad狂热, testimonial证据,speculation推论, maxim真理。答案选 BF。注:这里 conjecture和 speculation是干扰项,同表示 “推论 ”。 【知识模 块】 基础填空 25 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 分号说明前后同义重复;逗号说明前后同义重复。第一空与cliches(陈词滥调 )同义重复。 platitudinous陈词滥调的, anonymous无特色的,instructive启蒙的。答案选 A。 make any behavior(ii)与 code of ethics is ludicrous(道德准则是可笑的 )同义重复。 unlikely不可能的, portentous凶兆的,permissible许可的。代入选项,答案选 F。 【知识 模块】 基础填空


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