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1、GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 33及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as

2、a whole. 1 By (i)_many aspects of natural river ecosystems, some dams cause serious harm, producing (ii)_effects on water, land, wildlife, and even the atmosphere. 2 The company was so (i)_, so unwilling to change, that it lost any ability to compete in a (ii)_market. 3 Although it is natural to tak

3、e umbrage at (i)_remarks, Latoya always went to great pains to act as though she was not(ii)_when people harshly criticized her. 4 Sally could not (i)_the family trip to Colorado, but her older brother Brad was able to (ii)_many of its details. 5 The theory is (i)_so much(ii)_evidence that it is now

4、 accepted by the great majority of scientists. 6 Not wishing to incur the disapproval of her teachers, who were generally (i)_, Helen was (ii)_attempting radical new artistic styles in her paintings. 7 Far from exhausting him, the more arduous work schedule seems to have_the convalescent doctor. 8 A

5、s head of the National Education Association in 1965-66, Elizabeth Duncan Koontz advocated higher salaries for teachers because she believed that the more_ teaching is, the greater its attraction for highly qualified people. 9 Although in public life Simone de Beauvoirs feminist stance was uncomprom

6、ising, her personal life revealed a greater degree of ideological_. 10 Noting a (i)_of robins around his home, the bird-watcher wondered whether this reflected an overall (ii)_in this species population. 11 The critic wrote that Hoffmans novel was_, so abominable, in fact, that slamming it shut was

7、the only pleasure it provided. 12 Although the commentator claimed to be politically neutral, she was quite obviously (i)_: her broadcasts always revealed an unmistakable, unreasoning (ii)_ toward her pet political causes. 13 Dr. Abraham often understated his accomplishments, even at times_the way h

8、e had achieved his success against overwhelming obstacles. 14 The researcher adroitly_his presentation with personal anecdotes, breaking up dauntingly technical material with short accounts of biographical interest. 15 Margot OTooles allegations of (i)_practices among her scientific colleagues (ii)_

9、a charged debate regarding the ethics of scientific research. 16 Like avid gardeners who attack weeds tirelessly, some damselfish are_weeders of algae gardens in coral reefs. 17 As Sams behavior was a flagrant violation of basic civility, Kendra was right to call it_. 18 The_of this remote region wa

10、s remarkable: towering peaks loomed above plunging valleys. 19 In countries plagued by cholera and other waterborne diseases, attempts at (i)_ water cannot keep pace with its (ii)_. 20 After her long, arduous hike, Hillary was_: she wanted to eat until she could eat no more. 21 It is not wise to att

11、empt to_aggressive groups; the more concessions you make, the more they will demand. 22 The candidate responded to the (i)_of campaigning by being (ii)_. relieving the tedium with her wry sense of humor. 23 Continuing education helps health care professionals keep up with (i)_scientific information

12、and the (ii)_ health care needs of the population. 24 Archaeologists have (i)_a great variety of motifs (ii)_the walls of ancient synagogues still standing in Rome. 25 The bill incited such vigorous debate and caused such partisanship that it was dubbed the most_in history. GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 33答案

13、与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1 【正确答案】 B, F 【试题

14、解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。第二空与 harm(伤害 )同义重复。negligible可忽略的, salutary有利的, deleterious有害的。答案选 F。 obliterate除去, alter变更, ameliorate改善。代入选项,答案选 B。 【知识模块】 基础填空 2 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 sothat 说明前后同义重复; lost取反;逗号说明前后同义重复。两空联动,反义重复;第一空与 unwilling to change(不愿改变 )同义重复 .tractable温顺的, flighty古怪的, intransigent不肯改变的; regulat

15、ed管理的, perilous危险的, volatile多变的。答案选 CF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 3 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 Although说明前后反义重复; not取反。两空联动,同义重复;第一空与 harshly(尖酸的 )同义重复。 discreet谨慎的, droll古怪有趣的, acerbic尖酸的; unaffect不被影响, affront冒犯, mollify平息抚慰 .答案选 CE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 4 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 but说明前后反义重复; not取反。两空联动,同义重复。 avoid避免 remember记起, pre

16、vent预防; allude间接提到, recall记起, dismiss开除。答案选 BE 【知识模块】 基础填空 5 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 sothat 说明前后同义重复第二空与 it is now accepted by the great majority ofscientists(现在被绝大多数科学家接受 )同义重复。 contradictory相反的, supporting支持的 irrelevant无关的。答案选 E, inconsistcut with与 矛盾的, unrelated to与 无关的, substantiated by为 所证实的,代入选项答案选

17、 C。 【知识模块】 基础填空 6 【正确答案】 A, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后问义重复。第一空与 (ii)attempting radical new artistic styles联动,同义重复, conservative保守的, progressive进步主义的,complimentary赞许的; delighted about因 感到愉快, wary of对 小心,criticized for因 而受到批评。答案选 AE。 【知识模块】 基础填空 7 【正确答案】 E, F 【试题解析】 空格与 convalescent(康复的 )同义重复。 entice诱惑, dampen抑制

18、, enervate使衰弱, alienate使疏远, rejuvenate使恢复活力, revitalize使恢复活力。答案选 EF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 8 【正确答案】 D, F 【试题解析】 because说明前后同义重复。空格与 higher salaries(更高的薪水 )同义重复。 precarious不稳定的, dubious不稳定的, controversial有争议的,lucrative有利的, productive丰富的, profitable有利的。答案选 DF注:这里precarious和 dubious是干扰项,同表示 “不稳定的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空

19、9 【正确答案】 B, C 【试题解析】 Although说明前后反义重复。空格与 uncompromising(不妥协的 )反义重复 reciprocity交互性, flexibility变通性, elasticity变通性, assurance确信, analysis分析, conviction确信。答案选 BC。 【知识模块】 基础填空 10 【正确答案】 A, D 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。两空联动,同义重复。 dearth缺少稀少, spate大量, jumble混乱; diminution减少, uniformity一致 (性 ), stability稳定 (性 )。答案

20、选 AD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 11 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复空格与 abominable(让人厌恶的 )同义重复。 prescient预知的, labyrinthine曲折复杂的, execrable令人讨厌的,detestable令人讨厌的, otherworldly超现实的, metaphysical超现实的。答案选CD。注:这 里 otherworldly和 metaphysical是干扰项,同表示 “超现实的 ” 【知识模块】 基础填空 12 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 Although说明前后反义重复;冒号说明前后同义重复。两空联动,

21、同义重复;第一空与 neutral(中立的 )反义重复。 optimistic乐观主义的,pedantic迂腐的, partisan偏见的; pathos悲悯, apathy冷漠, bias偏见。答案选CF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 13 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。空格与 understated(轻描淡写 )同义重复。recount详细叙述, deprecate轻视, control支配, laud赞美, disparage轻视,acclaim赞美。答案选 BE注:这里 laud和 acclaim是干扰项,同表示 “赞美 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 14 【

22、正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 intersperse修饰, verify证实, dissect剖析, garble歪曲, warp歪曲, embellish修饰。答案选 AF。注:这里 garble和 warp是干扰项,同表示 “歪曲 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 15 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 两空联动,若第二空表示逻辑同义,则第一空与 ethics(道德规范 )同义重复;反之,则第一空与 ethics反义重复。 orthodox传统的, fraudulent欺诈的, exemplary榜样的; precipitate激起, corrupt使变坏, annul废除。答案选B

23、D。 【知识模块】 基础填空 16 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 Like说明前后同义重复。空 格与 tirelessly(不知疲倦地 )同义重复。dilatory拖延的, sluggish拖延的, indefatigable不知疲倦的, unwieldy笨重的,capricious多变的, unflagging不知疲倦的。答案选 CF。注:这里 dilatory和sluggish是干扰项,同表示 “拖延的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 17 【正确答案】 B, C 【试题解析】 As说明前后同义重复。空格与 flagrant(臭名远扬的 )同义重复。obsequious拍马屁的, e

24、gregious声名狼藉的, notorious声名狼籍的, perfunctory敷衍的, gregarious群居的, social群居的 .答案选 BC。注:这里 gregarious和social是干扰项,同表示 “群居的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 18 【正确答案】 A, C 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 towering peaks loomed above plunging valleys(巍峨的山峰赫然耸现在苍茫峡谷之中 )同义多复。 topography地势, mythology神话, terrain地势, cartography制图法, legendry神

25、话,archaeology考古学。答案选 AC。注:这里 mythology和 legendry是干扰项,同表示 “神话 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 19 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 cannot说明前后反义重复。两空联动,反义重复。 squander浪费, produce生产, purify净化; contamination污染, consumption耗尽,exploration探测。答案选 CD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 20 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 wanted to eat(想要吃 )同义重复。enervated无力的, vor

26、acious贪吃的, dehydrated脱水的, ecstatic欣喜的,ravenous贪吃的, desiccated脱水的。答案选 BE。注:这里 dehydrated和desiccated是干扰项,同表示 “脱水的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 21 【正确答案】 D, F 【试题解析】 分号说明前后同义重复空格与 concessions(让步 )同义重复 .brandish炫耀, slight漠视, disregard漠视, placate让步, traverse横穿,appease让步。答案选 DF注:这里 slight和 disregard是干扰项,同表示 “漠视 ”。 【知识模

27、块】 基础填空 22 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。第一空与 tedium(单调乏味 )同义重复。brevity简短, monotony单调, allure诱惑。答案选 B。第二空与 wry sense of humor(带有讽刺意味的幽默感 )同义重复。 insipid平淡的, droll古怪有趣的,voluble健谈的。答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 23 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 and说明前后同义重复。两空联动,同义重复;第一空与 keep up with(跟得上 )同义重复 confusing令人困惑的, mushrooming迅速增长

28、的,diminishing逐渐缩小的; superlicial表面的, decreasing减少的, changing变革的。答案选 BE 【知识模块】 基础填空 24 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 discover发现, create创造, enjoy享受。答案选 A。 conceal隐藏, deface破损, adorn装饰 . 答案选 F。 【知识模块】 基础填空 25 【正确答案】 B, D 【试题解析】 suchthat 说明前后同义重复。空格与 vigorous debate(激烈的争论 )和 partisanship(党派偏见 )同义重复。 scandalous诽谤的, divisive内讧的,preeminent优秀的, factious内讧的, coherent协调的, libelous诽谤的。答案选BD。 【知识模块】 基础填空


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