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1、GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a

2、 whole. 1 As the charismatic speaker left the podium, she was surrounded by (i)_of zealous supporters who (ii)_our attempts to approach her. 2 Sally was a lighthearted and even-tempered woman: she had none of her sisters_. 3 Because postmodernist critics often rely on (i)_language, their prose frequ

3、ently seems (ii)_to nonspecialists who fail to comprehend its meaning. 4 Eduardo was (i)_to find that the editorial he had written was (ii)_ by several typographical errors. 5 ln order to (i)_the loss of natural wetlands used by migrating snow geese, conservationists in the 1960s and 1970s (ii)_wetl

4、and refuges in the northern prairies. 6 Frequently used as a spice, ginger also has_properties: it can be used to help treat coughs, colds, and upset stomachs. 7 The scientific organization (i)_the newspaper for prominently covering the predictions of a psychic while(ii)_ to report on a major resear

5、ch conference. 8 The colors and patterns on butterflies wings may seem merely (i)_but they are actually (ii)_the survival of these insects , enabling them to attract mates and to hide from predators. 9 A discerning publishing agent can_promising material from a mass of submissions , separating the g

6、ood from the bad. 10 Residents of the secluded island fear that (i)_commercial development will (ii)_ their quiet way of life. 11 Though it is often exclusively (i)_Brazil, the Amazon jungle actually (ii)_ parts of eight other South American countries. 12 Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubars recent book

7、presents a_of detail , providing far more information than one can easily digest. 13 More (i)_than her predecessor, Superintendent Reynolds would, many predicted, have a far less (ii)_term of office. 14 Galloping technological progress has made consumers_: advances undreamed of a generation ago are

8、so common that they seem humdrum. 15 They use language not to explain but to_; each statement is like a reflection in a warped mirror. 16 Colonial South Carolina was characterized by cultural_: Europeans, Africans and Native Americans each absorbed some customs of the other groups. 17 Anna Freuds im

9、pact on psychoanalysis was_, coming not from one brilliant discovery but from a lifetime of first-rate work. 18 Francis learned that by (i)_his anger and resentment , and so avoiding (ii)_ he could overcome opponents more successfully than could those who openly defied their adversaries. 19 Sleep ac

10、tually occurs (i)_though one may receive clues signaling its (ii)_ for several minutes before one falls asleep. 20 Ellen Swallow Richards, a (i)_environmental preservation in the United States , campaigned during the nineteenth century to (ii)_responsible practices in the discipline that has come to

11、 be known as ecology. 21 Laila performed her tasks at the office with_, completing all her projects in record time. 22 Critics say that the autobiographical work Brothers and Keepers by John Edgar Wideman is surprising in that it celebrates and yet_his own role in the life of his brother. 23 Many wr

12、iters associated with the Harlem Renaissance were not originally from Harlem; drawn by the artistic community it provided, they_the place as home. 24 Nicknamed the “contact lens“, the device installed on the Hubble telescope successfully_its flawed vision, the result of a faulty mirror. 25 As an arc

13、hitect who rehabilitates older buildings , Roberta Washington objected to a city policy that resulted in the mass (i)_of clearly (ii)_structures. GRE( VERBAL)基础填空模拟试卷 9答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneat

14、h the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 1 【正确答案】 A, D 【试题解析】 第一空与 zealous(热情的 )同义重复。 entourage随行人员, debacle溃败, dearth供应不足。答案选 A。 interfere with妨碍, encompass包围,pertain to属于。答案选 D。 【知识模块】 基

15、础填空 2 【正确答案】 E, F 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复; none取反。空格与 lighthearted and even-tempered(无忧无虑且脾气好 )反义重复。 mellowness成熟, affability和蔼,equanimity镇静, resilience恢复能力, truculence好 斗, belligerence好斗。答案选 EF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 3 【正确答案】 B, F 【试题解析】 Because说明前后同义重复。第二空与 fail to comprehend(没法理解 )同义重复。 exotic外来的, grating刺耳的, im

16、penetrable难以理解的。答案选F。第一空与第二空同义重复。 accessible可以理解的, esoteric难以理解的,hackneyed陈腐的。答案选 B。 【知识模块】 基础填空 4 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析 】 第二空与 typographical errors(印刷错误 )同义重复。 authenticate证实, enhance提高, mar损坏。答案选 F。 overjoyed万分高兴的, intrigued好奇的, embarrassed尴尬的。代入选项,答案选 C 【知识模块】 基础填空 5 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 In order to说明前

17、后同义重复。设空处 (ii)_wetland refuges与(i)_the loss同义重复 standardize使标准化, compensate for弥补, account for做出解释。答案选 B。 dismantle破坏, establish创立, ignore忽略。代入选项,答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 6 【正确答案】 D, E 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 treat(治疗 )同义重复。 immutable不变的, invariable不变的, edible可食用的, curative有疗效的, therapeutic治疗的, descriptive描

18、述性的。答案选 DE。注:这里 immutable和 invariable是干扰项,同表示 “不变的 ”. 【知识模块】 基础填空 7 【正确答案】 A, E 【试题解析】 while说明前后反义重复。第二空与 prominently covering(着重报道 )反义重复。 hasten加速, neglect忽视, opt选择。答案选 E。 denounce公开指责, promote促进, honor尊敬。代入选项,答案选 A。 【知识模块】 基础填空 8 【正确答案】 C, E 【试题解析】 but说明前后反义重复;逗号说明前后同义重复。两空联动,反义重复;第二空与 enabling th

19、em to attract mates and to hide from predators(帮助它们吸引异性并躲避捕食者 )同义重复。根据句意,第一空说蝴蝶翅膀上的颜色和图案 “不重要 ”,第二空说 “重要 ”。 artificial人工的, unique独一无二的, decorative装饰性的; result of 的结果, instrumental in作为重要工具的, precursor of 的先驱。答案选 CE. 【知识模块】 基础填空 9 【正确答案】 D, F 【试题解析】 逗号表示前后同义重复。空格与 separating(分离区分 )同义重复。 supplant代替, d

20、ramatize编剧, supersede代替, winnow筛选, overhaul检修, screen筛选。答案选 DF。注:这里 supplant和 supersede是干扰项,同表示“代替 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 10 【正确答案】 A, E 【试题解析】 fear说明前后反义重复。第一空与 secluded(隐秘的 )反义重复。encroaching逐渐渗透的, waning衰落的, wavering动摇的 。答案选 A。第二空与quite(宁静的 )反义重复。 reinforce增援, disturb打扰, aid帮助。答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 11 【正确答案】

21、 A, F 【试题解析】 Though说明前后反义重复。反义体现在 exclusively(仅仅 )和 eight other(八个其他的 )之上,所以两空联动,同义重复。 associated with与 有关,surrounded by被 环绕, protected by被 保护; threaten威胁, bypass忽视, cover覆盖。答 案选 AF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 12 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。空格与 far more information than one can easily digest(远超出了人们能轻易消化的信息量 )同义重

22、复。 modicum少量,discrepancy差异, surfeit过量, paucity少量, juxtaposition并列, superfluity过量。答案选 CF。注:这里 modicum和 paucity是干扰项,同表示 “少量 ”的意思。 【知识模块】 基础填空 13 【正确答案】 A, D 【试题解析】 More和 less前后对比,说明前后反义重复。两空联动,反义重复。 conciliatory愿意和解的, steadfast忠诚的, vigilant警惕的; confrontational对抗的, compassionate有同情心的, reputable声誉好的。答案选

23、 AD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 14 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 冒号说明前后同义重复。空格与 humdrum(单调无聊的 )同义重复。 flabbergasted令人大吃一惊的, miffed生气的, jaded单调的, wary谨慎的, embittered让人痛苦的, weary单调的。答案选 CF。 【知识模块】 基础填空 15 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 分号表示前后同义重复。空格与 reflection in a warped mirror(扭曲的镜子中的成像 )同义重复。 decimate破坏大量杀死 (十一抽杀律 ), distort扭曲, enlight

24、en教导, negate使无效, twist扭曲曲解, destroy破坏。答案选BE。注 :这里 decimate和 destroy是干扰项,同表示 “破坏 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 16 【正确答案】 D, F 【试题解析】 冒号表示前后同义重复。空格与 each absorbed some customs of the other groups(每个 (团体 )都吸收其他团体的一些风俗 )同义重复,所以空格应体现“混杂 ”的意思。 probity正直, conservatism保守主义, integrity正直,convergence融合, eradication根除, fusion

25、融合。答案选 DF注 :这里 probity和integrity是干扰项,同表示 “正直 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 17 【正确答案】 E, F 【试题解析】 逗号表示前后同义重复; not和 but双重取反抵消。空格与 lifetime of first-rate work(毕生的优秀工作 )同义重复,空格填入一个表示 “长时间 ”的词。tangential不相关的离题的, digressive不相关的离题的, exorbitant过度的,indiscernible不可识别的, cumulative积累的, accretive积累 的。答案选 EF。注:这里 tangential和 di

26、gressive是干扰项,同表示 “不相关的离题的 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 18 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 逗号说明前后同义重复。第一空与 avoiding(避免 )同义重复。express陈述, stifle抑制, rouse激怒。答案选 B。第二空与 anger and resentment(愤怒和愤恨 )同义重复。 deceit欺诈, conflict冲突, temperance节制。答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 19 【正确 答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 though说明前后反义重复。第一空与 for several minutes(几分钟 )反义重复,填入

27、一个表示 “瞬间 ”的词。 crratically飘忽不定地无规律地,inevitably必然地, instantaneously瞬间地。答案选 C。第二空与 occurs(发生 )同义重复。 solace安慰, length长度, onset开始。答案选 F。 【知识模块】 基础填空 20 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 逗号表示前后同义重复。第一空与 has come to be known(被众所周知 )同义重复。 foil for 的阻力, pioneer of 的先锋, mitigator of 的缓和。答案选 B。 expose使受影响, implement实施, squel

28、ch压制击溃。代入选项,答案选 E。 【知识模块】 基础填空 21 【正确答案】 A, D 【试题解析】 逗号表示前后同义重复。空格与 in record time(在创纪录的时间内 )同义重复,说明她完成项目的 “时间特别短 ”或者 “时间特别长 ”。 alacrity快速,conformity一致, deliberation考虑, readiness快速, recrimination反诉,exasperation恼怒。答案选 AD。 【知识模块】 基础填空 22 【正确答案】 A, B 【试题解析】 surprising说明前后反义重复,且是词对词的重复。空格与celebrates(赞扬

29、)反义重复。 censure指责, rebuke指责, exacerbate恶化, explore研究, duplicate复制, aggravate恶化。答案选 AB。注:这里 exacerbate和aggravate是干扰项, 同表示 “恶化 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 23 【正确答案】 B, E 【试题解析】 分号说明前后同义重复。空格与 not originally from(不是起源于 )同义重复。 neglect忽略, adopt选定, reprimand谴责, criticize挑剔, espouse拥护, encounter不期而遇。答案选 BE。注: “将 当做自己的家

30、”说明自己原本不是这个地方的人。因此 BE符合要求。 【知识模块】 基础填空 24 【正确答案】 A, F 【试题解析】 successfully说明应该是成功 “消除错误 ”。 correct纠正, display呈现, audit审核, scrutinize检查, accentuate强调, rectify纠正。答案选 AF。注:这里 audit和 scrutinize是干扰项,同表示 “检查 ”。 【知识模块】 基础填空 25 【正确答案】 C, F 【试题解析】 objected to说明前后反义重复。两空联动,反义重复;第一空与rehabilitates older buildings(修复旧建筑 )反义重复。 protection保护, renovation修复, razing拆毁; inconsequential不合逻辑的不重要的, derelict弃置的不负责的, salvageable可以拯救的。答案选 CF。 【知识模块】 基础填空


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