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1、GRE( VERBAL)填空与阅读理解模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence a

2、s a whole. 1 Because the employees motives were found to be_, no disciplinary action will be taken against him for the mistake. ( A) absurd ( B) gratuitous ( C) improvised ( D) benign ( E) harmless 2 Jennifer loves roses for the_of their petals and leaves, but I am most enthralled by their olfactory

3、 properties. ( A) aesthetics ( B) scent ( C) beauty ( D) usefulness ( E) enjoyment 3 His penchant for learning history should prove to be_ during his studies to become a history teacher. ( A) fickle ( B) practical ( C) exceptional ( D) futile ( E) advantageous 4 The elementary school students have a

4、_understanding of fractions; some days they comprehend the math concepts, but other days they seem not to grasp them at all. ( A) formidable ( B) conducive ( C) clear ( D) tenuous ( E) questionable 5 During a time of protracted economic duress, the wealthy can become poor,_both income from high-payi

5、ng jobs and dividends earned on investments. ( A) losing ( B) regaining ( C) denying ( D) insuring ( E) forfeiting 6 Discussion of personal income is generally seen as_when among people who are not close friends, as it can easily be interpreted as either bragging, whining, or attempting to make the

6、other party feel inferior. ( A) complimentary ( B) thoughtless ( C) awkward ( D) self-absorbed ( E) inconsiderate 7 We felt_once the committee issued its report that authenticated our actions. ( A) angered ( B) abused ( C) vindicated ( D) helpless ( E) justified 8 The political science of internatio

7、nal relations is renowned for being a_subject; beyond a few governing principles, very little is graced with universal agreement. ( A) fractious ( B) divisive ( C) discerning ( D) lucrative ( E) pervasive 9 Before eating the main courses at a buffet, my mother likes to _her appetite with a garden sa

8、lad. ( A) discern ( B) obscure ( C) whet ( D) obviate ( E) sharpen 10 Earth sheltering, the practice of using packed earth or soil to cover and insulate homes, is sometimes regarded with_by those who employ this technique, though practical considerations often temper their original enchantment. ( A)

9、 disdain ( B) enthrallment ( C) apathy ( D) agitation ( E) fascination SECTION 3 Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is st

10、ated or implied in the passage. 10 Defined biologically, hair is primarily composed of keratin, a protein, which grows out through the skin from follicles deep within the dermis. This definition holds for all mammals. What sets humans apart is not in the hair, but in the follicle. Under the microsco

11、pe, an individual humans hair follicles are anatomically indistinguishable, meaning that a hair follicle on your head is visually identical to one on your upper arm. Physiologically, however, the two follicles behave very differently. The first type, found in all mammals, produces terminal hair, the

12、 longer, darker, thicker hair generally found on the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes. The second type, particular to humans, produces the fine, unpigmented vellus hair found on most places of the human body, including the face and back. Vellus hair is usually very short and the follicles are not conn

13、ected to sebaceous glands. 11 It can be inferred from the passage that ( A) mammals do not have sebaceous glands. ( B) animals such as monkeys cannot grow terminal hair. ( C) the hair of a horse is composed mainly of keratin. ( D) scientists cannot distinguish human hair from the hair of other mamma

14、ls. ( E) terminal hair grows much faster than vellus hair. 12 The main purpose of the passage is to ( A) introduce the idea that human hair is different from the hair of other mammals. ( B) explain how terminal hair follicles change into vellus hair follicles. ( C) describe the similarities between

15、two types of human hair follicles. ( D) compare the anatomy of human hair follicles with that of other types of hair follicles. ( E) demonstrate that human hair growth contradicts the commonly held definition of biology. 13 Which of the following, if true, most weakens the authors argument that huma

16、n hair is distinct from the hair of other mammals? ( A) Scientific research shows that both vellus hair follicles and terminal hair follicles develop from a common follicle stem cell. ( B) Keratin has been found to exist in cells other than hair cells. ( C) Other animals, including insects and spide

17、rs, have been categorized as having hair-like filaments. ( D) Vellus hair follicles have been identified on chimpanzees. ( E) Hair follicle stem cells are also responsible for new skin growth after injury. 13 By definition, tea is produced from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen plant

18、 grown mainly in the tropical and sub-tropical climates of Asia, though some varieties can also tolerate cooler, marine climates and are cultivated as far north as Great Britain and the coastal western United States. The most popular varieties of tea plant are the China and the Assam. The leaves of

19、these plants are variously processed and blended with many different strains and fragrances to create the most popular tea varieties and flavors. While extracted oils, like bergamot, may be added to create signature flavors, such as Earl Grey, most recognized tea varieties are created through differ

20、ent methods of processing the tea leaves themselves. In fact, tea is traditionally classified based on the techniques with which it is produced and processed. For example, white teas are produced from wilted and unoxidized leaves. Oolongs are from wilted, bruised, and partially oxidized leaves. And

21、black teas are produced from wilted, sometimes crushed, and fully oxidized leaves. 14 Which of these statements about teas does the information in this passage support?Select all such statements. ( A) Tea plants can be cultivated across the northern hemisphere. ( B) Tea leaves can be blended with va

22、rious fragrances to create new flavors of tea. ( C) Tea varieties are classified according to their individual processing method. 15 Select the sentence within the paragraph that identifies the most popular varieties of tea plants. SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, eac

23、h blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 16 Built over 50 years by two private companies and one city-owned corporation, the New Y

24、ork subway suffers from certain problems (i)_infrastructure, which has evolved over time rather than being(ii)_planned from the beginning. 17 Primarily a fantasy writer, Ursula K. LeGuin is also a(i)_ literary critic and philosophical commentator. Her fiction (ii)_this: Her stories are woven through

25、 with a wide range of complex themes, such as the importance of naming, the nature of identity, and courage in the face of the self, which draw from such (iii)_sources as the work of Carl Jung and the Tao Te Ching.18 Foucault turned the world of ideas on its head by boldly charging in to explore the

26、 subjects of prisons and sexuality, about which previous writers had done little more than(i)_But the tour deforce of this exploration was his habit of using these fields to draw(ii)_parallels to safe, sanitized everyday life. 19 Computer technology has made checking dictionaries written in Chinese

27、a much more(i)_task. Since the Chinese languages did not traditionally use a phonetic alphabet, looking up a word in a traditional dictionary could be incredibly(ii)_Computers have decreased that time remarkably. 20 Sometimes the combination of several(i)_improvements creates an overall improvement

28、much greater than would be predicted by merely adding the individual contributions together. For instance, Oliver Cromwells New Model Army revealed the(ii)_ relationship that could be achieved through organized discipline, regular pay, meritocracy, and, of course,(iii)_devotion to a Puritan cause.GR

29、E( VERBAL)填空与阅读理解模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION 1 Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a

30、 whole. 1 【正确答案】 D,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is D and E. The context of the sentence indicates that the employee will not be disciplined as a result of his mistake, which suggests that the error was not intentional, and that the employee meant no harm. The words benign and harmless are synonyms, so t

31、hey are the best choices based on the context of the sentence. 【知识模块】 填空 2 【正确答案】 A,C 【试题解析】 The best answer is A and C. Because the sentence indicates that Jennifer “loves roses,“ the words that best fit in the first blank should have a positive connotation. Aesthetic refers to “the appreciation of

32、 beauty,“ which makes the most sense in this sentence. Likewise, beauty, works well to complete the sentence in the same way. 【知识模块】 填空 3 【正确答案】 B,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is B and E. To have a “penchant“ for something means to have a fondness for it. A fondness for history would be practical or hel

33、pful for future studies in the field. The word advantageous completes the sentence in the same way. 【知识模块】 填空 4 【正确答案】 D,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is D and E. The words that best fit in the blank are defined by the information the follows the semicolon. Tenuous means “unsubstantial or vague,“ so it,

34、along with questionable, is the best choice. 【知识模块】 填空 5 【正确答案】 A,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is A and E. It makes sense that the wealthy would become poor by losing both income and dividends. Because forfeiting also implies losing, it will also be a good choice. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 B,E 【试题解析】 The bes

35、t answer is B and E. Most of these choices would make sense in the context of the sentence. However, only one pair will yield two sentences with very similar meanings: thoughtless and inconsiderate, both of which draw attention to the way these actions might negatively influence others. Inadvisable

36、is an accurate description, but focuses on pragmatics, rather than the negative social consequences. Awkward is also potentially accurate but has no mate among the choices, and it also fails to convey the potential offensiveness of the act. Haughty and self-absorbed do not make much sense in the con

37、text of the sentence. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 C,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is C and E. Vindicated means “cleared of suspicion or doubt“ and authenticated means “proved to be genuine.“ The context also indicates that the authors of the sentence would be justified in their beliefs because the committee aut

38、henticated their actions. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 A,B 【试题解析】 The best answer is AandB. While these two words are not true synonyms, they both provide a similar meaning for the overall sentence: something fractious is ornery or troublesome, while something divisive tends to divide people or cause divisi

39、on. Both fit with the latter half of the sentence, which points out the widespread lack of agreement in the field. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 C,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is C and E. The word whet means to “sharpen or stimulate,“ so it is the best choice based on the context. Likewise, sharpen is a synonym

40、of whet, so it will complete the sentence in the same way. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 B,E 【试题解析】 The best answer is B and E. The sentence refers to “original enchantment,“ so the words should be synonyms of enchantment. Both enthrallment and fascination will complete the sentence in the same way. 【知识模块】

41、阅读理解 SECTION 3 Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content. After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 The

42、 best answer is C. According to the passage, “hair is primarily composed of keratin, a protein, which grows out through the skin from follicles deep within the dermis. This definition holds for all mammals.“ Therefore, a horse has hair that is mainly composed of keratin. The other answer choices are

43、 not supported by the passage. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 The best answer is A. The main purpose of this short passage is simply to introduce the idea that human hair is different from the hair of other mammals. Answer choices B, C, and D are too specific and beyond the scope of the passage. Ans

44、wer choice E is not supported by information in the passage. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 The best answer is D. The author argues that humans are unique in having vellus hair follicles in addition to terminal hair follicles. If another mammal were found also to have vellus hair follicles, humans w

45、ould no longer be unique, and the authors argument would collapse. The other answer choices are outside the scope of the passage or are irrelevant to the authors argument. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 14 【正确答案】 B,C 【试题解析】 The best answer is B and C. Choice B is implied in the authors assertion that the l

46、eaves of tea plants are blended with many different fragrances to create the most popular tea varieties and flavors. Choice C is supported by the statement that “tea is traditionally classified based on the techniques with which it is produced and processed.“ Therefore, both choices are supported by

47、 the passage, and both are necessary to receive credit for this question. Choice A refers to a far broader geographical area than is cited in the passage, and so is not supported as an answer choice. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 15 【正确答案】 The most popular varieties of tea plant are the China and the Assam. 【试题解析】 Th

48、e best answer is: The most popular varieties of tea plant are the China and the Assam. While the passages mentions many different tea varieties and flavors, this is the only sentence that specifically identifies varieties of tea plants. Therefore, it is the best answer choice. 【知识模块】 阅读理解 SECTION 1

49、Directions: Each sentence below has one or two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are five lettered or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole. 16 【正确答案】 C,E 【试题解析】 The best answers are C, endemic to and E, conscientiously. Problems “endemic to“ a certain situation are particularly characteristic of and commonly found within that situation. In this case, t


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