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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 108及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Having been a student and teacher in China (at Peking and Tsinghua Universities, respectively), I know qu

3、ite a few Chinese students. Indeed, 【 1】 _ .all of them have gone 【 1】 _ to the United States to【 2】 _ their studies. 【 2】 _ Like the larger body of Chinese students in the United States-totaling well over 40,000 - my friends live across the vast expanse of the American continent, on both coasts and

4、 in the states in between. They have chosen fields of study ranging from environmental engineering and public policy to history and Asian studies. Yet despite the great diversity among these students in terms of their ages, backgrounds, locations, and majors,【 3】 _ experiences remain. 【 3】 _ None ar

5、e more pronounced that the inability of most Chinese students to effectively immerse themselves in American society. It seems to me that the majority of Chinese students in the United States have never made the effort to reach out and embrace American life on its own terms. Instead, most share apart

6、ments with one or more fellow Chinese students, speaking Chinese and eating Chinese food on a daily basis. In some respects, it is as if these students had never left China. Interactions with Americans tend to be limited to relatively formal, academic settings, such as the classroom or a professors

7、office. Moreover, few Chinese students participate in campus-wide【 4】_ activities, 【 4】 _ such as athletic matches and dances, which would put them into contact with a diverse array of American young people. Rather, most limit themselves to taking part in programs arranged by the Chinese Students As

8、sociation and, naturally, these events are generally linked to uniquely Chinese occasions such as the Spring Festival and National Day. As a result, even Chinese students who have spent years in the United States often difficult to engage American friends in【 5】 _ conversations about 【 5】 _ such sub

9、jects as American politics, race relations, and popular music. In short, they lack a“feel“ for the country. Chinese students widely acknowledge this phenomenon even as they maintain differing views as to its cause. Some contend that Chinese have difficulty【 6】 _ the cultural divide on account of suc

10、h practical considerations as money. 【 6】 _ Because Chinese students come from a developing country and often have to rely on limited scholarship funds for support, they argue, Chinese students simply do not have the financial means to more fully participate in the extra- curricular and social activ

11、ities which would afford them more【 7】 _ contact with American (and other foreign) students. 【 7】 _ The truth is, however, that most American students are just as poor; it is a common fact of American student life. And in any event, most campus-based social events are【 8】 _ to meet student needs.【 8

12、】 _ Others believe that the mason Chinese find acculturation difficult is somewhat more complex. Fundamentally, few Chinese see the chance to study in the United States for what it is: a once in lifetime opportunity to get to know another country from the inside. Chinese students typically focus so

13、single-mindedly on their studies that they lose sight of the larger picture, that is, their ultimate role as cultural interpreters between their homeland and the United States. To be sure, a Chinese students service as an engineer or biologist is【 9】 _ to Chinas continued economic construction, 【 9】

14、 _ but his or her ability to bridge the divide-or often, the perceived divide-between two distinct cultures is perhaps even more important over the long run. Today, only a small fraction of the Chinese students who have studied in the United States have returned to China, a proof of both the academi

15、c and professional success of Chinese students in the United States and the openness of the society in which they found this success. The contributions Chinese students have made to American life are truly striking. Still, I believe that the next generation of Chinese students in the United States-t

16、hose who will begin the 21st century they will recognize their crucial function in the process of furthering U. S. -China understanding. They will return to China in【 10】 _ numbers to contribute to their countrys【 10】 _ 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION

17、B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to t

18、he interview. 11 According to Wolfensohn, they are going to make a needs assessment with their colleagues from _. ( A) the Asian Development Bank, the EU, Japan, and the United States ( B) the Asian Development Bank, the U.S, Japan, and the United Nations ( C) the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Jap

19、an and the United States ( D) the Asian Development Bank, the UN, Japan, and the United Kingdoms 12 What is the specific role of the World Bank right now? ( A) To call the community to donate more money after emergency takes place ( B) To provide financial help after the emergency takes place ( C) T

20、o be ready with emergent financial crisis ( D) To be ready for the financial needs of the community 13 Why wasnt there a better early-warning system for the natural disaster, like the tsunamis? ( A) Because people were not afraid of that ( B) Because tsunamis never happens in Indian Ocean ( C) It wo

21、uld cost too much money ( D) It was difficult for the people in Indian Ocean region to expect such an experience 14 Stephanopoulos pointed out that the number of todays natural disasters is about _ times more than that of the 1960s. ( A) 2 ( B) 3 ( C) 4 ( D) 5 15 What can you learn from the intervie

22、w? ( A) Kofi Annan said this was going to be a five-to-ten year effort costing 250 million dollars ( B) Human is spending nine hundred billion dollars a year on military expenditure. ( C) Wolfensohn called people to stop spend money on military expenditure ( D) Wolfensohn believed that the poverty w

23、ould never be relieved SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 How do the scientists measure the pitch?

24、( A) According to the movement and vibrations of hot gasses ( B) The trade winds blow on Earth ( C) The rivers ( D) The sound travel through the space 17 We should _ when we want to glimpse inside the sun. ( A) answer questions about its temperature ( B) translate the sounds into images ( C) know ho

25、w gases inside ebb and flow ( D) measure the pitch 18 What did they find out? ( A) An equatorial belt of faster moving material. ( B) The solar sound. ( C) A sun orbiting satellite. ( D) An other planter. 19 Which one was not mentioned in the conclusion document issued by the summit ? ( A) the EU wo

26、uld develop a strategic partnership with China ( B) the EU had decided to lift the arms ban later this year ( C) the EU would try to resolve the trade dispute with China quickly ( D) the EU promised to intensify dialogue in all areas 20 According to Asselborn, which would lay down a solid road for t

27、he lifting? ( A) the strategic partnership between the ELI and China ( B) the dialogue in all areas ( C) the British effort to strike a deal on the ELI code of Conduct on arms exports ( D) the US-EU relationship 20 I cry easily. I once burst into tears when the curtain came down on the Kirov Ballets

28、 “Swan Lake“. I still choke up every time I see a film of Roger Bannister breaking the “impossible“ four-minute mark for the mile. I figure I am moved by witnessing men and women at their best. But they need not be great men and women, doing great things. Take the night, some years ago, when my wife

29、 and I were going to dinner at a friends house in New York city. It was sleeting. As we hurried toward the house, with its welcoming light, I noticed a car pulling out from the curb. Just ahead, another car was waiting to back into the parking space - a rare commodity in crowded Manhattan. But befor

30、e he could do so another car came up from behind, and sneaked into the spot. “Thats dirty pool.“ I thought. While my wife went ahead into our friends house. I stepped into the street to give the guilty driver a piece of my mind. A man in work clothes rolled down the window. “Hey,“ I said, “this park

31、ing space belongs to that guy,“ I gestured toward the man ahead, who was looking back angrily. I thought I was being a good Samaritan, I guess - and I remember that the moment I was feeling pretty manly in my new trench coat. “Mind your own business!“ the driver told me. “No,“ I said. “You dont unde

32、rstand. That fellow was waiting to back into this space.“ Things quickly heated up, until finally he leaped out of the car. My God, he was colossal. He grabbed me and bent me back over the hood of his car as if I was a rag doll. The sleet stung my face. I glanced at the other driver, looking for hel

33、p, but he gunned his engine and hightailed it out of there. The huge man shook his rock of a fist of me, brushing my lip and cutting the inside of my mouth against my teeth. I tasted blood. I was terrified. He snarled and threatened, and then told me to beat it. Almost in a panic, I scrambled to my

34、friends front door. As a former Marine, as a man, I felt utterly humiliated. Seeing that I was shaken, my wife and friends asked me what had happened. All I could bring myself to say was that I had had an argument about a parking space. They had the sensitivity to let it go at that. I sat stunned. P

35、erhaps half an hour later, the doorbell rang. My blood ran cold. For some reason I was sure that the bruiser had returned for me. My hostess got up to answer it, but I stopped her. I felt morally bound to answer it myself. I walked down the hallway with dread. Yet I knew I had to face up to my fear.

36、 I opened the door. There he stood, towering. Behind him, the sleet came down harder than ever. “I came back to apologize,“ he said in a low voice. “When I got home, I said to myself, what right I have to do that? I m ashamed of myself. All I can tell you is that the Brooklyn Navy Yard is closing. I

37、 ve worked there for years. And today I got laid off. I m not myself. I hope you 11 accept my apology.“ I often remember that big man. I think of the effort and courage it took for him to come back to apologize. He was man at last. And I remember that after I closed the door, my eyes blurred, as I s

38、tood in the hallway for a few moments alone. 21 From the passage, we can infer that the author is what kind of person? ( A) poor ( B) sensitive ( C) exciting ( D) dull 22 On what occasion is the author likely to be moved? ( A) A young person cheated of the best things in life. ( B) A genius athlete

39、breaks a world record. ( C) A little girl suffers from an incurable disease. ( D) When the curtain comes down on a touching play. 23 What does “dirty pool“ at the end of the second paragraph mean? ( A) Improper deeds ( B) Bribery ( C) Chicanery ( D) Dirty transaction 24 Why didnt the writers wife an

40、d friends ask him what had happened? ( A) They sensed that something terrible happened, they didnt dare to ask. ( B) They were afraid that the writer might lose face if they asked. ( C) Theyd like to let it be for it was not their business. ( D) They tried to calm the writer in this way. 25 What tou

41、ched the writer in the end? ( A) The big mans courage to admit his mistake. ( B) The big mans sincerity and confession. ( C) The big mans wretched experience. ( D) The man at his best. 25 People are moving to cities in droves. In 1950, two-thirds of the worlds population lived in the countryside. Ne

42、w York was then the only settlement with more than 10 million people. Today there are 20 such megacities, and more are on their way. Most of these megacities are in developing countries that are struggling to cope with both the speed and the scale of human migration. Estimates of the future spread o

43、f urbanization are based on the observation that in Europe, and in North and South America, the urban share of the total population has stabilized at 75 %- 85 %. If the rest of the world follows this path it is expected that in the next decade an extra 100 million people will join the cities of Afri

44、ca, and 340 million the cities of Asia: the equivalent of a new Bangkok every two months. By 2030 nearly two-thirds of the worlds population will be urban. In the long run, that is good news. If countries now industrializing follow the pattern of those that have already done so, their city-dwellers

45、will be both more prosperous and healthier. Man is gregarious species, and the words“ urbane“ and “civilized“ both derive from the advantages of living in large settlements. History also shows, though, that the transition can be uncomfortable. The slums of Manchester were, in their time, just as awf

46、ul as those of Nairobi today. But people moved there for exactly the same reason: however nasty conditions seemed, the opportunities of urban life outstripped those of the countryside. The question is how best to handle the change. If there is one thing that everybody agrees on, it is that urbanizat

47、ion is unstoppable. Migrants attempting to escape poverty, and refugees escaping conflict, are piling into cities in what the executive director of UN-HABITAT, Anna, Tibailjuka, describes as“ premature urbanization.“ Dr Tibailjuka believes it might be possible to slow the pace of migration from the

48、countryside with policies that enhance security and rural livelihoods. There is room for debate, though, over whether better rural development in any form can seriously slow the pace of urbanization- or even whether such a slowdown would be a good thing. Michael Mutter, an urban planning adviser at the British governments Department for International Development (DFID), says that the relevant indicators suggest that in many countries the effective“ carrying capacity“ of rural areas has been reached. As happened in Europe in the 18th century, population growth and technological improv

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