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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 345及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 The Importance of Questions For non-native speakers of English who want to participate in group discussio

3、ns, it is important to he able to ask questions in order to resolve their difficuhies. . Causes of Breakdowns in【 1】 【 1】 _ 1. On students part insufficient command over the【 2】 of English 【 2】 _ poor pronunciation 2. On teachers part uncertainty of whether his student has asked a question the stude

4、nt【 3】 to employ the correct question form 【 3】 _ the teacher interprets the question as a comment difficulties arise when the student employs an/a【 4】 question form 【 4】 _ the teacher may not know about the【 5】 of the students difficulty 【 5】 _ . Specific Questions 1. Begin questions with an/a【 6】

5、. 【 6】 _ 2. Be careful to【 7】 the exact point. 【 7】 _ . Another Reason for the Correct Use of【 8】 Politeness 【 8】 _ 1. The student uses the imperative【 9】 the question form when he is nervous or 【 9】_ struggling with new subject matter. 2. The teacher may interpret it as【 10】 and feel angry. 【 10】 _

6、 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be

7、 given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Armstrongs STAR? ( A) A stands for actions. ( B) T stands for titles. ( C) S stands for situations. ( D) R stands for results. 12 Armstrong suggests

8、all the following preparations EXCEPT ( A) looking at the mirror. ( B) practising simulated interviews. ( C) practising answering questions. ( D) finding some of your strong points. 13 What shall an interviewee do after the interview according to Armstrong? ( A) Wait for the recruiters notice. ( B)

9、Revisit the recruiter for the result. ( C) Send a letter of thanks. ( D) Give the interviewer a call to confirm their resolution. 14 Interviewers nowadays are asking questions that are going to ( A) get at more specific things. ( B) get at more general things. ( C) get at more personal things. ( D)

10、get at more public things. 15 When asking you to give a specific example of a time when a co-worker criticized your work, the interviewers ( A) want to know about your temper. ( B) focus on your assertiveness. ( C) care about your teamwork skills. ( D) doubt about your honesty. SECTION C NEWS BROADC

11、AST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 When did the killing take place in Baghdad? ( A) Tuesday. ( B) Wednesday. ( C) Thursd

12、ay. ( D) Saturday. 17 What did one woman say about the attack? ( A) The attack distorts the nature of the true resistance. ( B) The attack helps build up the image of the true resistance groups. ( C) The attack enhances the reputation of the true resistance groups. ( D) The attack tarnishes the imag

13、e of the true resistance. 18 During what session of the World Heritage Committee was China awarded its 31st World Heritage Site, the Historic Center of Macao? ( A) 29th. ( B) 30th. ( C) 28th. ( D) 31st. 19 How many people have been killed in drug violence in towns south of Texas this year? ( A) 150.

14、 ( B) 160. ( C) 170. ( D) 180. 20 How much has Texas allocated $5 million to improve law enforcement communication in border communities since the crisis in Nuevo Laredo? ( A) $1.2 million. ( B) $5 million. ( C) $2 million. ( D) $2.2 million. 20 Such joy, It was the spring of 1985, and President Rea

15、gan had just given Mother Teresa the Medal of Freedom in a Rose Garden ceremony. As she left, she walked down the corridor between the Oval Office and the West Wing drive, and there she was, turning my way. What a sight: a saint in a sari coming down the White House hall. As she came nearer, I could

16、 not help it: I bowed. “Mother“, I said, “I just want to touch your hand.“ She looked up at me - it may have been one of Gods subtle jokes that his exalted child spent her life looking up to everyone else - and said only two words. Later I would realize that they were the message of her mission. “Lu

17、ff Gott,“ she said. Love God. She pressed into my hand a poem she had written, as she glided away in a swoosh of habit. I took the poem from its frame the day she died. It is free verse, 79 lines, and is called “Mothers Mediation (in the Hospital).“ In it she reflects on Christs question to his apos

18、tles: “Who do you say I am?“ She notes that he was the boy born in Bethlehem, “put in the manager full of straw, kept warm by the breath of the donkey,“ who grew up to be “an ordinary man without much learning.“ Donkeys are not noble; straw is common; and it was among the ordinary and ignoble, the p

19、oor and sick, that she chose to labor. Her mission was for them and among them, and you have to be a pretty tough character to organize a little universe that exists to help people other people arent interested in helping. Thats how she struck me when I met her as I watched her life. She was tough.

20、There was the worn and weathered face, the abrupt and definite speech. We think saints are great organizers, great operators, and great combatants in the world. Once I saw her in a breathtaking act of courage. She was speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington in 1995. All the Washington

21、 Establishment was there, plus a few thousand born-again Christians, orthodox Catholics and Jews, and searchers looking for a faith. Mother Teresa was introduced, and she spoke of God, of love, of families. She said we must love one another and care for one another. There were great purrs of agreeme

22、nt. But as the speech continued it became more pointed, She asked, “Do you do enough to make sure your parents, in the old peoples homes, feel your love? D9 you bring then each day your joy and caring?, The baby boomers in the audience began to shift in their seats. And she continued. “I feel that t

23、he greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion,“ she said, and then she told them why, in uncompromising term. For about 1.3 seconds there was complete silence, then applause built and Mrs. Gore, looked like seated statues at Madame Tussauds, glistening in the lights and moving not a muscle. She d

24、idnt stop there either, but went on to explain why artificial birth control is bad and why protestants who separate faith from works are making a mistake. When she was finished, there was almost no one she hadnt offended. A U.S. Senator turned to his wife and said, “Is my jaw up yet?“ Talk about spe

25、aking troth to power! But Mother Teresa didnt care, and she wasnt afraid. The poem she gave me included her personal answers to Christs question. She said he is “the Truth to be told, the Way to be walked. the Light to be lit.“ She took her own advice and lived a whole life that showed it. 21 Who wa

26、s the exalted child? ( A) Mother Teresa. ( B) The author. ( C) I. ( D) God. 22 Who raised the question “who do you say I am?“ ( A) The apostle. ( B) Christ. ( C) Mother Teresa. ( D) She. 23 Which of the following is not a quality of Mother Teresa? ( A) Tough. ( B) Definite. ( C) Ethereal. ( D) Like

27、a steam-roller. 24 Why did the President and the First Lady, the Vice President and Mrs. Gore look like seated statues at the Madame Tussauds? ( A) Because they didnt love Madame Tussauds. ( B) Because they didnt like to move. ( C) Because they were VIR ( D) Because they didnt quite agree with Mothe

28、r Teresa over the issue of abortion. 25 According to Mother Teresa, abortion is _. ( A) one of Protestant works ( B) one of Protestant faith ( C) one of the Truths ( D) not one of Protestant works 25 So far, inflation is roaring in only a few sectors of the economy. While platinum has soared 121 per

29、cent, soybeans have risen 115 percent, and an index of Real Estate Investment Trusts has climbed 42 percent since May 2001, the consumer price index (CPI) has gone up only 4.2 percent during the same period. The challenge is figuring out what happens next. Astute investors are asking two questions:

30、1) Will the dollar continue to decline? 2) Which assets will continue to inflate? The value of the dollar matters because much of what Americans buy comes from abroad. And in the past two years, the dollar has been slipping badly: down some 25 percent against a basket of foreign currencies, includin

31、g the euro and the yen. That makes imported goods more expensive. If the dollar falls further, the rise in prices could boost inflation. And thats exactly what some analysts predict. “This is not a run-of-the-mill problem where the currency corrects 25 percent“ then stabilizes, says David Tice, Dall

32、as-based manager of the Prudent Global Income Fund. “We have an economy thats very dependent upon ever-increasing amounts of debt. Look at borrowing in this country for automobiles and housing. At the federal level, we are creating credit as if it is going out of style. Given that, we think the doll

33、ar can decline substantially more from here.“ Thats why Mr. Tices income fund has invested in government bonds in countries that are major trading partners of the US. These bonds tend to increase in value as the dollar weakens. There are other ways for investors to protect themselves from inflation.

34、 For example: TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities) are US government bonds that increase both principal and interest payments in line with the CPI/U, which measures prices for urban dwellers. Thus, if the price of consumer goods goes up, TIPS owners get a boost in their rate of return. Tha

35、ts a level of inflation protection that most bonds and money-market funds dont provide. Still, there are no guarantees. If real interest rates rise faster than inflation, TIPS can lose value if theyre not held to maturity. “TIPS have. generally been less volatile than traditional bonds,“ but investo

36、rs have already seen periods when their inflation-protection doesnt match the actual rise in prices, warns Duane Cabrera, head of the personal financial planning group at Vanguard, based in Valley Forge, Pa. For example, the year-over-year change in the CPI/U is running about 1.9 percent, he points

37、out, but college costs have been rising about 5 percent annually. Investors should also discuss the tax consequences with their investment advisers, Mr. Cabrera notes. On the stock front, investors can also turn to natural-resource stocks or mutual funds that invest in them A slightly more exotic op

38、tion: exchange-traded funds, which act like mutual funds but trade like stocks. Commodities offer another avenue for profit during inflationary times. Individual investors probably want to avoid commodity trading, often a wild and woolly experience. But certain mutual funds offer shareholders a chan

39、ce to profit when commodity prices go up. The PIMCO Commodity Real Return Fund, for example, provides exposure to the performance of the Dow-Jones AIG Commodity Index while generating income from TIPS. Another option: the Oppenheimer Real Asset Fund, which is actively managed and tracks the Goldman

40、Sachs Commodity Index. Theres no clear winner between these stock funds and the commodities their companies have invested in. When commodity prices are falling, natural-resource firms can protect themselves by hedging their risks, says Kevin Baum, portfolio manager of the Oppenheimer Real Asset Fund

41、. On the other hand, hedging may keep them from benefiting when commodity prices rise. And the stocks can be more volatile than the commodities themselves. Gold funds typically are three times more volatile than the price of gold itself. Sometimes, the commodities and funds tied to those commodities

42、 move in opposite directions, Mr. Baum says. PIMCOs Mr. Harris is quick to note that many commodity prices have been soaring. So the key question is: Which ones will continue to rise in price? Individual investors should maintain strict discipline when they pick commodities funds; he says. 26 In the

43、 4th paragraph, the words of a fund manager tells us all of the following EXCEPT that _. ( A) the US economy is very dependent upon ever-increasing amounts of debt ( B) the amount of borrowing today in the US for automobiles and housing is getting bigger and bigger ( C) one of the main reasons for t

44、he depreciation of dollar is the ever increasing amounts of US domestic debts ( D) the US federal government is creating credit because the people have already showed unwillingness to be indebted 27 Which of the following is NOT a feasible way for investors to protect themselves from inflation? ( A)

45、 To invest in government bonds in countries that are major trading partners of the US. ( B) To hold TIPS always to maturity. ( C) To turn to natural-resource stocks or mutual funds that invest in them. ( D) To try Commodities sometimes. 28 Which of the following is true about the commodity trading?

46、( A) When commodity prices are falling, natural-resource firms loses money. ( B) Stock funds benefit when commodity prices rise. ( C) Individual investors should hold on to a commodities fund when they have decided upon it. ( D) Market performances of the stock funds and the commodities they have in

47、vested in are not necessarily the same. 29 “If real interest rates rise faster than inflation, TIPS can lose value if theyre not held to maturity.“ In the first line, 7th paragraph, this suggests all of the following EXCEPT that _. ( A) the market performance of most bonds are rather sensitive to th

48、e fluctuation of real interest rates ( B) TIPS is a kind of long-term bond ( C) most traders prefer bonds with a safe rate of return ( D) TIPS tends to be inactive on the market because of light trading of this bond 30 If the dollar continues to decline, which of the following would be a possible re

49、sult? ( A) Prices would fall. ( B) Importing would become expensive. ( C) Pressure of inflation would be lessened. ( D) Consumers would be more willing to borrow money from banks. 30 During the first 70 years of the 20th century, inequality declined and Americans prospered together. Over the last 30 years, by contrast, the United States developed the most unequal distribution of income


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