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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 495及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Note-taking in Lecturesb For listeners, note-taking is an essential way to achieve better understanding o

3、f a lecture. It involves many separate skills, four of which will be analyzed here. . Understand what【 1】 says. 【 1】 _. 1. severe strain: 2 reasons - word【 2】 in speech 【 2】 _. - new words 2. solution: concentrate on what are most important . Sort out the main points. 1. focus on the title: write do

4、wn the title【 3】 and completely.【 3】 _. 2. be aware of signals of what is important or unimportant. signals indicating importance: -【 4】 【 4】 _. - speak slowly or loudly - use a greater range of intonation - employ a combination of the devices signals【 5】 . 【 5】 _. - deliver sentences quickly, softl

5、y - use a narrow range of intonation - use【 6】 pa uses 【 6】 _. . Write down【 7】 quickly and clearly. 【 7】 _. 1. use abbreviation 2. select words that give【 8】 (nouns, verbs, adjectives)【 8】 _. 3. write one point on each line 4. find time to write【 9】 【 9】 _. . Show the connections between the variou

6、s points the listeners has noted. 1. use spacing, underlining,【 10】 【 10】 _. 2. number points 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions tha

7、t follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT about Mike Scott? ( A) He was employed as Apples CEO. ( B) He

8、was actually employee number 5 when he first came into Apple. ( C) He is of the same age with Mike Markkula, Apples first backer. ( D) He had the nickname of “Scotty“. 12 According to Mike Scott, in the early days, Steve Jobs_ ( A) was more particular about details. ( B) was as assertive as he is to

9、day. ( C) was paying attention to the detail of products as well as to people. ( D) was probably less particular. 13 What is Mike Scotts attitude towards his early decision to let the two Steves do the publicity? ( A) Regretful. ( B) Satisfied. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Impartial. 14 According to Mike Scot

10、t what was one of the big internal arguments at that time? ( A) They just could not do Apple II cheap enough to get to under a thousand dollars. ( B) They wanted to make Apple II $1195. ( C) The profit margin was not satisfactory enough. ( D) The distributors and retail stores were hard to deal with

11、. 15 What can we infer about the price of iPad? ( A) The price of iPad is unreasonably high. ( B) The price of iPad is higher than Apple II. ( C) The price of iPad is higher than Apple II. ( D) The price of iPad is reasonable. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everyt

12、hing ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 In order to avoid certain charge, the analysis involves ( A) cautious predictions. ( B) impartial judgment. ( C) careful calculation. ( D

13、) simple statistics. 16 An airliner travelling from London to New York may take from five to fifteen hours to cross the Atlantic, while a space capsule makes one complete circuit of the earth in about ninety minutes. The sequence of events is very similar in both types of flight: the vehicle must ta

14、ke off, climb to a suitable height, fly in the right direction at a relatively constant speed for an appropriate time, descend, and land at the destination. Yet although flights to New York are routine affairs which almost anyone may safely undertake, a flight into space is a hazardous adventure for

15、 which only a few selected men are at present considered suitable. The most obvious difference between an aircraft and a space vehicle is that of speed, but this alone cannot account for the greater stamina required of astronauts. The human body is unaffected by speed alone and we are normally quite

16、 unconscious of the earths rotation on its axis, or of its rapid motion around the Sun. Of much greater importance is the rate at which the final speed is achieved, for the body is extremely sensitive to alterations of velocity, or accelerations, especially if they are sudden. An airliner can take a

17、 comparatively long time to reach its cruising speed of, say, 400mph, and its passengers will experience acceleration only to a mild degree. The space capsule, however, must be hurled through the atmosphere to reach its final speed of 18,000 mph as quickly as possible, and the acceleration applied b

18、y the launching rocket must be correspondingly high. The first problem of manned space flight, therefore, is to match the performance of the rocket to the bodys tolerance for acceleration, and this naturally involves a study of the physiological effects of acceleration. Like all other accelerations,

19、 gravity acts upon objects to produce a force, and this force is experienced as weight, or as pressure. It is usual and convenient to regard the earths gravity as a standard unit, referred to as lg, and also to use the expressions “force“ and “acceleration“ as interchangeable. Most of our knowledge

20、of the physiological effects of acceleration has come from studies on human centrifuges, in which acceleration is produced by rotation instead of by changing speed. It has been found that human tolerance is greatly affected by the direction in which the force acts. When the acceleration is applied i

21、n line with the long axis of the body, the early symptoms are merely of difficulty in lifting the arms and legs, and of being thrust down into the seat. If the acceleration is raised to 3g or so, vision becomes slightly misty or veiled. As the stress is increased further, the field of view contracts

22、 from the edges, until at about 4.5g only a small patch of central vision remains. With yet higher accelerations, even this small area is lost, and this is the state well known to fighter pilots as “black-out“. Finally, at about 5.5g to 6g consciousness is lost. The remedy follows logically: if tole

23、rance depends upon the ability of the heart to push blood to the head, it should be possible to reduce the load by shortening the distance between heart and brain. Crouching, or bending the head forward, would be one solution, but an even more satisfactory result can be achieved by placing the body

24、across the line of thrust. The effort needed to pump blood to the brain is then quite small, for the heavy fluid does not have to be lifted very far. In this position men have. withstood an acceleration of 17g for a period of three or four minutes without loss of consciousness. Gravity and accelerat

25、ion become important once more during the re-entry of the space capsule through the earths atmosphere. In this phase, all the speed acquired at the cost of so much fuel during the launch must be lost. Deceleration has exactly the same properties and physiological effects as acceleration, and the sam

26、e precautions must be taken to avoid exceeding the limits of tolerance. This is why the American plan involves turning the whole capsule round shortly before re-entry, so that the man is again pressed back into his protective couch. The highest, and shortest, deceleration of the entire flight comes

27、at the moment of impact with the land or water. Here the last remnants of the speed must be lost very suddenly, and forces of up to 30g can easily accompany descent to an unyielding surface. The duration of this final insult is so short, however, that its physiological effects are negligible. No dou

28、bt the astronaut would regard the jolt as a welcome indication of his return to a normal 1g environment. 17 What is the passage mainly concerned about? ( A) Physiological problems of space flight. ( B) Speed and gravity of space flight. ( C) Gravity and acceleration of space flight. ( D) Acceleratio

29、n and deceleration of space flight. 18 What common experience suggests that the human body is quite accustomed to travelling at high speed? ( A) An airliner travelling from London to New York may take from S to 15 hours to cross the Atlantic. ( B) We are normally quite unconscious of the earths rota

30、tion on its axis. ( C) The space capsule must be hurled through the atmosphere to reach its final speed of 18,000 mph. ( D) An airliner can cruise at the speed of 400 mph. 19 Which of the following statements is NOT true about acceleration? ( A) Acceleration can be expressed by lg, a standard unit f

31、or the earths gravity. ( B) The bodys tolerance for acceleration depends only on velocity. ( C) Acceleration is important during both the launch and the re-entry stages. ( D) By changing the bodys position, we can increase the bodys tolerance for acceleration. 20 Acceleration and deceleration are al

32、ike in all the following aspects EXCEPT_. ( A) Both of them have the same properties ( B) Both of them have the same physiological effects ( C) In both processes, the same precautions must be taken ( D) The physiological effects are negligible in both of them 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) D

33、irections: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 21 Who was the first Prime Minister of the new Canada? ( A) Sir John Macdonald. ( B) Sir Wilfrid Laurier. ( C) Robert Borden. ( D) Mackenzie King. 22 In the 20th century, under the influence

34、of Freuds theory of psycho-analysis, a number of writers adopted the _ method of novel writing. ( A) stream of consciousness ( B) Symbolism ( C) Imagism ( D) Naturalism 23 _ is the center of British financing system. ( A) The Bank of England ( B) The Bank of Britain ( C) The Bank of the World ( D) F

35、iscal Bank 24 George Orwells _ is considered as an anti-utopian novel. ( A) Animal Farm ( B) Nineteen Eighty-Four ( C) Down and Out in Paris ( D) The Road to Wigan War 25 The famous Old Faithful is located in_. ( A) the Grand Canyon ( B) the Great Basin ( C) the Great Central Plain ( D) the Yellow S

36、tone National Park 26 The seat of the U. S. government in Washington D.C. is known as the_. ( A) Capital ( B) White House ( C) Empire State Building ( D) Pentagon 27 The pair of words “high“ and “low“ are _. ( A) gradable opposites ( B) converse opposites ( C) co-hyponyms ( D) synonyms 28 The Head o

37、f State of Australia is _. ( A) the Governor General ( B) the prime minister ( C) the President ( D) the chancellor 29 The English poets _, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Robert Southey, were known as “Lake Poets“ because they lived in the English Lake District in Northwestern England at the beginning

38、 of the 19th century. ( A) George Gordon Byron ( B) John Keats ( C) Percy B.Shelley ( D) William Wordsworth 30 Under the rule of Charles II, English seized the colony on Manhattan Island from the Dutch and named it ( A) Georgia. ( B) Virginia. ( C) Jamestown. ( D) New York. 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING b

39、ut rather with the sauntering gaze with which humble lovers of the picturesque stroll from the window of one print-shop to another; caught sometimes by the delineations of beauty, sometimes by the distortions of caricature, and sometimes by the loveliness of landscape. As it is the fashion for modem

40、 tourists to travel pencil in hand, and bring home their portfolios filled with sketches, I am disposed to get up a few for the entertainment of my friends. When, however, I look over the hints and memorandums I have taken down for the purpose, my heart almost fails me at finding how my idle humor h

41、as led me aside from the great objects studied by every regular traveler who would make a book. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 34 The world is experiencing a dramatic increase in population. This is causing problems not only for

42、 poor, undeveloped countries, but also for industrialized and developing countries. Describe some of the problems that overpopulation causes, and suggest at least one possible solution. Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. In the first part of you

43、r essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appro

44、priateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 495答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be ma

45、rked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Note-taking is

46、a complex activity which requires a high level of ability in many separate skills. Taking your own notes will promote a deeper understanding of the content of the lecture. How to take notes? The general principle in note-taking is to reduce the language by shortening words and sentences. Today Im go

47、ing to analyze the four most important of these skills. Firstly, the student has to understand what the lecturer says as he says it. The student cannot stop the lecture in order to look up a new word or check an unfamiliar sentence pattern. This puts the non native speaker of English under a particu

48、larly severe strain. Often - as weve already seen in a previous lecture he may not be able to recognize words in speech which he understands straight away in print. Hell also meet words in a lecture which are completely new to him. While he should, of course, try t9 develop the ability to infer thei

49、r meaning from the context, he wont always be able to do this successfully. He must not allow failure of this kind to dis courage him however. Its often possible to understand much of a lecture by concentrating solely on those points which are most important. But how does the student decide whats important? This is in itself a


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