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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 513及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Research shows that everyone dreams quite frequently every night. We usually remember just the last dream

3、 that we had before【 1】 . When we are dreaming, our【 2】are moving. If a person is prevented from dreaming but allowed to sleep, he or she becomes very up set. So we need to dream. Why do we dream? one explanation is that when the mind doesnt have to think about every day matters it is free to think

4、about the deeper concerns. It doesnt have to be【 3】and sensible. We have to represent out anxieties, fears and hopes through【 4】 . Freud believed that the conscious mind tries to control and cover up the enormous feeling, and that the unconscious feelings that we try to cover up are largely【 5】 . Th

5、e unconscious mind had to【 6】 its feeling to express its wishes. Jung was interested in world of religions and in【 7】 and spiritual ideas. He believed that our personalities are divided into three parts, the conscious, the unconscious, and the “【 8】 unconscious“, and that everyone has another, insid

6、e person in himself or herself, cared “anima“. Womens animus is【 9】 forceful and decisive. Language of dreams. Usually the only person who can really find the meaning behind a dream is the person who had the dream. But there are several common symbols we share with others. When you dreamed of flying

7、, perhaps you have an【 10】 complex, or you are trying to escape from your problems. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow.

8、Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 According to the talk show hostess, creative industries in the UK often attract_. ( A) young people ( B) old people ( C

9、) postgraduates ( D) graduates 12 According to Mr. Smith, which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) One needs to work as a carpenter before doing film-editing. ( B) Useful contacts should be purchased by money. ( C) One must work very hard if he/she wants to start up a creative career. ( D)

10、 The more one gets established, the fewer contacts one will hav 13 According to Mr. Smith, his social life_. ( A) is organized outside of his field of work ( B) is often established upon work collaborations ( C) is rather confined to his own family ( D) is indeed humdrum because he is completely on

11、his own 14 According to Mr. Smith, what has changed his way of work so that it doesnt matter where he is working? ( A) The personal computer. ( B) The Internet. ( C) The advanced filming technology. ( D) The broadban 15 During the interview, Mr. Smith indicates that_. ( A) the creative industries in

12、 the UK are attracting creative talents from abroad ( B) the creative industries are less competitive than the traditional industries ( C) those who plan to take up creative jobs should be determined and focused ( D) creative job holders always earn much more than those in other industries SECTION C

13、 NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Officials in the former Soviet Republic of Azerbaijan now fear _ in a hug

14、e subway fire. ( A) a high voltage spark ( B) all electrical fault ( C) more, than 300 people were killed Saturday ( D) more than 300 people were killed Thursday 17 Eye witnesses say there was_as the tunnel began to fill with smoke. ( A) a panic ( B) a body of the dead ( C) a special commission ( D)

15、 a bomb 17 The mighty Lace or Pike is taken to be the Tyrant, as tile Salmon is the King, of the fresh waters. Its not to be doubted but that they are bred, some by generation, and some not: as namely, of a weed called Pickerel -weed, unless learned Gesner be much mistaken; for he says, this weed an

16、d other glutinous matter, with the help of the suns heat in some particular months, and some ponds apted for it by nature, do become Pikes. But doubtless divers Pikes are bred after this manner, or are brought into some ponds some such other ways as are past mans finding out, of which we have daily

17、testimonies. Sir Francis Bacon, in his “History of Life and Death,“ observes the Pike to be the longest - lived of any fresh -water fish, and yet he computes it to be not usually above forty years; and others think it to be not above ten years: and yet Gesner mentions a Pike taken in Swedeland in th

18、e year 1449 ,with a ring about his neck, declaring he was put into that pond by Frdderick the Second, more than two hundred years before he was last taken, as by the inscription in that ring, being Greek, was interpreted by the then Bishop of Worms. But of this no more, but that it is observed that

19、the old or very great Pikes have in them more of state than goodness; the smaller or middle - sized Pikes being by the most and choicest palates observed to be the best meat: and, contrary, the eel is observed to be the better for age and bigness. All Pikes that live long prove chargeable to their k

20、eepers, because their life is maintained by the death of so many other fish ,even those of their own kind ;which has made him by some writers lo be called the Tyrant of the Rivers, or the Fresh - Water - Wolf, by reason of his bold ,greedy ,devouring disposition; which is so keen, as Gesner relates,

21、 a man going to a pond, where it seems a Pike had devoured all the fish ,to water his mule, had a Pike bit his mule by the lips; to which the Pike hung so fast, that the mule drew him out of the water, and by that accident the owner of the mule angled out the Pike. And the same Gesner observes, that

22、 a maid in Poland had a Pike bit her by the foot as she was washing clothes in a pond. And I have heard the like of a woman in Killingworth Pond, not far from Coventry. But I have been assured by my friend Mr. Seagrave, of whom I spake to you formerly, that keeps tame Otters, that he hath known a Pi

23、ke, in extreme hunger, fight with one of his Otters for a Carp that the Otter had caught, and was then bringing out of the water. 1 have told you who relate these things, and tell yon they are persons of credit; and shall conclude this observation by telling you what a wise man has observed:“ It is

24、a hard thing to persuade the belly, because it has no ears.“ 18 According to this passage, the best tasting Pike is _. ( A) better for age and size ( B) bred from pickerel weed ( C) middle -sized ( D) taken in summer 19 A Pike has, been observed to live, according to Gesner, as long as _. ( A) any o

25、ther fresh - water fish ( B) forty years ( C) it has the help of the suns heat ( D) two centuries 20 In this passage it is alleged that a Pike has been known to attack anything alive except a(n) _. ( A) mule ( B) wolf ( C) otter ( D) girl 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are

26、ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 21 US presidents normally serve a(n)_term. ( A) two-year ( B) four-year ( C) six-year ( D) eight-year 22 Which of the following is the masterpiece by Theodore Dreiser? ( A) Sister Carrie ( B) Jennie Gerhardt ( C)

27、 The Genius ( D) An American Tragedy 23 Of the following word formation processes, _ is the most productive. ( A) clipping ( B) blending ( C) initialism ( D) derivation 24 _ is not a dominant figure of the Realistic Period? ( A) William Dean Howells ( B) Mark Twain ( C) Henry James ( D) James F. Coo

28、per 25 The vowel u: in fu:d (food) is _ vowel. ( A) back ( B) front ( C) unrounded ( D) central 26 The word “childish“ contains two_. ( A) phonemes ( B) morphs ( C) allomorphs ( D) morphemes 27 Which of the following words can connect two clauses in a coordinate sentence? ( A) Through. ( B) When. (

29、C) But. ( D) If. 28 Walt Whitman helped to promote the development of ( A) sonnet. ( B) couplet. ( C) blank verse. ( D) free verse. 29 The two major political parties in Britain are the Conservative Party and _. ( A) the Liberal Party ( B) the Labor Party ( C) the Republican Party ( D) the Democrati

30、c Party 30 Ode to the West Wind is written by _. ( A) George Byron ( B) Percy Shelley ( C) William Wordsworth ( D) John Keats 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING a tedious volume full of useful information may have its merits, but not enough to make me champion it as one of the five best books of the year. And

31、determining whether a work is boring or enthralling can be only a subjective decision. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 43 Write an essay about 400 words entitled “Background music“. In the first part of your writing you should pr

32、esent your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to

33、 follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 513答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Yo

34、ur notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0

35、 【听力原文】 Good afternoon, everyone. Today well talk about some facts of dreaming. Some people thought that they never dreamed or hardly ever dreamed. Only a third of the men and nearly half of the women thought that they dreamed several times a night. In fact, research shows that everyone dreams quite

36、 frequently every night. Moreover, we all dream many times every night but we dont usually remember our dreams. If we do remember our dreams, they are usually the last ones that we had before waking up. Other people know when we are dreaming because they can see our eyelids moving. If they wake us u

37、p at that moment we will remember our dream. Research by Dr Keitman at the University of Chicago has shown this. He has also tried waking people up when their eyelids arent moving, and they have told him that they werent dreaming. If a person is prevented from dreaming but allowed to sleep, he or sh

38、e becomes very upset. So the dream is important to us, and we need to dream. Then why do we dream? One popular theory is that we spend most of our day thinking about practical matters, shopping, getting to work, seeing our friends, etc. We spend very little of our time thinking about our deep anxiet

39、ies, fears, and hopes, although these are very important. When the mind doesnt have to think about everyday matters it is free to think about these deeper concerns, and it doesnt have to be logical and sensible because it doesnt have to communicate to other people. For example, time is unimportant i

40、n dreams. If something happened to you ten years ago and something else yesterday then it doesnt matter if they are combined. Also if you havent experienced something but would like to, then it can be real in your dream. Very often your deeper minds dont seem to have words in them and we have to rep

41、resent our anxieties, fears and hopes through pictures. Two important psychologists are often referred to when people talk about dreams. One is Freud who believed that the deep, unconscious mind has a powerful influence over the conscious mind. He held the belief that the conscious mind tries to con

42、trol and cover up the enormous feeling which have such power, and he thought that the unconscious feelings which we struggle to cover up are largely sexual. Freud said that the conscious mind would not allow the unconscious mind to express its wishes in a clear kind of way, so the unconscious mind h

43、ad to symbolize its feelings. He thought that all long pointed objects represent the male: sticks, umbrellas, trees, knives, etc., and that all hollow objects represent the female: boxes, cupboards, ovens, ships, rooms, etc. The other famous psychologist is Jung. He was a friend of Freud and worked

44、with him. However, he developed his own ideas about people. Jung was interested in world of religions and in mystical and spiritual ideas. He believed that our personalities are divided into three parts: the conscious, the unconscious and the “collective unconscious“. He thought that we all share th

45、e same “collective unconscious“ and he studied religions and beliefs all over the world to prove it. He found that there are heroes and magicians and fairies and dragons in stories everywhere, and he believed that these heroes, etc. represent our wish to be brave and good, our need for help against

46、difficult problems and our fear of the unknown and the frightening within ourselves. He had another theory which is useful when people want to interpret a dream. He believed that every man has within him the characteristics of a woman, imagination, poetry, gentleness. He called this other, inside pe

47、rson the “anima“ of a man. And he said that in every woman there is an “animus“ which is aggressive, forceful and decisive. If a woman dreamed of a man, Freud would say that she was wishing for a lover, but Jung might say that she was dreaming of the animus part of herself, or she was dreaming of an

48、 original model of a hero or evil person, etc. As to the language of dreams, it is very difficult to find a clear meaning behind a dream, and usually the only person who can really find the meaning is the person who had the dream. It is true that we all share many of the same anxieties, fears and ho

49、pes and it is also true that we use some of the same symbols for expressing these feelings. But the particular balance of feelings is individual to us, and we also use symbols for these feelings which are only meaningful to us. These personal symbols obviously cant be looked up in a book! Now I will mention several common symbols we share with others. When you dreamed of flying, perhaps you have an inferiority complex, which means that you feel inferior to other people. Another exp


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