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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 561及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Travelling in the Jungle There are a lot of difficulties to travel in the jungle country which seems 【 1】

3、 _ 【 1】 _ to man, but with right equipments and knowledge, it is not imlpossible to 【 2】 _ in 【 2】 _ it. The following are several tips: 1. Right equipment: a compass is an instrument which helps you to find the 【 3】_ , 【 3】 _ since it is very easy to get hopelessly lost in a jungle 【 4】 _ after lea

4、viog a known 【 4】 _ landmark. Whenever possible, you may 【 5】 _ streams and rivers that are going in 【 5】 _ your general direction, which may cause your many extra miles of travel, but will 【 6】 _ time and energy in the end. 【 6】 _ 2. Right kind of clothing 【 7】 _ will be with you all the time, so y

5、ou should never 【 7】 _ wear shorts in the jungle. Your legs must be covered by trousers. 3. Learn the knowledge about the jungle: find water that is 【 8】 _ to drink. The 【 8】 _ best way to be sure of having enough food in the jungle is to learn 【 9】 _ what 【 9】 _ plants provide food. If you havent h

6、ad a chance to do this, watch what kinds of fruits and nuts the birds and monkey choose, which is safe for a man to eat. Surviving in a jungle is a matter of 【 10】 _ . Learn more about what to expect 【 10】 _ in the jungle and you can manage to live off in a jungle. Please move on to Section B Interv

7、iew. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you wil

8、l be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Who is the first speaker? ( A) A driver. ( B) A passenger. ( C) A policeman. ( D) doctor. 12 What did the first speaker want? ( A) All the details. ( B) Only a little information at that time. ( C)

9、No information until the next day. ( D) Mr. Simpsons comments on the accident. 13 Why wasnt the young lady wearing her seat-belt? ( A) She wasnt able to make it fit her. ( B) She wasnt able to fasten it. ( C) She was told not to fasten it. ( D) It was unnecessary to wear the seat-belt. 14 Why did Mr

10、. Simpson say that he couldnt have been driving fast? ( A) He had only been driving fifty yards on the main road. ( B) He had just come out into the main road. ( C) He had stopped fifty yards away. ( D) He had always driven under fifty miles an hour. 15 What would happen to Mr. Simpsons car after ev

11、erything is finished? ( A) It would be taken to tile garage. ( B) It would be repaired. ( C) It would be driven away by Mr. Simpson. ( D) It would be removed by the police. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the q

12、uestions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) Street protests against parliament in Greece. ( B) The root of the economic crisis in Greece. ( C) The cause of political crisis in Greece. ( D) T

13、he origin of democracy. 17 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) EU partners are trying their best to help Greece finally. ( B) Raising taxes and reducing spending are the way out for Greece. ( C) Greek government does not concern the interests of Greek people. ( D) The protestors finally compromi

14、sed with government authorities. 17 Disaster struck 250 million years ago, when the worst devastation in the earths history occurred. Called the end-Permian mass extinction, it marks a fundamental change in the development of life. The history of life on the earth is replete with catastrophes of var

15、ying magnitudes. The one that has captured the most attention is the extinction of the dinosaurs and other organisms 65 million years ago between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods-which claimed up to half of all species. As severe as that devastation was, it pales in comparison to the greatest dis

16、aster of them all: the mass extinction some 250 million years ago, at the end of the Permian period. Affectionately called “the mother of mass extinctions“ among paleontologists (with apologies to Saddam Hussein), it yielded a death toll that is truly staggering. About 90 percent of all species in t

17、he oceans disappeared during the last several million years of the Permian. On land, more than two thirds of reptile and amphibian families vanished. Insects, too, did not escape the carnage: 30 percent of insect orders ceased to exist, marking the only mass extinction insects have ever undergone. B

18、ut from catastrophes, opportunities arise. For several hundred million years before the end-Permian event, the shallow seas had been dominated by life-forms that were primarily immobile. Most marine animals lay on the seafloor or were attached to it by stalks, filtering the water for food or waiting

19、 for prey. In the aftermath of the extinction, many once minor groups-active, predatory relatives of modern-day fish, squids, snails and crabs were able to expand. Some completely new lineages appeared. This ecological reorganization was so dramatic that it forms a fundamental boundary in the histor

20、y of life. Not only does it demarcate the Permian and Triassic periods, it also establishes the close of the Paleozoic era and the start of the Mesozoic era. The modern tidal pool reflects what lived and what died 250 million years ago. Over the past few years, exciting new insights into the causes

21、and consequences of the end-Permian mass extinction have poured in from virtually every branch of the earth sciences Some of these findings include detailed studies of rapid changes in ocean chemistry, more thorough documentation of extinction patterns and new analyses showing that large volcanic er

22、uptions occurred at the Permo-Triassic boundary. How much do mass extinctions contribute to the evolution of a group, as compared with long-term adaptive trends? For example, sea urchins are ubiquitous in modern oceans but were relatively uncommon during the Permian. Only a single genus, Miocidaris,

23、 is known for certain to have survived the extinction. Did Mioeidaris survive by pure chance, or was it better adapted? Would sea urchins today look any different had it not been for the end-Permian extinction? To resolve such questions, we need to learn more about the causes of the catastrophe and

24、how those species that survived differed from those that disappeared. The key sources for this information are rock layers and fossils. Unfortunately, samples from the late Permian and early Triassic are notoriously difficult to come by. The fossil record across the boundary is plagued by poor prese

25、rvation, a lack of rock to sample and other problems, including access. An extensive drop in sea level during the late Permian limited the number of marine rocks deposited on land, and many areas where the best rocks were preserved (most notably, in southern China) have been relatively hard for some

26、 geologists to reach. As such, it has proved difficult to ascertain just how quickly life was snuffed out or if the deaths were subject to any regional variations. Some creatures, especially those sensitive to changes in the environment, died off rapidly, as shown by Erik Flugel and his colleagues a

27、t the University of Erlangen, who arrived at this conclusion after examining reefs in southern China and Greece. Other evidence indicates more gradual loss of life. Intensive studies of newly found and critical boundary layers in Italy, Austria and southern China have helped our understanding. They

28、indicate that the duration of the extinction is shorter than previously thought, implying that abruptly calamitous environmental conditions must have set in. 18 In the mass extinction 65 million years ago, _ of all species on earth vanished. ( A) two thirds ( B) half ( C) 90% ( D) 30% 19 What distin

29、guishes the end-Permian mass extinction from other similar devastations? ( A) Change of ocean chemistry. ( B) Survival of Miocidaris. ( C) Causes. ( D) Ecological reorganization. 20 We can conclude from the passage that _. ( A) there is a consensus about the causes of the end-Permian mass extinction

30、 ( B) man would not have existed without the end-Permian mass extinction ( C) insects are more adaptable in coping with natural devastations ( D) natural catastrophes must have hindered the evolution of life 21 Which of the following is TRUE? ( A) Environmental changes must have caused the end-Permi

31、an mass extinction. ( B) Massive volcanic eruptions might have caused the end Permian mass extinction. ( C) The disappearance of dinosaurs was a consequence of the end-Permian mass extinction. ( D) Marine animals appeared as a result of the end-Permian mass extinction. 22 The study of the end-Permia

32、n mass extinction is hindered by all of the following EXCEPT _. ( A) the lack of experienced researchers ( B) lack of access to southern China ( C) lack of relevant rock samples ( D) lack of well-preserved fossils 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice quest

33、ions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 23 The Church of England archbishops and bishops are appointed by ( A) the Monarch. ( B) the Prime Minister. ( C) Presbyterian. ( D) the House of Lords. 24 Legal, official discrimination against black Americans has been abolished, but_.

34、( A) inequality and subtle discrimination still exist ( B) discrimination in education still exists ( C) discrimination in employment still exists ( D) the poverty rate of the black is the highest among all racial and ethnic groups 25 When did the Republic of Ireland join the EC? ( A) In 1952. ( B)

35、In 1955. ( C) In 1973. ( D) In 1975. 26 Which is NOT history play by William Shakespeare? ( A) Henry VI ( B) Richard III ( C) King Lear ( D) Edward II 27 During the WW II, the first summit was held at_in November 194 ( A) Berlin ( B) Potsdam ( C) Yalta ( D) Teheran 28 _is know as the “All Estates Pa

36、rliament “. ( A) The Parliament of 1265 ( B) The Parliament of 1266 ( C) The Parliament of 1267 ( D) The Parliament of 1269 29 As Americans are called Uncle Sam, British are called _. ( A) Henry Bull ( B) John Bear ( C) John Bull ( D) John Bear 30 William C.Bryant was the first American lyric poet o

37、f distinction. His fame as a poet dated from the printing of_in 1817. ( A) Thanatopsis ( B) Monument Mountain ( C) To A Waterfowl ( D) The Death of Flower 32 _ is an American poet whose great work Leaves of Grass written in unconventional meter and rhyme, celebrates the self, death as a process of l

38、ife, universal brotherhood, and the greatness of democracy. ( A) . .Cummings ( B) Walt Whitman ( C) Robert Frost ( D) Ezra Pound 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING but it is important【 M9】 _ to realize that this ability, on its own, does not necessarily indicate any special intelligence in the creature concern

39、ing. 【 M10】 _ 33 【 M1】 34 【 M2】 35 【 M3】 36 【 M4】 37 【 M5】 38 【 M6】 39 【 M7】 40 【 M8】 41 【 M9】 42 【 M10】 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 43 凡事不逃避,我喝我的清茶。荷花居污泥而不染,若为怕水污而种在旱地上,它早就枯死了。人生也一样避恶、避丑、避邪,只能说明自己心灵脆弱。一个自我安定的人是不怕环境污染自己的,而有力量影响他人。古代孟子母三迁是为了怕他受环

40、境影响,要为自己就没忙必要逃避了,后来孟子长大成人后也没听说孟母再搬家。 自我安定可不是找一个安定的所在,而恰恰是在紊乱的环境中保持安定的心境。“定 ”是一种境界,是居于多变之中的不动摇。 只有待到这一境界才能掌握自己的方向,才能做到 “他饮他的花酒,我喝我的清茶 ”。 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 44 The magnificent design of the torch for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay

41、will also add a very unique Chinese flavour to the relay. “Clouds of Promise“ carry the Beijing Games message to the world. When people follow the flame along the Olympic Torch Relay route they are always touched by the magic of Olympism. There is a unique party atmosphere wherever the Olympic flame

42、 passes, with crowds greeting the torchbearers with enthusiastic cheers. The entire experience leaves all those who have enjoyed it with a special memory. I have no doubt the Beijing 2008 Olympic Torch Relay will leave many extraordinary memories and create new dreams for people around the world. 三、

43、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 45 Some people believe that students should be given one long vacation each year. Others believe students should have several short vacations throughout the year. Which view point do you agree with?

44、Write all essay of 400 words on the following topic: Long or Short Vacations? In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a na

45、tural conclusion or make a summary. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instruction may result in a loss of marks. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET FOUR. 专业英语八级模拟试卷 561答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you s

46、ill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes,

47、 and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Good morning, todays lecture will focus on how to travel in the jungle. Jungle country is not friendly to man, but it is possible to survive them. You must have the right equi

48、pment and you must know a few important things about woodcraft. Then your chances of staying alive are very good. No one should go into the jungle without the right equipment. You need lightweight clothing, a good knife and a compass, Fishhooks and a line, a rifle and ammunition, and matches in a wa

49、terproof container are necessary too. So is a mosquito net to protect the head. In the jungle you can get hopelessly lost within five minutes after leaving a known landmark. That is why you should always carry a compass. In open country, during the day, you can tell which way to go by studying the sun. At night the stars are sure guides to direction. But in most places the jungle rooftop is so


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