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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 58及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 What Is An American? “I cant make you out, “Herry James has Mrs. Tristram say to the Ameri- can,“ whether

3、you are very simple or very deep. “This is a 【 1】 _ 【 1】_. which has confronted Europeans. What is it then that makes Americans 【 2】 _ wherever they go? 【 2】_. We hope it is not the unpleasant impression made by some tourists. Americans carry an appearance which is more a result of attitude than of

4、clothing. This attitude combines a lack of class 【 3】 _ , an optimism 【 3】_. and an inquisitiveness. Also a liking for facts and figures, an 【 4】 _ , 【 4】_. and above all a desire to be friendly. Americans are a 【 5】 _ people. They work like mad then give a- 【 5】_. way what they earn. They play unti

5、l they are exhausted, and call this a 【 6】 【 6】_. .They like to think of themselves as average men. They tell each other “Take it easy“, while always rushing off like cra- zy. They crowd their highways with cars while complaining about the traffic, 【 7】_. 【 7】 _ to movies while 【 8】 _ about the qual

6、ity, go to church but 【 8】_. dont care much for 【 9】 _, and drink too much, only stimulated to 【 9】_. bigger dreams. There is, of course, no 【 10】 _ American. But if you added them 【 10】_. all together and then divided by its total number they would look like what this chapter portrays. 1 【 1】 2 【 2

7、】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 sec

8、onds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 _ in British and American English have diverged very much according to the speakers. ( A) Regular noun plural forms ( B) Irregular noun plural forms ( C) Verb tenses ( D) None of the above items 12 The past tense of

9、 the verb “eat“ _. ( A) is spelled differently in British and American English ( B) is pronounced differently in British and American English ( C) is pronounced to rhyme with “get“ in American English ( D) is pronounced to rhyme with “late“ in British English 13 In _,we usually dont hear the soundin

10、g of r after vowels like “bird“. ( A) Scotland ( B) Ireland ( C) the whole of the western counties of England ( D) area around New York City 14 As for the pronunciation of “a“ in a word like “dance“,_. ( A) all Americans pronounce it as se ( B) all British people pronounce it as a: ( C) educated spe

11、akers in Britain pronounce it as a: ( D) people in American West pronounce it as a: 15 Both of the two speakers agree that _. ( A) in Britain and America people speak utterly different languages ( B) there are few things identical in British and American English ( C) British and American English are

12、 imcomprehensible to each other ( D) British and American English are understandable between the two people SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be g

13、iven 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 What news event is reported? ( A) A bomb threat at a hospital. ( B) A flood at a school. ( C) A fire at an apartment building. ( D) A severe drought famine in a village. 17 How did the dog help rescue the baby.? ( A) It helped rescue this baby by attractin

14、g peoples attention by barking. ( B) It helped rescue this baby by pulling the body to safety. ( C) It helped rescue this baby by comforting the baby until help came. ( D) It helped rescue this baby by waking up the baby by ringing the bell. 18 What made this eclipse so unique? ( A) Its location for

15、 viewing in the world. ( B) Its timing on the calendar. ( C) Its movement across the sky. ( D) Its beautiful scene. 19 Which statement was NOT mentioned about viewing an eclipse? ( A) Sunglasses block out only a limited amount of the suns ultraviolet rays that can damage the eye. ( B) Sunglasses can

16、 only filter harmful rays during total solar eclipses at their greatest magnitude. ( C) Sunglasses tend to cause the center of the eye to enlarge allowing in more intense light. ( D) Sunglasses should be used when any part of the sun is visible. 20 What is one fact we do not learn from the final com

17、mentary of the video? ( A) People who can record the next eclipse. ( B) The date of an upcoming solar eclipse. ( C) How to record an eclipse for your posterity. ( D) Where the next Christmas eclipse will occur. 20 As one of the developed countries in Asia, Japan has been sought hegemony in Asia beca

18、use of its strong power in economy. How about its present economic situation? Today let s talk about this question. Once a symbol of enormous economic growth, Japan has plunged into a deep recession with the burst of its bubble economy beginning in the early 1990s. This is, without a doubt, the wors

19、t economic crisis facing this country since the end of World War . One wonders if Japan can see its way through the storm and overcome these latest doldrums. In the 1980s, real estate prices soared to super inflated levels, and investors sank their money into the booming stock market. There seemed t

20、o be no end in sight for the land of the rising sun. Everything was rising, and the government, financial institutions, and individuals paid little heed to the warning signs of an imminent crash. Then, the bubble burst, and land and stock prices plunged. What is the result of the crash? Many compani

21、es have faltered due to poor sales and bad debt, and have closed their doors. The domino effect on many financial institutions is that they must- bear an enormous number of unrecoverable loads, which have resulted when companies, depending on profits from land in vestments to repay loans, have fund

22、themselves insolvent. Furthermore, many individual depositors, fearing a collapse of more banks and securities companies, have withdrawn their money in droves. Attempts by tile government to revitalize the sluggish and contracting economy have proven fruitless. Pump-priming measures including tax cu

23、ts and public works spending have done little to put the economy on tract again. Whats more, the governments decision to increase the consumption tax from 3 to 5 percent in 1997 has had a devastating impact on consumer spending. As for the business sector, companies have tried various measures to st

24、reamline management, but other ill effects of such policies, including rising unemployment among older workers, have surfaced and have dealt a huge blow to the recovery process, Japan s faltering economy has had an impact on other Asian countries, and some fear that the whole region will be drawn in

25、to depression. What will stem the tide of further economic collapse? For one, Japan must stabilize its financial system and take immediate and effective measures to deal with non performing loans. Revealing the severity of the problem to the public and foreign governments is an essential first step.

26、 A more vital solution might be to institute a permanent tax cut to stimulate consumer spending and confidence in the government s handling of the situation. Ultimately, this will encourage domestic demand for goods and services and will be the driving force behind much of the recovery, That s the b

27、ottom line. Of course, many more factors including deregulation will play a vital role in expediting economic stabilization and growth. Whatever the case, action must be carried out swiftly and decisively. A passive and .reticent approach to reform and change is what has hampered any improvement so

28、far. Other nations have encouraged Japan to step up the pace of implementing change, but Japan must make the first step . . . or else we might be witnessing the setting of this great rising sun. 21 Japans current economic crisis is the worst since _. ( A) World War ( B) World War ( C) the Gulf War (

29、 D) the Korean War 22 What occurred during the bubble years of Japans economy? ( A) Money poured into the bullish stock market. ( B) The value of the Japanese yen rose sharply. ( C) Financial institutions invested overseas. ( D) Many individual depositors have withdrawn their money in droves. 23 Why

30、 have many companies gone bankrupt in recent years? ( A) Inability to compete. ( B) Sluggish sales. ( C) Fewer exports. ( D) More imports. 24 What is one measure the government has implemented to revitalize the economy? ( A) Streamlining the political bureaucracy. ( B) Lowering the consumption tax.

31、( C) Spending on the countrys social infrastructure. ( D) Encourage companies to export their goods. 25 According to the passage, what step will have the most impact on the recovery at this point? ( A) Decentralizing of the government. ( B) Initiating a permanent tax cut. ( C) Dealing with non -perf

32、orming loans. ( D) Encourage investors to put their money into the stock market. 25 Near the end of a five-day tour of highly automated, high-tech Japanese factories, the American visitor was overwhelmed and feeling a little inferior. Watching a string of gleaming stereo sets move down an assembly l

33、ine, he turned to the plant manager and said, “Gosh, even your industrial design is better than ours. “Ah, yes,“ replied the manager, “but America has treasures that Japan can never hope to possess.“ “You mean our mineral wealth and bountiful farms? “Ah, no. I was referring to Caltech and MIT.“ Amer

34、icas scientific institutions-its technological universities and government laboratories-are the en vy of the world , producing ideas, devices and medicines that have made the U.S. prosperous, improved the lives of people around the globe and profoundly affected their perception of the world and the

35、universe. This tremendous creativity is reflected in tile technical reports that are published in scientific journals throughout the world. Fully 35 % of them come from scientists doing their research at American institutions. Yet American dominance can no longer be taken for granted. Many recent U.

36、 S. achievements and a wards stem in large measure from generous research grants of the past, and any weakening of government and industry commitment to support of basic research could in the next few decades cost the nation its scientific leadership. Some slipping is already divalent. In high-energ

37、y physics, where Americans once reigned supreme, Western Europe now spends roughly twice as much money as the U. S. Result. the major high-energy physics discoveries of tile past few years have been made not by Americans but by Europeans. Even so, money alone cannot guarantee scientific supremacy. F

38、reedom of inquiry, an intellectually stimulating environment and continuous recruitment of the best minds must accompany it. That combination has been achieved in many U.S. institutions-educational, governmental and industrial-but perhaps no where more successfully than at the National Institutes of

39、 Health, Bell Laboratories and Caltech. 26 Americas technological universities and government laboratories are generally _. ( A) loved by scientists in other parts of the world ( B) disliked by scientists in other parts of the world ( C) admired by scientists in other parts of the world ( D) jealous

40、 of scientists in other parts of the world 27 Which of the following statement is true according to the passage? ( A) 35% of technical reports published in scientific journals are written by scientists doing their research in America. ( B) 35 % of all scientific journals are issued by American scien

41、tific societies. ( C) 35% of all scientists come from America. ( D) 35 % of all scientists are doing research at American institutions. 28 According to the passage, in the competition for scientific leadership,_. ( A) applied research is of the greatest significance ( B) basic research is of the gre

42、atest significance ( C) research in high-energy physics is of the greatest significance ( D) research in high-tech fields is of the greatest significance 29 The example given in the third paragraph is mainly used to show _. ( A) western Europe is spending more money than America in certain fields (

43、B) Europeans are making more discoveries than Americans in retain fields ( C) European scientists are more intelligent than American scientists ( D) Americas scientific leadership is being replaced by European countries 30 Which of the following is not mentioned as a necessary part to maintain Ameri

44、cas scientific leadership? ( A) Money. ( B) Combination of various disciplines. ( C) Joint efforts of the most intelligent scientists. ( D) Favorable academic atmosphere. 30 In order to get your point across in your target language, you have to learn plenty of words. How do you set about it? Dr. Pau

45、l Meara, who lectures in applied linguistics, believes there are lots of different ways of learning words. “Generally, anything you do with the words which actually makes them yours rather than just abstract things which appear in a book or on a record will almost certainly help you to learn them. S

46、o, for example, writing them down is better than reading them. Putting them on bits of paper and sticking them up around your house is better than just looking at them in the page of a book. Saying them out loud is better than reading them quietly. Anything which actually gets you to use them would

47、probably help.“ Encouragement and nurturing in the students and belief in their ability to learn is one of the central tenets of a relatively new approach. Its called Accelerated Learning and its an offshoot of an idea that began in Bulgaria. Michael Lawlor runs a language school for business execut

48、ives, teaching foreign languages to the British, and English to foreigners. Hes currently testing this system to see if he can incorporate it into his teaching program at his school. The main principle is to tap the students emotions as well as their intellects and, to begin with, to get them to vis

49、ualize themselves as successful communicators in the language theyre learning. “They can actually create a very clear mental picture of themselves say in five years time, in the coun try where the language is spoken, interacting with the people. They can also boost their own confidence as learners by recreating past successful learning situation. Many people fail in


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