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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 723及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、 When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Conversational Skills People who usually make us feel comfortable in conversations are good talkers. And

3、they have something in common, i.e. skills to put people at ease. 1. Skill to ask questions 1) be aware of the human nature: readiness to answer others questions regardless of【 1】 _ 【 1】 _ 2) start a conversation with some personal but unharmful questions e.g. questions about ones【 2】 _ 【 2】 _ quest

4、ions about ones activities in the【 3】 _ 【 3】 _ 3) be able to spot signals for further talk 2. Skill to【 4】 _ for answers 【 4】 _ 1) dont shift from subject to subject - sticking to the same subject:【 5】 _ in conversation 【 5】 _ 2) listen to【 6】 _ of voice 【 6】 _ - If people sound unenthusiastic, then

5、 change subject. 3) use eyes and ears steady your gaze while listening 3. Skill to laugh Effects of laughter: 【 7】 _ 【 7】 _ help start【 8】 _ 【 8】 _ 4. Skill to part 1) importance: open up possibilities for future friendship or contact 2) ways: men: a smile, a【 9】 _ 【 9】 _ women: same as【 10】 _ now 【

6、 10】 _ how to express pleasure in meeting someone 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an i

7、nterview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 The interviewees first job was with_. ( A) a newspaper ( B) the government ( C) a construction firm ( D) a private company 12 The interviewee is not self

8、-employed mainly because_. ( A) his wife likes him to work for a firm ( B) he prefers working for the government ( C) self-employed work is very demanding ( D) self-employed work is sometimes insecure 13 To study architecture in a university one must_. ( A) be interested in arts ( B) study pure scie

9、nce first ( C) get good exam results ( D) be good at drawing 14 On the subject of drawing the interviewee says that_. ( A) technically speaking artists draw very well ( B) an artists drawing differs little from an architects ( C) precision is a vital skill for the architect ( D) architects must be n

10、atural artists 15 The interviewee says that the job of an architect is_. ( A) more theoretical than practical ( B) to produce sturdy, well-designed buildings ( C) more practical than theoretical ( D) to produce attractive, interesting buildings SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section yo

11、u will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Around how many tons of hazardous waste does the world produce each year? ( A) 150 million ( B) 1.50 million ( C) 15 mi

12、llion ( D) 50 million 16 David Landes, author of The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor, credits the worlds economic and social progress over the last thousand years to“ Western civilization and its dissemination.“ The reason, he believes, is that Europeans invented

13、 systematic economic development. Landes adds that three unique aspects of European culture were crucial ingredients in Europes economic growth. First, science developed as an autonomous method of intellectual inquiry that successfully disengaged itself from the social constraints of organized relig

14、ion and from the political constraints of centralized authority. Though Europe lacked a political center, its scholars benefited from the use of a single vehicle of communication: Latin. This common tongue facilitated an adversarial discourse in which new ideas about the physical world could be test

15、ed, demonstrated, and then accepted across the continent and eventually across the world. Second, Landes espouses a generalized form of Max Webers thesis that the values of work, initiative, and investment made the difference for Europe. Despite his emphasis on science, Landes does not stress the no

16、tion of rationality as such. In his view,“ what counts is work, thrift, honesty, patience, and tenacity.“ The only route to economic success for individuals or states is working hard, spending less than you earn, and investing the rest in productive capacity. This is his fundamental explanation of t

17、he problem posed by his books subtitle: “Why Some Are So Rich and Some So Poor.“ For historical reasons-an emphasis on private property, an experience of political pluralism, a temperate climate, and an urban style-Europeans have, on balance, followed those practices and therefore have prospered. Th

18、ird, and perhaps most important, Europeans were learners. They“ learned rather greedily,“ as Joel Mokyr put it in a review of Landess book. Even if Europeans possessed indigenous technologies that gave them an advantage (spectacles, for example), as Landes believes they did, their most vital asset w

19、as the ability to assimilate knowledge from around the world and put it to use- as in borrowing the concept of zero and rediscovering Aristotles Logic from the Arabs and taking paper and gunpowder from the Chinese via the Muslim world. Landes argues that a systematic resistance to learning from othe

20、r cultures had become the greatest handicap of the Chinese by the eighteenth century and remains the greatest handicap of Arab countries today. Although his analysis of European expansion is almost nonexistent, Landes does not argue that Europeans were beneficent bearers of civilization to a benight

21、ed world. Rather, he relies on his own commonsense law: “When one group is strong enough to push another around and stands to gain by it, it will do so.“ In contrast to the new school of world historians, Landes believes that specific cultural values enabled technological advances that in mm made so

22、me Europeans strong enough to dominate people in other parts of the world. Europeans therefore proceeded to do so with great viciousness and cruelty. By focusing on their victimization in this process, Landes holds, some postcolonial states have wasted energy that could have been put into productive

23、 work and investment. If one could sum up Landess advice to these states in one sentence, it might be“ Stop whining and get to work.“ This is particularly important, indeed hopeful, advice, he would argue, because success is not permanent. Advantages are not fixed, gains from trade are unequal, and

24、different societies react differently to market signals. Therefore, not only is there hope for undeveloped countries, but developed countries have little cause to be complacent, because the current situation“ will press hard“ on them. The thrust of studies like Landess is to identify those distincti

25、ve features of European civilization that lie behind Europes rise to power and the creation of modernity more generally. Other historians have placed a greater emphasis, on such features as liberty, individualism, and Christianity. In a review essay, the art historian Craig Clunas listed some of the

26、 less well-known linkages that have been proposed between Western culture and modernity, including the propensities to think quantitatively, enjoys pornography, and consumes sugar. All such proposals assume the fundamental aptness of the question: What elements of European civilization led to Europe

27、an success? It is a short leap from this assumption to outright triumphalism. The paradigmatic book of this school is, of course, The End of History and the Last Man, in which Francis Fukuyama argues that after the collapse of Nazism and communism in the twentieth century, the only remaining model f

28、or human organization in the industrial and communications ages is a combination of market economics and limited, pluralist, democratic government. 17 According to Landes, the main reason that some countries are so poor is that _. ( A) they lack work ethic. ( B) they are scientifically backward. ( C

29、) they lack rationality ( D) they are victimized by colonists. 18 Landes believes that _. ( A) Europeans set out to bring civilization to an unfortunate world. ( B) the Europeans dominated other countries simply because they were strong. ( C) the desire of Europeans to colonize other countries stemm

30、ed from specific cultural values. ( D) the colonized countries themselves were to blame for being victimized by Europeans. 19 The cultural elements identified by Landes _ those identified by other historians. ( A) subsume ( B) contradict ( C) glorify ( D) complicate 20 “This school“ (para. 5) refers

31、 to people who _. ( A) believe in the absolute superiority of Western culture. ( B) hold drastically different views from Landes. ( C) are very cautious in linking Western culture and modernity. ( D) follow in the footsteps of Nazism and communism. 21 In discussing Landess work, the authors tone is

32、_. ( A) matter-of-fact. ( B) skeptical ( C) reproachful ( D) enthusiastic. 一、 PART III GENERAL KNOWLEDGE (10 MIN) Directions: There are ten multiple-choice questions in this section. Choose the best answer to each question. 22 _ is the first American writer who is granted Nobel Prize of Literature.

33、( A) Sinclair Lewis ( B) John Steinbeck ( C) William Faulkner ( D) O. Henry 23 What is the sense relation between Sentence A “Johns computer needs repairing“ and Sentence B “John has a computer“? ( A) Sentence A entails sentence B. ( B) Sentence A presupposes sentence B. ( C) Sentence A is a prerequ

34、isite of sentence B. ( D) Sentence A is an entailment of sentence B. 24 The most important contribution of the Prague School to linguistics is that it sees language in terms of ( A) function. ( B) meaning. ( C) sign. ( D) system. 25 The emblem of the Democratic Party is_. ( A) elephant ( B) donkey (

35、 C) bear ( D) bull 26 _presides over the meeting in the House of Commons and sees that parliamentary procedure is followed. ( A) Prime Minister ( B) The Speaker ( C) The Lord Chancellor ( D) Queen 27 Which of the following abbreviations is NOT so associated with the U.S. as the other three? ( A) MIT

36、 ( B) NBA ( C) VOA ( D) CBA 28 In Canada, French and English are coequal official language except in _, where French is the sole official language. ( A) Quebec ( B) Montreal ( C) Vancouver ( D) Ottawa 29 Which descrption is NOT correct about Benjamin Franklin? ( A) Scientist. ( B) Philosopher. ( C)

37、Diplomat. ( D) Actor. 30 _ is a voiced bilabial stop. ( A) m ( B) p ( C) b ( D) v 31 Which of the following clusters of words is an example of alliteration ( A) A weak seat. ( B) Safe and sound. ( C) Knock and kick. ( D) Coat and boat. 二、 PART IV PROOFREADING then they depend upon 【 M3】 _ their own

38、common sense, not at all upon their university learning and upon 【 M4】_ philosophical theories. And in case of the English nation, it must be 【 M5】 _ acknowledged that this instinctive method has been extremely successful. The last people from whom praise can be expected, even for what is worth of a

39、ll praise, are the English. The Englishman all the time is 【 M6】 _ studying, considering, trying to find fault. Why should he try to find fault? So that he will not make any mistakes at a later day. He was inherited the 【 M7】 _ trouble caution of his ancestors in regards to mistakes. It must be gran

40、ted 【 M8】 _ that his caution has saved him from a number of very serious mistakes that other nations have made. It must also be acknowledged that he exercises a fair amount of moderation in the opposite directionthis modern Englishman; he has learned caution of other kind, which his ancestors 【 M9】

41、_ taught him “Power should be used with moderation; for whoever finds himself among valiant men will discover that no man is superior than others.“ 【 M10】_ 32 【 M1】 33 【 M2】 34 【 M3】 35 【 M4】 36 【 M5】 37 【 M6】 38 【 M7】 39 【 M8】 40 【 M9】 41 【 M10】 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate th

42、e following text into English. 42 从前有个愚人,有一天想上市去买双新鞋。他便先用尺子把脚量了量。拿了根稻秆,记下尺码。可是因为急于赶路,把稻秆忘在家里了。他来到市上,找到了卖鞋的摊子,摸了摸口袋,记尺码的稻秆不见了,就对卖鞋的说: “尺码忘在家里了,不晓得大小,让我回家拿尺码去 !”说罢,拔腿就跑。他急急忙忙回家拿了那根稻秆,又急急忙忙赶回市上 来,一来一去,花了很多时间。等他赶回市上,天已晚了,集市已经散了。他白忙了一阵,还是没有买到鞋子。那时,有人问他: “你是给自己买鞋子,还是替别人代买 ?”愚人回答说: “我自己穿的呀 !”那人又问他: “那么,你身上

43、不是长着脚么 ?又何必带尺码呢 !” SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 43 I have been asked on occasion whether I would like to live my life over again. On the whole it has been a pretty good life, perhaps better than most peoples, but I should see no point in repeati

44、ng it. It would be as idle as to read again a detective story that you have read before. But supposing there were such a thing as reincarnation, belief in which is explicitly held by three quarters of the human race, and one could choose whether or not one would enter upon a new life on earth, I hav

45、e in the past sometimes thought that I should be willing to try the experiment on the chance that I might enjoy experiences which circumstances and my own idiosyncrasies, spiritual and corporeal, have prevented me from enjoying, and learn the many things that I have not had the time or the occasion

46、to learn. 三、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 44 In a recent recruitment fair in Wuhan University, graduates with rich family background were ruled out by a particular company, because they were regarded as self-centered and incapabl

47、e. Do you agree or disagree with this practice of shutting out graduates from wealthy families in job recruitment? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 专业英语八 级模拟试卷 723答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-le

48、cture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Good morning, todays lecture will focus on how to make people feel


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