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1、专业英语八级模拟试卷 84及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture.

2、When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 The History of American Indians When Europeans discovered the Western hemisphere, they discovered a race o

3、f people. 【 1】 _ called them Indians. 【 1】 _. I shall have something to say about their【 2】 _ and early history, 【 2】 _. the【 3】 _ for them of European settlement in the New World, the part they have played in American history, 【 3】 _. their number, distribution and condition today. Most scholars be

4、lieve that the homeland of the Indians was eastern Asia. They migrate to North America along a land【 4】 _ from Siberia to Alaska. 【 4】 _. The Indians were a【 5】 _ people. 【 5】 _. They lived in【 6】 _, spoke many languages, and gained their living in different ways. 【 6】 _. 【 7】 _ revolutionized their

5、 hunting and warfare. 【 7】 _. Whiskey corrupted them.【 8】 _ changed the lives of some Indians. 【 8】_. The Indians were under pressure to take【 9】 _ in the great French and British War of the eighteen century. 【 9】 _. The Indians made many efforts to prevent the advance of the frontier. In【 10】 _. 【

6、10】 _. a great uprising against the British began under a Michigan Indian leader. 1 【 1】 2 【 2】 3 【 3】 4 【 4】 5 【 5】 6 【 6】 7 【 7】 8 【 8】 9 【 9】 10 【 10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Qu

7、estions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Who are the speakers? ( A) Salesmen. ( B) Editors. ( C) Cooks. ( D) Advertising agents. 12 What product are they talking

8、about? ( A) Kitchen. ( B) Deep-freezer. ( C) Mobility units. ( D) Cake mixer 13 What is the relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Employer and employee ( B) Salesman and customer ( C) Advertiser and customer ( D) Colleagues 14 How is the kitchen different from all other kitchens on the market?

9、 ( A) It is easier to clean and repair ( B) It is non-fixed and flexible ( C) All its units are of the same height ( D) Its chopping board is nearer to the sink 15 What can you infer from the conversation? ( A) Terry knows less about kitchen than Joyce ( B) Joyce knows more about kitchen than Joyce

10、( C) Terry knows as much about the kitchen as Joyce ( D) Terry knows as much about the kitchen as Joyce SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given

11、 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Around how many tons of hazardous waste does the world produce each year? ( A) 150 million ( B) 50 million ( C) 15 million ( D) 50 million 17 Now the U.S. economy growth rate is _. ( A) higher than 1995 to 2000 ( B) lower than 1973 to 1995 ( C) As good as 1995

12、 to 2000 ( D) the same as 1993 to 1995 18 Dale Jorgenson points out that the 78 grow rate will be continued in the next years. ( A) 2 years ( B) 10 years ( C) 20 years ( D) 5 years 19 What is the mason of the decline of the number of the wild horses ? ( A) climate change and human activities ( B) th

13、e hunting and culling ( C) farming and industrializing ( D) mass killing caused by people 20 Whom does the provision intend to sell the wild horses for? ( A) federal government ( B) the horse-lovers ( C) the people who kill the wild horse ( D) the native people 20 Thomas Jefferson, who died in 1826,

14、 looms ever larger as a figure of special significance. Americans, of course, are familiar with Jefferson as an early statesman, author of the Declaration of Independence, and a high-ranking presidential Founding Father. But there is another Jefferson less well known. This is the Jefferson who, as t

15、he outstanding American philosopher of democracy, has an increasing appeal to the worlds newly emerging peoples. There is no other man in history who formulated the ideas of democracy with such fullness, persuasiveness, and logic. Those interested in democracy as a poetical philosophy and system - e

16、ven those who do not accept his postulates or are critical of his solutions - must reckon with his thought. What, then, is his thought, and how much of it is still relevant under modem conditions? Of all the ideas and beliefs that make up the political philosophy known as Jefferson democracy, perhap

17、s three are paramount, These are the idea of equality, the idea of freedom, and the idea of the peoples control over government. Underlying the whole, and serving as a major premise, is confidence in man. To Jefferson, it was virtually axiomatic that the human being was essentially good, that he was

18、 capable of constant improvement through education and reason. He believed that “no definite limit could be assigned“ to mans continued progress from ignorance and superstition to enlightenment and happiness. Unless this kept in mind, Jefferson cannot be understood properly. What did he mean by the

19、concept of equality, which he stated as a “self-evident“ truth? Obviously, he was not foolish enough to believe that all men are equal in size or intelligence or talents or moral development. He never said that men are equal, but only that they come into the world with “equal rights“. He believed th

20、at equality was a political rather than a biological or psychological or economic conception. It was a gift that man acquired automatically by coming into the world as a member of the human community. Intertwined with equality was the concept of freedom, also viewed by Jefferson as a “natural right.

21、“ In the Declaration of Independence he stated it as “self-evident“ that liberty was one of the “inherent“ and “unalienable rights“ with which the Creator endowed man. “Freedom“, he summed up at one time. “is the gift of Nature.“ What did Jefferson mean by freedom and why was it necessary for him to

22、 claim it as an “inherent“ or “natural“ right? In Jefferson thought there are two main elements in the idea of freedom. There is, first, mans liberty to organize his own political institutions and to select periodically the individuals to run them. The other freedom is personal. Foremost in the area

23、 of individual liberty, Jefferson believed, was the untrammeled right to say, think, write, and believe whatever the citizen wishes - provided, of course, he does not directly injure his neighbors. It is because political and personal freedom are potentially in conflict that Jefferson, in order to m

24、ake both secure, felt the need to found them on “natural right“. If each liberty derives from an “inherent“ right, then neither could justly undermine the other. Experience of the past, when governments, were neither too strong for the ruled or too weak to rule them, convinced Jefferson of the desir

25、ability of establishing a delicate natural balance between political power and personal rights. This brings us to the third basic element in the Jeffersonian idea: the peoples control over government. It is paradoxical that Jefferson, who spent most of his adult years in politics, had an ingrained d

26、istrust of government as such. For the then-existing governments of Europe, virtually all of them hereditary monarchies, he had antipathy mixed with contempt. His mistrust of strong and unchecked government was inveterate. “I am not,“ he said, “a friend to a very energetic government. It is always o

27、ppressive.“ Government being a necessity for civilized existence; the question was how it could be prevented from following its tendency to swallow the rights of the people. Jeffersons answer to this ancient dilemma was at variance with much traditional thinking. He began with the postulate that gov

28、ernment existed for the people, and not vice versa; that it had no independent being except as an instrument of the people; and that it had no legitimate justifications for existence except to serve the people. From this it followed, in Jeffersons view that only the people, and not their rulers or t

29、he privileged classes, could and should be relied upon as the “safe depositories“ of political liberty. This key idea in the Jeffersonian political universe rested on the monumental assumption that the people at large had the wisdom, the capability, and the knowledge exclusively to carry the burden

30、of political power and responsibility. The assumption was, of course, widely challenged and vigorously denied in Jeffersons day, but he always asserted his confidence in it. Confidence in the people, however, was not enough, by itself, to serve as a safeguard against the potential dangers inherent i

31、n political power. The people might become corrupted or demoralized or indifferent. Jefferson believed that the best practice for the avoidance of tyranny and the preservation of freedom was to follow two main policies. One was designed to limit power, and the other to control power. In order to put

32、 limits on power, Jefferson felt, it was best to divide it by scattering its functions among as many entities as possible - among states, countries, and municipalities. In order to keep it in check, it was to be impartially balanced among legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Thus, no group

33、, agency, or entity would be able legitimately to acquire power for abuse. This is, of course, the theory that is embedded in the Constitution and that underlies the American federal system with its “check and balance“. For the control of power or, more specifically, the governmental apparatus itsel

34、f, other devices had to be brought into play. Of these, two are of special importance: suffrage and elections. Unlike many contemporaries, Jefferson believed in virtually universal suffrage. His opinion was that the universal right to vote was the only “rational and peaceable instrument“ of free gov

35、ernment. Next to the right to vote, the system of free elections was the foremost instrument for control over government. This involved, first, the election by the people of practically all high government officials, and, secondly, fixed and regular periods of polling, established by law. To make do

36、ubly sure that this mechanism would work as an effective control over power, Jefferson advocated frequent elections and short terms of office, so that the citizens would be enabled to express their “approbation or rejection“ as soon as possible. This, in substance, is the Jeffersonian philosophy - f

37、aith in the idea of equality, of freedom, and in the right to and need for popular control over government. What, in all this, is relevant to peoples without a democratic tradition, especially those who have recently emerged in Asia and Africa? The rejection of democratic procedures by some of these

38、 peoples has been disheartening to believers in freedom and democracy. But it is noteworthy that democratic and parliamentary government has been displaced in areas where the people had no background in freedom or self-rule, and where illiteracy is generally high. Even there it is significant. that

39、the new dictatorships are usually proclaimed in the name of the people. The Jeffersonian assumption that men crave equality and freedom has not been denied by events. Special conditions and traditions may explain non-democratic political methods for the achievement of certain purposes, but these rem

40、ain unstable wherever the notion of liberty has begun to gain ground. “The disease of liberty“, Jefferson said, “is catching.“ The proof of this is to be found even in such societies as the Spanish and the Islamic, with their ancient traditions of chieftainships where popular eruptions against dicta

41、torial rule have had an almost tidal constancy. But it is a slow process, as Jefferson well knew, “The ground of liberty“, he said, “is to be gained by inches; we must be contented to secure what we can get, from time to time, and eternally press forward for what is yet to get. It takes time to pers

42、uade men to do even what is for their own good.“ Does Jefferson survive? Indeed he does. 21 What are the three most paramount ideas in Jeffersonian democracy? ( A) Equality, freedom and peoples control over government. ( B) Equality, confidence in man and peoples control over government. ( C) Equali

43、ty, freedom and confidence in man. ( D) Freedom, confidence in man and peoples control over government. 22 How did Jefferson interpret the concept of equality? ( A) He asserted that it was a political concepts as well as a biological and economic concept. ( B) He believed that men were born with equ

44、al rights. ( C) Equality is a gift of Nature. ( D) Both B and 23 In Jeffersons opinion, what could prevent tyranny and preserve freedom? ( A) Suffrage and election. ( B) Checks and balances. ( C) The two politics to limit power and to control power. ( D) The dividing of functions among many entities

45、. 24 Which of the following statements would the writer probably Not support? ( A) The rejection of democratic procedures is partly attributed to ignorance. ( B) Jeffersons ideas of democracy are often distorted by some people on purpose. ( C) Universal suffrage is the cardinal instrument for contro

46、l over government. ( D) Once the concept of liberty is accepted by the majority, a democratic society will be strongly demanded. 25 The primary purpose of this text is to _. ( A) explain Jeffersons ideas of democracy ( B) exalt Jefferson as an outstanding philosopher ( C) illustrate Jeffersons influ

47、ence on modern politics ( D) view Jeffersonian democracy under modern conditions 25 The dream of lost innocence recovered in a golden future always haunts the imagination of colonial pioneers. Its premise is myopia: E Scott Fitzgerald conjured “a fresh, green breast of the new world“ for his Dutch s

48、ailors, a story that began without Indians. Golda Meir infamously insisted that there was no such thing as Palestinians. Breaking new ground on a distant shore is easier if no one is there when you arrive. Plan B allows that the natives are happy to see the newcomers. But soon enough it all turns na

49、sty and ends in tears. “A Strange Death,“ Hillel Halkins beautifully written and wisely confused account of the local history of the town he lives in, Zichron Yaakov, takes us back to the earliest days of Jewish settlement in Ottoman Palestine. His ostensible subjects are members of the Nili spy ring operated out of


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