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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 16及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 Winston Churchill once said, “It is no use doing what you like; you have got to like what you do.“ Given the increasing pressure in the job markets, as an undergraduate ab

2、out to leave college, do you agree or disagree with him? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2 Given the uneven development in China, rural areas are now in great need of talents. College graduates, however, tend to look for jobs in the cities, e

3、specially first-tier cities. But there must be some benefits for graduates to go to the countryside and start their careers there. Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: The Benefits of College Graduates Working in Rural Areas 3 It is a bitter truth that college degrees are no lon

4、ger tickets to jobs. In order to get a job offer, graduates have to prove their abilities and potentials to employers. What do you think are the major skills undergraduates should develop to prepare themselves for the future job career? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropr

5、iate title for your essay. 4 Decades ago, we made pen pals by writing letters to each other. Today, people are more likely to make friends via the instant messaging tools, such as QQ, MSN, SKYPE, etc. Some people think that these trendy communication tools are not without their problems. What is you

6、r opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 5 As an English proverb goes, dont judge a book by its cover. Similarly, one should never judge a person by external appearance. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write an essay of about

7、400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 16答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Better Happy than Free Frank Tyger, editorial cartoonist, columnist and humorist for the Times, use

8、d to say, “Doing what you like is freedom. Liking what you do is happiness“. There is no such thing as absolute freedom, but happiness, in my opinion, is much more attainable. Its thus better and more realistic to try to like what you do than to do what you like. To begin with, to be freely doing wh

9、at you like is a lucky thing, while liking what you do is a sign of maturity. Youth is a period of life when all future directions remain open and uncertain. Few young people have a clear idea about what they want to do in life. Consequently, they tend to keep one eye on the current job and the othe

10、r on other possibilities. Some might even hop from one job to another due to mood swings or frustrations at work, forever in search of where they belong in the world. It is when they begin to settle down and make an effort to like what they do that a career starts to take shape. What is more, doing

11、what you like is a dream for everyone whereas liking what you do is an earnest and down-to-earth choice in the face of reality. Dreams, however beautiful, are what you wake up from. And not everyone has the privilege to wake up every day doing exactly what he wishes to do, especially with the mounti

12、ng pressure in finding a job and in living up to the expectations of a boss breathing down your neck every single second. In light of a swaying job market, it is advisable for young people to endeavor to enjoy what they do as long as they dont develop an aversion to it. Last but not least, what you

13、like is better kept as an outside interest. Its a common phenomenon that people are apt to bear resentment against what they do as a living. If you choose what you like as a career, you are likely to find yourself with few options left when work wears you out. If you try to like whatever you do whil

14、e keeping your real interest as a refreshing hobby to turn to when boredom and weariness trouble you, you will end up living a more enriched and colorful life. As Frank Tyger pointed out, “You may not always be happy in freedom, and you may not always be free in happiness.“ I would prefer to be happ

15、ily chained than to be sadly free. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Benefits of College Graduates Working in Rural Areas Shortly after graduation, one of my schoolmates received a job offer from a major bank and settled down in a big city. One year later, she quit her job due to increasing work pressure on he

16、r aggravating health and returned to her hometown in a rural area. Its not rare nowadays for young graduates to seek job opportunities in rural areas, because more and more people begin to see the benefits of working in the countryside. Above all, the countryside promises a benign living environment

17、. Being far away from industrial pollution, bustling traffic and noisy crowds, a village is enveloped in fresh air and surrounded by natural green, which will greatly benefit our health. In comparison to cities, the local living cost is much lower, making it possible for young people to afford a dec

18、ent life. Whats more, there is less work stress and competition, which makes life and work more enjoyable. Thus for those who simply want to live a full and peaceful life, the countryside is an attractive home. In the next place, owing to the lack of talents in rural areas, there will be more opport

19、unities and space of development for young graduates. The strength and capacity of college graduates will be better esteemed and appreciated at such places which are in want of talented individuals. In big cities, you may work as an ordinary clerk in a large enterprise and be still, doing the same w

20、ork after three years; whereas in rural areas, you may get promotion in a small company in less than two years. Finally, working in the countryside is a valuable experience. Most country areas are virgin lands yet to be developed, with a lot of possibilities and great potential yet to be explored. I

21、t might be difficult for young people to get used to the inconvenient traffic, absence of nightlife and urban excitement in the countryside. They may also meet a lot of difficulties and get upset. But once overcome, these difficulties will become priceless treasures that help to forge their will and

22、 determination, and to prepare them with a solid foundation for future endeavors. In one word, working in rural areas is beneficial to college graduates. I believe those who choose to work in the countryside are facing a promising future. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 The Trinity of Job Skills Years ago, to gr

23、aduate from universities meant a guaranteed job offer and a promised career. This rosy picture is now replaced by a gloomy reality graduates need more credentials, in addition to a college degree, to prove their abilities and impress the future employers. In my opinion, in the 21st century, linguist

24、ic skill, computer literacy and interpersonal skill are most desired by employers. First of all, the ability to speak a foreign language is a must for job-seekers. With the intensifying trend of globalization, cross-border communications are even more frequent. In this context, the mastery of a fore

25、ign language will facilitate international communications. This is especially true if you want to work in an international company or in a domestic enterprise which plans to go global. Linguistic skill is the bridge linking you with the international partners or boss seamlessly. Furthermore, as we a

26、re in the information age, the ability to use computer is also crucial for graduates. The routine corporate operation involves such activities as sending e-mails, giving PPT presentations, updating database, having remote conference etc. If one is ignorant of the basic computer skill, he will not ke

27、ep up with the pace of the changing time. It is hard to imagine that you would ask a client to mail you a letter, simply because you are unable to read or reply e-mails. The absurd illiteracy of computer might cost you a potential business partner, because it takes months to settle down details in l

28、etters, which could have been solved in matter of minutes with the help of e-mails. While the two previous competences are hard skills, interpersonal communication is more a soft skill. As we work in a team, the ability to understand and cooperate with each other is of vital importance. We need to b

29、e a good listener to hear out our co-workers and be attentive to their needs and feelings. Positive energy will be developed if we know how to communicate with our co-workers. If we do a lousy job in keeping our team members together, we may be tripped over by the relationship baggage and negative m

30、ood will be evoked, which is rapidly contagious amongst team members. In short, to speak a foreign language, to operate the computer and to get along well with co-workers are the three major skills we should develop in the 21st century. This trinity will pave a smooth path for us to the job destinat

31、ion we long for. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Making Friends via the Internet: Caution! Pen pals are no longer in style. With the popularization of the Internet, more and more people start to make friends via the World Wide Web. While making friends via the Internet can be a thrilling experience, problems exi

32、st. As far as I am concerned, making friends online would isolate people and is also a potential threat to the safety of netizens. To start with, making friends online separates people from face-to-face contact. The Internet, no matter how interesting and inviting it may seem, is after all a virtual

33、 place which can by no means replace real life. And being obsessed with friends online and sitting in front of the computer would probably lead to the ignorance of ones real personal network. Take the movie Social Network, which records the experiences of Mark, the founder of Facebook for example. E

34、ven though he has established the largest online community and had over one million friends online, he gets alienated and betrayed by his friends in real life. Researches also show that one usually spends around 15 hours less per week with his family and friends if he gets addicted to the Internet.

35、So even though the Internet may be a great place to talk, depending too much on online friends would bring unwanted consequences. Secondly, making friends online is also risky. As a famous saying goes, “On the Internet, no one knows that you are a dog“. With all sorts of pseudo-names and profile pic

36、tures, people can easily hide who they really are and what they really want. Reports can be read frequently about how a girl is kidnapped, raped or even murdered after dating with her “online lover“. The number of incidents of the Internet fraud soars with the expansion of the number of the netizens

37、. With the help of the Internet, one can so easily disguise himself so that you wouldnt know that your new online BFF (best friend forever) is a serial killer. It is hence clear that friends made via the Internet are not at all reliable or trustworthy. People may even encounter life-threatening dang

38、er through making friends online. Naturally, it is better for us to remain cautious when making new friends online. As a conclusion, while the Internet is with no doubt an efficient tool, people should always think twice before they jump right on board since it may make them isolated and bring about

39、 potential dangers. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 External Appearance Does Reveal Something A man in patched jeans could turn out to be a millionaire, while the face of a beautiful girl might be the product of a plastic surgery. Looks can sometimes be deceiving, but its assertive to conclude that one should ne

40、ver judge a person by external appearance. Physiologically and psychologically speaking, outward presence reveals part of the truth about a person. To begin with, its a common sense that ones complexion reflects his health and consequently his lifestyle. Our living habits regulate and affect our phy

41、sical mechanism, such as our digestion and metabolic capacity, which then is presented on the outside. For instance, if someone is frequently burning the midnight oil, we can find on his face weariness and sickly sallowness. A sanguine complexion, on the other hand, shows us that the person keeps a

42、regular routine in his life and gets sufficient sleep. Whats more, a persons dressing style, though not necessarily an indicator of his wealth, tells us about his life philosophy. From looking at a wardrobe we can infer the owners personalities. For example, a person who constantly wears bright-colo

43、red clothes is likely to have an outgoing personality and an optimistic belief in life. Choosing fine but not expensive clothing demonstrates exquisite fashion taste and independent mind that does not blindly pursue extravagant brands. As for the millionaire in simple clothes, he might be a believer

44、 in frugality and keeping a low profile. Finally, a persons manners and behaviors can also reveal something. The everyday language one uses is a sign of his living environment as well as the education he has received. In addition, a soft, gentle voice indicates the ability to control himself, wherea

45、s a person who often talks in a high-pitched voice might have a tendency to lose control. As is analyzed in the hit TV drama Lie to Me, a keen observer can even judge whether a person is lying or not from every small detail of his body language. We might not be able to judge the content of a book by

46、 its cover, but we can always venture an informed guess at the authors writing style based on the font of the title and the color of the cover. Everyone looks the way they are for a reason. The point lies in whether you are observant and sensible enough to comprehend a correct implication of the details. 【知识模块】 作文


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