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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 21及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 In some countries, art and music are part of the compulsory courses in secondary schools. Some education experts suggest that China could do the same, because art and musi

2、c courses have many benefits to offer. Whats your opinion? What benefits can art and music courses could bring to the secondary school students? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2 In China, it is quite common that universities would assign stu

3、dents to share a dorm room. In overseas countries, however, students could choose their own roommates. As a college student, do you agree or disagree that students should choose their own roommates? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 3 It is not

4、 uncommon that university students have to take a variety of courses beyond their own majors. This holistic education idea is quite controversial. Some people believe that students should spend more time and energy on the courses related to their majors. What is your opinion? Should we require unive

5、rsity students to take a variety of courses that are not related to their own majors? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 4 Corporal punishment was once regarded as an effective way to discipline kids in schools. However, over the past decade, pa

6、rents and some education experts voiced their concerns about this “brutal“ method at schools. What is your opinion? Should we allow teachers to apply corporal punishment to discipline children? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 5 In some pilot

7、programmes, teachers salaries are linked with students evaluation. If a teacher fails in the students evaluation, his or her salary will hurt. Some people applaud this new practice, thinking that it would improve the teaching quality. Others, however, disagree with it, because it may mislead teacher

8、s to please their students. What is your opinion? Should teachers salaries be linked with students evaluation? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 21答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 wor

9、ds on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Set the Artist Free As I recall in primary, secondary and high schools, I couldnt help but beam with excitement when we took a break from major subjects by having art and music lessons. It is my belief that art and music education will act as a constructive means

10、to release imagination, stimulate creativity and cultivate artistic disposition for the secondary school students. To begin with, art and music offer a channel of self-expression for secondary school students. Free of boundaries and restrictions, art and music compose an outlet for their otherwise r

11、epressed imaginations and emotions. A painting is a visualized rendering of thoughts and feelings of the painter, be him talented or not, while music is the boundless sky where one soars free as a bird. They bless students with a relief from the suffocating pressure of text-reciting, mathematic equa

12、tions and rote memorization of English words. As what these subjects are designed for, art and music serve to inspire and release creativity within young hearts. As newcomers to the world, children usually view everything with bubbling fantasies. They see a flying horse, a talking puppy and giant ra

13、bbits walking home alongside them. They are not so much observing the universe as they are creating one of their very own. A couple of years, unfortunately, are enough to take away this precious gift. As they age, a creative mind is numbed by the instructions of parents and teachers to be normal and

14、 disciplined. Music and art might be able to help young students find their way back to their inner desires and true self, and hopefully awaken the little artist that sleeps within. Finally, art and music nourish artistic temperament and appreciation, which is a key ingredient of a well-rounded soul

15、. Since the first day of school, a student has been over-occupied by the learning of numerous subjects, leaving no room for a hobby or an interest. Its sad if they have learned one thousand words by heart and have worked out pages of arithmetic problems, but fail to appreciate the beauty of artistic

16、 creation. Giving courses of art and music at the early stages of education will lay down a foundation for students future artistic or musical passion, as well as expand their scope of knowledge. Throughout human history, art and music rank among the greatest inventions which we take delight in. It

17、is, therefore, my sincere hope that they are not turned into another dull and monotonous course where only high grades matter. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Free Choice of Roommates Its a common practice in Chinese universities that students live with whoever thats allocated by school, whereas on the other sid

18、e of the globe, students can choose and switch roommates as needed. In my opinion, university students should be granted with the freedom to choose roommates. First of all, the practice of choosing our own roommates comes nearer to real life. University students are grownups capable of making indepe

19、ndent decisions in a manner of ones own choosing. It is an immature act by school to assign students to share a dorm room, as if keeping a bird with fully-developed plumage inside the cage, protected and prevented from making their own decisions. Students are probably not able to choose who they wor

20、k with, but they have the right and chance to choose who they live with after graduation. College life should be a rehearsal that prepares students for the full-scale drama of reality. Secondly, an incompatible dormitory life is likely to entail inconvenience and distress. Imagine a case scenario li

21、ke this: Student A keeps a clocklike timetable by going to bed before 11 oclock and getting up at 7:00 a.m., while his roommate Student B is a night owl who seldom turns in before midnight. So when A is trying to fall asleep, B has just raised the curtain of his “prime time“ tapping on the keyboard,

22、 which might keep his roommate awake. In this case, As sleep might be compromised, affecting his study with a lack of rest. When the efforts of reconciliation fall apart, these two students might turn against each other with incessant quarrels. Its, therefore, important to be able to freely choose a

23、 roommate who is on the same page of a work-and-rest schedule. Whats even graver is the fear that irreconcilable conflicts between roommates could result in fatal tragedies. Once a fight deteriorates into a feud, all the pent-up discontent and grudge can take lives. We still remember vividly the tra

24、gic case of Ma Jiajue, a university student who killed his four roommates out of spite and stored their bodies in the closet. This appalling murder is triggered by a disagreement during a card game. When things get out of hand in a shared room, even the faintest gleam could spark off a raging fire.

25、As is illustrated above, it takes congeniality for two persons to live together in harmony. Since this cannot be forced or arranged, its better to leave the choice in the hands of students themselves. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Dont Be Limited by Majors Many university students have to take a variety of cou

26、rses beyond their own majors. During my first year in university, we were surprised by how many courses, in the fields of art, Chinese culture and management, an English major has to take in order to obtain sufficient credits. In my opinion, these courses, serving as supplements to our major, are in

27、dispensable for a comprehensive university education. In the first place, a holistic education can develop ones all-around capacity. Courses related to ones major enable him to get a lot of knowledge of his major, while courses beyond ones major can provide him with all kinds of common sense, skills

28、, abilities, and choices of hobby. Believe it or not, those courses are often the areas where ones talent and personality shine through. Limiting the selection of courses to one major will inevitably limit the creativity of students. Furthermore, the system of choosing courses across majors enables

29、a student to clarify his future direction. Ones early twenties is an age when one tries to figure out where he is heading for in life. While a major set the tones of ones main schedule in university, optional courses provide him with the chance to explore potential alternatives which may become his

30、new specialty. With different courses available, students will be better equipped and less likely to be driven into a corner when they want to switch path. Finally, if students only choose courses related to their majors, schools capability to offer a comprehensive education will be weakened. As Mr.

31、 Spencer, president of the University of Australia, used to say, “The difference between a university and a training school is that, a training school prepares you for a job, and a university teaches you to think and engage in conversation with society.“ Instead of stuffing students with the skills

32、or techniques required for a specific job, a university should focus on developing students ability to think independently, to cooperate with other individuals and to adjust themselves to the ever-changing world. None of these can be accomplished if students horizon is limited by their own majors. I

33、n a word, university students should not be limited by their majors. They should be encouraged to take a variety of courses in order to enrich their minds. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 No Corporal Punishment Is Allowed Every year in China, dozens of kids are severely hurt by corporal punishment, ranging from

34、damaged hearing ability to bruised chest. When interviewed, these children all show immense horror and fear. These distorted images speak loudly, though not in those childrens own voice, that we should not allow teachers to apply corporal punishment. On the one hand, corporal punishment would crush

35、kids delicate mentality and leave a lasting effect on their mental health. According to the psychology, if kids are exposed to brutality in their youth, they might grow up into two possibilities too submissive or too rebellious. In the first case, kids are physically hurt and mentally damaged. They

36、would be fearful of further punishment, so they listen to the “orders“ from teachers and dare not threaten their authorities. They become “obedient“ students, with their courage and confidence having been ruined once and for all. In the second case, children are subject to the belief that “whatever

37、doesnt kill you makes you stronger“. That is why they put on more self-abandoned acts to annoy their teachers, who will beat them harder and only to make them naughtier students. In either case, young students are not healthy any more. Teachers might quickly fix their disobedient students by means o

38、f corporal punishment, but at the same time they have caused an eternal harm to their mentality. On the other hand, if we ban teachers from applying corporal punishment, they will be encouraged to come up with better ways to discipline kids. Take Germans experience for example. It is illegal for tea

39、chers and parents to beat a child in Germany, no matter for what reason. When teachers want to “control“ or correct students behaviors, they would choose many other ways, such as extra assignments, school services, community services and so on. Punishments of these kinds do not involve physical viol

40、ence or psychological damage. The effect of these punishments might not be as instant as that of corporal punishment, but one thing is for sure: students understand that they have done wrong and that they are being punished, without the risk of leaving a scar in their body and mind. In conclusion, n

41、o corporal punishment is allowed. Resorting to corporal punishment is a short-sighted solution, which would cause permanent harm to kids. Teachers should rely on other means to discipline misbehaving children. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Freedom: Yes, But Not Too Much Nowadays, people tend to break the tradi

42、tional absolute authority of teachers and grant students more freedom, which makes the classroom more liberal and democratic. In some pilot programs, teachers salaries are linked with students evaluation. While this is without doubt a good attempt, it seems to have gone too far. As I see it, student

43、s evaluation is not a reliable criterion to judge teaching quality and overemphasis on the evaluation may cause difficulties on the teachers side. To start with, students evaluation is far less than accurate. Hence linking the evaluation directly with teachers salary is not appropriate. Generally sp

44、eaking, it is very difficult for students to evaluate their teachers fairly and objectively. Not being educational experts, students evaluation is solely based on how they feel about the teachers: Is this teacher friendly to the students? Is he too strict and most importantly, is he likely to give a

45、 high score to a particular student? Such evaluation is highly subjective, unprofessional and unreasonable. A teacher may receive less salary because he is so responsible for his course that he has failed a couple of students in the exam. Apparently, such evaluation system is not fair when seen from

46、 the aspect of the students immature judgment. Additionally, such system actually does no good to students. Every teacher has his own teaching plan and teaching style. We cannot expect teachers to make every student pleased and satisfied, because one mans meat can be another mans poison. However, un

47、der such evaluation mechanism, students are given too much power which they do not know how to exercise wisely. Students tend to blame the teacher not themselves or the courses once they feel unhappy about their study. And it is likely that some students will abuse their power to vent off such unhap

48、piness by giving unreasonably low scores to their teachers in the evaluation. In this case, teachers may lose their initiatives in teaching, and be forced to please their students, which will lead to the deterioration of teaching quality. Therefore, such evaluation system is not good for students. G

49、iving students more freedom is advisable. But before rushing into implementing novel rules, we should always consider the possible outcomes. Linking teachers salaries with students evaluation may seem a good idea at the first glance, but actually it will affect the teaching quality by giving too much power to educational amateurs. 【知识模块】 作文


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