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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 In recent years, efforts have been made to promote Chinese operas to the overseas countries. One of them is to write an English script to the original Chinese tunes. Some

2、opera experts think this is an absurd idea, just like singing the American Anthem in Chinese. What is your opinion? Should the Chinese operas be introduced to the world in their original and “perfect“ forms? Or some adaptations should be made? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an

3、appropriate title for your essay. 2 Homeschooling is to educate children at home, typically by parents or sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school. In some western countries, home-schooling is quite common. In China, we have nine years compulsory educatio

4、n, so it is impossible for parents to school their kids at home. But for the kids at preschool stage, it is an option. Please choose ONE ASPECT and offer your opinion. Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: 3 Chinese parents have been quite strict with their kids. The famous Chine

5、se sayings, like “rod makes kids dutiful“ and “hitting is the best way of family education“, best illustrate the common way of nurturing kids in China. What is your opinion? Should parents adopt strict or even violent parenting to nurture their kids? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should sup

6、ply an appropriate title for your essay. 4 Seventy outstanding sanitation workers from Yibin, Sichuan province, were sent to Singapore on a study tour, which has sparked online controversy. Some people think that it is much more beneficial to increase their pay than to send them abroad for a few day

7、s study. What is your opinion? Do you think it is necessary to send sanitation workers on an overseas study tour? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 5 The upsurge of shanzhai culture, which refers to Chinese imitation and pirated brands and good

8、s, particularly electronics, has sparked a heated debate in China. Some think that shanzhai culture, in a certain way, is beneficial to creation, because improvement can be made basing on the existing designs and ideas. Some think this is an offensive infringement of the intellectual property owners

9、. What is your opinion? Should we accept shanzhai culture? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 23答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Say No to Adapta

10、tions of Chinese Operas As a Chinese learning wave sweeps across the western part of the globe, we see an opportunity to export our native culture, among which are Chinese operas. While many advocate adaptations to cater for understanding of foreigners, I believe its a better idea to maintain the or

11、iginal taste and flavor of Chinese operas. To begin with, the combination of traditional Chinese melodies with English words is not pleasing to the ear, artistically or aesthetically. The opera is a performing art comprised of not only tunes but the native language in which words are sung. Apart fro

12、m stage settings, costumes and movements of performers, the musical intonation of words also conveys significant messages. Singing the original Chinese tunes with English lyrics would be an absurd combination, neither fish nor fowl on stage, let alone precise understanding of the messages Chinese op

13、eras convey. It therefore can be said that such combination in itself already fails as an artistic form. Another important issue is that local Chinese operas presented with a tint of foreign color are running the risk of losing its local traits. As the saying goes, only when it belongs to the people

14、 can it be embraced by the world. When Chinese operas are stripped of certain local traits, whats left is a distorted version of our culture, which might result in misinterpretations or cultural stereotypes. What, then, is the point of passing on such a cultural product if it does not speak for its

15、land of origin? Music is a universal language without boundary that delivers an incisive and vivid description of emotions. When Italian operas were first introduced to Chinese audience, no adaptations were made to adjust to a non-Italian-speaking nation. And yet they have succeeded in taking our br

16、eath away. If you ask Dai Yuqiang, a renowned Chinese tenor, to give a performance of the famous song Nessun Dorma from the opera Turandot, chances are that he would sing it in Italian, not Chinese. Translation can somehow help viewers understand the meaning of the song, but it is the original langu

17、age that could best represent its emotion. To conclude, the harder we try to get the world to know more about China, the more confident and assertive we should be about our valuable cultural heritage. Something is bound to be missing in the process of cultural communications, but the least we can do

18、 is to make sure that the essence doesnt get lost in translation. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The Advantages/Disadvantages of Homeschooling Pre-school Kids The Advantages of Homeschooling Pre-school Kids Given the limited quotas in Chinese first-rate Kindergartens, many parents have to reserve the schooling

19、vacancies two years ahead and usually pay a significant amount of reservation fee. As a matter of fact, parents can choose to homeschool their kids as an alternative. The advantages of homeschooling are two folds: exploring childrens potential talents and developing their interests at their own pace

20、. First of all, one of the most distinct advantages of home-schooling is to tap into childrens potential to their fullest Unlike the standardized curriculum in kindergartens, the flexible scheduling of homeschooling provides more opportunities and possibilities for kids to unleash their talents. If

21、your kid is interested in dinosaurs, his curiosity about pre-historic animals will not be killed prematurely, simply because dinosaurs are not mentioned in the textbook Similarly, if your little girl is a natural dancer, she will have all the time she needs to sharpen her dancing skills, without bei

22、ng required to sit tight and behave well in a classroom. Homeschooling allows your children the freedom to try whatever activities that might interest them. As the saying goes, interest is the best teacher. In this context, you do not have to worry about kids hating learning and acquiring skills, be

23、cause they are not forced to learn, but want to learn. What is more, homeschooled children enjoy the luxury of learning at their most comfortable pace. As is known to all, peer pressure is mounting in the increasingly competitive world. This pressure is now even present in kindergartens. Sometimes,

24、kids compete against each other to be the teachers pet students by showing off what they have remembered from the class. This aggressive mentality will do good to nobody, because the one who makes it is already burdened down at the tender age and the one who does not make it will think less of himse

25、lf. Homeschooling, on the contrary, is able to keep childrens confidence intact. Kids can be taught and trained at a relaxed pace. It is just like cultivating fruits and vegetables in the garden. It is good to let them grow organically, rather than expedite the process by adding chemical fertilizers

26、. Products of natural growth are truly healthy, so are the kids. To conclude, Confucius education concept of “individualized instruction“ is the defining feature of teaching pre-school children at home. Homeschooling gives kids all the individualized attentions they need to exploit their talents, wi

27、thout being overwhelmed by the fierce competition. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Strict Parents: Dancing with Wolves? Every parent wants to raise his or her child to be a well-rounded person. However, the means to achieve this end may differ greatly. The recent emergence and promotion of strict and even violen

28、t parenting methods, represented typically by Tiger Mom in U.S.A. and Wolf Dad who indeed managed to send three out of four of his children to the prestigious Beijing University, may seem workable at the first sight. But as far as I can see, such methods are shortsighted and should be avoided since

29、they would only result in loss of childhood happiness as well as future potentials. To start with, the adaptation of inappropriately strict parenting methods deprives children of their childhood happiness. Childhood is the most beautiful and precious time of ones life since a child is innocent and f

30、ree from pressure. Kids should be allowed plenty of opportunities, attempts and even failures because when a child grows up, he/she will not have as much freedom. Enacting strict timetables and course plans and enforcing it with violence, therefore, are simply not the right way to treat children, wh

31、ose nature is active, carefree and unrestrained. More significantly, as Sigmund Freud has remarked, unhappy and dissatisfying childhood may lead to serious psychological problems. Tiger Moms and Wolf Dads should probably take this point into account before they decide the way they nurture their chil

32、dren. Moreover, such parenting methods may result in the loss of future potentials. Tiger Moms and Wolf Dads may pride themselves on securing their children into a top university in China, but they have ignored the fact that under the current exam-oriented education and evaluation system, entering i

33、nto a good university doesnt necessarily secure success. Their methods work at the moment because they have successfully trained their children into soldiers, if not machines, who are good at listening to and obeying orders. What may be a point of concern is how well can these children cope with dif

34、ferent matters when they face a world with no directions, no clear regulations and definitely no orders from their parents. Their innovation and intuition have been limited or even murdered by their parents. Sadly, these are the two most important qualities in a competitive world. To conclude, nurtu

35、ring children with extremely strict and even violent methods is certainly not recommended. It is without doubt an unwise way applied at the expense of childrens childhood happiness as well as future potentials. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 A Beneficial Move Ever since a sanitation workers study tour to Singap

36、ore was initiated in Yibin, Sichuan Province, there have been ongoing disputes over whether its justifiable and helpful. From my point of view, it is beneficial and necessary to send sanitation workers on an oversea study tour. Firstly, this study tour demonstrates the societys respect for sanitatio

37、n workers as well as recognition the of their hard work. As beauticians of the city, they wake up before sunrise to sweep off fallen leaves and scattered dust and get off work after sunset, covering usually a 12-hour shift even on holidays. They deal with the dirt and filth of the city so that the r

38、est of us can live in a clean environment. Unfortunately, compounding the lack of work protection and a slender income is the inconvenient truth that sanitation workers are almost invisible to the rest of the city. It is under these circumstances that the oversea study tour conveys more significance

39、: not just regard for what they have done but also recognition of their social status. Secondly, a study tour will equip workers with a broadened outlook and enrich their knowledge. In terms of environmental sanitation, China is still “a developing country“, whereas Singapore is known as “a garden c

40、ity“ simply for its world-class sanitation administration and urban management. A tour abroad is a great opportunity for sanitation workers to learn from those advanced ideas and invaluable experience, which in turn will benefit our city. In fact, this is not the first study tour for Yibin. In 2010,

41、 a group of sanitation workers from Yibin were sent on a trip to Hong Kong, bringing home with helpful advice and suggestions. Finally, tours of this kind illustrate an equal chance to study abroad for people from all walks of life. In recent years, there has been growing complaint about overseas tr

42、ips of civil servants at public expense, mainly because the ones chosen are mostly top officials, some of whom are notorious for spending tax payers money on luxurious entertainment. This tour of the common workers is delightful news which gives a great uplift to peoples belief in a society of equal

43、 opportunities. It is a fine example for other cities and industries to follow, and an endeavor to bring the whole nation forward. Without doubt, the government should also provide sanitation workers with better welfare benefits, such as a pay raise. But we may take this study tour as the first step

44、 towards more love and care for sanitation workers and eventually a better society. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Shanzhai Culture: Yes and No If you are on an important business phone call, nothing could be more annoying than a disconnected line. Before you curse the declining quality of NOKIA, just look clos

45、er. You may find that the phone is actually branded as “NOKiA“, and you are victimized by a shanzhai phone. Shanzhai culture, by definition, entails two elements: the knock-off products and the entertainment parodies. To respect the intellectual property owners, I think we should not accept pirated

46、commodities, while we can allow some room for the parodies. Firstly, knock-off products unfairly challenge the original companies and brands. Since they are manufactured by some local workshops, they are usually of low cost and low quality. They simply copy the look or design of the famous branded p

47、roducts, and have zero investment in research and development. Unfortunately, because of their cost-competitiveness, many Chinese are regular consumers of these look-alike products. According to the data released by Chinese government, millions, even billions of shanzhai cell phones are sold each ye

48、ar. This is more alarming than encouraging. The situation, if unchecked, will lead to a rampant outbreak of knock-off production, which eventually hampers the governments initiative to transform from “Made in China“ to “Created in China“. China has been “the world factory“ for the past decade. It wo

49、uld only make matter worse if China becomes “the world factory of pirated products“. What we need is a strong will to honor the intellectual property right and have zero tolerance of copycat products, which infringe the intellectual property right and have low quality. Secondly, shanzhai spirit, or parody spirit, should be accepted in the entertainment industry. If you have watched The Bloody Case That Started from a Steamed Bun, a parody version of the film The Promise, you could laugh your head off and give a thu

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