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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 51及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 Beggars are often seen begging in the streets, or “waiting for windfalls“. Some agree that people should give a hand to beggars. Others think that we shouldnt show sympath

2、y to beggars, as many of them are sham beggars or even swindlers. Whats your opinion about it? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Should We Show Sympathy to Beggars? 2 Internet slang terms such as “ dinosaurs“ for ugly women, and “ PK“ for competition, are now forbidden in Shanghais officia

3、l documents, news broadcasts and textbooks. The public hold different views on the regulation. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Should We Ban Internet Slang in News and Formal Documents? 3 With various pressures in society increasing day by day, many pe

4、ople are suffering from mental problems. However, few of them voluntarily seek psychiatric help, for it is widely regarded as a sign of weakness. How far do you agree with this view? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Is Seeking Psychiatric Help a Sign of Weakness? 4 Thanks to

5、 great advancements in technology, we can have easier access to information nowadays. The richness in information endows us with more open windows to the outside world than ever before. On the other hand, we are so overloaded with information today that we have become less able to see the whole pict

6、ure of the world around us. Do you think todays abundance of information brings us more blessings than curses or vice versa? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 5 The new era has witnessed an explosion of information. People can easily search out

7、 the useful information that they need, and have become too lazy to think in their own ways. It is said that too much information spoils our creativity and originality. Do you agree? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic: Does Too Much Information Spoil Creativity? 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷

8、51答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Should We Show Sympathy to Beggars? Its very common to see someone in dirty clothes begging on the streets, ranging from little children to the middle-aged and the aged. We can als

9、o hear people complain that most beggars beg not because they are poor but because they want to make money more easily. Some of the beggars are even swindlers. They have created a lot of problems, which makes more and more people worried. Some people even begin to doubt whether we should show sympat

10、hy to beggars. As for me, I believe that we should not show sympathy to beggars by simply giving money to them for the following reasons. In the first place, giving money to beggars does not really help them but encourages laziness as the news reveals that many beggars beg along the street because t

11、hey want to get money without any labor. Secondly, giving money to these beggars sometimes amounts to encouraging illegal activities of criminal gangs. Many children are innocently involved into some criminal gangs and forced to beg along the street. And a large number of them are abducted and then

12、wounded to be disabled by crime syndicates in order to gain more sympathy. Thirdly, many beggars actually have the ability to work. If we stop giving money to them for a long time, maybe they will give up begging and try to find other ways to earn money. Maybe they will find a job by themselves to m

13、ake a living and become a successful person, thus making greater contributions to the society. From what I have mentioned above, it is not an ideal way to show our sympathy to beggars by giving money to them directly. Give money to a real charitable organization that will actually use your precious

14、pennies to do something other than encourage organized crime and laziness. Money cannot solve the fundamental problem. There is no reason for losing ones sense of pride and self-dependence to beg for people who have the ability to make a living by working. We should teach them how to live an indepen

15、dent and decent life on their own. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Should We Ban Internet Slang in News and Formal Documents? With easy access to the Internet, there are more and more people getting online and having fun every day. In the virtual world, they set up their own rules, build their communities, and e

16、ven develop their own slang. Indeed, terms originating from the Internet such as “ PK“ for competition and “ dinosaur“ for ugly women, have become household words around China. In response to the situation, a new regulation has been introduced in Shanghai to forbid the use of Internet slang in offic

17、ial documents, news broadcasts and textbooks. Though many netizens do not welcome the regulation, I hold that it has come out for good reasons. Firstly, Internet slang does not fit in with news and formal documents. Every language has many branches such as the law, computer, business and medical lan

18、guage, and they tend to fulfill their functions in various contexts respectively with their particular meanings and styles. If we mingle them without consideration of the context and occasion, misunderstanding and feeling of absurdity would probably come up. Indeed, if we use Internet slang which is

19、 often casual, simple and catchy in formal documents such as a business contract or a news report, the formality and solemnity of these documents may be deprived. For instance, when we put an Internet term in the news line “ China will compete with the U. S. in textile industry“ , it will become “Ch

20、ina will PK the U. S. in textile industry“ , and readers or audience can easily tell something is out of place and get uncomfortable. In short, Internet slang is not in line with news and formal documents, especially in style. Secondly, the wide use of Internet slang in news and formal documents mig

21、ht mislead language learners. Formal documents such as teaching materials and news broadcasts are models for the use of a language. As the Internet slang terms are new, unsteady, and developing, too much use of them would reduce or spoil the regulatory and conventional feature of a language. At the

22、same time, while acquiring and using this kind of slang, Chinas younger generation can not master the standard of using Chinese or even do not know what the formal Chinese is. Moreover, a countrys language needs 1o develop, but it also needs to be regulated. The culture is passed down through langua

23、ge from generation to generation, so the regulation of language actually preserves a countrys culture. Many countries have set regulations on their languages. For instance, Russia has a law to stop the invasion of foreign slang; France has a similar prohibition. If coinages, slang terms and expressi

24、ons from various sources are free to settle down in our core language, they may impose burden on our vocabulary, cause possible barrier in communication, and bring about disharmony in our culture. Considering all the above factors, Internet slang is not suitable to be used in news and formal documen

25、ts. Therefore, the new regulation will stand, and it will also help to purify our language and guide the younger generation to acquire authentic Chinese language. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Is Seeking Psychiatric Help a Sign of Weakness? As the social atmosphere becomes more and more competitive and tense,

26、both adults and children are under great pressure or invisible stress; some even suffer from depression. However, few of them go to the psychologist, as it is widely held that its a sign of weakness to seek psychiatric help. Letting the conventional idea cloud our judgment is ignoring the simple tru

27、th that to regain health, patients should see the doctor, whether they are physically or mentally ill. Scientific studies show that most people have mild or serious psychological problems. According to a research conducted last year in America, 7% to 12% of men and 20% to 25% of women experience evi

28、dent depression during their lifetime. Women are almost two times more likely than men to become depressed and are especially susceptible during and after pregnancy. Moreover, students commonly have low self-esteem and feel depressed. Overpowering pressure of study and love affairs between adolescen

29、ts often bring about bad psychological effects. These effects sometimes turn inward and result in individuals self-destructive, even suicidal behavior. Judging from the above analysis, rejecting psychiatric help is more like a sign of weakness than seeking it, as the former indicates fear to face th

30、e reality and the latter shows courage to fight against the mental illness, and it is even a sign of silliness, since the victims risk their lives in doing so. On the other hand, it is understandable that people hesitate about coming to a mental health center. For one thing, they feel uncertain abou

31、t what may happen there; for another, they are worried that colleagues or classmates may discriminate against them, as the narrow-minded still tend to label those in need of psychiatric treatment as the insane. However, we should not allow such an unfair stigmatization to prevent our search for help

32、. After all, what is the purpose of a health center? Surely there is only one answer; to provide help for those who need it. Like victims of any disease, we are entitled to receive professional treatment and should struggle to gain back our mental health. In conclusion, seeking psychological help is

33、 neither a sign of weakness nor a sign of madness. It is certainly necessary for the government and media to educate the public to set up a correct perception of both psychological problems and those suffering them. As for the victim, there is nothing to be ashamed of except that one dare not to fac

34、e oneself bravely. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Advantages of Rich Information Living in this “Information Age“ , we are overwhelmed with information, rushing from newspapers, books and magazines as well as the television and the Internet. The gushing news envelops us with such an unprecedented force that

35、 it becomes much easier for us to search information on almost any topic. Hemingways famous sentence no man is an island, entirely of itself describes the reality of our time. Though the large amount of information has also brought us some problems, as far as I am concerned, the merits of the abunda

36、nt information outweigh its demerits. Thanks to the convenience brought by the rich information, life offers more enlightenment to our metaphysical world. Living in the vortex of message-laden space that is riddled with springs of information renewed almost every minute, we open the window to hybrid

37、 ideas through which we may see far beyond our own narrow scopes. The more useful messages we get, the wider our horizons will become, and the deeper we will penetrate into the universe outside and inside. Only in this way can we delve into the ungraspable phantom of our mind and make out of it the

38、self-revelation and release. If always locked in the single cell of ones small world, one risks reiterating the journey whose ends are spiritual impasses as it tenders us nothing but a reservoir of repeated ideas of a metaphysical desperado. Rich information not only storms our narrow souls, but als

39、o brings us tangible benefits. Physically, the increase of information endows us with a much easier life. To begin with, the bountiful messages save us from the devouring consumption of our precious time, money and energy. For example, if we want to purchase certain goods, advertisements of all sort

40、s can offer us ready information on the latest models of novelties through which we neednt bother to search one shop after another. Besides, information via the Internet on the desired merchandise provides us with more than one indexes. Introduction which is conveyed by words and pictures by the sel

41、lers on several versions of similar goods as well as feedback information from the buyers often give us a clear guidance in todays confusing markets. All in all, the explosion of information at a nuclear level presents us a diet of pluralistic and exotic dishes that we could ever imagine. In additio

42、n to the physical conveniences it brings about, it usurps our freewheeling spirit and teems it with deeper fathom of the understanding of life. Let us bathe in this land of refreshing milk and honey and make the best out of it! 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Does Too Much Information Spoil Creativity? The era o

43、f information has already come, and our life has changed in a subtle way. The development and popularization of the Internet, along with cell phones and all kinds of electronic devices have influenced our habits a lot. With the explosion of information, it is much easier and more convenient for us t

44、o find out anything wed like to know. However, some people believe that too much information may spoil our creativity for were now too lazy to think about our own solutions. I dont agree with this opinion for the following reasons. First, I admit that flourishing information does make us lazier. We

45、no longer need to wander in the libraries, or to find the answer to a mystery in encyclopedias. Using a search engine is enough to inquire everything you want to know, from the life of a historic figure to the recipe of a famous dish. There are so many online encyclopedias for you to consult for inf

46、ormation, as well as Q&A websites to find answers to your questions. Thus, were more reluctant to think about our own answers but consult the existing ones instead. However, the interactive compilations of the online encyclopedias and answers to the questions have inspired more creative ideas. And t

47、hose who search for answers must have their own understandings during the process of distinguishing and choosing. Second, the increasing information is an eye-opener, by which we can easily get access to the latest information or knowledge of a certain field. Therefore, we can avoid the detour to tr

48、uth, and have a more divergent thinking mode. We can more easily know that there may be different answers to a single question according to different understandings and from different perspectives. We can figure out the answers of our own, following the examples. We can get more inspirations from th

49、e wisdom of others and transfer them into personalized thoughts, which are always creative and original. In a word, the explosion of information is not destructive to our creativity. On the contrary, it can promote the development of our creativity and originality to a large extent for the reasons above. In spite of this, we should also pay attention to the problems such as information abuse and illegal copying and plagiarism of online information, which may have negative effects on our creativity that is so important to th


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