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1、专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 TV dating shows now have caused more controversies than praises. Criticisms flood in especially when a girl declares that she would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicy

2、cle. Inappropriate statement of materialism has led to a restriction and cutbacks on dating shows. What is your opinion? Should we restrict and even cut down the dating shows broadcast in China? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 2 Flash marriag

3、e is a term to describe a marriage between partners who get married after knowing each other for less than seven months. In recent years, more and more flash marriages are staged and reported across China. Some experts are denouncing such behavior as irresponsible and selfish. What is your opinion?

4、Do you agree with flash marriage or not? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 3 Olympic Games are the most watched sports event in the globe. Yet the staging of the Olympics is notoriously costly. Some people argue that investment in hosting the O

5、lympics is a waste of money, while others say that longer-term benefits from the Olympics are more substantial than short-term reward. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 4 In China, it is a conventional practice to do good

6、deeds without seeking recognition. Contrary to this, quite a handful of philanthropist choose to do charities in a high-profile manner. When they donate money and/or basic necessities, they would make sure that the camera and the press are present. Some criticize that this is nothing but public stun

7、t, while others think that public exposure helps to make sure that the money and goods really go to those in need, without being embezzled What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 5 According to a news report, the divorce rate in

8、 China has been increasing ever since the start of 21st century. In some large cities, such as Beijing and Shanghai, the divorce rate is as much as 39%. Some people say that this is a social improvement in that people now are free to get married and divorced. Others argue that this is a moral setbac

9、k as Chinese people tend to believe in life-long commitment to marriage. What is your opinion? Write an essay of about 400 words. You should supply an appropriate title for your essay. 专业英语八级(作文)模拟试卷 9答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the followi

10、ng topic. 1 【正确答案】 Restriction on Dating Shows: Too Hasty, Too Premature Since the girls views on materialism became the spotlight on the stage and stirred heated controversy, dating shows have been restricted and cut down for the reason that they promote wrong value beliefs. For me, however, dating

11、 shows only reflect a social phenomenon that needs to be addressed. Cutting down the dating shows is a reckless action which merely scratches the surface of the problem. In the first place, the restriction policy has ignored the fact that dating shows function only as a medium which allows different

12、 opinions to be expressed, instead of a platform which conveys certain kinds of value. The dating shows cannot control what the guests think or say. When a girl says she worships materialism, she is just expressing her personal viewpoint. The formation of such opinion may have something to do with t

13、he girls family background or her understanding of the world, but it surely has nothing to do with the dating shows themselves. In other words, the assumption that cutting down dating shows would help curb or even eliminate such kind of inappropriate mindsets in the society is naive. It is implement

14、ed out of the wrong motive. Thats why it will only treat the symptoms and can never cure the disease. In addition, the officials have failed to understand that dating shows are actually doing them a favor by bringing the otherwise hidden problems to the surface. TV viewers these days receive more ed

15、ucation and can judge what they see critically. As a matter of fact, when the female guests views, right or not, are put on the Internet, comments by a lot of netizens will soon come after, which shows that most people can distinguish between truth and falsehood by themselves. As time goes by, some

16、unhealthy values such as materialism in this increasingly commercialized society will obviously come out of viewers hot discussions and comments, and then arouse peoples high attention to reevaluate them. This is also a good chance for the government as well as the media to educate people to establi

17、sh a better sense of value. Therefore, dating shows are not good for nothing. They may cause reflections and bring education, which is beneficial to the society as a whole. In conclusion, cutting down dating shows seems a hasty action based on only one side of the story. Officials can make more sens

18、ible decisions if they are able to see the benefits brought by the incident. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 On Flash Marriage It is for sure that the pace of life nowadays is increasingly fast, but there are certain things that should not be hurried through. Marriage is one of them. In my opinion, the so-called

19、 “flash marriage“ contradicts with the nature of marriage itself and is irresponsible and potentially problematic. To begin with, the idea of “flash marriage“ is incompatible with the essence of marriage. A mature marriage should be built on long-lasting love, trust and support, while “flash marriag

20、e“ is built on light-headed passion, thoughtless impulse and mindless curiosity. As a saying goes, marriage is like a long race in which the most important ingredient for success is perseverance. One should not expect continuous excitement and romance in a marriage. Quite the contrary, he or she sho

21、uld learn to stand a stable and dull life and even tiredness bred from the bottom of heart. This might prove very difficult for the impulse-driven couples who dive into “flash marriage“ without much consideration, and who regard marriage as a sprint in which you get all the excitement in the world o

22、nce you rush through the finishing line. Marriage is not simply the “result“ of a relationship; it is a starting point for a much longer journey, loaded with more responsibilities. Unfortunately, many couples who experience “flash marriage“ seem ignorant of this obvious fact. Secondly, “flash marria

23、ge“ is an irresponsible and potentially problematic act. Take the construction of a house for example. We do not just simply get the materials and start building. Instead, we have to make a detailed and thorough plan first. We should assess the surrounding environment, check the wiring and plumbing,

24、 and before we actually build the house we must make sure that we have a solid foundation and durable materials. The same is true with marriage. Before two people decide that they want to be with each other “till death do them apart“, there are things that have to be worked out. Are they absolutely

25、committed? Would they really get along? What would the life be like after marriage? If these questions are not made clear, the marriage might become vulnerable. And an unhappy marriage usually affects family members as well as friends of the couple involved. To hastily enter a lightening marriage is

26、 apparently irresponsible and may cause lots of problems for the flash-married couple. All in all, “flash marriage“ is an irresponsible and problematic behavior which runs counter to the essence of marriage and should therefore be discouraged. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Higher, Swifter and Stronger The Olym

27、pics are a glamorous event, mixed with criticism and skepticism. Those who are not in favor of the Olympics say that it is a lousy expense, with few tangible benefits. Some hosting cities, like Athens, are still paying their debts from staging the Games. Despite these negative outcomes, I believe th

28、at the Olympics are worthy of our investment, especially viewed in a long-term perspective. First of all, the infrastructure in the hosting cities will be greatly improved and will bring lasting convenience to their citizens. To stage satisfactory Olympic Games, the city authorities need to optimize

29、 its transportation, accommodation, catering and sporting facilities. These infrastructures are all there for the citizens to enjoy, even if the Olympics are over. Besides, in order to survive the international scrutiny, the standard of these facilities should be first-rate. That is to say, the citi

30、zens will be able to benefit from the high-standard railroads, subway systems, stadiums, hotels, restaurants, to name just a few. Secondly, the Olympics will bring far-reaching economic effects. While it is true that no Olympic Games are able to bring an immediate return of the investment, the longe

31、r-term economic effects are more substantial. To be specific, the tourism revenue generated from the Olympics is quite impressive. For instance, the Water Cubic and Birds Nest, two famous sporting facilities in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, are now two must-see items in Beijing tours, attracting tens o

32、f thousands of tourists on a daily basis. Another example is Australia where the government estimates that as much as 20 billion RMB worth of tourist revenue was directly created in the four subsequent years after the 2000 Sydney Olympics. These figures demonstrate that the economic benefits of the

33、Olympics are greater in longer terms. Thirdly, the Olympics are excellent opportunities to show the power of the hosting country. Since athletes from all over the world would participate in the games, it is a golden opportunity for the hosting country to send a positive message to the outside world.

34、 For instance, the 2008 Beijing Olympics was regarded as a window, through which other countries could witness the great economic achievement and experience the diverse cultures in China Therefore, it is fair to say that each hosting nation has something to tell and to impress the participants. To c

35、onclude, following the Olympic spirit of “higher, swifter and stronger“, the long-term benefits of staging the Games are higher living standard, swifter economic growth and greater national pride. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 On High-profile Charity People in China are now getting accustomed to news snapshots

36、 of Chen Guangbiao, a famous Chinese philanthropist, surrounded by a group of disadvantaged people with donated cash in hand. Quite many are disgusted by this kind of show-off generosity, because it goes against the traditional Chinese virtue of “not seeking recognition from doing good“. Personally,

37、 however, I applaud the charity in the spotlight. To start with, this high-profile manner could urge millionaires and lucrative companies to contribute more to the society. Profit-seeking businesses nowadays are too often concerned with material gains, paying little attention to repaying the society

38、. Against this backdrop, if charity is brought to the limelight, greater sense of corporate social responsibility would be called upon among the corporate communities. With the pressure from public exposure, enterprises and rich individuals would be urged to do more to live up to the expectation of

39、the public. In this regard, we should welcome more acts of benevolence to go public, to create a healthy and favorable climate for charity in China. Secondly, from the perspective of the beneficiaries, this high-profile method guarantees that the money goes to the intended receivers. It is reported

40、that the transparency of philanthropy is greatly demanded by the general public, in light of a few scandals of money embezzlement or under-the-counter deals. If we ask the press to oversee and witness the process, people are enabled to have full access to the whereabouts of the money. To be specific

41、, when the contribution is made, the money arrives directly at the hands of those in need. There are no middlemen or roundabout procedures during the process. Everything and every move are recorded on camera in the press, with the whole nation watching. The watchdog role of the mass media is exercis

42、ed and the transparency of charity is achieved. Above all, making generosity public can ensure that those intended recipients truly benefit from the donation. In conclusion, we should not worry about the way in which money is contributed, but rather the authenticity and sustainability of the donatio

43、n. In this sense, doing charity in public, though a bit different from conventional practice, actually urges us to contribute more and requires relevant parties to be transparent. These are the two blessings in the so-called “high-profile“ disguise. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Divorce Is Not Shameful “And th

44、ey live happily ever after! “ This sweet-sounded sentence is a happy ending commonly found in western fairytales and is echoed by traditional Chinese belief in life-long commitment to marriage. The soaring divorce rate in modern China, however, indicates the seismic change of peoples attitude toward

45、s marriage. This change, as I see it, is more positive than negative. Firstly, the rising divorce rate, to a certain extent, testifies to the freedom that Chinese people, especially women, enjoy in family matters. Traditionally, getting married, having kids and being divorced were predominately pres

46、ided by men Women had very little say in whom they loved or walking out of a miserable marriage. That was why many women in old China suffered from a protracted torture when their husbands were switching between mistresses. Thanks to the liberation of women, they now enjoy much more freedom than dec

47、ades ago. The rising divorce rate is a hard evidence to demonstrate that many women now are brave enough to stand up against their disloyal husbands. Secondly, the changing mindset about divorce indicates that the society is more tolerant than ever before. Divorce was avoided in old China, because i

48、t was considered as disgrace to a family. This is no longer the case, because people now understand that there are many reasons leading up to a divorce, such as having an affair and that the couples simply do not get along. In the latter situation, no one should be blamed and people around them shou

49、ld not be condescending and point their fingers to the incompatible couples, calling them shameful. This would only add insult to the injury. On the contrary, we ought to respect their choice and encourage them to move on. This is what a tolerant society must do, not sticking to a uniform principle and ordering couples to be chained to each other. While I am in support of free divorce, I am not encouraging people to resort to divorce as a convenient option in solving all family matters. Instead, we should try to honor th


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