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1、专业英语八级(写作)练习试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 Almost all university students want to be successful in learning, but many of them fail to achieve it. What are the principles of successful learning? Write an essay of abo

2、ut 400 words on the following topic: Successful Learning 2 Currently, every college student knows that ability is important. They would like to attend various training programs and apply for different certificates so that they are more competent. Do you think that attending training programs and get

3、ting more certificates can improve competence? Write an essay of about 400 words entitled: Do More Certificates Stand for Better Ability? 专业英语八级(写作)练习试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING (45 MIN) Directions: Write a composition of about 400 words on the following topic. 1 【正确答案】 Successful Learning The prob

4、lem of learning so much during the four years of school life is often discussed. In my opinion, to be successful in ones learning, the following principles should be borne in mind they are good study habits, perseverance, and full concentration. The first key factor for successful learning is to est

5、ablish good study habits. Students with poor study habits often frantically do all their reviewing just in a day or two before examination. The result usually is that they come to examination not only exhausted but also confused by a mass of unrelated facts. However, they could have avoided all this

6、 by keeping up with their assignments, making orderly notes, and reviewing their notes regularly. Periodic review and beginning to study for the exams early will save the time in the long run and prevent cramming. In this way they can be well rested and more motivated and less anxious on test day. O

7、f course, studying shouldnt occupy all of the free time on the schedule. Its important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. Whats more, a good attitude toward tests benefits a lot. The purpose of a test is to check what students have learned about a subject. If they

8、dont pass a test, they ought not to be unduly upset about the result. Tests provide grades, but also let them know what they need to spend more time studying, and make the knowledge permanent. Besides, students need perseverance to stick to their habits. Just as the old saying goes, “Its easier said

9、 than done. “ Day after day, learning is terribly boring for some students, so they may likely give up. However, “No pains, no gains. “The thing that they need most is perseverance, or a strong will. With perseverance, there is nothing that they can not achieve. But if without it, any good habits ar

10、e sure to prove fruitless. Lastly, full concentration is essential. While studying, many students just inattentively run their eyes over a page between frequent distractions from a cell phone and conversation. Five hours of this kind of study are worth less than an hour of uninterrupted concentratio

11、n. Whatever course we are learning, we must learn it wholeheartedly. Only when we set our minds on the course can we achieve success in our academic learning. In summary., students should make a great effort to form good study habits, to stick to them, concentrate fully on what they are learning. On

12、ly in this way can they stand a better chance to achieve successful learning. 【试题解析】 本文要求对大学在校生如何在学习上做到行之有效这一论题进行论述。首先应指出 “大学四年里学习上遇到的问题很多 ”,提出自己的观点:形成良好的学习习惯,贵在持之以恒等;接下来对观点进行论述。注意层次分明,论据充分。比如可以通过正反举例说明要有良好的学习习惯的关键性;再次,需要毅力去坚持这种好习惯;最后,提出学习的基本因素在于集中精力。文章最后重申主题,做到首尾呼应。 【知识模块】 写作 2 【正确答案】 Do More Certi

13、ficates Stand for Better Ability? This is the very hot season for the college graduates to hunt for jobs in the market. You may see a lot of graduates holding a variety of certificates indicating their versatile skills. Every college student knows that ability is important. They would like to attend

14、 various training programs and apply for different certificates so that they are more competent. However, can attending training programs and getting more certificates improve their competence? As far as I am concerned, the certificates do not really mean competence. First of all, the certificates a

15、re simply several pieces of papers proving that you have attended some training programs. Whether you are competent or not really depends upon your cleverness and experience. For example, many English majors have passed the TEM-8, an English test specific for the language students. Does that mean th

16、eir English is perfect once getting such a certificate? Not exactly. The fact is you may find, more often than not, that many students speak broken English and write poor English. The reason is that they may assume that a certificate can prove their English is very good. So they stop their daily exe

17、rcises and training and rest on the satisfaction of getting their certificates. Secondly, the ability must be obtained through hard work and long practice. The students should attach more importance to obtaining the ability rather than getting the certificates. The social practices help them make th

18、e book knowledge become their own. The certificates should stimulate them to study hard and become more excellent and competent. As for the recruiting companies, they prefer the students who can put their book knowledge into daily use, which is far more practical than the certificates. Finally, the

19、students should try to make themselves more marketable. They need to give up the unrealistic assumption and realize the true fact. To sum up, the certificates do not really mean competence. What we need to do is integrate the certificates with the development of our competence. The two should go hand in hand to make us capable persons. 【试题解析】 文章题目紧贴大学生活,相信每个人都会有这样的经历:考取各种各样的证书。但是社会认可的是大学生的实践能力而不是学历,一纸证书并不能说明什么,人们应该走出这个认识误区。证书并不能代表个人能力,这就是本文的基本论点。第一段应该申明这个基本论点,第二段可以从证书并不能反映一个人的真实能力这一角度出发论证文章的观点,论据要具有说服力。第三段可以从一个人的能力是需要通过实践才能得来的这一点出发,结合实例展开论述。最后再重申和强调本文的论点。整篇文章要有条理、有逻辑,层次清楚。 【知识模块】 写作


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