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1、专业英语八级(军事类新闻听力)模拟试卷 1及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 What is the main idea of the news ite

2、m? ( A) The coalition coordinates with Libyan rebels in Libya. ( B) The US commanders press conference in Libya before an air attack. ( C) The coalition fires more missiles at Libyan targets and expands no-fly zone. ( D) The military commander reports on an air strike on Gadhafis compound in Tripoli

3、. 2 What did General Ham say about the current mission if Gadhafi remains in power? ( A) It could end in a stalemate. ( B) It could end in victory. ( C) It could end in failure. ( D) It could end in pity. 3 According to the news item, what happened in the northern city Mosul? ( A) Two bombs targetin

4、g police exploded. ( B) Blasts occurred outside the homes of policemen. ( C) Two car bombs struck workers in a military factory. ( D) A suicide bomber exploded a car near a checkpoint. 4 Which of the following statement is CORRECT? ( A) The assailants claimed their responsibility for the bombing. (

5、B) Al-Qaida in Iraq and Sunni militants united to attack the police. ( C) The gunmen in speeding cars killing soldiers and police are Baghdad. ( D) Iraqi and US had announced arrests and killings of top al-Qaida leaders. 5 According to Colonel Ahmed Bani, NATO s air strike is to_. ( A) protect Libya

6、n civilians ( B) increase a rebel column ( C) claim the lives of Libyan leaders ( D) oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi 6 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) The United Nations carry out its mandate. ( B) Mr Gadhafi condemned the NATO strikes. ( C) Libyan rebels defend NATO after errant str

7、ikes. ( D) NATO expressed regret for the loss of civilian life. 7 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) 2001 saw the deadliest air strikes on Taliban troops. ( B) The United States is conducting an operation to hit Taliban. ( C) NATO and Afghan forces are launching a new air strike soon. ( D) 25 i

8、nternational and Afghan soldiers were wounded in western Afghanistan. 8 According to the news item, what happened to the two US soldiers? ( A) They were killed by NATO air fire. ( B) They were killed by Taliban troops. ( C) They were missing when carrying out an operation in a forest. ( D) They were

9、 swept away when saving supply boxes in the water. 9 According to Jane Mbugua, when did the attack occur? ( A) Around 8:30 am. ( B) Around 8:30 pm. ( C) Around 9:30 am. ( D) Around 9:30 pm. 10 The news item indicates that the attack was carried out by_. ( A) Tanzanian assailants. ( B) neighboring te

10、rrorists. ( C) international terrorists. ( D) local al-Qaida operatives. 11 What happened early Saturday? ( A) Pakistani military resources combat Pakistan s semi-autonomous tribes. ( B) Insurgents launched the attacks against coalition outposts in Khost province. ( C) An Afghan Taliban group loaded

11、 with explosives and ammunition attacked Afghan police. ( D) The international forces in Afghanistan discovered one of the attackers on the Salerno base. 12 According to General David Petraeus, why did militant groups remain a problem? ( A) They cooperate with some international forces. ( B) They op

12、erate from sanctuaries outside Afghanistan. ( C) They have been working with Afghan Taliban group. ( D) They have gone into the massive aid effort for tribal regions. 13 According to the news, where did the bomber strike occur? ( A) At the former Defense Ministry. ( B) At the checkpoint to the capit

13、al. ( C) At the embassy of the United States. ( D) At the former Prime Ministers home. 14 What is the main idea of the news item? ( A) Bomber strikes Iraqi army recruits. ( B) Many people want to join in Iraqi army. ( C) Iraqi people lose hope for establishing a new government. ( D) Politicians are

14、still arguing over how to form a new government. 15 What does the news item say about the French photojournalist? ( A) He held talks with the notably Interim President Fouad Mebazaa. ( B) He was the reporter from the Associated Press who was on the spot. ( C) He interviewed the former strongman pres

15、ident Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. ( D) He died from wounds sustained by being hit by a teargas canister during riots. 16 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) Sounds of gunfire and helicopters can be heard every day in the capital. ( B) Tunis residents welcome the new president in the Tunis suburb of

16、 Carthage. ( C) The battles between security forces and armed assailants would come to an end. ( D) The election of the new president went smoothly with the guard of security forces. 17 According to the news item, what happened on Wednesday? ( A) A power plant was attacked by assailants. ( B) Separa

17、tist rebels in neighboring Chechnya were arrested. ( C) A string of bombs exploded in the North Caucasus regions. ( D) Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin announced a new strategy. 18 According to Vladimir Putin, a new strategy to confront the causes of violence in the North Caucasus is to_. ( A)

18、establish a Moscow-based Institute ( B) send more military forces to the region ( C) fight against separatist rebels in the region ( D) improve economic conditions in the region 19 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) Reports failed to reflect the attacks in Brega. ( B) Reports focused on pro-Gad

19、hafi forces in Brega. ( C) Reports showed Gadhafi loyalists fighting near Arabiya. ( D) Reports conflicted over which side controlled an oil refinery near Brega. 20 How many mercenaries were captured by anti-government forces? ( A) Nearly a dozen. ( B) Nearly a hundred. ( C) Nearly a column. ( D) Ne

20、arly a platoon. 专业英语八级(军事类新闻听力)模拟试卷 1答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 【听力原文】 The US commande

21、r in Africa, General Carter Ham, told reporters Monday that the Tomahawk missiles targeted Libyan command and control stations, a Scud missile facility and air defense sites. Ham said some forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi are moving away from the rebel stronghold of Benghazi. Speaking b

22、y video conference from his headquarters in Germany, General Ham said his forces are not in contact and are not coordinating their actions with rebels in Libya who are seeking to topple Gadhafi. Asked about an air strike on Gadhafis compound in Tripoli, Ham said the target was a command and control

23、facility and not the Libyan leader. General Ham said he expects the number of airstrikes on Libyan targets to go down as Gadhafi s military assets are destroyed and his troops stop attacking civilians. Ham said the current mission could end in a stalemate, with Gadhafi remaining in power in Tripoli.

24、 General Ham said the coalition is gradually expanding the no-fly zone to Tripoli and will extend it about 1,000 kilometers along the Libyan coastline. 1 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 2 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 3 【听力原文】 The violence began before dawn, with gunmen in speeding cars killing soldiers and police at che

25、ckpoints across Baghdad. The assailants used silencers, a new gangland-style twist to their attacks. In the hours that followed, two bombs, also targeting police, exploded in the capital. Other blasts occurred outside the homes of policemen in Fallujah, west of Baghdad. This Fallujah resident said o

26、ne of the houses destroyed belonged to a policeman killed two years ago. He says members of the family have been drubbed from the rabble and asked “What did they do?“ In the northern city Mosul, a suicide bomber exploded a car near a checkpoint guarded by national and Kurdish forces. Two blasts also

27、 rocked Suwayra, southeast of Baghdad. In the deadliest attack, two car bombs struck workers in Hilla, in central Iraq. While there was no immediate claim of responsibility, suspicion quickly fell on al-Qaida in Iraq as well as Sunni militants. Iraqi and US officials, in recent weeks, had announced

28、several arrests and killings of top al-Qaida leaders. Authorities predicted the actions would weaken the local off-shoot of the terror network, arguing that support for the group had waned and replacing the leadership would be difficult. 3 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 4 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 5 【听力原文】 A rebel m

29、ilitary spokesman called NATO a legitimate force that is doing its job, carrying out the United Nations mandate to protect Libyan civilians. Colonel Ahmed Bani argued that anyone who speaks differently about the alliance or blames them for any shortcomings is against the freedom of the Libyan people

30、. Operating from a United Nations mandate to protect Libyans, NATOs air operation has been a linchpin for the rebels seeking to oust Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. NATOs mission has come under increased scrutiny in recent days, as strikes Sunday and Monday claimed the lives of several civilians, inc

31、luding children, in the west of the country. Last week, alliance aircraft mistakenly fired on a rebel column in Brega. in the east. NATO expressed regret for the loss of civilian life. In an audio message broadcast late Wednesday, Mr Gadhafi condemned the strikes, saying NATO was killing “our childr

32、en and grandchildren.“ The Libyan government has repeatedly accused the alliance of deliberately targeting civilians, a charge NATO has called “outrageous.“ 5 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 6 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 7 【听力原文】 NATO and Afghan forces are investigating the incident in western Afghanistan that killed m

33、embers of the countrys army and police. Earlier, NATO said 25 international and Afghan soldiers were wounded in the area. Officials initially blamed “insurgent activity“ for the casualties, but later said it was possible the soldiers were hit by friendly fire. Afghanistans Interior Ministry spokesma

34、n Zamary Bashary tells VOA that this is a sad incident. He added that incidents such as this one are rare, especially after the United States imposed new restrictions on air strikes in an effort to avoid civilian casualties. The troops were conducting an operation to find two missing US soldiers who

35、 are believed to have drowned. Local police officials say the two soldiers were swept away Wednesday while trying to save supply boxes that fell into the water after being air-dropped. This year has been the deadliest for international troops in Afghanistan since the fall of the Taliban-led governme

36、nt in 2001. 7 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 8 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 9 【听力原文】 Early Friday morning an assailant reportedly threw a grenade or some form of explosive device into a Kenyan police vehicle which exploded, injuring those inside. Kenyan police have confirmed the attack killed one of the officers inside

37、, injuring one and leaving two others in critical condition. Reports indicate that no bystanders were injured in the attack. A local hairdresser, Jane Mbugua, was nearby when she heard the explosion. Mbugua said the attack occurred around 8:30 am. She rushed to the scene where she found the injured

38、officers lying on the side of the road next to the damaged vehicle. The officers were later rushed to a Nairobi hospital. Police are now trying to determine the identity of the attacker. The motive of the blast is currently unclear, but Administration Police Commandant Kinuthia Mbugua said the attac

39、k could be the result of terrorism. Kenya is no stranger to terrorist attacks. In 1998 the US Embassy in Nairobi was hit by a truck bomb which killed hundreds and injured thousands more. The attack was carried out by local al-Qaida operatives, who simultaneously bombed the US Embassy in neighboring

40、Tanzania. 9 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 10 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 11 【听力原文】 Officials with the international forces in Afghanistan say insurgents launched the attacks early Saturday against coalition outposts in Khost province. ISAF spokesman James Judge gave details to VOA. Judge said coalition forces discove

41、red at least one of the attackers on the Salerno base had ties to the Haqqani network, an Afghan Taliban group believed to be based in Pakistan s North Waziristan tribal region along Afghanistans border. Following the attack, Afghan police said they seized two vehicles loaded with explosives and amm

42、unition. Later Saturday, the top US military commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, told reporters that militant groups, such as the Haqqani network, remain a problem because they operate from sanctuaries outside Afghanistan. He mentioned that US, Afghan and Pakistani officials have been

43、working together more to combat the issue of militant sanctuaries in Pakistan s semi-autonomous tribal regions. While he commended the Pakistani military for its efforts in rooting out militants in some areas, he said more coordination is needed in the future. Pakistani officials say they want to se

44、cure gains before opening a new front on the war against militants. At the same time, Pakistani military resources have gone into the massive aid effort for the millions of people affected by the countrys worst flooding. 11 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 12 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 13 【听力原文】 The bomber struck as hu

45、ndreds of recruits had gathered waiting to submit their applications. It was not clear how the attacker passed numerous checkpoints to reach the center, at the former Defense Ministry in the heart of the capital. Officials accused al-Qaida in Iraq of planning the blast, the deadliest in months. Ther

46、e has been no immediate claim of responsibility. Insurgents had vowed to step up attacks during Ramadan, the Islamic month of spiritual devotion that began last week. The number of people gathered at the center appeared larger than normal on what was said to be the last day of recruitment for the ti

47、me being. With jobs scarce, many had been lining up for hours to secure a coveted slot. Politicians are still deadlocked over how to form a new government, more than five months after inconclusive elections. This week saw a further setback, with the head of the leading coalition, former Prime Minist

48、er Ayad Allawi, suspending talks with his closest rival, current Prime Minister Nouri al Malaki. The stalemate further heightens concerns about the states ability to establish a security force capable of taking over from the United States. The blast at the recruitment center appears calculated to de

49、ter Iraqis from filling that void. 13 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 14 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 15 【听力原文】 The day in the capital ended pretty much the way as the previous one, with sounds of gunfire and helicopters circling overhead. Media reported gun battles waging between security forces and armed assailants near the presidential palace in the Tunis suburb of Carthage and several parts of the city center. The Associated Press reported members of the presidential guard were involved in the Carthage shootout. Security forces reportedly made dozens of arrests


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