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1、专业英语八级(军事类新闻听力)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 According to Barack Obama, America wo

2、uld supply all the following EXCEPT_. ( A) weapons ( B) medical supplies ( C) humanitarian aid ( D) communications equipments 2 What might the coalition forces do according to the British Foreign Secretary William Hague? ( A) They might drive Colonel Gaddafis forces out. ( B) They might force the Li

3、byan leader to step down. ( C) They might allow equipments to be sent to people in Libya. ( D) They might help the rebels attack the town of Ajdabiya. 3 The news item implies that it is still unknown as to_. ( A) who leaked the news to the Taliban ( B) who would be responsible for the bombing ( C) w

4、ho was the spy from Afghan intelligence ( D) who dug through the rubble after the bombing 4 What did the Afghan Ministry of Health say about the insurgents? ( A) They must be the Taliban. ( B) They often attack the clinic recently. ( C) They had reached new depths in targeting a clinic. ( D) They wa

5、nted to kill someone in the clinics maternity ward. 5 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) Kuwait is going to freeze Libyan assets. ( B) Kuwait is going to recognize Libyas opposition. ( C) Kuwait is going to join the coalition in the air fight. ( D) Kuwait is going to provide financial aid to Li

6、byas opposition. 6 According to the US senator John McCain, Colonel Gaddafis frozen assets abroad should_. ( A) be given to poor countries ( B) be released to the opposition ( C) be shared with other countries ( D) be donated to the United Nations 7 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) Rebel forc

7、es have occupied Dehiba. ( B) Rebel forces have seized 13 Libyan soldiers. ( C) Rebel forces have captured the head of Libyan forces. ( D) Rebel forces have taken control of a crossing on Libya s western frontier. 8 According to the news, dozens of soldiers_. ( A) seized control of the frontier post

8、 ( B) were fleeing essentially from the rebels ( C) attacked a post at Dehiba in the western mountains ( D) have taken control of a crossing on Libyas western frontier 9 Which of the following is TRUE? ( A) The rebel Tamil Tigers committed atrocities against civilians. ( B) The government of Sri Lan

9、ka committed atrocities against civilians. ( C) It is still under investigation as to who committed atrocities against civilians. ( D) Both Tamil Tigers and the government committed atrocities against civilians. 10 According to the UN spokesman, the report would be . ( A) published in full and witho

10、ut amendment ( B) approved by the government of Sri Lanka ( C) corrected after the discussion with Tamil Tigers ( D) sent to the secretary general Ban Ki-moon to sign 11 Which of the following is CORRECT? ( A) NATO foreign ministers agreed to send more troops to Libya. ( B) NATO foreign ministers co

11、mplained the problems in Libya. ( C) NATO foreign ministers left the question unanswered. ( D) NATO foreign ministers discussed the future of Libya. 12 According to the news, what is needed most by the coalition? ( A) More military joint attack. ( B) More support from the rebels. ( C) More understan

12、ding among NATO. ( D) More precision ground attack aircraft. 13 Which of the following is TRUE? ( A) A new round attack will be launched near Tripoli. ( B) A “regime change“ will be used popularly among media. ( C) A meeting in Qatar will be held to discuss issues in Libya. ( D) A mechanism for prov

13、iding financial aid to the rebels will be set up. 14 According to Britain, what will be supplied to the rebels? ( A) 1,000 tons of materials. ( B) 1,000 tons of munitions. ( C) 1,000 sets of body armour. ( D) 1,000 sophisticated attack aircrafts. 15 Which of the following is the main cause of the at

14、tack? ( A) Gbagbo refused to carry out the United Nations decision. ( B) Gbagbo refused to step down after the presidential election. ( C) The presidential residence was found to have heavy weaponry. ( D) French helicopters were attacked by Gbagbo s heavy weaponry. 16 The news item implies that the

15、United Nations has clearly_. ( A) failed the talks with Gbagbo ( B) held the meeting in Ivory Coast ( C) supported the newly elected president ( D) provided the financial support to French airforce 17 There was an explosion at electoral commission offices because of_. ( A) violence before the parlia

16、mentary hall ( B) an upsurge of violence before the elections ( C) a conflict in the electoral commission offices ( D) a protest in the town where the election was held 18 Which of the following is TRUE? ( A) The staff have all been killed in the explosion. ( B) The staff have contacted with the sen

17、ior figure. ( C) The staff have evacuated as the explosion happened. ( D) The staff were still at work as the explosion happened. 19 According to the news, for what did NATO apologise? ( A) For wrongly evaluated the situation in Benghazi. ( B) For not supplying materials to the rebels on time. ( C)

18、For mistakenly attacking a column of rebel tanks. ( D) For not providing efficient communications equipment. 20 The chartered relief ship carried all the following EXCEPT_. ( A) flour ( B) water ( C) medicine ( D) high-energy biscuits 专业英语八级(军事类新闻听力)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: I

19、n this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 1 【听力原文】 President Obama has said he does not rule out supplying American weapons to opposition figures i

20、n Libya. In a series of television interviews, he says hes looking at all options in the current crisis. He said that Colonel Gaddafi was greatly weakened. Steve Kingstone reports from Washington. Barack Obama was repeatedly pressed on whether he would supply the Libyan rebels with US military hardw

21、are. “Im not ruling it out, but Im also not ruling it in.“ he replied, stressing that all options were being examined. The president confirmed that America would supply what he called “non-lethal assistance“ to the opposition humanitarian aid, medical supplies and communications equipments. He said

22、coalition military action had left Colonel Gaddafi on his heels and greatly weakened and added that it was his expectation that the Libyan leader would ultimately step down. Earlier, the British Foreign Secretary William Hague said that the coalition forces might allow equipments to be sent to peopl

23、e in Libya to defend themselves. He was speaking after an international conference on Libya in London. While as the talks took place in London, forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi launched a new offensive in eastern Libya, driving out rebels from towns they had recently captured. The BBCs Ben Brown in t

24、he eastern town of Ajdabiya says the rebels have had a very bad day. 1 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 2 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 3 【听力原文】 The Taliban have strongly denied that they were responsible for a suicide car bomb attack that destroyed a hospital in eastern Afghanistan. At least 27 people were killed in the

25、blast in Logar province, most of them in the clinics maternity ward. Afghan intelligence sources said the bomber detonated his device after being stopped by police. From Kabul, Paul Wood reports. With Afghan soldiers and local people still frantically digging through the rubble, a row broke out over

26、 who was responsible for the bombing and over the more general issue of civilian casualties. The Taliban denied that they were to blame, saying they didnt attack civilians. Whoever is behind this is trying to defame the Taliban, said a spokesman. The Afghan Ministry of Health expressed disgust and h

27、atred towards the perpetrators and said the insurgents had reached new depths in targeting a clinic. 3 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 4 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 5 【听力原文】 There are reports of further fighting in the Libyan city of Misrata which has been under siege from forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi. A British new

28、spaper journalist in the city told the BBC he had heard sporadic explosions and automatic gunfire during the day. He said it appeared that rebel forces had taken over three of the four locations that Colonel Gaddafis troops had been holding inside the city. A Libyan rebel leader says Kuwait has prom

29、ised to give the rebels $ 180m in aid as they continue their fight against Colonel Gaddifis forces. Peter Boils has more. Kuwait has stopped short of officially recognising Libyas opposition, but this is a major financial contribution. The head of the transitional National Council, Mustafa Abdulla J

30、ulio, said the money was needed in part to pay salaries in eastern Libya. The opposition has been trying to get access to foreign exchange reserves since the uprising began in February. Last week the US senator John McCain visited Benghazi and called for Colonel Gaddafis frozen assets abroad to be r

31、eleased to the opposition. 5 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 6 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 7 【听力原文】 Rebel forces are reported to have taken control of a crossing on Libya s western frontier with Tunisia after a clash with forces loyal to Colonel Gaddafi. Reports say the rebels attacked a post at Dehiba in the western m

32、ountains, prompting dozens of soldiers to flee into Tunisia. Our Middle East editor Jeremy Bowen reports from the Libyan capital Tripoli. So it seems there was a clash. Maybe 13 Libyan soldiers, including a brigadier, crossed into Tunisia and surrendered their weapons because they were fleeing essen

33、tially from the rebels there who then seized control of the frontier post. Theres been clashes of different sorts going on in the western mountains as they re known. For some time, very little information comes out of there. The people who live there are mainly Berbers. They have a long record of op

34、position to the government here in Tripoli. 7 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 8 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 9 【听力原文】 The United Nations says it s giving the government of Sri Lanka an opportunity to lodge a response to a disputed and as yet unpublished report into the end of the country s civil war with the separatist

35、Tamil Tigers. From the UN headquarters in New York, Barbara Plett. A spokesman for the secretary general said he was seeking a Sri Lankan response to publish alongside a UN report on alleged war crimes. Sections leaked to the press say there are credible allegations that both the government and the

36、rebel Tamil Tigers committed atrocities against civilians in their final battles and urge an independent investigation. Colombo has rejected the findings and asked Ban Ki-moon not to make the report public, but the UN spokesman insisted it would be published in full and without amendment, and said M

37、r Ban would not wait indefinitely for a response from Sri Lanka. 9 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 10 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 军事类 11 【听力原文】 The NATO Secretary General Anders Rasmussen has said more members of the alliance need to contribute attack aircraft to the military operation in Libya. At a meeting of NATO foreig

38、n ministers in Berlin, Mr Rasmussen said very sophisticated equipment was needed to carry out attacks in heavily-populated areas. From Berlin, James Robbins. For days, France and Britain have been complaining that too few member countries were willing to provide ground attack aircraft for strikes ag

39、ainst Colonel Gaddafis forces. Opposition rebel leaders in Libya have been pleading for more strikes to prevent the killing of civilians. And today the American admiral whose NATO supreme commander told NATO governments in joint session he did need more precision ground attack aircraft after with th

40、e Secretary General Anders Rasmussen told the news conference the alliance was united. But this meeting has so far let unanswered the question which other countries are willing to join the active combat role in Libya. 11 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 12 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 13 【听力原文】 Members of the group of na

41、tions opposing Colonel Gaddafis rule in Libya have agreed to look at setting up a mechanism for getting financial aid to the rebels. A statement issued after a meeting in Qatar said the aid would be used to help with short-term financial requirements and structural needs. It made no mention of wheth

42、er the money might be used to buy weapons. Meanwhile, NATO says its carried out an air strike against Libyan munitions bunkers near Tripoli. Jeremy Bowen is in the city. Perhaps the two explosions that echoed around Tripoli this afternoon were backing up the message from Doha that Colonel Gaddafi mu

43、st go. Destroying targets within earshot of the colonel could be part of the strategy to increase the pressure on him. The British and the French have avoided using the phrase “regime change“, which has toxic associations with the invasion of Iraq, but thats what theyd like to happen. Britain talks

44、about letting the Libyans decide, but the two countries, unlike some of their NATO partners, want to deepen their involvement in Libyas civil war. Britain has now announced that it will be supplying the rebels with 1,000 sets of body armour. 13 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 14 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 15 【听力原文】 Un

45、ited Nations and French helicopters in Ivory Coast have attacked forces and installations controlled by Laurent Gbagbo who is refusing to step down after last years presidential election. A UN spokesman said the air strikes were aimed at destroying Mr Gbagbos heavy weaponry which had earlier been us

46、ed to assault the UN headquarters in Abidjan. From Abidjan here is Mark Doyle. Two United Nations and at least six French helicopter gunships were involved in the attacks. Eyewitnesses said they hit the presidential palace and in a different part of the city, the presidential residence, where the Un

47、ited Nations says Mr Gbagbo is living in an underground bunker. The United Nations has clearly taken sides in this war between a man who won a United Nations certified election and a man who refuses to accept that he lost. 15 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 16 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 军事类 17 【听力原文】 At least ten people h

48、ave been killed in an upsurge of violence in Nigeria on the eve of Saturdays parliamentary elections. A bomb at electoral commission offices in the central town of Suleja left at least five dead. Caroline Duffield reports from Lagos. Reports from the town of Suleja suggest that the explosion happene

49、d at around six oclock in the evening. A senior figure in the election commission told the BBC that the officers were busy at the time. Official paperwork had been delivered and staff were still at work as the explosion ripped through the building. He added that he was making frantic efforts to contact election workers. Some are still unaccounted for. 17 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 军事类 18 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 军事类 19 【听力原文】 The commander of the Libyan rebel forces, Abdul Fatah Younis, says NATO has apologised for mist


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