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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 18及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following

2、 five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 According to Philips, what inspires him to begin his career as a writer? ( A) Lack of interest in reading. ( B) The purpose for improving reading ability. ( C) The influence of Hintons books. ( D) His English teachers encouragement. 2 Why does Philips

3、say that a writer should have a thick skin? ( A) Because it is hard for a writer to find a prospective editor. ( B) Because a writer may receive numerous rejections of his works. ( C) Because the rejection letters can be used to wallpaper the house. ( D) Because being a writer has something to do wi

4、th luck and timing. 3 According to Philips, which of the following is INCORRECT? ( A) The rejections can be classified as form rejection and positive rejection. ( B) Theres no signature or a rubber-stamp signature in a Form Rejection. ( C) A Form Rejection is depressing while a Positive Rejection is

5、 inspiring. ( D) A Form Rejection refers to a letter of which the editor wont read any word. 4 The following are the frustrations Philips meet EXCEPT ( A) concerns over the quality of the story and writing. ( B) anxiety about the marketing and sales figures. ( C) insufficient time allocation and ene

6、rgy. ( D) whether his family likes what he writes. 5 The suggestion that Philips gives to new writers can be summarized as ( A) being thankful and insistently using the same query letters. ( B) being persistent and frequently revising the query letters. ( C) being desirous and writing back to the ed

7、itor for mistakes. ( D) appreciating every query letter and finding out the weakness. 6 Andrew Wrights work covers the following EXCEPT ( A) making violin and composing. ( B) managing a language school. ( C) working in different countries. ( D) writing articles for teachers magazines. 7 Which book h

8、as received a warm welcome for more than two decades? ( A) Kaleidoscope. ( B) Games for Language Learning. ( C) Shakespeare. ( D) Characters. 8 Why does the work of SCOPE impose a great impact on Andrew? ( A) Because it focuses on teaching English as a second language. ( B) Because it emphasizes mor

9、e on trivial stories and drills in language teaching. ( C) Because it proposes a new vision of learning other things of interest and value. ( D) Because it combines other subjects in the curriculum such as science and social studies. 9 According to the interview, which of the following is CORRECT? (

10、 A) The book Shakespeare can keep one away from struggling to survive in a big city. ( B) Beginners in language learning usually feel good about themselves after class. ( C) The demand for English Language Teaching is not as massive as before. ( D) Andrew is pessimistic about ELT in the future as it

11、 is influenced by the drive to learn. 10 The example of applying audio lingual and audio visual methodologies to teaching is used to illustrate that ( A) there was more emphasis on logic in the 1960s. ( B) more humanistic approaches are needed. ( C) language teaching changes as societies change. ( D

12、) changes in the West are not relevant in other societies. 11 At first, Britney thinks that the topic of Martins research is ( A) fascinating. ( B) tedious. ( C) interesting. ( D) valueless. 12 According to the conversation, bananas have to be grown in the hothouse in the UK because ( A) they are qu

13、ite popular there and people may steal them. ( B) the soil there is not fertile enough to grow them. ( C) the climate in the UK is not warm enough to grow them. ( D) bananas grown in the hothouse are more nutritious. 13 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) It can take up to three yea

14、rs for a banana tree to bear fruit if it isnt taken care of. ( B) You can harvest several bunches of bananas from a banana tree. ( C) Modern growing methods have shortened the time for a banana tree to bear fruits. ( D) When the bananas are harvest, the banana tree should be cut down. 14 According t

15、o Martin, the aim of putting plastic bags around the bunches is to ( A) keep banana trees growing fast. ( B) prevent bananas from going bad. ( C) protect the bunches from cold weather. ( D) make the bananas ripen beforehand. 15 From the conversation, we can learn _ imports bananas from Martins count

16、ry. ( A) Europe ( B) Asia ( C) Australia ( D) New Zealand 16 The 1920s brought the following to Americans EXCEPT ( A) new ideas about wars. ( B) a feeling of independence. ( C) new styles of living. ( D) a sense of freedom. 17 According to the interview, which of the following is INCORRECT about you

17、ng women in the 1920s? ( A) They didnt want to dress conservatively. ( B) They smoked more cigarettes than before. ( C) They drank wine with men in public. ( D) They listened to jazz and danced together. 18 According to the interview, Professor Smith indicates that ( A) people are reluctant to talk

18、about privacy publicly in the 1920s. ( B) American women were given more rights and choices in the 1920s. ( C) many women were forced to join the army during the 1920s. ( D) the number of students attending high school decreased in the 1920s. 19 Which of the following about changes in lives of Ameri

19、can people is CORRECT? ( A) People in America all witnessed a radical change in their life. ( B) Blacks, foreigners, and other minority groups led an easier life. ( C) The number of women reporters and doctors increased. ( D) The number of women working outside the homes was still small. 20 Accordin

20、g to the interview, which of the following is NOT mentioned by Professor Smith? ( A) Music that attracted people. ( B) Forces that pushed the social changes. ( C) Sports that fascinated people. ( D) Subjects that people were interested in. 21 The reason for Jane Young to be a journalist is that ( A)

21、 more job opportunities are provided in journalism. ( B) her great uncle works for a paper as a reporter. ( C) she personally enjoys creative writing very much. ( D) a journalist can always receive higher payment. 22 According to the interview, which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) Th

22、e national paper is demanding in its recruitment. ( B) The national paper provides a graduate training programme. ( C) The national paper recruits a small number of people. ( D) All staffs in the national paper come from Oxford or Cambridge. 23 Which of the following is NOT the requirement of a jour

23、nalist? ( A) Being proficient in all walks of life. ( B) Being familiar with different subjects. ( C) Taking a media studies course. ( D) Being knowledgeable. 24 The main difference between a newspaper journalist and a TV journalist is that ( A) the former goes to the details of a story and the late

24、r generalizes it. ( B) the former works alone and the later works with a team to back up him. ( C) the former cant sum something up in a short time but the later can. ( D) the former is thoughtless and the later sits around all day to take notes. 25 All the following are mentioned in the interview E

25、XCEPT ( A) Various versions of the same story will be compiled to hit the deadline. ( B) Male staffs are more competent in story editing than female staffs. ( C) Generally speaking, the number of female staffs is equal to that of male. ( D) The press sometimes invades the privacy of certain people.

26、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 18答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following

27、five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 W: Today we have the famous childrens books writer, Grant R. Philips here. Im Liana. Thanks for your coming, Mr. Philips. M: Its my pleasure. W: Could you tell us how and when did you get started as a writer? M: Growing up I hated reading. I did

28、all I could to avoid books. Turns out later I learned I was suffering from a reading comprehension disability. It wasnt until 7th grade that things changed. My English teacher announced that wed be reading 4 books written by S.E. Hinton that year, respectively The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, Tex and Tha

29、t Was Then This Is Now. She explained that Hinton was 16 when she wrote The Outsiders. From page one until the end of the book, I was catapulted into another world. The book amazed me. I thought about it for days after reading it. I could not wait to read another book. And it was like that for all o

30、f Hintons books. Before I knew what was happening to me, I was buying books in stores and reading at least a book a month. And I knew, at age 13, that I wanted to be a writer. When I was a freshman in high school, I wrote a short story about a busboy working at a party house. It was published in the

31、 schools annual magazine. My career, you might say, had begun. W: How do you usually find your ideas? M: Its a great question. One I cant answer in black and white. Sometimes I get a character in mind. Sometimes a plot, or a twist ending. Lots of times I just start writing and see where it leads me.

32、 Occasionally I get inspired with something that has a beginning, middle and end. W: Did you ever get any rejections of your works? M: Hmmm. Maybe only enough to wallpaper my entire house, monthly. Part of being a writer is having a thick skin. Finding an interested editor, I believe, has to do a lo

33、t with luck and timing. W: If yes, how did you react to them? M: There are two types of rejections. Form Letter and what I call Positive Rejection. A Form Letter is just like it sounds, no signature or a rubber-stamp signature. You wonder if they didnt just open your submission, attach a Form Letter

34、, and return it to you without so much as reading a word. A little depressing at times. But what can you do? The Positive Rejection is when an editor actually takes the time to personalize the rejection letter in some way. “Close, try us with your next story idea.“ Anything that makes it more than j

35、ust a Form Letter Rejection. Those I consider inspiring. W: What are the major challenges that you have faced in your career? M: There are many major challenges I think most writers face. For me, frustration is one of them. Im always wondering if my story is good enough, if my writing is good enough

36、. Then once I sell a work and it is published, I worry that no one is going to buy the books, read them, like them. I worry about marketing and sales figures and getting out and promoting. Then there is finding enough time in a day to do all that needs to be done. I work full time as an employment l

37、aw paralegal, I freelance part-time for a community newspaper, write book reviews for a web site and am married with three children. I try to schedule 40-60 book signings a year, teach creative writing classes a few times a year and give presentations to schools and clubs as often as possible. So wh

38、ere do I find time to write? Saturdays and Sundays I wake up at 3:00 AM. I write until about 9:00, when the family starts to stir. By this way I do not take time away from them, as I have them at mall bookstores all over the place at least once a week, almost every week, from September until May. So

39、 for me, time and energy are the most frustrating. But I wouldnt do it, if I didnt love it. You have to want it. Write because you love it. If it sells, thats icing on the cake. W: What do you advise new writers to do? M: There is an old saying. I forget who said it. So forgive me. “If you always do

40、 what you have always done, then you will always get what you have always gotten.“ Those are words to live by. The key is never give up. Save every query letters. Work and rework your query letters. Those are, perhaps, more vital than the story themselves. They are the first thing and maybe the only

41、 thing an editor will look at. If the query letter is full of mistakes, the editor wont bother with your story. If youve been using the same style letter for years and are getting no where try revamping it. Look at some other letters. And keep at it. If its what you want, always keep at it. W: I app

42、reciate your help! Thanks a lot! M: Thank you, Liana. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 作家刚开始时很不喜欢阅读,阅读理解能力较差。而这一现象在他的英语老师要求学生阅读 Hinton的四本书后发生了改变。由关键词句 catapulted into another world、 amazed、 thought about、 could not wait和 wanted to be a writer等可知, Hinton的书激起了作家的阅读兴趣 ,也促使他萌生了成为作家的愿望,因此答案为 C。 A项 “缺乏阅读兴趣 ”是在接触 Hinton的

43、书之前的情况,不是激起他想成为作家的原因; B、 D项文中并没有提及。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 当被问及是否收到很多作品的拒绝信函时,作家说足以用作整间房子的墙纸。接着便解释说,作家的脸皮要厚。由此可见,脸皮厚是因为作品会不断遭到拒绝,故答案为 B。作家提到找一位感兴趣的编辑需要 luck and timing,其侧重点是显示其艰巨性,并不是作家脸皮要厚的原因, A不正确; C项只是作家对拒绝信函的数量所作的打比方; D项偷换了原文的概念。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 录音提到有两种不同拒绝方式,分别是 Form Letter和 Po

44、sitive Reiecfion。 Form Letter通常是没有署名或加盖署名,通常让人觉得有些沮丧。而Positive Reiection还是会让人觉得受鼓舞,因为它会有 Close, try us with your next story idea等回复文字。 A、 B、 C项表述均与录音内容相符。只有 D项不正确,由文中的 wonder if可知,编辑没有读信件只是作家的猜测,事实是否真是这样并没有提及,故 D项的表述太绝对化了。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 录音提到大部分作家都会遇到很多挑战,让 Philips困扰的有:他写的故事是否足够好;一旦发行,有

45、没有人买、有没有人读、有没有人喜欢;会担心市场销售额;每天的时间都安排得满满的,周末甚至趁家人还在睡觉时凌晨三点起来写作,以便不会占用陪家人的时间等,均与 A、 B、 C项相符。录音并未提及作家担心他的家人是否喜欢他的作品,故 D为本题正确答案。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 由关键语句 the key is never give up、 work and rework your query letters、 more vital than the storythemselves等可得知, Philips建议新手作家要有永不放弃的精神,即坚持到底;并且要不断修订咨询信

46、件;他不主张长期用同一封咨询信函,故排除 A项,正确答案为 B。 C项均偏离了录音原文,文中并未提及; D项只是建议之一,概括不全面。 【知识模块】 听 力 6 【听力原文】 W: Good evening. Im going to talk with Andrew Wright. He is an author and language teacher for many years. Nice to meet you here, Andrew. First of all, can you tell us when, where and why did you begin teaching E

47、nglish? M: I have always been a worker for teachers rather than a language teacher. Its a bit like being a maker of violins for others to play. Of course, I can and have knocked out some tunes on the violin myself but basically I am a maker. W: What is your involvement now in English language teachi

48、ng? M: I run a language school with my wife. My school organizes London Chamber of Commerce Cert TEB courses for teachers of Business English with Mark Powell. I do some work with teachers in various countries each year. I write articles for teachers magazines. W: How many books have you published?

49、Which are you most proud of? M: I have been writing non-stop for forty years, almost exactly. So I cant list all my books. I have been lucky to have been thrown forward by the wave of developments in language teaching for much of that time. I am very proud of being the writer of the very first topic based text book ever written: Kaleidoscope, published by Macmillan in the 1960s. Now out of print. I am also proud of the fact that my Games for Language Learning, is still going strong after 25 years. It was the first book on ELT to be based on the cook book


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