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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 20及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following

2、 five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) Toastmasters was originally set up to train speaking skills. ( B) Toastmasters only accepts prospective professional speakers. ( C) Toastmasters accepts members from the general public. ( D) Toastmaste

3、rs is an exclusive club for professional speakers. 2 The following are job benefits by joining Toastmasters EXCEPT ( A) becoming familiar with various means of communication. ( B) learning how to deliver messages in an organized way. ( C) becoming aware of audience expectations. ( D) learning how to

4、 get along with friends. 3 Toastmasters general approach to training can be summarized as ( A) practice plus overall training. ( B) practice plus lectures. ( C) practice plus voice training. ( D) practice plus speech writing. 4 Toastmasters aims to train people to be all the following EXCEPT ( A) pu

5、blic speakers. ( B) grammar teachers. ( C) masters of ceremonies. ( D) evaluators. 5 The interview mainly focuses on ( A) the background information. ( B) the description of training courses. ( C) the requirements of public speaking. ( D) the overall personal growth. 6 The increasing trend in major

6、hotels is to ( A) offer new or upgraded fitness service. ( B) improve the furnishings in the hotel. ( C) provide greater comfort and convenience. ( D) open more chains across the country. 7 Which group is the target customers of the workout service in the major hotels? ( A) Those who stick to routin

7、es and resist any changes. ( B) Those who want to keep fit when they are traveling. ( C) Health-conscious people who want healthy eating. ( D) Outdoor activity fans who are ready to seek thrills. 8 Which of the following is CORRECT about Westin workout rooms? ( A) It allows less privacy. ( B) It cha

8、rges more than elsewhere. ( C) It has a private instructor. ( D) It is poorly equipped. 9 All the following services are free of charge EXCEPT ( A) MP3 players at a club of Fairmont. ( B) bedtime yoga workout at Hyatt. ( C) Adidas sneakers at Fairmont. ( D) workout apparels at Hyatt. 10 Which of the

9、 following statements is NOT true? ( A) Hilton is NO.l choice for people who keep a healthy diet. ( B) If you are easily lost, youll love the GPS monitor at Hyatt. ( C) Fairmont is great for those preferring to carry little luggage. ( D) The gyms at Marriott and Hyatt are open around the clock. 11 W

10、hich of the following is an advantage of hotels? ( A) A wide range of rooms is available. ( B) The rooms are comfy and inviting. ( C) Their prices are negotiable. ( D) The staff is responsive and helpful. 12 Which of the following is NOT an advantage of vacation rentals? ( A) They make you feel at h

11、ome. ( B) They spice up special occasions. ( C) They are convenient and easy to book. ( D) They provide amenities at a standard fare. 13 According to the editor, when choosing vocation rentals, one should do the following EXCEPT ( A) sign a contract with the owner. ( B) read comments by former rente

12、rs. ( C) make sure the service is legitimate. ( D) make reservations on eBay. 14 Which is NOT mentioned as an occasion to be celebrated in vacation rentals? ( A) Romantic get-away. ( B) Incentive travel. ( C) Bachelorette party. ( D) Birthday get-away. 15 If you travel to _ out of season, youd bette

13、r choose a hotel rather than a vacation rental. ( A) Chicago ( B) Hawaii ( C) Florida ( D) Mexico 16 What was education like in Professor Wangs days? ( A) Students worked very hard. ( B) Students felt they needed a second degree. ( C) Education was not career-oriented. ( D) There were many specializ

14、ed subjects. 17 According to Professor Wang, what is the purpose of the present-day education? ( A) To turn out an adequate number of elite for the society. ( B) To prepare students for their future career. ( C) To offer practical and utilitarian courses in each programme. ( D) To set up as many tec

15、hnical institutions as possible. 18 In Professor Wangs opinion, technical skills ( A) require good education. ( B) are secondary to education. ( C) dont call for good education. ( D) dont conflict with education. 19 What does Professor Wang suggest to cope with the situation caused by increasing num

16、bers of fee-paying students? ( A) Shifting from one programme to another. ( B) Working out ways to reduce student number. ( C) Emphasizing better quality of education. ( D) Setting up stricter examination standards. 20 Future education needs to produce graduates of all the following categories EXCEP

17、T ( A) those who can adapt to different professions. ( B) those who have a high flexibility of mind. ( C) those who are thinkers, historians and philosophers. ( D) those who possess only highly specialized skills. 21 Which of the following about The Mad Science Kids Club is INCORRECT? ( A) It allows

18、 children to probe into science. ( B) It increases childrens interest in social network. ( C) It helps children set up social community online. ( D) It is mainly for children between ages 6 and 14. 22 Lab Rat is a computer application ( A) for science experts to ask and discuss scientific questions.

19、 ( B) for science experts to show how experiments are done. ( C) for children to show off their knowledge about scientific questions. ( D) for children to enquire answers about scientific questions. 23 For parents who want to join their children in science experiment, they can ( A) buy applications

20、from the Kids Club. ( B) answer questions about science on the website. ( C) log on Science Zone in the website. ( D) do the actual experiment with scientists at home. 24 The following measures are taken to protect children online EXCEPT ( A) parents will be monitoring Crisp Moderation. ( B) Crisp M

21、oderation will be monitoring the post streams. ( C) parents can reject new friend invitations for their kids. ( D) parents can change privacy setting for their kids. 25 Which of the websites provides explanations of science news stories for children? ( A) Facebook. ( B) sciencenewsforkids.org. ( C)

22、Mad Science Kids Club. ( D) . 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 20答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to

23、 answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 1 【听力原文】 M: Good morning, Mrs. Collins! Welcome to our studio. As a distinguished member of Toastmasters International, could you tell us a bit about the background of the organization? W: I am delighted to have that opportun

24、ity. Toastmasters is an international organization, designed to develop effective speaking and listening skills. It was founded in 1924 by Ralph Smedley and its headquartered in California. M: What is the purpose of Toastmasters? W: Toastmasters has a two-fold purpose: the personal growth of the ind

25、ividual and strong effective communication skills. M: Then, who is Toastmasters open to? And what kind of members do you have now? W: Well, many people think Toastmasters is open only to those individuals who wish to be professional speakers, but that is definitely not true. Toastmasters is open to

26、the public at large. Any individual who wishes to improve his public speaking is welcome. And also, those who just want to increase their overall self-confidence are encouraged to attend. M: Another question is how can Toastmasters help you in job situations? W: By becoming involved in Toastmasters,

27、 you will learn different methods of communicating what you really want to say, and equally important, you will learn what your audience expects from you so you can deliver that message to them in a logical fashion. Some people are comfortable around friends, but when they appear before a group they

28、 dont know, they get tense. Our organization helps our members to get calm and organize thoughts, and deliver them in an effective way. M: Is Toastmasters concerned with total communication, not just for speaking but other communication skills? W: Most often, people assume that when you are listenin

29、g, you are also paying attention. This is not always true. Many times people are waiting for their turn to speak and are not really listening at all. Toastmasters can develop a person overall in terms of organizing their thoughts, getting input from others and then receiving effective feedback. M: T

30、hen, how does Toastmasters train people? W: Toastmasters has an approach of learning by doing. The Toastmasters International organization provides a menu we refer to as the basic menu, because it gives a guideline for the development of speeches. These speeches cater to different purposes. For exam

31、ple, one objective might be to develop vocal variety; another might be to organize your thoughts or develop your use of humor in speeches. M: Can you also learn other skills, such as parliamentary procedure or being master of ceremonies? W: Yes, different assignments within Toastmasters involve not

32、only preparation of speeches and then presenting these before an audience, but also the opportunity of serving as toastmaster of the meeting. This assignment helps members practice being an MC for a meeting, that is, a master of ceremonies. Other assignments include serving as an evaluator for anoth

33、er speaker, or serving as a grammarian who will monitor use of filler words or phrases, such as “and“, “uh“, “er“ or “you know“. Both of these assignments will allow the member to increase or enhance their listening skills. M: I know that there is an eight-week program for young people and also an e

34、ight-week speech craft course offered for adults. What do these involve? W: They are basically introduction to Toastmasters in general. A sample, providing the opportunity for an individual to determine whether or not they wish to get involved in Toastmasters by joining a club. M: What can an indivi

35、dual gain from being in Toastmasters? W: I would say, self-confidence and some tricks of the trade in the development of speeches. But that is only the beginning. As an individual continues to give speeches and improve, he progresses from the point of being fearful to stand before a group of peers t

36、o the point where he can address any group of people with a degree of self-confidence. Leadership skills are also developed by learning to organize and conduct meetings. M: OK. Thank you very much, Mrs. Collins, for talking to us in the studio. W: Youre most welcome. 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 柯林斯提到 Toastmas

37、ters设立的初衷是培养学员的演讲和倾听技巧,并且对所有公众开放,任何想提高演讲能力的人都可参加,据此, A项信息不全。 B、 D两项强调 professional speakers,应予以排除。正确答案为 C项。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 关于参加 Toastmasters的益处,柯林斯都给予了回答,包括 “熟悉不同的表达技巧、有条理地表达思想和了解听众心理 ”三项。而 D项 “学习如何与朋友相处 ”柯林斯未提及 ,为答案。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文中提到 Toastmasters对学员的培训是全面的,包括声音的多样性、思想组织

38、能力及幽默感等,因此, B、 C都属于培训的某一方面而并非总括。而 D项不属于培训目标。故 A为正确答案。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 采访中提到 Toastmasters的培训帮助学员成为 public speakers,evaluators和 masters of ceremonies,故 A、 C、 D都是 Toastmasters的培训目标。文中虽提到 grammarian(文法家 ),但与选项中的 grammar teachers属于不同概念,因此, B项为正确选项。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 主持人与柯林斯的对话主要围绕 T

39、oastmasters的培训课程展开,这可从对话中 twofold purpose, approach, assignments等关键词得出。因此,B为正确选项。 C、 D选项虽都与培训课程相关,但不全面。 A项内容谈话中只稍作介绍,因此, A、 C、 D应予以排除。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: This morning on Take It Off Today, Staying in Shape on the Road. Just because you are staying at a hotel does not mean your exercise routine ha

40、s to suffer although too often it probably does. Womens Healths contributing editor Lisa Drayer says there are many hotel chains catering to your every workout need. Lisa, good morning, nice to see you. W: Good morning, nice to see you. M: So this is a big thing for hotels right now. It is a growing

41、 trend. Why do you think that is? W: Well, you know, consumers have become increasingly health-conscious, so when we travel, we are looking for a hotel that not only has a comfortable bed and a nice lobby, but also one that will allow us to maintain our fitness regimen while we are on the road. So b

42、ecause of these trends, Womens Health took a look at some of the major hotel chains throughout the country, including Fairmont, Candlewood Suites, Hyatt, Hilton, Marriott and Westin, and what we found was that all these hotel chains had either improved their fitness offerings, or they had implemente

43、d brand-new ones. M: And you found that a lot of their clients are looking for an outlet when they are on the road and dont want their routines to suffer. W: Absolutely not, especially because many of us travel a lot of the time, so. M: Yeah, increasingly. Lets take a look at some of those offerings

44、. We are gonna begin with Hyatt, and you really like the amenities from Hyatt, so why is that? W: Right. Hyatt is definitely one of the leaders in terms of their fitness offerings. They now offer Stay Fit Hyatt Gyms open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. So basically you can work out any time a day. An

45、d theyve also recently partnered with Yoga Away, so they actually offer in-room yoga videos, in fact, even during their bedtime turndown service; they will give the guest a card with specific breathing instructions, and they will also guide the guest, to a bedtime yoga video. So lots of yoga videos

46、are available. M: This is yoga. There is an alternative choice. W: Thats right. This is your bedtime yoga workout, and its free of charge. The hotel will also provide yoga mats and balls, and a couple of other perks as well. Hyatt will also offer workout apparel delivered to your room in under an ho

47、ur, available for purchase. M: No excuses for living at home. W: Thats right, and you know, some guests will even get a wrist-top GPS monitor, so runners can easily navigate back to the hotel, also monitors heart rate, distance and calories burned. M: OK, weve got a lot to get to, so lets move past

48、Hyatt and go on to Westin really quickly. Whats Westin doing right now? W: Westin is great. They now offer Westin workout rooms, so you could work out in the privacy of your own room. There is various equipment, you can either get a Reebok cycle or a treadmill, as well as dumbbells and various video

49、s, DVDs, Pilates, yoga and spinning. So a great perk with Westin. It is available for an additional charge. So, we are talking about 20 dollars above market-room rates. But its great for business travelers. So they can fit in their workout routine whenever their schedule permits. M: At Fairmont Hotel, there is whats called Fairmont Fit. W: Right, we love the Fairmont Fit Program because the staff will deliver Adidas workout gear free of charge to your room, everything. M: Brand-new? W: Yeah! Everything from T-shirts to shorts to sneakers, so


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