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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 270及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s)

2、 you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 Sexism in English Sexism in English language reflects the traditional ethics that men are superior to women. Here, four aspect

3、s will be discussed to explain the causes. I. The【 T1】 _factor【 T1】 _ the religious influence of the Holy Bible: the birth order of the man and the woman 【 T2】 _committed by the woman【 T2】 _ II. The physiological factor physical differences: men: tall, robust, having more【 T3】 _【 T3】 _ women: small,

4、 weak, having more【 T4】 _【 T4】 _ consequences: men work outside: women stay at home women are considered to be inferior in【 T5】 _【 T5】 _ III. The social factor: the【 T6】 _of labor【 T6】 _ feminists: we live in a【 T7】 _society【 T7】 _ sex is used in allocating tasks, activities,【 T8】 _and responsibilit

5、ies【 T8】_ in history: a. women: housework and【 T9】 _【 T9】 _ b. men: breadwinner in modern society: a. women: employed in low-status,【 T10】 _jobs【 T10】 _ b. men: mainly defined by their【 T11】 _position【 T11】 _ IV. The【 T12】 _factor【 T12】 _ women are treated as mens appendages men: educated to be manl

6、y,【 T13】 _, and brave【 T13】 _ women: required to be polite, conservative,【 T14】 _, and gentle【 T14】_ results: women pay more attention to the elegance and standard of language a. use pleasant and polite words b. speak【 T15】 _【 T15】 _ 1 【 T1】 2 【 T2】 3 【 T3】 4 【 T4】 5 【 T5】 6 【 T6】 7 【 T7】 8 【 T8】 9

7、【 T9】 10 【 T10】 11 【 T11】 12 【 T12】 13 【 T13】 14 【 T14】 15 【 T15】 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spo

8、ken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) How high tech affects todays school educa

9、tion. ( B) How schools should incorporate educational apps into the classroom. ( C) Benefits and concerns about adopting educational apps into the classroom. ( D) A study of how students benefit from educational apps in the classroom. ( A) It will mark students academic performance automatically. (

10、B) It will analyze students personal interests automatically. ( C) It will ask students for their interests and adjust its teaching accordingly. ( D) It will give students academic feedback automatically. ( A) He is quite optimistic about it. ( B) He is quite pessimistic about it. ( C) He is not sur

11、e of it. ( D) He is rather worried about it. ( A) For stealing its clients Internet traces. ( B) For scanning students e-mail accounts for commercial use. ( C) For breaking into clients Internet system to collect personal information. ( D) For stealing personal data to promote its products. ( A) Hac

12、kers possibility of breaking into the school Internet system. ( B) The heightened security of information stored electronically. ( C) Teachers go outside the portal to use unregulated apps. ( D) The tech companies that have violated the security laws. ( A) The future of a generation of young people.

13、 ( B) The gap between the rich and the poor. ( C) A series of social problems due to unemployment. ( D) A new gap caused by new technology. ( A) 170 million. ( B) 57 million. ( C) 250 million. ( D) 50 million. ( A) Because some children need to work at a premature age. ( B) Because their family cant

14、 afford the tuition. ( C) Because some children are living in war zones. ( D) Because they are involved in family business. ( A) Enough funds. ( B) Teachers and buildings. ( C) A technical or scientific breakthrough. ( D) Educational equipment. ( A) Worried. ( B) Pessimistic. ( C) Confident. ( D) Un

15、sure. 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 270答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE In this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the wo

16、rd(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 0 【听力原文 】 Sexism in English Good morning, everyone. Today we will talk about sexism in English. As we all know, sexism in E

17、nglish language has existed for a long time, which is the reflection of the traditional ethics that men are superior to women. Today I will focus on the causes of sexism in English language, and I will discuss it from four aspects: the cultural factor, the physiological factor, the social factor and

18、 the psychological factor. (1)First, lets have a look at the cultural factor. The Holy Bible is actually a book of men. As Christianity is such a powerful religion in Western countries, it is unreasonable to deny that this helps to set and consolidate the inferiority of women. From the Holy Bible, w

19、e know the man came to the world first while the woman was made from one of the mans ribs. From the order of the birth, it is obvious to see the different importance of men and women. In addition,(2)the first sin is also committed by the woman, who was seduced by the snake into eating the fruits of

20、the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and having the man eat them too. At last, the woman was punished to bring forth children in pain and was ruled over by the man. From above, the superiority of men and inferiority of women is clearly seen. Second, well move to the physiological factor. For e

21、xtended work and life together, people realized that(3-1)men are tall in stature, strong in muscle and robust in physique.(3)(2/4)In contrast to men, women are small in stature, weak in physique and have more fat and less muscle than men. Women also mature more rapidly. In a word, men are stronger t

22、han women. This determines that men play a more important role in social and economic lives. A mans job is to work outside but a womans job is to stay at home, doing the housework and taking care of the children. Women are treated as the weaker ones and they realize their own values through their ma

23、rriage to men. At last, women are lower in status. They have to depend on men and are dominated by men.(5)Gradually, people begin to discriminate against women and think that they are inferior in intelligence. This wrong perspective forms slowly and reflects in language. (6)Third, Ill focus on the s

24、ocial factor, or we might say the division of labor. (7)Feminists all claim that we live in a patriarchal society: a society of men, ruled by men and for men. Patriarchy depicts men as the perfect norm against which women are measured and found lacking. (8)Both the Western and Eastern societies use

25、sex, to one degree or another, in allocating tasks, activities, rights, and responsibilities. As for the job done by men and women, there is a long-stereotyped notion of what they can do.(9)In history, there has been a division of labor a division in which womens place was restrained at home for hou

26、sework and childcare while men worked outside being the breadwinner. At last, men had dominance over women, and women had to be dependent on men. This was the turning point for women. From then on, in paternal society, slavery society and capitalist society, women had been at the bottom of society.

27、In the long and endless course of history, sexism against women has been accumulated. It is the division of labor that leads to different social status. This has been clear in ancient and modern society. Later, in addition to domestic work, women began to enter the paid workplace. However, even thou

28、gh half of women are employed outside the home, the belief persists that a womans role is primarily that of a wife and a mother. (10)Due to womens relative physical weakness and lower educational background, they do primarily the low-status, low-paying jobs.(11)Although men also have family roles, t

29、hey are defined primarily by their economic or occupational position. Thus sexism in society has been in existence, the embodiment of which is necessarily sexism in language. (12)Finally, lets look at the psychological factor. Because of the social and cultural factors, women are always considered t

30、o be the weak. People treat women as mens appendages.(13)They educate men to be manly, decisive, and brave while(14)women are required to be polite, conservative, obedient, and gentle. Because women are in subordinate status in society, they have to constrain their emotions and give up their own nee

31、ds to satisfy those of men. As time passes, women pay more attention to the elegance and standard of language than men. They use more pleasant and polite words in the hope that they can receive others approval.(15)And they are taught to speak softly, to avoid contradicting others, and to be obedient

32、 in communication. They mould themselves to be inferior in their sub-consciousness. Therefore, women try their best to strengthen their social status through their speech than men do. The lower womens position is, the more polite they are in the presence of others. And the standard of the language t

33、hey use can show their submission and politeness. This also suggests that women are in a lower position in society. With this, were coming to the end of todays lecture. Next time, well talk about the phenomena of sexism in English language. Thanks for your listening. Wish my explanation may give you

34、 some help. See you next time. 【知识模块】 听力 1 【正确答案】 cultural 【试题解析】 本篇讲座主要分析了英语中出现性别歧视现象的四大因素。由句 (1)可知,第一个因素为文化因素,因此答案为 cultural。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 the first sin 【试题解析】 讲话者在分析造成英语中出现性别歧视的文化因素时,提到了圣经在其中的作用。由句 (2)可知,原罪是夏娃犯下的,她在蛇的引诱下偷吃了禁果,还将禁果给亚当吃,最后她被罚承受生育之痛并被男性统治。因此答案为 the first sin。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案

35、】 muscle 【试题解析】 讲话者在分析造成英语中出现性别歧视的生理因素时提到,男人体格高大,肌肉坚实,身体健壮,而女人则身形娇小,体格纤弱,比男人拥有更多的脂肪,更少的肌肉。因此,男人拥有更多的肌肉,答案为 muscle。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 fat 【试题解析】 由句 (4)可知,讲话者在对比男女生理因素时提到,女人身形娇小,体格纤弱,比男人拥有更多的脂肪,更少的肌肉。因此答案为 fat。 【知识模 块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 intelligence 【试题解析】 讲话者提到,由于男女生理的差异,男性负责在外面工作,女性负责在家里做家务、照看孩子,最后女性的地位就

36、下降了。由句 (5)可知,人们逐渐开始歧视女性,认为她们在智力上不如男性。因此答案为 intelligence。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 division 【试题解析】 由句 (6)可知,讲话者认为造成英语中出现性别歧视的第三个因素是社会因素,即劳动分工。因此答案为 division。 【知识模块】 听 力 7 【正确答案】 patriarchal 【试题解析】 由句 (7)可知,女权主义者都声称我们生活在一个父权制社会中。因此答案为 patriarchal。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 rights 【试题解析】 由句 (8)可知,西方和东方社会在分配任务、活动、权利

37、和职责时都会考虑到性别,只是程度不同。因此答案为 rights。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 childcare 【试题解析】 句 (9)讲到了历史上的男女分工问题:女人被限制在家里做家务、照看孩子,而男人在外面工作,养家糊口。因此答案为 childcare。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 low-paying 【试题解析】 由句 (10)可知,由于女性相对柔弱的身体和较低的教育背景,她们主要做一些地位低、收入少的工作。因此答案为 low-paying。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 economic or occupational 【试题解析】 由句 (11)可

38、知,虽然男性也分担部分家务,但他们的身份主要由他们的经济或职业地位来界定。因此答案为 economic or occupational。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 psychological 【试题解析】 由句 (12)可知,讲话者最后介绍的是心理因素,因此答案为psychological。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 decisive 【试题解析】 由句 (13)可知,人们教育男性要具备男子气概,要果断和勇敢。因此答案为 decisive。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 obedient 【试题解析】 由句 (14)可 知,女性被要求有礼貌、保守、顺从和温

39、柔。因此答案为 obedient。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 softly 【试题解析】 讲话者提到,随着时间的流逝,女性比男性更加注重语言的优雅与标准,由句 (15)可知,人们教育她们说话要轻柔。因此答案为 softly。 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about

40、 what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to previ

41、ew the questions. 16 【听力原文】 W: Good morning, everybody.(1)Today, school districts across the country are going high-tech, incorporating educational apps and digital programs into the classroom. But fears about the privacy and security of students personal information are on the rise. Today, we have

42、Nicole Rasmuson, a math teacher from Miamis iPrep Academy. He is using innovative software. Thank you for joining us. M: We all started at the very beginning, and then some just took off. Its about 70 percent online. And its a smart program, and so it checks: Are they understanding? Are they answeri

43、ng questions correctly right away? Are they struggling? Is it taking them a long time to answer questions? Do they keep making mistakes? W: All the while, the computer is crunching and storing data about the students and sending back customized lessons, is that correct? M:(2)Yes. Itll ask them, “Wha

44、t are your interests?“ And so, in the word “problems“ , itll if one kid is really interested in food itll talk about cookies and that kind of stuff. Itll even ask them, “ What are your friends names?“ And then itll put their friends names in the “problems“ , too. W: Sounds quite smart. M: All that g

45、ets uploaded, along with student schedules, grades, discipline records, homework and even e-mails, the making of what some have called a digital profile. W: But shouldnt we fear that someday it may be used in unauthorized ways? M: Were going to have a lot of data floating around, with a lot of very

46、detailed information that can be quite surprising. One example: What a child eats in the school cafeteria is collected, using a student I. D. card. We can envision a day, for example, that a health insurance company wants to see what they ate when they were third-graders to decide how they were goin

47、g to underwrite insurance.(3)Is it far-fetched? It could be. We dont know. W: Already, students data has been misused.(4)Google was recently sued for scanning students e-mail accounts in order to build advertising profiles. The tech giant has since stopped and pledged, along with 214 other companies

48、, not to use student data for commercial purposes. But there are a whole lot more companies out there. M: Im trying to protect my kids, and theres so much data collection thats going on right now that were not even aware of. I think thats absolutely a legitimate concern. But I think responsible scho

49、ol systems that have the appropriate policies and safeguards, quite frankly, reduce that threat. W: What measures have been taken by schools so far? M: To protect personal data, Miami Superintendent Alberto Carvalho requires that teachers and students use a web portal. All the apps and software inside have been vetted, and the compan


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