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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 28及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lectu

2、re. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Watching Movies in English I. One great advantage of English learners: Being able to watch【 B1】 _ in E

3、nglish【 B1】 _ since Hollywood is in America II. The reasons for watching movies in English A. Watching a(n)【 B2】 _ version is better than a dubbed one【 B2】 _ B. Learning by input: watching movies getting lots of correct English sentences into your head 【 B3】 _ and making ones own sentences【 B3】 _ le

4、arning different things from different input: books vs. movies: written English vs. spoken English learning informal and(4)words from movies【 B4】 _ learning how native speakers pronounce words learning to understand spoken English III. How to learn as much as possible A. You have more【 B5】 _ in watc

5、hing movies than in reading【 B5】 _ words occurring so quickly mat dictionary doesnt help lots of words being required to understand a movie both spelling and【 B6】 _【 B6】 _ B. What to do when you dont understand some words stopping tape or DVD whenever you want replaying the sentences several times t

6、urning on【 B7】 _【 B7】 _ a)problem: make people lazy b)reminder: watching movies without them helps learning C. Watching with the help of【 B8】 _【 B8】 _ a list of explanations over 100 difficult sentences the strategy: read the explanations, and then watch movies not have to stop the movie D. Pay atte

7、ntion to interesting things: new words, phrases and【 B9】 _【 B9】 _ E. Use dictionary to learn interesting things F. Make a【 B10】 _ of new and interesting things【 B10】 _ 1 【 B1】 2 【 B2】 3 【 B3】 4 【 B4】 5 【 B5】 6 【 B6】 7 【 B7】 8 【 B8】 9 【 B9】 10 【 B10】 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section yo

8、u will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 Which of the following ab

9、out Gaga is INCORRECT? ( A) She has sold 15 million singles in the world. ( B) She was on the list of the 100 Most Influential People. ( C) She doesnt consider herself as an icon. ( D) She is always quite fascinated with Princess Diana. 12 “Lady Gaga“ is named after ( A) New York City. ( B) a song.

10、( C) a radio program. ( D) a friend of hers. 13 Before becoming a performer, Gaga had done the following jobs EXCEPT ( A) a waitress. ( B) a bartender. ( C) a dancer. ( D) a band player. 14 Which of the following is CORRECT about Gagas parents? ( A) They think Gagas performing style is unacceptable.

11、 ( B) They think Gaga is not hard-working enough. ( C) They support Gaga in whatever she works hard at. ( D) They seem to be indifferent towards her works. 15 Gaga believes her way to dress can ( A) alter the stereotype of women. ( B) improve womens social status. ( C) bring back the 70s and 80s fas

12、hion. ( D) attract more fans to replicate. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions. 16 Which of the followin

13、g is CORRECT about the memorial in Mojave Desert? ( A) It was established by fallen soldiers. ( B) Its location invokes disagreement. ( C) It is a religious symbol. ( D) It violates the U.S. Constitution. 17 Survivors of earthquake in Haiti are faced with the following situations EXCEPT ( A) large-s

14、cale damages. ( B) unstable political situation. ( C) huge loss of life. ( D) uncertainty about the future. 18 Haiti is at risk for a big earthquake because ( A) Haiti is part of Hispaniola which has a fault line. ( B) there is a fault line that runs along the southern side of Haiti. ( C) there is a

15、 fault line along the western side of Haiti. ( D) Haiti is located in the Western Hemisphere. 19 _ dollars was involved in illegal gambling in Malaysia. ( A) 500 million ( B) 10 million ( C) 53 million ( D) 100 million 20 The numbers of raids carried out in the following countries are clear EXCEPT (

16、 A) China. ( B) Malaysia. ( C) Singapore. ( D) Thailand. 专业英语八级 (听力)模拟试卷 28答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need

17、 them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Watching Movies in English Hello, ever

18、yone. Todays lecture is about learning English by means of watching movies. English learners have a big advantage over learners of other languages: Hollywood is in America and it makes English-language movies. So, if you know English and you like movies, why dont you watch movies in English? You can

19、 have fun and, at the same time, learn a lot of English. The first question we are going to answer is why watch movies in English. If you are a fan of movies, you will notice that they are much better in the original. Watching a dubbed film will never be as good as watching the original version. Why

20、? Because in the original version, the actors voices are real. Everything is just like the director imagined. Learning English by watching movies is learning by input. The learning process is similar. First you get lots of correct English sentences into your head. Then you can imitate them and you c

21、an make your own sentences. And isnt that why you are learning English to be able to make your own sentences? That is why watching movies is such a great way to learn English. Of course, there are important differences between movies and books. With books, you learn how native speakers write in Engl

22、ish. With movies, you learn how they speak English. You learn what words they use. When speaking, native speakers use words and phrases that you often wont find in a book. Spoken language is different from “book language“. In many movies, the dialogue is real spoken English. Movies also let you lear

23、n informal and slang words which are not yet in English dictionaries. You learn how they say these words. Movies let you improve your pronunciation, not only grammar and vocabulary. If you listen to Americans or Britons speaking English, you can learn to speak like them. You learn to understand spok

24、en language. Movies are made for native speakers, not for learners of English. So the actors talk fast, just like native speakers talk in real life. Then, the second question is how to learn as much as possible? You wont learn anything from the movie if you dont understand it. You probably wont enjo

25、y it, either. This is one big problem with movies: They are much more difficult to understand than books. If you dont understand a word in a book, you can simply look it up in a dictionary, because the word is written there. With a movie, you sometimes hear something, but you dont know what it is. S

26、ometimes you dont even know if youve heard one word or two. There are other reasons why listening is more difficult than reading, and they all mean one thing: If you want to understand a movie, you have to know a lot of English wordsand not only their spelling, but also their pronunciation. So, you

27、may wonder: What to do when you dont understand something? If you are playing the movie from tape or DVD, you can stop it whenever you dont understand a sentence. You can then play the sentence many times and perhaps youll be able to understand all the words in the sentence. If you still dont unders

28、tand a word or two, you can try to look them up in a dictionary. Most DVDs let you turn on subtitles. With subtitles, there is no problem with quick or unclear dialogue everything is just written on the screen. It is also easy to look up difficult words in your dictionary, because you know their spe

29、lling. The problem with subtitles is that they make you lazy you stop listening and concentrate on reading. This is not good if you want to exercise your listening skills. Therefore, you should probably try to watch movies without subtitles. Turn subtitles on only if youre having a hard time underst

30、anding the sentences in the movie, and it doesnt help when you listen to them repeatedly. Moreover, the movie guides can help you when watching movies. There is a great alternative to subtitles. ESL is a website which has “guides“ to popular movies. A guide is a list of over 100 difficult sentences

31、from a movie with explanations. Now the most important thing: You first read the explanations; then you watch the movie. So, when youre watching the film, you already know the necessary vocabulary! We think this is the best strategy for watching movies, because: It feels great to understand a movie

32、in the original! Its very, very motivating when you learn a word, and then the knowledge of this word lets you enjoy the movie. It gives you a lot of pleasure so you will want to learn more English vocabulary to understand even more. You dont have to stop the movie, or you have to stop it less frequ

33、ently. You can simply watch it and enjoy it. A guide doesnt explain all the difficult sentences in the movie. But the explanations in the guide should be enough to help you understand whats happening in the movie. What else can you do to learn from movies more effectively? The same things that you s

34、hould do when reading books. Pay attention to interesting things: new words, phrases, and grammar structures. Use your dictionary to learn about these interesting things. You can stop the movie to look up difficult words. You can also write down all the interesting sentences, and look them up later.

35、 But do use your dictionary! Add these interesting things to SuperMemo. If there is an ESLnotes guide to the movie, you can add all the sentences in the guide to your SuperMemo collection before watching the film. Later, you can also add the words that you have written down when watching the movie.

36、To conclude, dont forget the interesting way watching movies to learn English in your daily life. Thanks. 【知识模块】 听力 1 【正确答案】 movies lots of movies many movies 【试题解析】 讲座的主题是 learning English by means of watching movies(看电影学英文 ),开头提到了英语相比其他语言学习的优势,其中说到 “美国好莱坞生产英语影片 ”,对照问题,可知答案为 movies,也可以填入 lotsof mov

37、ies或 many movies。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 original 【试题解析】 此题回答原文中第一个问题: 为什么要看英文电影,由 “看配音电影永远比不上看原声电影 ”,可知答案为 original。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 imitating them 【试题解析】 此题谈到看英文电影能获得语言输入和学习的过程,原文是 “然后你可以模仿 (imitate)并造句 ”,题目是并列结构,要求填入的词与 making并列,注意 imitate是及物动词,后需接宾语,由此可知答案为 imitatingthem。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 slang

38、 【试题解析】 此题回答看英语电 影的益处。根据原文 “电影也让你学到了字典里还未出现的口语和俚语 (slangwords)”,由此可知答案为 slang。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 difficulty trouble 【试题解析】 录音材料提到看电影学习英文存在的困难,并认为 “这是一大问题:它们比书本难 (difficult)懂得多 ”,题目要求填入名词,可知答案为 difficulty trouble。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 pronunciation 【试题解析】 此题是解释上一题 中提到的所存在困难的原因,根据原文 “你必须懂许多英语单词 不仅包括拼写还

39、包括发音 (pronunciation)”,可知答案为pronunciation。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 subtitles captions 【试题解析】 此题回答原文中的问题:如果看英文电影有不明白之处,应怎么办 ?录音中提到 “许多 DVD都配有字幕 (subtitles)”,可知答案为 subtitles或其近义词captions。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 movie guides movie instructions 【试题解析】 此题与上一题并列,继续回答问题,录音材料提到 “电影向导(movie guide)会在你看电影时给予帮助 ”,由此可知答案为

40、 movie guides或 movie instructions。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 grammar structures 【试题解析】 原文问,还有什么其他方法能更有效地通过看电影学习英文 ?录音中提到 “多留意有趣的部分:生词、词组以及语法结构 (grammar structures)”,可知答 案为 grammar structures。列举后的信息是常考之处,听音时应注意做笔记。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 memo record note 【试题解析】 此题与上一题并列,其中录音提到 Add these interesting things to S

41、uperMemo,由此可知答案为 memo, record或 note。 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION B INTERVIEW Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answe

42、r each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview. 11 【听力原文】 M: On this, our 25th anniversary week here at CNN, were so excited to welcome Lady Gaga to LARRY KING LIVE. Shes the Grammy-winning singer, songwriter, musician, performance artist whose provocative videos have been viewe

43、d more than one billion times online. Gaga, welcome. W: Thanks. M: Well, you have sold more than 15 million albums and 40 million singles worldwide. And “TIME“ magazine recently published this annual list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. And you were on the cover as one of those peop

44、le. Were you surprised about that? W: Yes, of course. I was so surprised. I didnt even imagine that I would make the list at all. And I was so excited, and I am very blessed to have the wonderful fans that I do who voted for me. M: OK. You were born Stefani why did you change your how did you come u

45、p with Lady Gaga? W: Well, it was actually a nickname that some of my friends called me in New York. I was doing these performance art pop music pieces in the city. And they were a bit on the eccentric side I suppose. So people started to call me Gaga after the Queen song “Radio Gaga.“ M: At what ag

46、e growing up, Gaga, did you know that you wanted to be a performer? W: At my birth. I guess you could say its always been my destiny to be a performer. I used to perform even just in restaurants with my family or in the living room. But its been really a very exciting transition now that I get to do

47、 this for a living. And I just refuse to stop. M: Before you were a performer, did you have any other jobs? W: Yes, well, I was a waitress for many years. And a bartender. And I was a dancer briefly as well. I used to make a lot of money to pay for demos and flyers that I used to post up all around

48、the New York University area on the lower east side to get people to come see my shows. I got a job when I was 15 because my allowance was about $20 a week which in New York was impossible. So I used to waitress across the street from where I grew up. And I used to take all the money I made waitress

49、ing so that I could go watch jazz downtown. M: Wow. You said that people use the word icon carelessly. Do you consider yourself an icon? W: No, I do not. I hope when Im dead Ill be considered an icon, though. M: Who are your icons? Who does Lady Gaga look up to? W: Who do I look up to? My mother. My grandmother. I love Princess Diana. So much. She has was an enorm


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