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1、专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 298及答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there

2、will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. ( A) Fascinating. ( B) Tedious. ( C) Interesting. ( D) Valueless. ( A) Because he didnt

3、 prepare for it. ( B) Because he didnt finish his paper. ( C) Because he will do it to his tutorial next week. ( D) Because Britney doesnt like his topic. ( A) Bananas were among the first plants to be domesticated in UK. ( B) The Cavendish banana was actually originated in South China. ( C) The Cav

4、endish banana went straight from China to Australia. ( D) The UK people didnt like the taste of banana at first. ( A) Because they are quite popular there and people may steal them. ( B) Because the soil there is not fertile enough to grow them. ( C) Because the climate in the UK is not warm enough

5、to grow them. ( D) Because bananas grown in the hothouse are more nutritious. ( A) It can take up to three years for a banana tree to bear fruit if it is taken care of. ( B) You can harvest several bunches of bananas from a banana tree. ( C) Modern growing methods have shortened the time for a banan

6、a tree to bear fruits. ( D) When the bananas are harvest, the banana tree doesnt need to be cut down. ( A) Because of the growth habits of banana plants. ( B) Because of the fertility of the soil there. ( C) Because of the specific planting design. ( D) Because of the high productivity they yield. (

7、 A) Soil fertility. ( B) Weather. ( C) Pollution. ( D) Planting technique. ( A) To keep banana trees growing fast. ( B) To prevent bananas from going bad. ( C) To protect the bunches from cold weather. ( D) To make the bananas ripen beforehand. ( A) They use plastic bags around the bunches to keep t

8、hem fresh. ( B) They adopt modern techniques to stop them going bad ( C) They use the ripe bananas to keep the other ones fresh. ( D) They pick the banana bunches which are not fully ripe. ( A) Europe. ( B) Asia. ( C) Australia. ( D) New Zealand. ( A) Many people began to have enough time to relax.

9、( B) The economy was as weak as twenty years ago. ( C) The 1920s was an exciting time in American history. ( D) Many companies had to shrink their scale of business. ( A) New ideas about wars. ( B) A feeling of independence. ( C) New weapon against violence. ( D) An outlet of freedom. ( A) People be

10、gan to stay away from parents and grandparents. ( B) Young people wore thicker clothes dresses to cover bodies. ( C) Some of the traditions were challenged by young people. ( D) Both men and woman began to smoke and drink alcohol. ( A) They didnt want to dress conservatively. ( B) They smoked more c

11、igarettes than before. ( C) They only drank wine with peers in public. ( D) They listened to rock music at home. ( A) People are reluctant to talk about privacy publicly in the 1920s. ( B) American women were given more rights and choices in the 1920s. ( C) Many women were forced to join the army du

12、ring the 1920s. ( D) The number of students attending high school decreased in the 1920s. ( A) Inventions. ( B) Demands in marketplace. ( C) Ongoing economic growth. ( D) Education. ( A) People in America all witnessed a radical change in their life. ( B) Blacks, foreigners, and other minority group

13、s led an easier life. ( C) The number of women reporters and doctors increased. ( D) The number of women working outside the homes was still small. ( A) It was very popular among Americans. ( B) It was about a young mans adventure. ( C) It was an adaptation from a real story. ( D) It was published b

14、y the New York Times. ( A) Big Bill Tilden. ( B) Bobby Jones. ( C) Babe Ruth. ( D) Gene Tunney. ( A) Music. ( B) Sport games. ( C) Interests. ( D) Social changes. 专业英语八级(听力)模拟试卷 298答案与解析 SECTION B INTERVIEW In this section you will hear ONE interview. The interview will be divided into TWO parts. At

15、 the end of each part, five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the interview and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A , B , C and D , and mark the best answer to each quest

16、ion on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 W: Hi there, Martin. How are you going with your Australian studies tutorial paper? M: Oh good. Ive finished it actually. W: Lucky you. What did you do it on? Im still trying to find an interesting topic. M: Well. af

17、ter some consideration I decided to look at the history of banana growing in Australia. W:(surprised)Banana growing! M: Yes, banana growing. W:(sarcastically)Fascinating, Im sure! M: Well. Britney, its not as boring as youd think. And I wanted to tie it into the work Ive been doing on primary indust

18、ries and the economy. Anyway I bet there are a few things you didnt know about bananas! W: Such as? M: Such as the fact that bananas were among the first plants ever to be domesticated. W: Oh, really? M: Yes, theyre an extremely nourishing food. W: I suppose youre going to tell me the whole history

19、of banana growing now, arent you? M: Well, itd be a good practice run for my tutorial next week Ill do the same for you some time. W: OK. So where were these bananas first domesticated? M: According to my research, the Cavendish banana, which is a type of banana and the first type to be cultivated h

20、ere, actually originated in China but they had a fairly roundabout route before they got to Australia. W: You mean they didnt go straight from China to Australia? M: No, they didnt. It seems that in 1826, bananas were taken from South China to England. W: I suppose they would have made a welcome add

21、ition to the English diet. M: Yes, Im sure. Well apparently there was an English Duke who was particularly fond of bananas and he used to cultivate them in his hothouse, which is where you have to grow them in England, of course, because of the cool climate and they became quite popular in the UK. S

22、o he was the one responsible for cultivating the Cavendish banana which was then introduced into Australia. W: I see. And weve been growing them ever since? M: Yes. W: Are they hard to grow? M: Well, yes and no. To grow them in your garden, no, not really. But to grow them commercially you need to k

23、now what youre doing. You see you only get one bunch of bananas per tree and it can take up to three years for a tree to bear fruit if you dont do anything special to it. But this period is greatly reduced with modern growing methods, particularly in plantations where you have perfect tropical condi

24、tions. W: Right! So what are you looking at? One year? Two years? M: No, no, around 15 months in good conditions for a tree to produce a bunch of bananas. And once youve got your bunch you cut the bunch and the plant down. 1. What does Britney think about the topic of Martins research at first? 2. W

25、hy Martin doesnt want to tell Britney the whole history of banana growing at the moment? 3. What do we learn from Martins tutorial paper? 4. According to the conversation, why do bananas have to be grown in the hothouse in the UK? 5. What can we learn from the conversation? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士在听到男士

26、说他的论文主题是香蕉史时大为惊讶,并用嘲讽的口吻挖苦男士,男士随后说:不像你想象的那么无趣啦 !可推测女士起初认为男士的研究很无趣,选 B项。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中,女士以 为男士会告诉她整个香蕉种植历史,但男士说下周导师会安排练习。 C项的表述与男士的意思一致。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在谈到最初品种的香蕉 the Cavendish banana时,男士说,它源自于中国,几经辗转才到达澳大利亚。 B项正确。 A项错在地点状语,男士研究的是澳大利亚的香蕉种植,并非英国。 【知识模块】 对话 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题

27、解析】 在谈到香蕉如何引进英国时,男士提到,有个英国伯爵酷爱香蕉,并把香蕉树种植在温室里,以避开英国 凉爽的天气。 C为正确答案。 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在对话第一部分的最后,男士说到,现代技术已经大大地缩短了香蕉的种植周期, C项的表述与之相符。无特殊照料的情况下才会三年结果,故 A项不对;每棵香蕉树只会结一串香蕉, B项错;香蕉树结果后需要砍掉, D项也不对。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【听力原文】 W: So how do the trees reproduce then? M: Well, bananas are normally grown from

28、suckers which spring up around the parent plant, usually just above the plant. They tend to like to grow uphill or at least thats the common wisdom. W: So thats why banana plantations are usually on hillsides, is it? M: Yes. They grow best like that. W: Thats interesting! M: If you plant them in ric

29、h soil and give them plenty of water at the beginning of summer, then they should be well advanced by the beginning of winter when growth virtually stops. But in a country like England, theyre hard to grow, although you can grow them in a hothouse. W: But in Australia, its not difficult? M: No, thou

30、gh even here, the growers put plastic bags around the bunches to keep them warm. If you go up to the banana growing districts, youll see all these banana trees with plastic bags on them. W: But how do they stop the bananas going bad before they reach the shops? M: Well, the banana bunches are picked

31、 well before the fruit is ripe. Once you cut the bunch, the bananas stop growing but they do continue to ripen. The interesting thing is that once one banana ripens, it gives off a gas which then helps all the others to ripen so they pretty much all ripen within a few hours of each other. W: Amazing

32、! So do we export lots of bananas overseas, to Europe and Asia for instance? M: Well, oddly enough, no. I believe New Zealand takes a small proportion of the crop but otherwise theyre mostly grown for the domestic market, which is surprising when you think about it because we grow an enormous number

33、 of bananas each year. W: Yes, well thank you for all that information. Im sure the tutorial paper will go really well. You certainly seem to have done your research on the subject. M: Lets hope so. 6. Why are banana tree plantations usually on hillsides? 7. According to Martin, which factor will af

34、fect the growth of banana trees most? 8. What is the aim of putting plastic bags around the bunches? 9. How do people keep the bananas fresh before they reach the shops? 10. From the conversation, which country imports bananas from Martins country? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话中男士说,新生的香蕉树从母树的周围生出,它们习惯于生长在山坡上

35、。可见,这是由它们的生长习性决定的,因此 A项正确。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说,在夏天开始的时候,在肥沃的土壤栽培香蕉树并给予足够的水,到了冬天也会生长缓慢;即便英国的温室种植,也很难收成。可见,气候对香蕉树的影响特别大,故选 B项。 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士提到,即使在澳 洲,人们也会用塑料袋将香蕉束包住以便保持温度。 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 在谈到如何让香蕉不变坏的时候,男士说人们在香蕉还没有成熟的时候就进行了采摘,香蕉虽然停止了生长,但还是会继续成熟。可见,人们在香

36、蕉即将成熟的时候采摘,可以保证它们在出售时是新鲜成熟的,因此选 D项。 【知识模块】 对话 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 在谈到出口时,男士说没什么国家会从澳大利亚进口香蕉,只有新西兰有小部分是从澳大利亚进口,即 D。后面还进一 步说,虽然澳大利亚每年种植大量香蕉,但都是给国内市场的。 【知识模块】 对话 11 【听力原文】 M: The nineteen twenties were a time of economic progress for most Americans. During that time, many companies grew larger, creating

37、 new jobs. Wages for most Americans increased. Many people began to have enough money to buy new kinds of products. The strong economy also created the right environment for many important changes in the day-to-day social life of Americans. The nineteen twenties are remembered now as an exciting tim

38、e that historians call the “Roaring Twenties.“ And today, we invited Professor Smith to talk about the nineteen twenties in the United States. Hello, Professor Smith. W: Hello. M: Whats the most important thing that the nineteen twenties brought to Americans? W: The nineteen twenties brought a feeli

39、ng of freedom and independence to millions of Americans, especially young Americans. Young soldiers returned from the world war with new ideas. They had seen a different world in Europe. They had faced death and learned to enjoy the pleasures that each day offered Many of these young soldiers were n

40、ot willing to quietly accept the old traditions of their families and villages when they returned home. Instead, they wanted to try new ways of living. M: New ways of living? W: Yes, new ways of living. Many young Americans, both men and women, began to challenge some of the traditions of their pare

41、nts and grandparents. For example, some young women began to experiment with new kinds of clothes. They no longer wore dresses that hid the shape of their bodies. Instead, they wore thinner dresses that uncovered part of their legs. Many young women began to smoke cigarettes, too. Many women also be

42、gan to drink alcohol with men in public for the first time. And they listened together to a popular new kind of music: jazz. Young people danced the Fox Trot and other new dances. M: Were there huge changes of peoples social values at that time? W: Yes, at least among some Americans. People openly d

43、iscussed subjects that their parents and grandparents had kept private. An important force behind these changes was the growing independence of American women. In nineteen twenty, the nation passed the Nineteenth Amendment to the constitution, which gave women the right to vote. Of equal importance,

44、 many women took jobs during the war and continued working after the troops returned home. Also, new machines freed many of them from spending long hours of work in the home washing clothes, preparing food, and doing other jobs. 1. According to the interviewer, what do we know about the 1920s? 2. Ac

45、cording to Professor Smith, what did the 1920s bring to Americans? 3. What do we learn about the new ways of living in the 1920s? 4. According to the interview, what do we learn about young women in the 1920s? 5. According to the interview, what does Professor Smith indicate? 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题目询问

46、主持人口中的 20世纪 20年代是什么样子。访谈一开始,主持人就说, 20世纪 20年代对大多数美国人来说是一个经济增长的时期。其中谈到,这段时间现在被认为是一个激动人心的时刻,历史学家称之为 “咆哮的二十年代 ”。因此 C项是正确答案。 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 进入访谈后,主持人问及的第一个问题便是 20世纪 20年代带给美国人什么 ?女士在回答中 提及,自由感及独立感 (a feeling of freedom and independence)。因此 B项正确。 D项的 outlet“出口 ”并没有在对话中涉及。 【知识模块】 对话 13 【正确答案】

47、C 【试题解析】 在谈到 20世纪 20年代新的生活方式时,女士提到,很多的美国年轻人,对父母和祖父母的一些传统行为发出了挑战。因此,选 C项是正确答案。对话中只是谈到很多女人 (many women)跟男人一样开始吸烟和喝酒,但 D项的表述过于绝对。 【知识模块】 对话 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在谈到年轻女士的改变时,女士提及许多年轻女士逐渐穿着新潮,展露形体,开始吸烟,并与男士在公众场合喝酒。 A项 “它们不想穿得保守 ”正确。虽然女士开始吸烟,但并没有说女士吸烟更多了, B的表述错误; C项的only过于绝对; D项未提及。 【知识模块】 对话 15 【正确答案】 B 【试

48、题解析】 在谈到人们的社会价值是否存在巨大变化时,女士说:至少对一部分人来说是这样。并进一步说,妇女得到了选举权利和就业机会:新机器缩短了女士做家务的时间。可见 B的表述是正确的。 【知识模块 】 对话 16 【听力原文】 M: Well, were there other forces which pushed the social changes? W: Education was another important force. More and more Americans were getting a good education. The number of students at

49、tending high school doubled between nineteen twenty and nineteen thirty. Attendance at colleges and universities also increased greatly. Two inventions, the automobile and the radio also helped cause the social changes. The automobile gave millions of Americans the freedom to travel easily to new places. And the radio brought new ideas and experiences into their own homes. Probably the most important force was the continuing economic growth of the nineteen twenties. Many people had extra money to spend on things other than food, housin


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