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1、专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 2及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-l

2、ecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 Depression Depression affects people of every color, race, economic status, or age. Unfortunately,

3、 not everyone recognizes depression when it happens. Some people may have (1)_about it, and react to it harshly. Even people who are depressed dont take their condition seriously enough. In this lecture, (2)_of depression will be discussed, namely, causes, symptoms of depression, and the way to get

4、over it. 1.Causes of depression. Many factors play a role in inducing depression. Genetics. However, genes arent the single cause of depression. Life events. E.g. (3)_ of a close family member or friend can lead to depression. Family and social environment. Medical conditions. Substance abuse can af

5、fect mood. But the depression usually disappears when people get proper (4)_. 2.Symptoms of depression. There are 12 major symptoms for depressed people. They are depressed and sad most of the time with no reason, lack of energy, unable to enjoy pleasant things, estranged from friends and family,(5)

6、_, unable to concentrate, gaining or losing significant weight, very different in (6)_, feeling guilty or worthless, feeling aches and pains, pessimistic and indifferent, thinking of death or suicide. If someone only has (7)_five symptoms for less than two weeks, he is Okay. Otherwise, he is probabl

7、y depressed. 3.(8)_to get over depression. Treatment for depression can include talk therapy, medication, or a combination of both. When it comes to medication, the doctor should monitor the person carefully, because (9)_is different. What works well for one person might not be good for another. One

8、 more suggestion to the friend of the depressed people is that you should (10)_them to get away with their depression or suicidal feeling. The most important thing is to get them in the right treatment. 10 Gym Craze The gym craze becomes an essential part of Chinese middle class life style now. Howe

9、ver, who are likely to be gym-goers, what are the reasons for their participation, and are there any (1)_in working out at the gym? A survey reveals that the dominant gym-goers are university students and the so-called (2)_, aged under 35, because this group of people is energetic, has enough time a

10、nd money, and is keen to a new life style. As for the reasons of gym-going, the first one may be the fact that more and more people are getting fatter. If you want to (3)_, go to the gym! Secondly, many gym-goers are not intended to lose weight, but for the purpose of body shaping, because they are

11、not (4)_with their body shape. Thirdly, to refresh and energize are also an important cause, especially for those (5)_. At last, the attraction of staying attractive is really huge. Perfect body shapes could increase productivity and attract the opposite sex. However, even experienced professionals

12、may make mistakes in the gym. The major mistakes people make are as follows: 1.Sticking to the same workout. Youd better change your program after four to six weeks; otherwise, your body would (6)_. 2.Copying the hardcore gym members. Youd better work out according to your own (7)_, because some fit

13、ness instructors are not highly qualified and wont necessarily know what is best for you. 3.Going every day. Either physically or mentally, you cant (8)_working out at the gym every day. Youd better incorporate proper rest days into your schedule. 4.Using gym for (9)_. The gym is a place to burn cal

14、ories and get you fit and looking good, not the one for making friends. 5.Working through colds. If you get an illness, you should (10)_until you are fully recovered. 20 Reading on the Internet: The Link between Literacy and Technology With access to the Internet at home and in classrooms, Alicia an

15、d Jake, growing up (1)_the Internet as a source of information, represent an equal number of boys and girls who use the Internet to search for information, to complete school research or exchanging e-mails. The (2)_of reading and technology on the Internet is causing educators to take a new look at

16、what it means to be (3)_in todays society. New forms of literacy call upon students to know how to read and write not only in the print world but also in the (4)_world and to access the best information in the shortest time to identify and solve the most important problems and then communicate this

17、information. Being able to successfully use the Internet places special demands on the reader. First, the Internet reader must be able to handle the sheer (5)_of text, which can be described as massive. Second, a reader must be able to (6)_all the features of a webpage and quickly decide which one w

18、ill likely be the most helpful in accessing information. Third, being able to read online text requires familiarity with its concepts, vocabulary, and organizational format. Information on the Internet is ever changing, with websites continually being updated, removed, or (7)_, which requires a reth

19、inking of what it means to be a reader or even a literate person. Because of technology, our definition of reading has changed to include websites, (8)_, e-mail, discussion boards, chat rooms, instant messaging. Technology is (9)_the nature of literacy. How can educators help students use their read

20、ing strategies to understand the electronic word? Many literacy educators are currently watching the convergence of literacy and technology, and they are (10)_answers to this very question. 专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 2答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. Yo

21、u will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to

22、 complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 Depression Good morning, today well talk about the topic of depression. As we know, depression is very common and affects people of every color, race, economic status, or age. Unfortunately, not everyon

23、e recognizes depression when it happens to someone they know. People who dont understand may react to the depressed persons low energy with criticism, scolding them for acting lazy or not trying. Some people mistakenly believe that depression is simply an attitude a person can change or a mood they

24、can shake. Its not that easy. Many people just dont realize that depression can cause so many problems or so much pain. Sometimes even people who are depressed dont take their condition seriously enough. Some people have the mistaken belief that depression comes from weakness or is a character flaw.

25、 This myth causes some people to hide their depression. Feeling embarrassed, they may avoid getting help. In todays lecture, we will cover three domains of depression, namely causes, symptoms of depression and the way to get over it, in order to draw a rough picture of this issue. Firstly, let us be

26、gin with the causes of depression. Actually there is no single cause for depression. Many factors play a role including genetics, life events, environment, and medical conditions. Research has revealed that some people inherit genes that make it more likely for them to get depressed. But not everyon

27、e who has the genetic makeup for depression actually gets depression. And many people who have no family history of depression have the condition. So, although genes are one factor, they arent the single cause of depression. Life events for example, the death of a close family member or friend can g

28、o beyond normal grief and can sometimes lead to depression. Family and social environment also play a role. For some teens, a negative, stressful, or unhappy family atmosphere can affect their self-esteem and lead to depression. Social conditions like poverty, homelessness, and community violence ca

29、n make it more likely for people to become depressed. Substance abuse can cause chemical changes in the brain that affect mood alcohol and some drugs are known to have depressant effects. Certain medical conditions can affect hormone balance and therefore have an effect on mood. When these medical c

30、onditions are diagnosed and treated by a doctor, the depression usually disappears. Secondly, let us take a look at the symptoms of depression. These are 12 major symptoms that people have when theyre depressed: 1.Depressed mood or sadness most of the time (for what may seem like no reason) 2.Lack o

31、f energy and feeling tired all the time 3.Inability to enjoy things that used to bring pleasure 4.Withdrawal from friends and family 5.Irritability, anger, or anxiety 6.Inability to concentrate 7.Significant weight loss or gain 8.Significant change in sleep patterns (inability to fall asleep, stay a

32、sleep, or get up in the morning) 9.Feelings of guilt or worthlessness 10. Aches and pains (even though nothing is physically wrong) 11 .Pessimism and indifference (not caring about anything in the present or future) 12.Thoughts of death or suicide When someone has five or more of these symptoms most

33、 of the time for 2 weeks or longer, that person is probably depressed. Sometimes people go through bouts where these symptoms are really intense; other times these same feelings could be present at a lower level all the time for years. Depression is more than feeling blue, sad, or down, but a strong

34、 mood involving sadness, discouragement, despair, or hopelessness that lasts for weeks, months, or even longer, and interferes with a persons ability to participate in their normal activities. Now lets see how to get help if someone gets depressed. Depression is one of the most common emotional prob

35、lems. The good news is that its also one of the most treatable conditions. There are professionals who can help. In fact, about 80% of people who get help for their depression have a better quality of life they function better and enjoy themselves in a way that they werent able to before. Treatment

36、for depression can include talk therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Talk therapy with a mental health professional is very effective in treating depression. Therapy sessions help people understand depression and what they can do about it. Sometimes medicine may be prescribed for a person

37、who has depression. When a doctor prescribes medicine, he or she will carefully monitor the person to make sure he or she gets the right dose. The doctor will adjust the dose as necessary. Medicines can take a few weeks before the person feels the medicine working. Because every persons brain is dif

38、ferent, what works well for one person might not be good for another. Up till now, weve mentioned the causes, symptoms of depression, and the way to get over it. One more suggestion I want to give to the friend of the depressed people is that friends need to step in if someone seems severely depress

39、ed and isnt getting help. Although its important to be supportive, trying to cheer up a friend or reasoning with him or her probably wont work to help depression or suicidal feelings go away. Depression can be so strong that it outweighs a persons ability to respond to reason. Even if your friend ha

40、s asked you to promise not to tell, this is a situation where telling can save a life. The most important thing a depressed person can do is to get the right treatment. 【 知识模块】 社会类 1 【正确答案】 incorrect ideas incorrect opinions wrong ideas misunderstandings 【试题解析】 本题为归纳题。讲座原文中提到不是每个人都能意识到朋友得了抑郁症,还可能对此横

41、加指责;而有些人则认为抑郁症仅仅是人们的一种态度,是可以从主观上改变和摆脱的。这些都是错误的观点或是误解。因此答案可归纳为incorrect ideas incorrect opinions wrong ideas misunderstandings。 【知识模块】 社会类 2 【正确答案】 three domains three aspects 【试题解析】 本题为要点题。考生只需根据原文信息 we will cover three domains of depression,即可得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 3 【正确答案】 the death 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于商接拷贝

42、型。考生可根据原文信息 for example, the death of a close family member or friend得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 4 【正确答案】 treatment therapy 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于转换角度型。考生可根据原文信息 When these medical conditions are diagnosed and treated by a doctor, the depression usually disappears得出答案,但需转换答题角度,使之在语义语法上都切合题意:原文主语为 medical conditions,

43、但题目主语为 people。 【知识模块】 社会类 5 【正确答案】 irritable angry anxious 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于转换词性型。考生可根据原文信息 Irritability, anger, or anxiety 得出本题答案,但需转换词性,使之在语义语法上都切合题意。 【知识模块】 社会类 6 【正确答案】 sleep patterns 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。从原文信息 Significant change in sleep patterns 可以得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 7 【正确答案】 less than 【试题解析】 本题为

44、推断题。可根据原文 When someone has five or more of these symptoms most of the time for 2 weeks or longer, that person is probably depressed推断得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 8 【正确答案】 Ways Means 【试题解析】 本题为要点题,但要根据题意稍 做修改。从原文信息 Now lets see how to get help if someone gets depressed可以得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 9 【正确答案】 every persons br

45、ain peoples brain everyones brain 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。从原文信息 Because every persons brain is different, what works well for one person might not be good for another可以得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【正确答案】 not reason with 【试题解析】 本题为推断题。讲座原文中提到虽然朋友的支持很重要,但是试图使朋友开心或与他们理论并不能赶走他们的抑郁症或一些自杀的念头。因此,可以推断得出,作为朋友,你不应该使用劝说这

46、个方法来帮助有抑郁症的人,从而得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【听力原文】 Gym Craze The gym craze began to spread at the end of the last century, and going to the gym regularly becomes an essential part of Chinese middle class life style now. The boom may look like a sign of great improvement in living standards and a sign of comm

47、ercial triumph. Today we are going to talk about this newly appeared gym craze in China. In order to get an overall picture, we would first take a look at the group of people who are likely to be gym-goers, the reasons for their participation, and some myths in working out at the gym. Firstly, who a

48、re likely to be gym-goers? According to a survey, the dominant gym-goers are university students and those who go to work wearing suits and ties,or the so-called “white collar“, aged under 35. This group of people tend to be energetic and have enough time and money. More importantly, they are keen t

49、o adapt to a new life style. Then, why do they go to the gym? The first reason for this may be the growing number of obese people. This may be the most obvious explanation for the rise of the fitness boom. Maybe going to the gym can be explained as the logical consequence of gluttony! Going to the gym has bec


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