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1、专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-l

2、ecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 One-click Content, No Guarantees Wikipedia is the first major reference work with a democratic pre

3、mise. Its signature strength, however, is also its vulnerability, because user-generated articles are often (1)_or irrelevant. Who are the gatekeepers? How do they go about their business? Can we trust online encyclopedias? These are the questions Im going to explore in todays mini-lecture. There ar

4、e about 800 (2)_contributors, or Wikipedians, as they like to call themselves, who oversee this online encyclopedia. They have volunteered to maintain the site and help (3)_its accuracy. Wikipedians claim the (4)_is actually carefully executed and multilayered. If theres outright vandalism, an onlin

5、e team of hundreds of volunteers will take care of it. This is the first line of defense. In many cases, however, the decision to keep or cut is not as straightforward because a lot of stuff is (5)_. For example, when Florida author and programmer Rogers Cadenhead wrote an entry about himself, Wikip

6、edians had to decide whether he was notable enough to warrant his own entry. When there is a (6)_, each Wikipedian speaks his or her piece, and then all administrators familiar with the issue are polled for a consensus, and changes are made accordingly. Wikipedia administrators need not have scholar

7、ly credentials the only requirements for the positions are keen research skills, (7)_, and lots of spare time. As a result, many publishers and academics have criticized the Wikipedia because they think leaving it open for anyone to contribute means that its content and accuracy will tend toward the

8、 mediocre. Still, many users and contributors agree that the system works well, if not perfectly, in practice. In a head-to-head comparison of Wikipedia and Britannica in the journal Nature last year, only (8)_was shown. What users should do is check their online finds against other (9)_and be aware

9、 of Wikipedias unique strengths and weaknesses. Wikipedia is a (10)_work in progress. 10 Job Interviews A job interview is the opportunity for you to show yourself, so it is essential to make good preparations. In order to get well-prepared, the first step is to research companies. You should (1)_in

10、 advance:gather as much information as you can. After that, youd better research yourself. Except for some good traits, list some (2)_ about you. By studying yourself, you will be able to turn your negative points around into positive ones when asked. Finally, (3)_. If you want to look spontaneous,

11、self-confident, the way out is to do it with a video camera, a mirror, or have your friend do mock interviews with you. Next, the succeeding strategies on the interview will be mentioned. First, you should (4)_appropriately. Appearance is the first thing people notice, thus very important. Then, goo

12、d grooming is essential, which includes (5)_, etc. Besides, body language reveals a lot about you, like the natural eye contact, a smiling relaxed face, etc. Your arms should not (6)_across your chest, but rest casually. Another thing worthy of attention is that you should (7)_at the end of the inte

13、rview. You could ask about the special projects you would work on or a typical day on the job. By doing that, you can show the employer that you can (8)_. At last, you have to prepare in advance the money questions. As a sensitive topic, you should not bring it up, but the interviewer may raise it f

14、irst. Always give a (9)_, lest you price yourself out of a job. Finally, there is one thing that is often neglected after the interview:the thank-you note or letter. In my opinion, the thank-you note would not make you look like you were (10)_ the employer. On the contrary, it sets you apart from ot

15、hers. 20 Winston Churchill Churchill came from a military family and entered the army as a cavalry officer. Between 1895 and 1898 he had already seen three campaigns,where he revealed two other aspects of his character:(1)_and an interest in public affairs. He even won a Nobel Prize for literature.

16、However,writing never fully engaged him. He devoted most of his time and energy to (2)_: he left the Conservative Party to join the Liberals in 1904, and became first Lord of the Admiralty in 1911. Thus he was the political head of the Royal Navy at the outbreak of the WW I in 1914. He immediately c

17、ommitted the Royal Naval Division and the Allies major force to a series of wars, which were ended with heroic failure. Churchill (3)_and became politically eclipsed. This period lasted about 25 years despite his readmission to office in 1917 and rejoining the Conservatives later. He resigned office

18、 again in 1931. By advocating anti-Nazi policies, he finally stood out as a man the nation could trust in 1940. He went strongly against (4)_of Chamberlain, and succeeded him as the premier. After the instalment, he was faced with(5)_. However, he never surrendered and organized a successful air def

19、ense that led to the victory of the Battle of Britain. Meanwhile he sent most of the British army to the Middle East to oppose Hitlers Italian ally, Mussolini.He also dispatched the army to a remotetheater of war to open (6)_against the Nazi alliance. Its victories against Mussolini during 1940-1941

20、 both humiliated and infuriated Hitler. Churchill had always been resting his hope of ultimate victory in U.S. intervention, despite Roosevelts reluctance to do so. The turning point lied in the Japanese attack on the American Pacific fleet at (7)_, which led to Americas entry into the WW II . Churc

21、hill exulted in the success of the D-day invasion when it came in 1944. However, the (8)_rather than Anglo-American nexus dominated the alliance. Shortly afterwards, he suffered the domestic humiliation of losing the (9)_. He returned to power in 1951 and remained until 1955. Actually, it would have

22、 been better to his reputation if he had not returned, because he was not a(n) (10)_peacetime Prime Minister. No matter what happened to him after the WW II , Churchills fame had been made, and he stood unchallengeable as the greatest of all Britains war leaders. 专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 SECTION A

23、 MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you

24、 will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 One-Click Content, No Guarantees Should you trust the worlds first user-generated encyclopedia? If you logged on to Wikipedia, t

25、he free online encyclopedia last January to do research on current members of the U.S. Congress, you may have been surprised to find that the official entry for a Representative noted that he smelled of “cow dung“. Within hours, Wikipedia administrators had intercepted the renegade edits but not bef

26、ore the incident provoked a nationwide media furor, spurring questions about the encyclopedias credibility. As the first-ever major reference work with a democratic premise that anyone can contribute an article or edit an entry Wikipedia has generated shared scholarly efforts to rival those of any l

27、iterary or philosophical movement in history. Its signature strength, however, is also its greatest vulnerability. User-generated articles are often inaccurate or irrelevant, and vandals like the political jokesters are a constant threat. As a result, the role of the encyclopedias gatekeepers assume

28、s added importance. Who are they, and how do they go about the business of deciding which new content will pass through their crucible? Can we trust online encyclopedias? These are the questions Im going to explore in todays mini-lecture. Founded in 2001 by Jimmy Donal Wales, a former Chicago option

29、s trader, Wikipedia has morphed into a cultural phenomenon on a par with Google. Internet users have contributed more than 3 million articles in 200 languages to the site, and every few seconds, a new article or edit is added to Wikipedias 180-gigabyte database. Overseeing the entire gargantuan know

30、ledge machine are the Wikipedia elite:about 800 longtime contributors who have volunteered to maintain the site and help ensure its accuracy. The influx of information is so great that its easy to characterize content-control efforts as potshots into a crowd, but Wikipedians as regular contributors

31、like to call themselves claim the review process is actually carefully executed and multilayered. The first line of defense is the so-called recent changes patrol, an online SWAT team made up of hundreds of volunteers who comb new or recently modified content for errors. If theres outright vandalism

32、, the recent changes patrol will avert the situation fairly quickly. In many cases, however, the decision to keep or cut is not as straightforward.A lot of stuff is borderline. A question often asked is:“Is it verifiable? Is it important enough to go into the encyclopedia?“ Disputes among administra

33、tors senior Wikipedians who have the power to block or roll back edits on an entry, or even to delete an entry outrightabout the validity or relevance of a fact or article can lead to pages long online debates. When Florida author and programmer Rogers Cadenhead wrote an entry about himself, for ins

34、tance, the question at issue was not whether Cadenhead was guilty of self-promotion, but whether he was notable enough to warrant his own entry. “Keep author of popular books,“ one Wikipedian weighed in. “Writing a book itself does not mean the person should be included,“ another administrator fired

35、 back. Someone looked up the books on Amazon, and Cadenheads sales rankings are 30 000 and 80 000. In the end, Cadenheads entry was kept along with a note about the controversy. The give-and-take review process is similar to a collegiate debate round. After each Wikipedian speaks his or her piece, a

36、ll administrators familiar with the issue are polled for a consensus, and changes are made accordingly. Unlike advisors at publications like the World Book Encyclopedia and the Encyclopedia Bri-tannica, Wikipedia administrators need not have scholarly credentials the only requirements for the positi

37、ons are keen research skills, a critical eye, and lots of spare time. The more users and gatekeepers who weigh in on an entry, the thinking goes, the more detailed and accurate it becomes, ideally producing a whole greater than the sum of its parts. Many publishers and academics, however, have criti

38、cized the Wikipedia model on the grounds that it generates the informational equivalent of sludge. The lack of formal gatekeeping procedures, they say, ensures that the lowest common denominator will prevail and since no experts or editors are hired to vet articles, no clear standards exist for accu

39、racy or writing quality. Leaving Wikipedia open for anyone to contribute means that its content and accuracy will tend toward the mediocre. Still, many users and contributors agree that the system works well, if not perfectly, in practice. And for those who assume that Wikipedias policies translate

40、into general inaccuracy, in a head-to-head comparison of Wikipedia and Britannica in the journal Nature last year, Britannica had an average of three errors per published science article, while Wikipedia had four a difference so slight it left the primacy of Britannicas venerated review process in q

41、uestion. Thats not to say Wikipedia users should ever feel so confident as to take the encyclopedias content on faith. Wales, the founder, advises readers to check their online finds against other sources and to be aware of Wikipedias unique strengths and weaknesses, especially when gathering inform

42、ation for research projects. Now let me end my lecture with Wales words: “No encyclopedia article is intended to be a primary source its just an introductory summary, and people should approach it that wayWikipedias timeliness is really impressive, and so is the sheer amount of brainpower we bring t

43、o bear on complicated questions. But because everything is so open and fluid, you have to be aware that anything on the site could be broken at any given moment. Its a live work in progress.“ 【知识模块】 社会类 1 【正确答案】 inaccurate 【试题解析】 听者如果听懂并理解了演讲开篇的例子和之后的简短分析,便不难预测后面演讲者即将提出 Wikipedia的一个主要缺点,即其准确性和相关性。这个

44、空格也就不难填出了。 【知识模块】 社会类 2 【正确答案】 longtime regular 【试题解析】 Wikipedia有 800个长期的或固定的成员,他们的工作是对网站内容进行把关。 longtime和 regular两者在演讲中都出现过,而且意义相同,所以此处两 者皆可。 【知识模块】 社会类 3 【正确答案】 ensure 【试题解析】 这些固定的成员是志愿者,他们的工作就是维护网站并保证其内容的准确性,此处是对这些人职能的重复, to ensure its accuracy同前面的overseethe machine 同意。 【知识模块】 社会类 4 【正确答案】 review

45、 process 【试题解析】 成员们称其把关是相当仔细并且是多层把关,这个把关的过程被称为 “review process”,亦可酾译为审核过程。 【知 识模块】 社会类 5 【正确答案】 borderline 【试题解析】 这里讨论的是第二种情况,即信息的价值不是一眼就能判断出的,而是边缘情况,此处的 borderline和前文的 not as straightforward同义。 【知识模块】 社会类 6 【正确答案】 dispute 【试题解析】 第三种情况是成员们对某些信息有争议 (dispute),意见不能统一,此处讨论他们如何处理这种情况。 【知识模块】 社会类 7 【正确答案】

46、 a critical eye 【试题解析】 和传统的百科全书的顾问不同, Wikipedia的把关成员需要的不是学术上的权威,而是需要搜索技巧,批判的眼光,即 a critical eye,和许多业余时间。听者必须在理解上下文的基础上才能填对这一项。 【知识模块】 社会类 8 【正确答案】 a slight difference 【试题解析】 这一句是对上文中例子 (即 Wikipedia和不列颠百科全书的比较 )的总结:比较显示两者的差别非常小。 【知识模块】 社会类 9 【正确答案】 sources 【试题解析 】 演讲者对网上百科全书用户的建议是:应当将网上百科全书和其他信息来源 (s

47、ources)相互参照。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【正确答案】 live 【试题解析】 最后这句话是对 Wikipedia的一个非常形象生动的概述,它是一个随时更新随时在变化的作品,好似一场正在直播的演出或比赛。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【听力原文】 Job Interviews A job interview is your chance to show an employer what he or she will get if youre hired. That is why it is essential to be well prepared for the job inte

48、rview. Preparing means knowing about the industry, the employer, and yourself. It means paying attention to details like personal appearance, punctuality, and demeanor. I always feel that knowledge is your best weapon. Lets start by some information about how to prepare for the Interview. The first

49、step is to research companies. Before you begin to think about how you will dress for the interview, or answer questions, you should do your homework. By that I mean gather as much information about the employer as you can. Not only will you appear informed and intelligent, it will also help you make a decision if a job offer is eventual


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