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1、专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 5及答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-l

2、ecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 9-11 Terrorist Attack The reason of the 9-11 terrorist attack concluded by Commission hearings in

3、Washington was the governments lack of (1)_to detect the attack plan beforehand. However, the real reason of the attack was hidden. According to the author, there are four reasons for the 9-11 attack, which was symbolized by the destruction of (2)_symbols of US power, with the White House (political

4、 power) narrowly escaping from the ill fortune. The primary reason for 9-11 is the US policy and actions in the Middle East since the end of WW II a policy with intent to control (3)_, which has led the US to intervene in the region frequently. The three other reasons include the Afghan civil war, t

5、he first US-Iraq war, and US support for Israel. During the Afghan civil war (1978-1995), extremist Islamic fundamentalism became a serious military force partly due to the US support, and (4)_, the Saudi millionaire, played an important role there. During the first US-Iraq war (1990-2003), under th

6、e administration of George Bush the First, Iraq was severely (5)_, including its Saudi Arabia Government, which had allowed the Americans to establish a military base on Arab/Muslim soil to attack another Arab/Muslim country, greatly (6)_Bin Laden and making him decide to push the US out of the regi

7、on and get rid of the House of Saud. Another reason is the (7)_for Israel (1967-2004)_. The US has been devoted to Israel as a surrogate for American military power in the region. Actually, Middle Eastern public opinion does not entirely (8)_ Palestinian cause, but Americas total support for Israel

8、at the expense of simple justice for millions of Arabs could not be tolerated. The subsequent “war on terrorism“ launched by the Bush administration is wrong on two counts:it is more intended to extend (9)_and focused on symptoms not causes. To treat the cause, the government has to change the outra

9、geous imperial (10)_that have led to this situation. 10 Surprising Side Effects of Global Warming Nowadays, a lot of (1)_happened as a result of the warmer climate, such as rising seas, melting polar ice caps, deformed railroad tracks, etc. There are generally three major (2)_of global warming: 1 .T

10、he phenomenon of thawing out. Seasonally frozen areas in the Northern Hemisphere decreased greatly during the 20th Century. In the region across the former Soviet Union, the temperature has (3)_1 degree on average in the soil 16 inches below the surface. Similar changes have happened to the U.S. soi

11、l too, and this will affect (4)_. There is evidence that global warming is responsible for observed changes in seasonally frozen soil and permafrost. 2.(5)_. Owing to climate warming, the seasonal thaw runs deeper and extends into the former permafrost which is under the seasonally frozen soil, and

12、the water in the soil (6)_unevenly in the ground surface because of its different volume in different temperature. The consequences of disappearing permafrost could be very dangerous for structures. The famous Tibetan railroad is equipped with (7)_to prevent the melting of permafrost, on which it is

13、 built. 3.Mountain makeovers. Climate warming has caused thinning of ice or permafrost, which further lead to several northern landslides and rockslides. Rockslides in the Swiss Alps were also related to (8)_. However, the current researches are (9)_to understand the root cause, the possible consequ

14、ences, and the ways to improve the situation. There are several causes and effects that havent been explored, such as (10)_. The relationship between climatic warming and degrading permafrost may not be so straightforward. 20 Making the Student the Star In the past 6 years I have read 400 young adul

15、t literature books of various kinds. My substantial reading list came from my work in creating a computer program for elementary school children, the goal of which is: to help children use (1)_as a way to grow intellectually and emotionally. My roles as a tutor and (2)_have made me firmly believe in

16、 making sure that the student is the “star“ of the educational experience. In other words, we must create educational experiences that strive to make the individual learner the (3)_ the star of the lesson. If we do this, we are likely to reach our goal. I dont believe even the best designed computer

17、 program can ever (4)_a talented teacher. But for many students, computers offer a nonthreatening, engaging, and effective tool for learning, as long as the student becomes the star of any software program. Our approach has been to create computer experiences that place the focus squarely on the (5)

18、_user. Our educational CD-ROM series “Thats a Fact, Jack! Read“ immerses students in a television game show environment in which they answer questions about a literature title they have just read. We used (6)_design techniques that we believe better ensure that the student can (7)_, make sense of, a

19、nd care about the material. To achieve this, we used such design techniques as dynamic leveling, personalized responses, synchronized text and speech and strong engagement and (8)_. Together these techniques create an inclusive, supportive, and challenging environment for learning. The computer prog

20、ram is best used along with a lively classroom (9)_and debate over the themes of the book. Figuring out effective ways to integrate technology in the learning process is a huge challenge. But the success or failure of any learning experience depends on how well the lesson considers each students (10

21、)_needs. 专业英语八级(社会类听力填空)模拟试卷 5答案与解析 SECTION A MINI-LECTURE Directions: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after th

22、e mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking. 0 【听力原文】 9-11 Terrorist Attack Good morning. Today, I would like to address the issue of 9-1

23、1 terrorist attack on America. The 9-11 Commission hearings in Washington these last weeks seem to have been constructed to produce a foreordained and narrow conclusion about only one aspect of the events of September 11 the governments lack of preparedness to detect the attack plan before it was ex

24、ecuted. Entirely omitted from the probe, and from the presidential elections as well, is the other big question about September 11 what was the real reason the attacks took place? Why is the question about the reasons for the attack not asked or answered? So far, the conventional political wisdom fr

25、om Washington seems to be that the cause of September 11 is that, to paraphrase, “the terrorists are uncivilized and are motivated by a hatred for democracy and an envy of the American way of life“. However, in my view, this is not the root reason. There are four reasons in combination why a small g

26、roup of fanatics were willing to commit suicide to destroy the three symbols of US power in the world the World Trade Center (financial power), the Pentagon (military power), and the White House (political power), which evidently was spared because the final hijacked aircraft crashed before reaching

27、 its target. The primary reason for September 11 is the product of US policy and actions in the Middle East since the end of World War II a policy based on exercising control over the worlds greatest known reserves of petroleum. This has led Washington to continuously intervene in the region to supp

28、ort backward feudal monarchies and repressive, undemocratic regimes at the expense of social and political progress. The three secondary reasons involve the Afghan civil war (1978-1995), the first US-Iraq war (1990-2003), and one-sided US support for Israel (mainly 1967-2004). Until the implosion of

29、 the USSR in 1990, the US was in a frenzy to prevent the Soviets from gaining influence in the region. Since 1990, Washington has sought to secure total hegemony throughout the entire Middle East, culminating in the Bush administrations plan to “re-make“ the principal countries of the region into “d

30、emocracies“ subordinate to White House domination, by force if necessary, beginning with Iraq. Three more ingredients must be added: l.The Afghan civil war (1978-1995): It was during this period that extremist Islamic fundamentalism became a serious military force, in large part because the US inves

31、ted billions of dollars in training and equipping such a force, as well as providing bases and financing for fundamentalist religious schools in Afghanistan and neighboring Pakistan. Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden played an important role in the CIAs schemes for several years. 2.The first US-Iraq

32、 war (1990-2003): Iraq invaded the tiny, oil-rich principality in neighboring Kuwait in August 1990. Rejecting repeated Iraqi offers of a negotiated withdrawal, the regime of George Bush the First gradually built up a huge invasion force and massively retaliated in January 1990. Iraqs entire civilia

33、n infrastructure was destroyed electricity, water supplies, factories, transportation, communications, bridges and so forth, along with its retreating army and many thousands of civilians. Extensive sanctions, which killed over a million people, along with frequent air attacks, continued until 2003,

34、 when George Bush the Second launched a new invasion. Bin Laden, the leader of the mujahideen movement that emerged from Afghanistan, was outraged by the government of his native Saudi Arabia, which had allowed the “infidel“ Americans to establish a military base on Arab/Muslim soil to attack anothe

35、r Arab/Muslim country. At around this time he dedicated himself to two goals:pushing the US out of the region and getting rid of the House of Saud. 3.One-sided US support for Israel (1967-2004): The US has been devoted to Israel as a surrogate for American military power in the region since the June

36、 1967 war. Every time Washington vetoes a UN Security Council resolution seeking justice for the Palestinians, Arab anger mounts against the US. Every time Israeli tanks and soldiers fire at stone-throwing boys, the anger mounts further. Middle Eastern public opinion does not expect Washington to tu

37、rn on Israel and embrace the Palestinian cause, but it cannot countenance Americas total support for Israel at the expense of simple justice for millions of Arabs. These four examples of Washingtons imperial deportment in the Middle East for a period of more than half a century have created great an

38、tagonism toward America on the part of the Arab masses. In the process, White House policies have unintentionally generated a small, extreme fringe of Islamic fundamentalism dedicated to visiting violent retribution on the US, which it accomplished on September 11, 2001. The Bush administrations sub

39、sequent “war on terrorism“ is wrong on two main counts: 1.It is much more intended to extend US hegemony than to track down the relatively few people involved in September 11. Why attack Iraq which was innocent of complicity in the incident or threaten similarly uninvolved Cuba, Iran and Syria, amon

40、g others? 2. It is focused on symptoms, not causes, and thus cannot succeed in its stated objectives regardless of how many more billions of dollars are spent on homeland security and foreign wars. What then will make mighty America more secure from the threat of another terrorist attack from a smal

41、l fringe group? Treat the cause, not the symptoms. Change the outrageous imperial policies and actions that have created this situation. To sum up, in todays lecture, I have analyzed the primary four reasons for the 9-11 attack, the mistakes made by the Bush administration and the way to correct the

42、m. Of course, these are only personal opinions of mine. Here, I am eager to hear what you think about this issue. Any constructive opinions are welcome. 【知识模块】 社会类 1 【正确答案】 preparedness 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。可以从讲座原文中 the govenmaents lack of preparedness to detect the attack plan before it was execut

43、ed得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 2 【正确答案】 two 【试题解析】 本题为推断题。讲座原文中提到一小撮宗教主义狂热者以自杀的方式来摧毁美国权势的象征一世贸中心、五角大楼和白宫,但是白宫由于被劫持的飞机坠毁而免遭灭顶之灾。可以推断得出答案: 9-11的象征是美国两个权力中心的破坏。 【知识模块】 社会类 3 【正确答案】 petroleum oil 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。 可以从讲座原文中 a policy based on exercising control over the worlds greatest known reserves of petroleu

44、m得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 4 【正确答案】 Osama bin Laden bin Laden Laden 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。可以从讲座原文中 Saudi millionaire Osama Bin Laden played an important role in the CIAs schemes for several years得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 5 【正确答案】 demolished depredated devastated damaged 【试题解析】 本题为归纳题。原文中提到伊拉克的整个基础设施,军队以及平民都被摧毁了。从中可以归

45、纳出本题答案:伊拉克被严重破坏了。 【知识模块】 社会类 6 【正确答案】 outraging irritating provoking 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于转换角度 型。可根据原文 Bin Laden, the leader of the mujahideen movement that emerged from Afghanistan, was outraged by the government of his native Saudi Arabia 得出答案。但需使之在语义语法上都切合题意,原文主语为 Bin Laden,与题目主语不一样。 【知识模块】 社会类 7 【正确答

46、案】 total support one-sided US support 【试题解 析】 本题为要点题。可根据原文信息 One-sidedUS support for Israel(1967-2004): 得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 8 【正确答案】 stand for on the side of support embrace 【试题解析】 本题为推断题。原文中提到中东的民意并不要求美国反对以色列,接受巴勒斯坦的主张,但是他们也不能容忍美国牺牲公正原则完全支持以色列。从中可以推断得出答案:中东的民意也不完全支持巴勒斯坦。 【知识模块】 社会类 9 【正确 答案】 US hegemo

47、ny hegemony imperial hegemony 【试题解析】 本题为细节题,属于直接拷贝型。可根据原文信息 It is much more intended to extend US hegemony than to track down the relatively few people involved in September 11得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【正确答案】 policies and actions 【试题解析】 本 题为要点题。可根据原文信息 Treat the cause, not the symptoms Change the outrageo

48、us imperial policies and actions that have created this situation得出答案。 【知识模块】 社会类 10 【听力原文】 Surprising Side Effects of Global Warming Rising seas, melting polar ice caps and strange weather tend to grab headlines as Earths cli-mate grows warmer. But there are other dramatic outcomes that scientists

49、are only beginning to grasp and which could damage structures in northern areas, reconfigure towering mountains and alter biology. As winters get milder, changes occur underfoot and go largely unnoticed until critical thresholds are reached. Railroad tracks are deformed. Rocky peaks crack apart and spill into ravines. Whole mountainsi


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