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1、专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 103及答案与解析 一、 PART IV TRANSLATION 1 由小学到中学,所修习的无非是一些普通的基本知识。就是大学四年,所授课业也还是相当粗浅的学识。世人常称大学为 “最高学府 ”,这名称易滋误解,好像过此以上即无学问可言。大学的研究所才是初步研究学问的所在,在这里做学问也只能算是初涉藩篱,注重的是研究学问的方法与实习。学无止境,一生的时间都嫌太短,所以古人皓首穷经,头发白了还是在继续研究,不过在这样的研究中确是有浓厚的趣味。 2 三个臭皮匠,合成一 个诸葛亮。 3 “跳竹竿 ”原是黎族一种古老的祭祀方式。数百年前,当黎家人经过辛勤耕作换得新谷归仓时,

2、村里男女老少就会穿上节日盛装,家家户户炊制新米饭,酿造糯米酒,宰杀禽畜,祭祀祖宗和神灵。酒酣饭饱后,众人就会来到山坡上,点燃篝火,跳起竹竿舞。竹声叮咚,庆祝稻谷丰登,祝愿来年有更好的收成。 “跳竹竿 ”每年从开春之日起,直至元宵,几乎夜夜篝火通明,欢跳不息,热烈气氛充溢着山坡村寨。 4 合中国旧历的三伏,一年最热的时候。 5 不过新鲜好奇开洋荤,以及家庭聚会、恋人约会这一类在阎云祥 文中成为 “美国文化中国化 ”的要素,正在逐渐消失于中国的沿海城市;最起码在繁忙时间,麦当劳的顾客群多由互不相识者组成,这正是美国快餐业者的理想顾客。与此同时,麦当劳的选址也日益向商业区和写字楼区靠拢,一个成熟的市

3、场正在形成。尽管如此,我依然看不出中式快餐找到了与洋快餐一决雌雄的战机。 专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 103答案与解析 一、 PART IV TRANSLATION 1 【正确答案】 Primary and secondary schools will impart to you only some rudiments of knowledge. Even what you learn during the four years of university will be something quite superficial too. A university has often been

4、 misleadingly referred to as “the highest seat of learning“, which sounds as if there were no more learning to speak of beyond it The research institute of a university, however, is the place for preliminary scholarship. But even there you get only the first taste of learning and the emphasis is on

5、research methodology and practice. Art is long, life is short. That is why some of our ancients continued to study classics into their old age. They were, of course, motivated by an enormous interest in their studies. 【试题解析】 1本段总体时态为一般现在时,最后一句话说 “古人 ”,用一般过去时。 2第 1句选择 primary and secondary schools为主语

6、,目的是为了连结下文所讨论的 a university和 theresearch institute of a university。 3第 3句的 “学府 ”可译为 seat of learning或 institution of higher learning。 4 “这名称易滋误解 ”可译为非限制性定语从句 which is misleading,高分译文 采用了评注性副词 mislead-ingly,结构更为紧凑。 5第 4句的 “所在 ”和 “在这里 ”是共指关系,可用 where引导定语从句与之衔接;高分译文另起一句,前置 there以表强调。句中的 “藩篱 ”一词原指篱笆,这里作

7、比喻用,故 “初涉藩篱 ”按 “初步体验做学问的乐趣 ”译为 the first taste of learning。 【知识模块】 翻译 2 【正确答案】 Three cobblers with their wits combined, equal Zhuge Liang the master mind. 【试题解析】 译文准确贴切、琅琅上口,更为难得的是保留了原文押韵的特点,是难得的佳译。现在我国汉英词典中 “三个臭皮匠,赛过 (顶个 )诸葛亮 ”的译文大多照搬了这种译法。 【知识模块】 翻译 3 【正确答案】 The bamboo dance originates from Li peo

8、ples memorial ceremonies for their ancestors several hundred years ago. They used to have a grand celebration for a bumper harvest, when they would dress themselves in bright clothes, cook newly collected rice, brew rice wine, and kill domestic fowl and animals as offering for gods and their forefat

9、hers. After a big dinner, they would gather at mountain slopes for the bamboo dance. Around the bonfires and at the rhythmic and musical sound of the bamboo poles knocking, they danced merrily and anticipated another good harvest the following year. The game starting on the first day of spring would

10、 last fifteen days till the Lantern Festival. During the period the villages, lit up with bonfires every evening with people dancing and dancing, were immersed in a festival atmosphere. 【试题解析】 1原文中包含大量的文化特色词汇,需要在理解原文内涵意义的基础上,使用恰当的策略对其进行处理,如意译或音译加解释的方法等。本段 “数百年前 ”标志时间,当用一般过去时进行翻译。 2第 1句的 “祭祀 ”意为置备供品对

11、神佛或祖先行礼, “方式 ”按 “仪式 ”解,故 “祭祀方式 ”可译为 memorialceremonies for their ancestors或 a ritual in memory of their ancestors。 3第 3句的 “酒酣饭饱 ”简译为 a big dinner,也可译为 be fully satisfied with drinks and food。 4第 4句的 “竹声叮咚 ”按 “竹竿敲击的声音很有音乐的节奏感 ”译为 the rhythmic and musical sound ofthe bamboo poles knocking。 5第 5句的 “从开春

12、之日起,直至元宵 ”指从正月初一直至 “元宵节 ”(正月十五 ),故增译了 last fifteen days。 【知识模块】 翻译 4 【正确答案】 .equivalent to the “san-fu“ period of the lunar calendarthe hottest days of the year. 【试题解析】 对这句的处理,译者完全保留了原文的语言,运用汉语的拼音来处理 “三伏 ”这一中国传统节气。这一做法的精妙之处就是不仅使译文的准确性得以提高,也使英语读者对异国文化产生兴趣。 【知识模块】 翻译 5 【正确答案】 However, what Yan Yunxian

13、g referred to as “elements of localization of American culture in China“, which include novelty of exotic things, family reunions, and lovers dating, are phasing out in McDonalds in Chinas coastal cities. At least at its busy hours, diners at McDonalds there mainly consist of people who do not know

14、each other, precisely what American fast food industry views as its ideal target customers. At the same time, McDonalds increasingly tends to choose its location close to central business districts and areas with lots of office buildings. All these indicate that a market in the real sense is taking

15、shape. However, I still cannot see any good opportunities for Chinese fast food industry to compete with their foreign rivals. 【试题解析】 1本段为叙述当前发生的社会现象,故总体上采用一般现在时。 2第 2句可根据意思断为两个短句。 “选址 ”意指选择其所处位置,可译为 choose its location。 “日益 ”可译 成 increasingly; “商业区 ”在国际上通常成为 business district,国外现代城市规划中常用 CBD表示,即 ce

16、ntral business district的缩写; “成熟的 ”可按字面译为 mature,但此处意指真正意义上的,译为短语 inthe real sense作后置定语更为贴切; “形成 ”可译成 taking shape或 taking form,也可译成 coming intoexistence 3第 3句 “我看不出一决雌雄的战机 ”意为文章的作者认为竞争获胜的机会很小,故可译为 I still can not seeany good opportunities; “中式快餐 ”应译成 Chinese fast food industry,与上文中的 American fastfood industry形成对等。 【知识模块】 翻译


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