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1、专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 75及答案与解析 SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 我同书籍,即将分离。我虽非英雄,颇有垓下之感,即无可奈何。 这些书,都是在全国解放以后,来到我家的。最初零零碎碎,中间成套成批。有的来自京沪,有的来自苏杭。最初,囊中羞涩,也曾交臂相失。中间也曾一掷百金,稍有豪气。总之,时历三十余年,我同他们,可称故旧。 十年浩劫,我自顾不暇,无心也无力顾及它们。但它们辗转多处,经受折磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破,终于还是回来了。失去了一些,我有些惋惜

2、,但也不愿去寻觅它们,因为我失去的东西,比起它们,更多也更重要。 2 我读过一本译著中的一番话: 科学成就了一些伟大的改变,但却没能改变人生的基本事实。人类未能征服自然,只不过服从了自然,避免了一些可避免的困难,但没能除绝祸害。地震、飓风,以及类似的大骚动都提醒人们,宇宙还没有尽人自己的掌握。事实上,人类的苦难何止于天灾,还有人祸;何止于人祸,还 有个人难以言状的不幸。尤其是个人不幸,即使在未来高度发达了的理想社会里,也会忠实地伴随着人生啊 ! 由此,自古而今的仁人志士都常怀忧国忧民之心。中国知识分子从屈原以来尽皆“哀民生之多艰 ”;中国之外的伯特兰 -罗素也说过,三种单纯然而极其强烈的激情支

3、配着他的一生。 他说,那是对爱情的渴望,对知识的寻求,对人类苦难痛彻肺腑的怜悯。他说,爱情和知识把他向上导往天堂,但怜悯又总是把他带回人间。痛苦的呼喊在他们中反响、回荡。因为无助于人类,他说他感到痛苦。 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 3 Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge. Its goal is to find out how the world wor

4、ks, to seek what regularities there may be, to penetrate to the connections of thingsfrom sub-nuclear particles, which may be the constituents of all matter, to living organisms, the human social community, and thence to the cosmos as a whole. Our intuition is by no means an infallible guide. Our pe

5、rceptions may be distorted by training and prejudice or merely because of the limitations of our sense organs, which, of course, perceive directly but a small fraction of the phenomena of the world. Even so straightforward a question as whether in the absence of friction a pound of lead falls faster

6、 than a grain of fluff was answered incorrectly by Aristotle and almost everyone else before the time of Galileo. Science is based on experiment, on a willingness to challenge old dogma, on an openness to see the universe as it really is. Accordingly, science sometimes requires courageat the very le

7、ast, the courage to question the conventional wisdom. 4 “ Let me have a companion of my way,“ says Sterne, “ were it but to remark how the shadows lengthen as the sun declines. “ It is beautifully said; but, in my opinion, this continual comparing of notes interferes with the involuntary impression

8、of things upon the mind, and hurts the sentiment. If you only hint what you feel in a kind of dumb show, it is insipid; if you have to explain it, it is making a toil of a pleasure. You cannot read the book of nature without being perpetually put to the trouble of translating it for the benefit of o

9、thers. I am for this synthetical method on a journey in preference to the analytical. I am content to lay in a stock of ideas then, and to examine and anatomize them afterwards. I want to see my vague notions float like the down of the thistle before the breeze, and not to have them entangled in the

10、 briars and thorns of controversy. For once, I like to have it all my own way; and this is impossible unless you are alone, or in such company as I do not covet. I have no objection to argue a point with any one for twenty miles of measured road, but not for pleasure. 专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 75答案与解析 SECTION

11、A CHINESE TO ENGLISH Directions: Translate the following text into English. 1 【正确答案】 Some of the books came from Beijing and Shanghai, and some others from Suzhou and Hangzhou. During the first few years, as I was financially embarrassed, sometimes I had to turn from the books that I would have like

12、d to give everything in exchange for. However, there were occasions on which I threw my money on books with quite a sense of lavish generosity. In short, having kept each other company for over 30 years, we had been old friends. During the ten years of the disastrous “cultural revolution“ , I was no

13、t in the mood to, nor was I fit enough to bother about my books, as I was. not even sure where I myself would end up. But, having been taken from place to place, getting moistened and damaged, tortured and trampled underfoot, they eventually had come back to me. Some of them had got lost, for which

14、I was really sorry, but I thought I would not go and retrieve them, for I had had more to lose in those years and what I had lost other than the books was far more important. 【试题解析】 1画线部分第一段第二句中, “交臂相失 ”也即 “失之交臂 ”,在这里,这个成语的真正含义是 “十分喜爱,想买而又无力购买,因而感到遗憾 ”。 2画线部分第一段第三句中的 “豪气 ”就是 “为了购买心爱的书籍,不惜花钱 ”所表现的气派,

15、故用 lavish generosity。 3画线部分第一段第四句中的 “故旧 ”可翻译为 old friends。 4画线部分第二段第一句中的 “十年浩劫 ”可翻译成 the disastrous“cultural revolution”。 5画线部分第二段第二句翻译时需注意 “折 磨、潮湿、践踏、撞破 ”译成动词时的选择。 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 Science did make great changes, but it has never changed the basic facts of life. Human beings have never conquered

16、 the nature; they just obey the nature, avoiding some avoidable troubles. But disasters are always there. The occurrence of earthquake, hurricane and the similar tumult reminds people that the universe has not fallen in the grasp of humans. In fact, human sufferings are far more than natural disaste

17、rs. Besides these, there are also man-made disasters, and there are those unspeakable personal misfortunes as well. Especially those personal misfortunes will accompany people faithfully for their whole life even in the highly advanced and ideal society in the future. 【试题解析】 1画线部分第一句强调科学的作用,翻译时可以用一个

18、强调句式,助动词 do用在动词前表强调,即 Science did make great changes。 2画线部分第二句中 “人类未能征服自然,只不过服从了自然 ”,翻译时这两个分句可以用分号隔开。 “避免了一些可避免的困难 ”是 “服从了自然 ”的状语,可以用现在分词短语译出。 3画线部分第三句中 “地震、飓风,以及类似的大骚动都提醒人们 ”,翻译时要注意对主语的处理,出于语言习惯需要可采取增译法,增译出 The occurrence of。 4画线部分第四句中的两个 “何止于 ,还有 ” ,翻译时可以用 are far more thanBesides these , there ar

19、e alsoand there are 来表述。另外, “人祸 ”可以翻译为 manmadedisasters。 “个人不幸 ”可以翻译为 personal misfortunes。 5画线部分最后一句中 “未来高度发达了的理想社会 ”,中心词 “社会 ”前有三个定语,都放在所修饰的名词前显得累赘,可以适当把一个定语放在名词中心词后面,比如把 in the future放在后面 。 【知识模块】 汉译英 SECTION B ENGLISH TO CHINESE Directions: Translate the following text into Chinese. 3 【正确答案】 与其说

20、科学是一套知识体系,还不如说是一种思维方式。其目标是弄清世界是如何运转的,探求可能存在的规律,洞察事物之间的联系 从可能是构成万物的基本单位的亚核粒子,到生命有机体及人类社会,乃至整个宇宙。我们的直觉一点都不可靠。由于教育和偏见,或者仅仅由于我们感觉器官的局限性 ,因为我们的认知会出现偏差,因为我们的感觉器官只能直接感知世界上的一小部分现象。 甚至像 “在没有摩擦力的情况下,一磅铅是否要比一点绒毛下落得快 ”这样简单的问题,在伽利略之前的亚里士多德和几乎所有人都回答错了。科学基于实验,基于勇于挑战旧有教条的信念,基于对探索宇宙真理的渴求。因此,科学有时需要勇气,至少需要有敢于质疑传统的勇气。

21、【试题解析】 1第一段第一句中的 much more than it is 结构,意为 “(科学 )更多的是 ” ,这里可以翻译为 “与其说科学是 还不如说是 ” 。 2第一段第二句较长,有三个并列的不定式短语作表语: to find outto seekto penetrate to ,破折号后是 fromtoand thence to 介词短语结构,其中包含一个定语从句 which may be theconstituents of all matter,修饰 sub-nuclear particles,其中 sub-nuclear意为 “亚核 ”。 3第一段第三句中的 by no mea

22、ns意为 “绝不,根本不 ”; infallible意为 “绝对可靠的,万无一失的 ”。 4第 二段第一句中的 straightforward意为 “简单的,易懂的 ”; a grain of fluff中的 grain在此处的意思是 “少量,一点 ”。 5第二段第二句中的 dogma意为 “教条 ”; to see the universe as it really is可以翻译为 “探索宇宙真理 ”。 【知识模块】 英译汉 4 【正确答案】 这种说法很好,但我的观点是,不断地交换意见会干扰我们对事物最初的印象,让观点变得杂乱。假如你只是用一种像演哑剧的方式模糊地暗示自己的感受,那真是索然无

23、味;假如你不得 不解释一番,那又把快乐的事情变成了苦差。在阅读关于自然的书籍时,为了使别人能弄明白,你不可能摆脱经常得把它翻译出来的麻烦。对于旅行,我更喜欢用 “综合法 ”而不是 “分析法 ”。我喜欢储存一大堆想法,然后慢慢地解析研究。我希望看着那些不清晰的想法像绒毛一样在风中飞舞,而不是在一片充满争议的荆棘丛中纠缠不清。这一次,我要按照自己的方式做事情。这种情况只有独自一个人时才能实现,或者是和我并不奢求在一起的一些人合作。 我并不反对与朋友算好二十英里路程,然后边走边聊,但这么做绝不是兴趣所在。 【试题解析】 1画线部 分第一句中的 involuntary意为 “无意识做出的,不由自主的,

24、不自觉的 ”,在此指人最初形成的、不受干扰的对事物的看法。 hurts the sentiment不能按照字面直译为 “伤害我们的观点 ”,在这里意译为 “让观点得变杂乱 ”。 2画线部分第三句中的 cannotwithout 是个双重否定结构,意为 “在阅读 你不可能摆脱 ” 。 without后面内容较长,翻译时很难用一个长句译出,所以最好断开长句,处理为几个短句。 3画线部分第四句中的 synthetical意为 “综合的,合成的 ”, analytical意为 “分析的 ”, inpreference to意为 “优先于 ”。所以整句话的意思是:我更喜欢用 “综合法 ”,而不是 “分析法 ”。 4画线部分倒数第二句中有 impossible unless 结构,意为 “这是不可能的,除非 ” ,也暗含了双重否定,而 unless后内容又较长,所以翻译时转换为肯定句: “这种情况只有 才能 ” 。 【知识模块】 英译汉


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