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1、专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 99及答案与解析 一、 PART IV TRANSLATION 1 (我们宿舍里没有穿衣镜,饭厅门口倒是有一面。每当我穿上一件漂亮的新连衣裙,我就禁不住暗暗地想往镜子里瞧瞧自己。 )但总是在要去瞧的时候就感到特别不自在而踉跄离去 总是在关键时刻打了退堂鼓。 2 流逝,表现了南国人对时间最早的感觉。 “子在江上曰:逝者如斯夫。 ”他们发现无论是潺潺小溪,还是浩荡大河,都一去不复返,流逝之际青年变成了老翁而绿草转眼就枯黄,很自然有错阴的紧迫感。流逝也许是缓慢的 ,但无论如何缓慢,对流逝的恐惧使人们必须用 “流逝 ”这个词来时时警戒后人,必须急匆匆地行动,给这个词灌注一

2、种紧张感。 3 一进教堂我就被那钢琴的乐音吸引住了,简直不能自拔。可是我父母哪儿买得起钢琴呀。更槽糕的是,据说钢琴家都有音乐细胞,是遗传的;我想我父亲是工程师,母亲是技术员,哪会遗传什么音乐细胞呀。 4 太阳醒过来了,披上红妆,在东山之巅冉冉升起。她容光焕发,笑容可掬,向人们问候晨安。快活的百灵一向早起,在枝条间婆娑起舞,向太阳娇嘀婉转,唱着颂歌。向日葵戴着亮闪闪的露珠点缀的花 冠,争先恐后地迎着朝阳盛开。一群群多情的蜜蜂,哼着轻快的恋歌,飞入绿丛之中与可心的花儿喁喁私语。接着便是缕缕炊烟,缭绕空际,人欢马叫,汽笛长鸣,酣睡了一夜的大地苏醒了。 5 夜是安静的,然而也是生动的。狗儿活跃起来了,

3、它们悄然无声地沿着院子围墙跑着,不时地停下来支支耳朵,细察来自远近的一切动静,履行保卫主人的职责。鼠儿活跃起来了,不放过任何机会往窝里拉拽着大意的人们没有安放好的食物,尽量避免发出任何声响。猫儿也活跃起来了,它们藏好了身子,然而耳朵和眼睛都在紧张地工作着,伺机捕捉这些夜里活动的窃贼 。 专业英语八级(翻译)模拟试卷 99答案与解析 一、 PART IV TRANSLATION 1 【正确答案】 They find that flowing water passing away never returns, be they babbling streams or grand rivers. Wi

4、th the elapse of time, a youth turns into a greybeard as the green grass withers and yellows in a flash, naturally urging people not to waste time. 【试题解析】 英语多用抽象名词,汉语则不然,汉译翻译有时思维需要从具体到抽象,而译文中恰当使用抽象名词使译文增色不少。 “但总是在要去瞧的时候 ”若译成 whenever I was on the point of going there having a look at myself虽然也能达意,但比

5、之现译文的抽象化处理 each time when it comes to the fulfillment,显得逊色不少。此外, “感到特别不自在 ”译文也作了抽象化处理,用抽象名词uneasiness代替了一般译者会用的 uneasy(一般可能会译为 I would feel uneasy)。 【知识模块】 翻译 2 【正确答案】 The term “elapse“, implying perhaps a slow process, regardless of how sluggish it is, has to be employed for the fear that time is a

6、lways ticking away. Meanwhile, given its implications of intensity, the term may also be used to alert people of younger generations to act in a timely manner. 【试题解析】 本文选自著名作家韩少功的长篇小说马桥词典。小说采用了特殊的词典形式,生动描述了野性的马桥传奇和别具特色的马桥人的思考、生活和说话方式,表露出对时间流逝的感叹与无奈。画线部 分仅由两句话组成,译文应注意根据句群进行拆分翻译。 【知识模块】 翻译 3 【正确答案】 .I

7、 found myself inexorably attracted by the melody of a pianosomething beyond the means of my parents. To make it worse, people say a pianist is supposed to have music in the blood, but I believe I had none from my engineer father and technician mother. 【试题解析】 汉英翻译有时需要化繁为简,以使译文不显得过于拖沓冗长。 “可是我父母哪儿买得起钢琴

8、呀 ”在原文中是单独一句,这句似乎单独译为一句However a piano was unaffordable for my parents也可算是不错的译文,但此处译文将句子简化为一个介词短语 beyond the means of my parents,令人赞叹。 “我想我父亲是工程师,母亲是技术员,哪会遗传什 么音乐细胞呀 ”似乎也只有老老实实照原文语序直译为 how could I acquire the gift, for my father was an engineer while my mother a technician,但看了此处译文 I had none from my

9、 engineer father and technician mother,才发觉上面的译文过于拘谨了。 【知识模块】 翻译 4 【正确答案】 The sun wakes up, throws on its red mantle and, rises gently up the crest of the eastern mountain, radiating with glory, beaming with smiles,and greeting “Good morning“ to everybody. The merry larks, habitual early risers, danc

10、e gracefully from twigs to twigs and warble out sweet and melodious odes to the sun. Sunflowers, putting on their coronas decorated with twinkling dewdrops, vie with each other to burst in all their glory toward the first gleams of the morning sun. Swarms of amorous bees, humming out light-hearted m

11、adrigals, fly into green clusters to bill and coo with the blossoms after their hearts. Immediately ensue puffing off of chimney smoke in the air, laughter and neigh, and wailing of horns from passing vehicles. The great earth has come to herself from a full nights lethargic slumber! 【试题解析】 1本段为景色描写

12、,为使读者有身临其境的阅读感受,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。 2本段翻译的一个难点为众多华丽修饰语的恰当处理。例如: “东山之巅 ”可简译为 crest of the easternmountain; “冉冉升起 ”可译为 rise gently或 rise slowly; “容光焕发,笑容可掬 ”在汉语中相互对应,根据意思译为 radiating with glory,beaming with smiles,保留其平行结构; “喁喁私语 ”颇具浪漫色彩,可译为 bill and coo等。 3第 4句的 “向日葵 ”植物学学名为 heliotrope,从本文的文体特征考虑,译为sunflow

13、er甚为妥当,富有诗意。 4第 5句的 “多情的蜜蜂 ”根据上下文译为 amorous bees,符合原文的含义。若译为 sentimental bees,则不妥。 sentimental为 “多愁善感 ”之义,与本段的意境相左。 “轻快的恋歌 ”切不可译为 gay songs。现代英语中 gay的词义已发生变化,主要表示 “同 性恋 ”。 【知识模块】 翻译 5 【正确答案】 The night was serene but full of life. The dogs, becoming active, ran silently along the courtyard wall to de

14、fend their masters dutifully. They stopped now and then, pricking their ears up for any sound near or far. The rats, growing busy, ran hither and thither not to miss any chance to drag to their home any food those careless people left around, trying their best not to make any sound, while the crouch

15、ing cats, getting vigilant with their eyes and ears alert, were waiting patiently for the chance to catch these night thieves. 【试题解析】 1本段兼有描写与叙事的性质,以一般过去时作为总体时态比较妥当。 2本段总体结构为先总述,后分述。段落主题体现在第 1句的 “生动 ”二字,其后分别描写狗、鼠和猫的夜间活动。原文作者重复使用 “活跃 ”二字,使全文紧凑自然,连贯性强,翻译时应尽量体现原文的这一句式及段落特征。同时为避免用词重复,将第一个 “活跃起来 ”译为 becoming active,第二个 “活跃起来 ”译为growingbusy,第三个 “活跃起来 ”译为 getting vigilant。 3第 1句的 “安静 ”译为 serene,突出一个 “安 ”字,并带有诗意,优于 quiet, “生动 ”可译为 full of life,贴近下文的意思。 4第 3句的 “窝 ”译为 home较妥,不宜译为 house。 5第 4句的 “藏好了身子 ”简译为 crouching,译出猫科动物的典型化动作特点与习性。当然译为 hidthemselves,也能表达原文的基本意思。 【知识模块】 翻译


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