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1、专业英语八级(阅读)模拟试卷 56及答案与解析 0 From the Chrysler Corporation to the Central Intelligence Agency, cultural diversity programs are flourishing in American organizations today. Firms can no longer safely assume that every employee walking in the door has similar beliefs or expectations. Whereas North Americ

2、an white males may believe in challenging authority, Asians tend to respect and defer to it. In Hispanic cultures, people often bring music, food, and family members to work, a custom that U. S. businesses have traditionally not allowed. A job applicant who wont make eye contact during an interview

3、may be rejected for being unapproachable, when according to her culture, she was just being polite. As a larger number of women, minorities, and immigrants enter the U. S. work force, the workplace is growing more diverse. It is estimated that by 2008 women will make up about 48 percent of the U. S.

4、 work force, and African Americans and Hispanics will each account for about 11 percent; by the year 2050,minorities will make up over 50 percent of the American population. Cultural diversity refers to the differences among people in a work force due to race, ethnicity, and gender. Increasing cultu

5、ral diversity is forcing managers to learn to supervise and motivate people with a broader range of values systems. According to a recent survey by the American Management Association, half of all U. S. employers have established some kind of formal initiative to promote and manage cultural diversit

6、y. Although demographics isnt the only reason for the growth of these programs, it is a compelling one. An increasing number of organizations have come to believe that diversity, like quality and customer service, is a competitive edge. A more diverse work force provides a wider range of ideas and p

7、erspectives and fosters creativity and innovation. Avenues for encouraging diversity include recruiting at historically black colleges and universities, training and development, mentoring, and revamped promotion review policies. To get out the message about their commitment to diversity, many organ

8、izations establish diversity councils made up of employees, managers, and executives. Although many Fortune 500 companies are making diversity part of their strategic planning process, some programs stand out from the crowd. At Texas Instruments, strategies for enhancing diversity include an aggress

9、ive recruiting plan, diversity training, mentoring, and an incentive compensation program that rewards managers for fostering diversity. Each business unit has a diversity manager who implements these strategies and works closely with the companys Diversity Network. The network provides a forum of e

10、mployees to share ideas, solicit support, and build coalitions. Convinced that strengthening diversity is a business imperative, Du Pont has established several programs to achieve that goal. In addition to training workshops and mentoring, Du Pont has established over 100 multicultural networks thr

11、ough which employees share work and life experiences and strive to help women and minorities reach higher levels of leadership and responsibility within the organization. Over half of Du Ponts new hires for professional and managerial positions are minorities and women. Disney Worlds director of div

12、ersity wants theme park guests to see themselves reflected in the diversity of Disneys employees. Working to attract diverse employees, Disney hopes to convince them that the organization understands, respects, and values who they are. By holding a variety of diversity celebrations every year includ

13、ing Dr. Martin Luther Kings Birthday, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Disability Awareness Month, and Native American Heritage Month Disney opens the door to this kind of understanding. What do we learn from strong, successful diversity program such as these, as well as simila

14、r programs at Microsoft, Xerox, Procter the neurotic experiences so much of it that he cant function normally in society. Feeling guilty for harm you have caused when you arent responsible is possible because there is a more generalized readiness to accept responsibility for your actions. Guilt aris

15、es when we think we have had choices and then have made the wrong moral choice. Guilt and responsibility appear to go together. If we do harm and feel no guilty, then we dont believe we are responsible for what weve done. This means that we see ourselves as victims of circumstances, of coercion, of

16、ignorance and so forth. Remember that people who think of themselves as victims do so because they believe they have no control over events in their lives. They dont feel responsible and therefore dont feel guilty either. Several tactics can be used in disavowing responsibility: following the crowd,

17、 it is someone elses problem, it was done under coercion. None of us is perfect and that we live in an imperfect world. This means that we cant avoid hurting others. If we accept this, then we have to accept guilty feelings as a consequence of being moral people. 5 Which of the following statements

18、about guilt might the writer agree with? ( A) Guilt is used as a method to discipline children. ( B) To set up a moral standard, you should feel guilty. ( C) Guilt is a feeling that comes with breaking some moral standard. ( D) The feeling of guilt often goes together with shame and fear. 6 The publ

19、ishers of the magazine mentioned in the third paragraph think_. ( A) guilt-inducing photos can bring on moral action ( B) its not sure whether guilt-inducing photos bring on moral action ( C) guilt-inducing photos partially help bring on moral action ( D) moral action has nothing to do with guilt-in

20、ducing photos 7 People will feel painful when a person_is hurt no matter what causes the injury. ( A) they know ( B) they love ( C) they hate ( D) they value 8 The word “assuage“ in the seventh paragraph means_. ( A) soothe ( B) aggravate ( C) recall ( D) reckon 9 The writer mentions_as a pair to in

21、dicate that people should have moderate feelings of guilt. ( A) eccentric people and fashionable people ( B) overanxious people and less sociable people ( C) sociable people and healthy people ( D) reserved people and radical people 10 Which of the following is NOT an excuse some people make for den

22、ying their responsibility? ( A) They went with the stream. ( B) They were misled by others. ( C) They were forced to do it. ( D) Other people should bear the blame. 10 High, high above the North Pole, on the first day of 1969,two professors of English literature approached each other at a combined v

23、elocity of 1,200 miles per hour. They were protected from the thin, cold air by the pressurized cabins of two Boeing 707s,and from the risk of collision by the prudent arrangement of the international air corridors. Although they had never met, the two men were known to each other by name. They were

24、, in fact, in process of exchanging posts for the next six months, and in an age of more leisurely transportation the intersection of their respective routes might have been marked by some interesting human gesture: had they waved, for example, from the decks of two ocean liners crossing in mid-Atla

25、ntic, each man simultaneously focusing a telescope, by chance, on the other, with his free hand; or, more plausibly, a little mime of mutual appraisal might have been played out through the windows of two railway compartments halted side by side at the same station somewhere in Hampshire or the Mid-

26、West, the more self-conscious party relieved to feel himself, at last, moving off, only to discover that it is the other mans train that is moving first. However, it was not to be. Since the two men were in airplanes, and one was bored and the other frightened of looking out of the window; since, in

27、 any case, the planes were too distant from each other to be mutually visible with the naked eye, the crossing of their paths at the still point of the turning world passed unremarked by anyone other than the narrator of this duplex chronicle. “Duplex“ as well as having the general meaning of two-fo

28、ld applies in the jargon of electrical telegraphy to systems in which messages are sent simultaneously in opposite directions. Imagine, if you will, that each of these two professors of English Literature is connected to his native land, place of employment and domestic hearth by an infinitely elast

29、ic cord of emotions, attitudes and values; a cord which stretches and stretches almost to the point of invisibility, but never quite to breaking-point, as he hurtles through the air at 600 miles per hour. Imagine that when the two men alight in each others territory, and go about their business and

30、pleasure, whatever vibrations are passed back by one to his native habitat will be felt by the other, and vice versa, and thus return to the transmitter subtly modified by the response of the other party; may, indeed, return to him along the other partys cord of communication, which is, after all, a

31、nchored in the place where he has just arrived. One of these differences we can take in at a glance from our privileged narrative altitude(higher than that of any jet). It is obvious, from his stiff, upright posture, and fulsome gratitude to the stewardess serving him a glass of orange juice, that P

32、hilip Swallow, flying westward, is unaccustomed to air travel; while to Morris Zapp, slouched in the seat of his eastbound aircraft, chewing a dead cigar(a hostess has made him extinguish it)and glowering at the meager portion of ice dissolving in his plastic tumbler of bourbon, the experience of lo

33、ng-distance air travel is tediously familiar. Philip Swallow has, in fact, flown before; but so seldom, and at such long intervals, that on each occasion he suffers the same trauma, an alternating current of fear and reassurance that charges and relaxes his system in a persistent and exhausting rhyt

34、hm. While he is on the ground, preparing for his journey, he thinks of flying with exhilaration; soaring up, up and away into the blue sky, cradled in aircraft that seem, from a distance, effortlessly at home in that element, as though sculpted from the sky itself. This confidence begins to fade a l

35、ittle when he arrives at the airport and winces at the shrill screaming of jet engines. In the sky the planes look very small. On the runways they look very big. Therefore close up they should look even bigger but in fact they dont. His own plane, for instance, just outside the window of the assembl

36、y lounge, doesnt look quite big enough for all the people who are going to get into it. This impression is confirmed when he passes through the tunnel into the cabin of the aircraft, a cramped tube full of writhing limbs. But when he, and the other passengers, are seated, well-being returns. The sea

37、ts are so remarkably comfortable that one feels quite content to stay put, but it is reassuring that the aisle is free should one wish to walk up it. There is soothing music playing. The lighting is restful. A stewardess offers him the morning paper. His baggage is safely stowed away in the plane so

38、mewhere, or if it is not, that isnt his fault, which is the main thing. Flying is, after all, the only way to travel. 11 The two professors of English literature took their flights because they were_. ( A) eager to meet each other ( B) going to work on a project for six months ( C) interchanging the

39、ir teaching posts ( D) going to attend a meeting on English literature 12 When the writer talks about two ships and two trains, he is_. ( A) recalling his past experience ( B) expressing his regret over his past time ( C) imagining what might have happened in the past ( D) reminding the reader that

40、we owe our convenience to them 13 According to the passage,_connects the two professors with their motherlands. ( A) a springy rope ( B) an invisible feeling ( C) a series of events ( D) telecommunication 14 The word “fulsome“ in the third paragraph probably means_. ( A) polite ( B) superfluous ( C)

41、 insincere ( D) euphemistic 15 Philip Swallow feels comfortable when_. ( A) he gets to the airport ( B) he sees the gigantic plane ( C) he boards the plane ( D) he is seated on the plane 15 Our next task is to consider the policies and principles a ruler ought to follow in dealing with his subjects

42、or with his friends. Since I know many people have written on this subject, I am concerned it may be thought presumptuous for me to write on it as well, especially since what I have to say, as regards this question in particular, will differ greatly from the recommendations of others. But my hope is

43、 to write a book that will be useful, at least to those who read it intelligently, and so I thought it sensible to go straight to a discussion of how things are in real life and not waste time with a discussion of an imaginary world. For many authors have constructed imaginary republics and principa

44、lities that have never existed in practice and never could; for the gap between how people actually behave and how they ought to behave is so great that anyone who ignores everyday reality in order to live up to an ideal will soon discover he has been taught how to destroy himself, not how to preser

45、ve himself. For anyone who wants to act the part of a good man in all circumstances will bring about his own ruin, for those he has to deal with will not all be good. So it is necessary for a ruler, if he wants to hold on to power, to learn how not to be good, and to know when it is and when it is n

46、ot necessary to use this knowledge. Let us leave to one side, then, all discussion of imaginary rulers and talk about practical realities. I maintain that all men, when people talk about them, and especially rulers, because they hold positions of authority, are described in terms of qualities that a

47、re inextricably linked to censure or to praise. So one man is described as generous, another as a miser; one is called open-handed, another tight-fisted; one man is cruel, another gentle; one untrustworthy, another reliable; one effeminate and cowardly, another bold and violent; one sympathetic, ano

48、ther self-important; one promiscuous, another monogamous; one straightforward, another duplicitous; one tough, another easy-going; one serious, another cheerful; one religious, another atheistical; and so on. Now I know everyone will agree that if a ruler could have all the good qualities I have lis

49、ted and none of the bad ones, then this would be an excellent state of affairs. But one cannot have all the good qualities, nor always act in a praiseworthy fashion, for we do not live in an ideal world. You have to be canny enough to avoid being thought to have those evil qualities that would make it impossible for you to retain power; as for those that are compatible with holding on to power, you should avoid them if you can; but if you cannot, then you should not worry too much if people say you have them. Above al


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