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1、专业英语八级(阅读)练习试卷 10及答案与解析 0 What impact can mobile phones have on their users health? Many people worry about the supposed ill effects caused by radiation from handsets and base stations, despite the lack of credible evidence of any harm. But evidence for the beneficial effects of mobile phones on hea

2、lth is rather more abundant. Indeed, a systematic review carried out by Rifat Atun and his colleagues at Imperial College, London, rounds up 150 examples of the use of text-messaging in the delivery of health care. These uses fall into three categories : efficiency gains, public-health gains, and di

3、rect benefits to patients by incorporating text-messaging into treatment regimes. The study, funded by Vodafone, the worlds largest mobile operator, was published this week. Using texting to boost efficiency is not rocket science, but big savings can be achieved. Several trials carried out in Englan

4、d have found that the use of text-messaging reminders reduces the number of missed appointments with family doctors by 26-39%, for example, and the number of missed hospital appointments by 33-50%. If such schemes were rolled out nationally, this would translate into annual savings of 256m-364m. Tex

5、t messages are also being used to remind patients about blood tests, clinics, scans and dental appointments. Similar schemes in America, Norway and Sweden have had equally satisfying results though the use of text-message reminders in the Netherlands, where non-attendance rates are low, at 4%, had n

6、o effect other than to annoy patients. Text messages can also be a good way to disseminate public-health information, particularly to groups who are hard to reach by other means, such as teenagers, or in developing countries where other means of communication are unavailable. Text messages have been

7、 used in India to inform people about the World Health Organisations strategy to control tuberculosis, for example, and in Kenya, Nigeria and Mall to provide information about HIV and malaria. In Iraq, text messages were used to support a campaign to vaccinate nearly 5m children against polio. Final

8、ly, there are the uses of text messaging as part of a treatment regime. These involve sending reminders to patients to take their medicine at the right time, or to encourage compliance with exercise regimes or efforts to stop smoking. The evidence for the effectiveness of such schemes is generally a

9、necdotal, however, notes Dr. Rifat. More quantitative research is needed which is why his team also published three papers this week looking at the use of mobile phones in health care in more details. One of these papers, written in conjunction with Victoria Franklin and Stephen Greene of the Univer

10、sity of Dundee, in Scotland, reports the results of a trial in which diabetic teenagers treatment was backed up with text messaging. Diabetes needs constant management, and requires patients to take an active role in their treatment by measuring blood-sugar levels and administering insulin injection

11、s. The most effective form of therapy is an intensive regime in which patients adjust the dose of insulin depending on what they eat. This is more onerous for the patient, but allows for a greater dietary variety. Previous studies have shown that intensive treatment is effective only with close supe

12、rvision by doctors. Dr. Franklin and her colleagues devised a system called Sweet Talk, which sends patients personalised text messages reminding them of the treatment goals they have set themselves, and allowing them to send questions to doctors. The Sweet Talk system was tested over a period of 18

13、 months with teenage patients receiving both conventional and intensive diabetes treatment. A control group received conventional treatment and no text messages. The researchers found that the use of text-messaging significantly increased “self-efficacy“ (the effectiveness of treatment, measured by

14、questionnaire). More importantly, among patients receiving intensive therapy, the level of haemoglobin HbA1e an indicator of blood-glucose and hence of glycaemic control was 14% lower than for those in the control group. Since even a 10% decline in HbA1c level is associated with a reduction in compl

15、ications such as eye and kidney problems, this is an impressive result. It suggests that texting can cheaply and effectively support intensive therapy among teenagers, who often demonstrate poor compliance. Despite such promising results, Dr. Rifat notes, many of the medical uses of text-messaging h

16、ave not yet been subjected to clinical trials, because they are so new. And even where the benefits are proven, the technology has not been systematically deployed on a large scale. But when it comes to improving outcomes and reducing costs, text messages would seem to be just what the doctor ordere

17、d. 1 Which of the following can be concluded from the first paragraph? ( A) That cell phones are harmful to peoples health is unconvincing. ( B) Cell phones can bring more benefits to people than harm. ( C) People wont worry about the harm cell phones do any longer. ( D) There are only three types o

18、f benefits cell phones bring us. 2 The phrase “rolled out“ in Paragraph 2 probably means ( A) propagandized. ( B) conceived. ( C) spread. ( D) extolled. 3 All the following are the uses of text-messaging EXCEPT ( A) patients reminder. ( B) a therapeutic approach. ( C) a campaign supporter. ( D) info

19、rmation transfer. 4 The result of the teenage diabetic patients shows that ( A) those in the control group are more rebellious. ( B) text-messaging can motivate them to supervise themselves. ( C) conventional treatment isnt as effective as intensive treatment. ( D) adult diabetic patients should als

20、o try intensive treatment. 5 Which of the following may best summarize the text? ( A) People shouldnt worry about the supposed ill effects of mobile phones. ( B) Text-messaging should be widely used in all walks of life. ( C) Conventional treatment should be supplanted by new treatments. ( D) The me

21、dical uses of mobile phones show the healthy benefits. 5 Marriage may be about love, but divorce is a business. For global couples born in different countries, married in a third, now working somewhere else and with children, pensions and other assets tinkled over the world a contested divorce is bl

22、iss for lawyers and a nightmare for others. Divorce laws vary wildly, from countries (such as Malta) that still forbid it to Islamic states where-tot the husband, at least it may be obtained in minutes. Rules on the division of property and future financial obligations vary hugely too. France expect

23、s the poorer party, usually the wife, to start fending for herself almost immediately; England and some American states insist on lifelong support. Some systems look only at the “acquest“ ; others count the lot. A few, like Austria, still link cash to blame. Japan offers a temptingly quick cheap bre

24、ak, but for foreigners little or no enforceable contact with the kids thereafter, notes Jeremy Morley, a New York-based “international divorce strategist“. Other places may be mum-friendly when it comes to money but dad-friendly on child custody. The European Union is trying to tidy up its divorce l

25、aws. A reform in 2001 called Brussels II tried to stop forum shopping, in which each party sought the most favourable jurisdiction, by ruling that the first court to be approached decides the divorce. That worked but at the cost of encouraging trigger-happy spouses to kill troubled marriages quickly

26、, rather than trying to patch them up. This, says David Hodson, a specialist in international divorce law, favours the“ wealthier, more aggressive, more unscrupulous party“. It goes against the general trend towards counselling, mediation and out-of-court settlement. An EU measure called Rome , now

27、under negotiation and pencilled in to come into force in 2008, tries to ensure that the marriage is ended by the law that has governed it most closely. It may be easy for a Dutch court to apply Belgian law when dealing with the uncontested divorce of a Belgian couple, but less so for a Spanish court

28、 to apply Polish rules, let alone Iranian or Indonesian, and especially not when the divorce is contested. Such snags make Rome “laughably idiotic a recipe for increasing costs“, according to John Cornwell, a London lawyer. Britain and Ireland say they will opt out. That, says Mr. Hodson, will give

29、a further edge to London. Since a judgment in 2000 entrenched the principle of “equality“ in division of marital assets, England, home to hundreds of thousands of expatriates, has become a “Mecca for wives“, says Louise Spitz of Manches, a London law firm. David Truex, who runs a specialist internat

30、ional divorce outfit, reckons that at least a fifth of divorce cases registered in Londons higher courts now have an international element. For the typical global couple, such high-profile, big-money cases matter less than the three basic (and deeply unromantic factors) in marriage planning. Accordi

31、ng to Mr. Truex, a rich man should choose his bride from a country with a stingy divorce law, such as Sweden or France, and many her there. Second, he should draw up a pre-nuptial agreement. These are binding in many countries and have begun to count even in England. Third, once divorce looms, a wif

32、e may want to move to England or America (but should avoid no-alimony states such as Florida); for husbands, staying in continental Europe is wise. Outside Europe, the country or American State deemed the most “ appropriate“ in terms of the couples family and business connections will normally get t

33、o hear the case. But here too unilateral action may be decisive. When Earl Spencer, brother of Princess Diana, divorced his first wife he surprised her by issuing proceedings in South Africa where they were then living. In England, where they had been domiciled, she might have got a better deal. She

34、 ended up suing her lawyers. The lesson for couples? How you live may determine the length and happiness of your marriage. Where you live is likely to determine how it ends. 6 Usually when divorcing, laws of which country might be most favorable to the wife financially? ( A) Malta. ( B) England. ( C

35、) France. ( D) Austria. 7 The word “acquest“ in Paragraph 2 probably means ( A) property prier to the marriage. ( B) property before and after the marriage. ( C) assets after the divorce. ( D) assets built during the marriage. 8 All of the following are the outcomes of Brussels EXCEPT ( A) hasty div

36、orce. ( B) fairness in some aspect. ( C) reconciliation. ( D) partiality in some aspect. 9 Rome is questioned by some people because ( A) it is not applicable. ( B) it costs a huge sum of money. ( C) some countries are opposed to it. ( D) it is ridiculous. 10 The text intends to tell us that ( A) En

37、glish divorce laws are favorable to the wives of troubled couples. ( B) rich people with wobbly marriages need think about where they live. ( C) international marriages are not as stable as local marriages. ( D) the reform of divorce laws in Europe is questioned. 专业英语八级(阅读)练习试卷 10答案与解析 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【

38、正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推断题。由题干可知本题就首段内容提问,第二句提到:许多人担心手机手持装置及通信基站的辐射会对身体有害,不过始终缺乏可靠依据。这说明人们的 “手机对人体健康有害 ”的观点只是一种猜测,缺乏有力的证据,故 A为答案。第三句提到 “关于手机对健康有益的证据却越来越多 ”,这只能说 明手机对健康有好处,虽然 “缺乏可靠依据 ”,也不能说明对健康无害,同理,也无法判断是弊多还是利多, B为过度推断。倒数第二句提到了 “短信的三类用途 ”,但 D中的 only表示将意思绝对化,排除。首段没有提及人们在知道 Rifat Atun的研究结论后反应如何, C无依据。 【知识模块】

39、阅读 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 语义题。由题干定位至第二段。首句为该段主题句:利用编发短信来提高工作效率并不是多么高深的科学,但是能节省大笔费用。之后的两句是用数据对该句进行说明,显然是支持 “节省大笔费用 ”这个论点的论据。第二句提到“英国有几项试验发现,短信提醒功能将同家庭医生约会的错过率降低了 26%到39%,同医院约会的错过率则减少了 33%到 50%” ,这引出第三句中的结果 “相当于每年节省 2.56-3.64亿英镑 ”。根据逻辑联系可以判断,节省这么多钱的前提是text-messaging reminders能在全国范同内加 以应用, D称赞,表扬 ”与此意相距甚远,排

40、除。 conceive意为 “构思 ”,这个应用 text-messaging reminders的计划如果只停留在构思阶段,是无法节省钱的,排除 B。 propagandize意为 “宣传 ”,但宣传只是过程,没有涉及到结果。 spread意为 “推广 ”,由 256m-364m这个数字来看,这应该是该项计划得以推广开来的结果,故 C为答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。根据题干中的 uses可定位至首段,看到提到的三种用途 : efficiency gains; publichealth gains; treatment regimes ,浏览一下接下来

41、的四段,很容易看出这是对三种用途分别展开的说明。第二段和第三段提到了 the use of text-messaging reminders和 being used to remind patients, A符合原文。第四段首句中的 a good way to disseminate public-health information(传播公共卫生信息的一个好途径 )说明 D符合原文。 B与第五段中的 part of a treatment regime(治疗方案的一部分 )吻合。第四段末句提到了 “text messages were used to support a campaign”,

42、但该句是指 “短信则被用来声援一项给将近 5岁的儿童接种天花疫苗的行动 ”, C是对该部分内容的曲解,与原意不符,故为答案。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推断题。由题干中的 teenage patients定位至第六段,前三句对糖尿病的治疗过程进行了说明:糖尿病需要持 续性治疗,并要求患者在治疗过程中必须积极主动 最有效的治疗形式就是进行强化治疗,即患者根据饮食调整胰岛素用量。这对患者而言是麻烦,但改食上可以有多种选择。然后指出 intensive treatment在什么时候有效:只有在医生密切监控下,强化治疗才有效。之后介绍了 “甜言蜜语 ”系统及对该系统进行检

43、测的过程。第七段末句指出检测数据说明的问题:它显示短信能够便宜有效地辅助少年患者强化治疗,而这些患者在治疗中往往配合性很差。从上述内容可以看出,短信提醒可以敦促少年糖尿病患者进行自我监控,进行持续性治疗,故 B为 答案。第六段最后两句提到 Dr Franklin把实验对象分成两个组,一组只接受传统治疗方案,没有短信提醒,一种接受传统和强化结合治疗,有短信提醒。虽然后者中的病人检测结果好,但因为两组采用的方法不同,不能说明前者中的病人更顿逆,排除 A。第六段第二句提到了 The most effective form of therapy is an intensive regime,但实验中,

44、一组既接受了传统治疗又有强化治疗,外加短信提醒,另一组只接受了传统治疗,虽然 C是文章提及的内容,但从实验结果本身无法得出此结 论,排除。这里没有提及 “成人糖尿病患者 ”, D属于过度推断。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主旨题。本文开篇由问句引出有关 “手机对人类健康影响 ”的观点:负面影响缺乏可靠证据;对健康有益的证据越来越多。之后提到 Rifat Atun汇总的 “150条手机短信用于提供医疗保健服务的事例 ”。然后指明短信的三种用途,并分别在第二、三段、第四段、第五段对这三种用途进行具体说明。第五段第三句指出 “有关这些作用效果的例证一般都是道听途说来的,尚

45、需进一步定量研究 这也正是里法特 研究小组本周着眼于阐明手机对卫生保健的作用所发表的 3篇论文的出发点 ”,之后对他们的定量研究进行了具体说明。由此可见,本文结构是总分结构,开篇提出主题,然后分项进行阐述,因此主旨就是首段提到的 the beneficial effects of mobile phones on health,后面内容是用 “手机短信对健康的作用 ”来论证该论点的,故 D为答案。本文只论证了 “手机对健康的好处 ”,没有说明对健康的负面影响,排除 A。末段提到 “短信的很多医疗用途由于太过新颖,还没有接受临床试验,即便是已被证实的用途 ,也尚未得到系统性推广 ”,但本文只是谈

46、到医疗领域,并未涉及其他领域, B中的 all walks of life(各行各业 )为过度推断。此外, conventional treatment是作者在介绍定量研究 “少年糖尿病患者 ”的实验中提到的细节,非主旨,排除 C。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。由题干中的 financially定位至第二段。第二句出现了financial obligations。第三句指出:法国规定经济实力较弱的 一方 (通常是女方 )离婚后必须立即自立;英格兰和美国一些州则要求终生赡养。可见英美的法律对通常经济实力较弱的女方有利,故 B为答案,排除 C

47、。首句提到马耳他:各国离婚法律大相径庭,有的国家 (如马耳他 )仍禁止离婚。这 里未涉及财产分割及赡养问题,排除 A。第五句指出:少数国家如奥地利在分割财产时还要考虑过错在哪一方 (比如婚外情的问题 )。这说明女性在奥地利离婚时不一定在经济上受惠很多,排除 D。 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 语义题。直接定位至第二段。 acquest这个词所在的句子是对该段第二句 “各国关于财产分割和未来赡养义务的规定也差异甚巨 ”这个论点所做的论证,其前后内容也是对该论点的举例说明。从该句第二个分句中的 the lot“所有财产 ”及第一个分句中的 only可以看出一些国家要求分割

48、的应该是 “婚后财产 ”。这既与 lot构成对比关系,也符合常识,故 D为答案。 B与 the lot含义一致,排除。A和 C则不符合常理,排除。 【知识模块】 阅读 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。由 Brussels 定位至第三段。第二句指 出:在 2001年一次名为 “布鲁塞尔二号 (Brussels )”的改革规定离婚必须由诉讼送达的首个法院来判决,以防止 “选购法院 (forum shopping)”行为,亦即离婚当事人选择向最有利于自己的法院提起诉讼。由下句中的 “改革 “是有效的 ”说明 Brussels 在保证法院公正判决方面是有效的, B符合文意。同理可知, C“

49、和解 ”与原文相悖,故为答案。第三句中的 “但代价却是争吵不休的夫妇早早劳燕分飞,而不是让他们破镜重圆 ”表明 A是改革的结果之一。第四句指出:跨国离婚法律专家大卫 ?霍德森(David Hodson)说,这正是 “比较富裕、更为好斗、寡廉鲜耻的一方 ”想要的结果。可见,该规定对离婚双方并不公平, D符合文意。 【知识模块】 阅读 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推断题。由 Rome III定位至第四段。该段在介绍: Rome III的内容之后对其做进一步分析:该措施旨在确保婚姻由与其关系最为密切的法律来终结。倘若是荷兰法庭受理一对离婚无争议的比利时夫妇离婚案时运用比利时法律,也许很容易;可要是让西班牙法庭执行波兰 (更不用说伊朗或者印度尼西亚 )的规定,就不太容易了,如果离婚存 在争议就更难了。然后第五段首句说明人们对Rome 的看法:伦敦律师 John cornwell认为,这些问题使得 “罗马三号 ”“就像痴人说梦,可笑至极 ”,可见 Rome 受到质疑的原因是该措施不实用,故 A为答案。第五段首句中的 “要想多花冤枉钱,这倒


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