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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 166及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、 will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conver

3、sations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 What is the mans purpose of being here? ( A) To reserve a room with bath. ( B) To pay the deposit. ( C) To check his reservation. ( D) To stay in the Dreamland Hotel. 3 When will the man depart from the Hotel

4、? ( A) 3 weeks later. ( B) Three nights later. ( C) September 21. ( D) September 19. 4 The following details are true about the key card in the hotel EXCEPT that _. ( A) all the information about hotel services is on the card ( B) all the rules and regulations of the hotel are on it ( C) it must be

5、shown when sign for meals and drinks ( D) the telephone number of the bellboy is on it 5 What is the womans purpose to have such a conversation? ( A) To ask for advice for her rock-climbing program. ( B) To persuade the man to take a rock-climbing course. ( C) To make preparation for the training co

6、urse. ( D) To share her idea with of the rock-climbing with the man. 6 What can we know from the conversation about rock-climbing at their college? ( A) There is no qualified coach at their college. ( B) The college does not have any equipment for rock-climbing. ( C) There are no appropriate places

7、for rock-climbing nearby. ( D) Little preparation is needed for the real climbing. 7 Why is the woman so keen on the rock climbing? ( A) Climbers can develop skills useful in other activities. ( B) Climbing is not as expensive as other sports. ( C) Learning to climb does not take very long time. ( D

8、) Climbers have the opportunity to be outside and enjoy the scenery. 8 According to the woman, what governs the clothes we wear? ( A) A desire to display ones wealth and express oneself. ( B) Love for beauty and a desire to impress others. ( C) Individual taste and love for beauty. ( D) Individual t

9、aste and a desire to express oneself. 9 In support of the unusual warm clothes some people wear, what can we infer from such a phenomenon? ( A) They are in poor health condition. ( B) They may want to attract others attention. ( C) They may be homesick or feel insecure. ( D) They have a poor taste i

10、n dressing. 10 So far as clothes arc concerned, what color might shy people prefer according to the woman? ( A) Red. ( B) Gray. ( C) Yellow. ( D) White. 11 If a man wears his trousers loosely, what we can learn about him? ( A) His focus of attention is attracted by other things. ( B) He is a little

11、cynical and has an aggressive personality. ( C) He is possibly poverty-stricken. ( D) He has a careless wife. SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 _ may not be responsible for th

12、e ruin of the wine industry in Britain. ( A) The decline of the quality of the British wine ( B) The English king, Henry II ( C) The English king, Henry VIII ( D) The imported wines competition and the change of climate 13 It was not until _ that the traditional British wine industry totally became

13、extinct. ( A) about A .D.300 ( B) the twelfth century ( C) the sixteenth century ( D) the year of 1975 14 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ( A) The new wine industry appeared in England and is now developing steadfastly. ( B) It was the Romans that first plante

14、d vines in the Britain Island. ( C) The monks still produced wine in England after the 16th century. ( D) The Bordeaux area of France was once part of British dominions. 15 What is the passage going to tell us? ( A) The functions of colors. ( B) The great finding of the psychologists. ( C) The best

15、way to make use of colors. ( D) The effects of colors on people. 16 How do we choose our favorite colors? ( A) Our favorite color is inborn. ( B) We choose our favorite color as we grow up. ( C) With the instruction of our parents we select them. ( D) We get them by chance. 17 What will happen to th

16、e workers if the machines are painted gray compared with orange? ( A) Workers may be more cheerful and energetic. ( B) More errors and accidents will occur. ( C) There is no difference at all. ( D) They will be more active and curious. 18 Advertisements are employed NOT to _. ( A) inform people of a

17、 product for sale and promote a service ( B) tell the difference between different products ( C) urge people to take some actions ( D) make someone familiar to the people and get famous 19 The first paid advertisement was printed in _. ( A) Singapore ( B) Greece ( C) America ( D) London 20 Advertise

18、ments are carried in all the forms mentioned in the passage EXCEPT _. ( A) On the signboards ( B) in newspapers ( C) on magazines ( D) on posters 21 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) The history of advertisement. ( B) The functions of commercials on television. ( C) Arguing for the benefits of

19、advertisements. ( D) Telling people to be aware of the false advertisements. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 22 Lebanons new leader is visiting Syria in order to ( A) discuss b

20、order issues ( B) improve bilateral relations ( C) sign a ceasefire treaty ( D) form allies 23 What is Israel probably to do if Palestinians attack its soldiers during the pullout? ( A) Asking for help from the UN. ( B) Applying for peace talks. ( C) Retaliating by taking massive military operations

21、. ( D) Launching nuclear war against Palestinians. 24 What does Israel suspect of Palestinians? ( A) Palestinian forces would seize the Gaza Strip. ( B) Palestinian refugees would rush to the borders. ( C) Palestinian forces would control Islamic militant groups led by Hames. ( D) Palestinian air fo

22、rces would attack Israeli military bases. 25 Iraqi political leaders are bargaining to reach an agreement on _ . ( A) the countrys new constitution ( B) the fate of Saddam Hussein ( C) American withdrawal from Iraq ( D) the countrys new capital 26 What has been the biggest sticking point throughout

23、the negotiations? ( A) The issue of oil ( B) The issue of federalism ( C) The issue of trade ( D) The issue of army 27 According to the report, how many overseas are now studying in Britain? ( A) 100,000 ( B) 300,000 ( C) 600,000 ( D) 900,000 28 Why did the foreign enrolments drop in Britain last ye

24、ar? ( A) High education fees ( B) Difficulty in graduation ( C) Visa problems ( D) Competition from other countries 29 What were the senior government officials doing when the last bomb took place? ( A) Sleeping. ( B) Holding a meeting. ( C) Indulging themselves. ( D) Quarrelling. 30 In the southern

25、most provinces who were NOT targeted by daily shootings and small explosions? ( A) Soldiers. ( B) Police. ( C) Local officials. ( D) Businessmen. 31 The blasts were triggered by _. ( A) fire ( B) mobile phone signals ( C) body bomb ( D) light 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blank

26、s in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 31 Education is too important to take 【 C1】 _ , when people take anything for seriously, they put 【 C2】 _ blinders which cause them to miss the important aspec

27、ts of 【 C3】 _ is going on around them. They 【 C4】 _ “tunnel vision,“ which limits and distorts their perception of 【 C5】 _ Education is too important to be limited by those who have chosen to wear blinders and develop tunnel vision. I believe the 【 C6】 _ movement has encouraged many educators to tak

28、e education too seriously. 【 C7】 _ we take education too seriously, we put standardized 【 C8】 _ scores above children, we put lesson plans above teachers, and we put on our blinders, only to see a rather small segment of the child-that segment that can be 【 C9】 _ easily 【 C10】 _ than looking at the

29、child as a whole. By looking at the whole student, we can get a 【 C11】 _ of whether that student enjoys learning, 【 C12】 _ functioning well with others, and feels good 【 C13】_ himself. How can we 【 C14】 _ off our blinders? How can we eliminate tunnel vision to see the whole child? How can we 【 C15】

30、_ take everything so seriously? My recommendation is 【 C16】 _ laugh, teach, laugh! Psychologists have 【 C17】 _ believed that negative emotions cause negative chemical changes in the body. We know the 【 C18】 _ is also true. We know that a person with a good sense of humor has better healing 【 C19】 _

31、. Laughter actually relaxes the muscles, allows the heartbeat and lowers the blood pressure. Laughter stirs the inside and gets tile endocrine system moving, which can be quite 【 C20】 _ in alleviating disease. Laughter also relieves boredom, tension, guilt, depression, headaches, and backaches. 32 【

32、 C1】 ( A) up ( B) seriously ( C) easily ( D) over 33 【 C2】 ( A) on ( B) off ( C) up ( D) down 34 【 C3】 ( A) which ( B) what ( C) somewhat ( D) something 35 【 C4】 ( A) develop ( B) improve ( C) become ( D) turn 36 【 C5】 ( A) education ( B) practice ( C) reality ( D) world 37 【 C6】 ( A) accountable (

33、B) accounting ( C) accountant ( D) accountability 38 【 C7】 ( A) Because ( B) For ( C) While ( D) When 39 【 C8】 ( A) paper ( B) checks ( C) test ( D) quizzes 40 【 C9】 ( A) viewed ( B) measured ( C) got ( D) found 41 【 C10】 ( A) rather ( B) more ( C) further ( D) less 42 【 C11】 ( A) news ( B) knowledg

34、e ( C) sense ( D) information 43 【 C12】 ( A) and ( B) is ( C) enjoys ( D) does 44 【 C13】 ( A) at ( B) to ( C) with ( D) about 45 【 C14】 ( A) put ( B) take ( C) get ( D) move 46 【 C15】 ( A) not ( B) really ( C) avoid ( D) stop 47 【 C16】 ( A) here ( B) easy ( C) simple ( D) this 48 【 C17】 ( A) recentl

35、y ( B) already ( C) firmly ( D) long 49 【 C18】 ( A) answer ( B) opposite ( C) alternative ( D) other 50 【 C19】 ( A) qualities ( B) abilities ( C) characters ( D) qualifications 51 【 C20】 ( A) instructive ( B) efficient ( C) beneficial ( D) profitable 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR they have to know plane schedu

36、les, satellite availability, and whom to get in touch with at local stations and overseas broadcasting systems. They are required to assess stories as they break on the wire services-sometimes even before they do and to decide how much effort to make to cover those stories. When the United States wa

37、s going to appeal to arms against Iraq, the number of correspondents and crews was constantly evaluated. Based on reports from the field and also upon the skilled judgments of desk editors in New York City, the right number of personnel was kept on the alert. The rest were allowed to continue workin

38、g throughout the world, in America and Iraq ready to move but not tied down by false alarms. The studio staff of ABCs “World News Tonight“ assembles at 9 a.m. to prepare for the 6:30 “air“ p. m. deadline. Overnight dispatches from outlying bureaus and press services are read. There are phone convers

39、ations with the broadcasts staff producers in domestic bureaus and with the London bureau senior producer, who coordinates overseas coverage. A pattern emerges for the days news, a pattern outlined in the executive producers first lineup. The lineup tells the staff what stories are scheduled; what t

40、he priorities are for processing film of editing tape; what scripts need to be written; what commercials are scheduled; how long stories should run and in what order. Without a lineup, there would be chaos. Each storys relative value in dollars and cents must be continually assessed by the executive

41、 producer. Cutting back satellite booking to save money might meant that an explanation delivered by an anchor person will replace actual photos of an event. A decline in live coverage could send viewers away and drive ratings down, but there is not enough money to do everything. So decisions must b

42、e made and made rapidly be cause delay can mean a missed connection for shipping tape or access to a satellite blocked by a competitor. The broadcasts themselves require pacing and style. The audience has to be allowed to breathe between periods of intense excitement. A vivid pictorial report follow

43、ed by less exacting materials allows the viewer to reflect on information that has just flashed by. Frequent switches from one anchor to another or from one film or tape report to another create a sense of forward movement. Ideally, leading and tags to stories are worked out with field correspondent

44、s, enabling them to fit their reports into the programs narrative flow so the audiences attention does not wander and more substance is absorbed . Scripts are constantly rewritten to blend well with incoming pictures. Good copy is crisp, informative. Our rule: the fewer words the better. If a pictur

45、e can do the work, let it. 77 What does the word “rundown“(Line 3, Para.1) possibly mean? ( A) The rehearsal of tomorrows program. ( B) A working report or summary to his superior or head. ( C) An explanation of the program. ( D) Preparation for the program. 78 What is the function of the third para

46、graph? ( A) To illustrate the important role and function of the assignment desk. ( B) To give us a brief introduction of their working conditions. ( C) To exemplify the cooperation of all sections in the company. ( D) To emphasize the mission of the correspondents. 79 All the following can be emplo

47、yed to make the report more effective EXCEPT _. ( A) more vivid pictures and details are provided ( B) changing the style to cater for the audiences appetite ( C) more live coverage to replace the linguistic explanation ( D) interval shifts of the materials of the coverage 80 What will the executive

48、 producer mostly be concerned with? ( A) The cost and the effect. ( B) The truth of the coverage. ( C) The audiences interest. ( D) The form of the coverage. 81 What is the text mainly about? ( A) Ways to cut down the cost of the coverage. ( B) How to make the report more attractive. ( C) To describ

49、e tile work of the executive producer. ( D) To introduce the style and features of the news program. 81 The current political debate over family values, personal responsibility, and welfare takes for granted the entrenched American belief that dependence on government assistance is a recent and destructive phenomenon. Conservatives tend to blame this dependence on personal irresponsibility aggravated by a swollen we


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