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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 65及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage

2、will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several convers

3、ations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 When was the term “the Generation X“ made up? ( A) In 1971. ( B) In 196,5. ( C) In 1991. ( D) After 1965. 3 Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of the Generation X? ( A) They are well educated. (

4、B) They all have a good job. ( C) They take a pessimistic attitude towards life. ( D) They are not satisfied with their jobs. 4 Where did the term “Mc Job come from? ( A) From McDonalds. ( B) From low paying jobs. ( C) From the Internet. ( D) From a book by Coupland. 5 What is the characteristic of

5、current account? ( A) Its interest rate is higher. ( B) Its interest rate is very low. ( C) Its convenient. ( D) Its inconvenient. 6 What must you do if you want to open a current account? ( A) You have to deposit some money. ( B) You have to pay some money. ( C) You have to present your ID card. (

6、D) You have to present your credit card. 7 How long will it take you to get the bank card if you have opened an account in a bank? ( A) Two weeks after you opened the account. ( B) At least one week after you opened the account. ( C) Less than a week after you opened the account. ( D) Immediately af

7、ter you opened the account. 8 How did the English Channel come into being? ( A) Because of a flood 10,000 years ago. ( B) Because of an earthquake 10,000 years ago. ( C) Because of a flood 100,000 years ago. ( D) Because of an earthquake 100,000 years ago. 9 What is NOT true about the building of th

8、e Channel? ( A) A British team started to drill southeast from Dover. ( B) A French team started to drill northwest from Sangette. ( C) The two teams started drilling in 1988. ( D) The two teams met under the channel in December 1990. 10 How long is the shaft? ( A) 21 miles. ( B) 23 miles. ( C) 31 m

9、iles. ( D) 33 miles. 11 When was the Tunnel opened to the public? ( A) In 1990. ( B) In 1991. ( C) In 1992. ( D) In 1993. SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 What is the talk ma

10、inly about? ( A) A comparison of two approaches to decision-making. ( B) A formula for evaluating business plans. ( C) A process for improving decision-making. ( D) A method for gaining consensus within groups. 13 Why does the professor mention the floor plan of a house? ( A) To give an example of a

11、 factor that would influence a decision. ( B) To give a personal example in which he found AHP useful. ( C) To show that AHP can be applied to the design of houses. ( D) To name some criteria that are not important in decision-making. 14 According to the professor, what is the significance of AHP? (

12、 A) People can make decisions more quickly. ( B) People are provided with several different outcomes. ( C) People can take advantage of the latest technology. ( D) People can better understand the decisions they make. 15 When did people stop inventing? ( A) In the early 1800s. ( B) In the late 1800s

13、. ( C) In the second half of the 19th century. ( D) In the first part of the 20th century. 16 Which of the following was an important invention in the 19th century? ( A) Movies with sound. ( B) Nylon. ( C) The radio. ( D) The computer. 17 The main purpose of the talk is to _. ( A) illustrate how whe

14、els, cameras and computers were invented ( B) discuss how great inventions influence our way of living ( C) compare peoples attitudes towards new inventions ( D) compare inventions of the 19th century with that of the 20th century 18 What is the easiest way to show the complex hierarchy of a newspap

15、er? ( A) In the form of a chart. ( B) In the form of a diagram. ( C) In the form of a table. ( D) In the form of a tree. 19 Who is NOT at the top of the complex hierarchy of a newspaper? ( A) The Executive Editor. ( B) The Assistant Editor. ( C) The Managing Editor. ( D) The Editor and his deputy. 2

16、0 Who looks after the paper, especially the front page, in the afternoon and evening, preparing for the next morning? ( A) The Assistant Editor. ( B) The head of the department. ( C) The Night Editor. ( D) The Deputy Editor. 21 What is the responsibility of the subeditors in the newspaper office? (

17、A) Check and prepare the copy for the printer. ( B) See that everything runs smoothly. ( C) Make decisions about what goes into the newspaper. ( D) Have close contact with the House of Commons and the political content. 22 When will the Copa America in Colombia kick-off? ( A) 11 days later. ( B) 7 d

18、ays later. ( C) Not decided yet. ( D) A year later. 23 According to the original decision, when the tournament kick-off, which day of the week will it be? ( A) Monday. ( B) Saturday. ( C) Wednesday. ( D) Friday. 24 What did Secretary of State Colin Powell announced days before? ( A) A seven-day peri

19、od free of violence would be the first test of the US brokered cease-tire between Israel and the Palestinians. ( B) The countdown started last Wednesday. ( C) There must be complete calm before moving on to the next phases. ( D) The introduction of measures should take to rebuild trust. 25 According

20、 to Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, what is the very phase before the rebuilding of trust? ( A) There must be complete calm. ( B) A six-week cooling-off period. ( C) A seven-day period free of violence. ( D) Not mentioned in the report. 26 What was the final score when Davenport played against P

21、atty Schnyder? ( A) 6 to 2. ( B) 6 to 3. ( C) 2 to 0. ( D) 2 to 3. 27 How does the reporter think about the game between Davenport and Venus Williams? ( A) Venus Williams will win. ( B) Davenport will win. ( C) The score will equal. ( D) He does not know. 28 Why had the national Congress of Trade Un

22、ions called for a strike? ( A) To protest against a 70-percent hike in the fuel price in Zimbabwe. ( B) To protest against the policy carried out by Labor Minister July Moyo. ( C) To take “ulterior motives“. ( D) To demand a salary raise. 29 What did Labor Minister July Moyo say? ( A) The movement s

23、 general council was determined that the strike should go ahead. ( B) With immediate effect, the labor movement has now put the issue of national protest on its agenda. ( C) The union should not have informed the government first. ( D) The strike is illegal. 30 Which of the following statements does

24、 not truly describe A1 Castellano? ( A) He is a retired grocery store clerk. ( B) He is the winner of the largest lottery jackpots in US history. ( C) Instead of receiving the money in annual installments, he accepted a smaller payout, and was given a check for 42 million dollars. ( D) He is not a h

25、igh-tech investor. 31 how much did A1 Castellano win? ( A) 42 million dollars. ( B) 42 million dollars before taxes. ( C) 141 million dollars. ( D) 141 million dollars after pay. 32 Japans demand for imports _ last month. ( A) continued to increase ( B) continued to decrease ( C) didnt change ( D) j

26、umped 33 Japans January trade surplus _ . ( A) has jumped more than 40% since last year ( B) has jumped about 40% since last January ( C) was 5.3 billion dollars ( D) was 25 million dollars 34 Japans trading partners attitude towards its growing trade surplus can be described as _ . ( A) angry ( B)

27、indifferent ( C) overjoyed ( D) worried 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 34 Mounting evidence has led astronomers to just an improbable

28、 conclusion; At least 90 percent and possibly 99 percent of all matter in the universe is completely【 C1】_ . Astronomers call this stuff dark matter. An astronomer first reported the matter after noting some unusual behaviour in visible matter. In 1993, Swiss astrophysicist Fritz Zwicky concluded th

29、at 【 C2】 _ was causing strange gravitational effects【 C3】 _ these galaxies. Galaxies are like【 C4】 _ islands in deep space【 C5】 _ billions of stars that are held together by the force of【 C7】 _ .Some galaxies are part of【 C6】_ systems called clusters; which contain many galaxies. Most galaxies; belo

30、ng to smaller systems called groups. Groups and clusters in 【 C8】 _ form even larger【 C9】 _ known as super-clusters. Just【 C10】 _ the force of gravity keeps stars together in galaxies the force of gravity【 C11】 _to keep galaxies together in clusters This same force of gravity keeps planets【 C12】 _ a

31、round the sun【 C13】_ flying off into space. How great a force gravity exerts depends on the mass of the objects【 C14】 _ and the distance between them, a【 C15】 _ discovered by Newton. The amount of mass and the distance between objects also【 C16】 _ how fast the objects travel as they orbit each other

32、. The force of its gravity keeps Earth and the other planets【 C17】 _ orbit around it. The orbital speeds of the planets【 C18】_ with increasing distance from the sun. The planet nearest to the sun travels at an orbital speed of 48 kilometers per second【 C19】 _ the distant planet Pluto orbits【 C20】 _

33、speed of 7 kilometers per second 35 【 C1】 ( A) visible ( B) invisible ( C) perceived ( D) tangible 36 【 C2】 ( A) matter ( B) something ( C) nothing ( D) anything 37 【 C3】 ( A) On ( B) in ( C) to ( D) with 38 【 C4】 ( A) particular ( B) peculiar ( C) vast ( D) prominent 39 【 C5】 ( A) consisting ( B) c

34、ontaining ( C) assembling ( D) combining 40 【 C6】 ( A) gravity ( B) weight ( C) attraction ( D) power 41 【 C7】 ( A) smaller ( B) larger ( C) large ( D) smaller 42 【 C8】 ( A) form ( B) regular ( C) tom ( D) general 43 【 C9】 ( A) organizations ( B) structures ( C) constructions ( D) formations 44 【 C1

35、0】 ( A) regardless of ( B) in spit of ( C) as ( D) provided 45 【 C11】 ( A) appears ( B) used ( C) resorts ( D) is sure 46 【 C12】 ( A) moving ( B) orbiting ( C) shifting ( D) removing 47 【 C13】 ( A) rather than ( B) other than ( C) except ( D) including 48 【 C14】 ( A) attracting ( B) weighing ( C) at

36、tracted ( D) weighed 49 【 C15】 ( A) principal ( B) principle ( C) majority ( D) standard 50 【 C16】 ( A) tell ( B) measure ( C) determine ( D) expose 51 【 C17】 ( A) out of ( B) away from ( C) with ( D) in 52 【 C18】 ( A) increase ( B) decline ( C) fading ( D) moderating 53 【 C19】 ( A) at ( B) with ( C

37、) in ( D) on 54 【 C20】 ( A) furthermore ( B) in addition ( C) while ( D) thus 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR the proportion for the entire district could be estimated fairly accurately from a sample of as few as 100 children. Thus, the purpose of inferential statistics is to predict or estimate characteristics

38、of a population from a knowledge of the characteristics of only a sample of the population. 97 What is the passage mainly concerned with? ( A) Development and application of statistics. ( B) Origin of descriptive statistics. ( C) Limitations of inferential statistics. ( D) Importance of statistics. 98 Describing and tabulating are associated with _. ( A) inferential statistics ( B) descriptive statistics ( C) theories of probability ( D) inefficiency of counting 99 Which of the following statements is true about descriptive statistics?


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