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1、专业英语四级模拟试卷 8及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage w

2、ill be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversa

3、tions. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 2 The woman found out about the university station _ ( A) from a friend ( B) from the town newspaper ( C) from the bulletin board ( D) from the school newspaper 3 The university stations programming policy will b

4、e _ ( A) to try to please all its listeners ( B) to appeal to only the sophisticated students ( C) to play only country and western music ( D) to present mostly talk shows 4 The station will broadcast _ ( A) only in the mornings ( B) twenty-four hours a day ( C) at different times each day ( D) only

5、 when school is in session 5 The woman talks to the professor_ ( A) because she wants him to recommend books ( B) because she wants to apply to graduate schools ( C) because she wants to take an advanced course ( D) because she wants him to give her a good grade 6 The woman is _ ( A) a junior ( B) a

6、 senior ( C) a graduate student ( D) a teaching assistant 7 In order to persuade the professor to help her, the woman says that _ ( A) she is unusually well prepared ( B) she wants to take an easy course ( C) she needs additional credits in the subject ( D) she wants to read a book in this field 8 T

7、he speakers are discussing _ ( A) when to move ( B) where to live the following year ( C) how much time to spend at home ( D) whose house to visit 9 The speakers are _ ( A) a student and the director of the housing office ( B) a student and a professor ( C) two students ( D) two housing office staff

8、 members 10 The woman objects to living on campus _ ( A) because it costs too much ( B) because there are too many freshmen ( C) because the rooms are too small ( D) because it s too noisy 11 The conversation is taking place in _ ( A) March ( B) April ( C) May ( D) September SECTION B PASSAGES Direc

9、tions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 12 The man lose his temper _ ( A) because the bird couldn t repeat his masters name ( B) because the bird screamed all day long ( C) because the bird uttered the wrong

10、word ( D) because the bird failed to say the name of the town 13 _ killed the three chickens. Now listen to the conversation. ( A) The cruel master ( B) The man in the kitchen ( C) The pet bird ( D) The fourth chicken 14 The man shocked at the scene the next morning _ ( A) because the bird had final

11、ly understood his threat ( B) because the bird managed to escape from the chicken house ( C) because the bird had learned to scream back at him ( D) because the bird was living peacefully with the chickens 15 According to the speaker, yoga should NOT be described as _ ( A) a delicate art ( B) a reli

12、gion ( C) an exact science ( D) a way of life 16 If a person practices yoga on a full stomach, _ ( A) his general health will benefit greatly ( B) he will begin to breathe more regularly ( C) his flexibility will decrease ( D) he will lose weight readily 17 When a person practicing a particular yoga

13、 exercise has stretched his body to the point where it begins to hurt, he should_ ( A) begin breathing through the nostrils ( B) slow down somewhat, but continue straining ( C) stop the particular exercise at once ( D) close his mouth immediately 18 The passage is mainly about _ ( A) a special exped

14、ition into the woods ( B) fife of adults in a special work shop ( C) different ideas of adults and teenagers ( D) how adults and teenagers live together in a special work group 19 The special program is offered _ ( A) every summer in New York City ( B) every winter in New York City ( C) every summer

15、 in New York State ( D) every winter in New York State 20 When someone breaks a rude, people will _ ( A) criticize him or her ( B) have a group discussion about it ( C) make more rules ( D) ask him or her to work more in the woods 21 _is NOT a propose of the program according to the passage? ( A) To

16、 keep the people there happy ( B) To help the people there undid the meaning of work ( C) To find a way to solve the generation gap ( D) To help people find enjoyment in work SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then ans

17、wer the questions that follow. 22 According to the passage, before the agreement was announced Monday, the two sides had been bargaining for _days. ( A) 4 ( B) 5 ( C) 6 ( D) 7 23 According to the agreement, in which fields does China offers US farmers and businesses access_? ( A) telecommunications

18、( B) banking ( C) insurance industries ( D) all of the above 24 In return for Chinas offer, US Congress will have to grant Beijing _ before US producers can enjoy the benefits of wider Chinese markets. ( A) normal trade status ( B) most favored nation ( C) normal trade nation ( D) most favored statu

19、s 25 Which of the following is NOT the correct response from the international community to this agreement? ( A) President Clinton praises Chinese leaders for their efforts for an open market. ( B) Kofi Annan hales this agreement as a significant step in giving China a place in WTO. ( C) Japans Fore

20、ign Minister wishes China a quick entry into WTO. ( D) Some countries are not happy with the agreement. 26 Why did the Pentagon decide to dose 33 military bases? ( A) That is what the local people have expected. ( B) Thats what the President has recommended. ( C) To ensure a better livelihood of the

21、 local people. ( D) To save the money and modernize the military. 27 Which of the following can we infer is more likely to oppose the decision? ( A) Army men. ( B) Base employees. ( C) Government officials. ( D) Military officers. 28 Which of the following is the ruling party?. ( A) The Bloc Quebeco

22、is ( B) The Conservative Party. ( C) The Liberal Party. ( D) The New Democrat. 29 When will the Parliament vote on the government budget? ( A) Next Thursday. ( B) Next Friday. ( C) June 15. ( D) June 27. 30 When did the violence start? ( A) Days ago. ( B) On Thursday. ( C) On Friday. ( D) On saucy.

23、31 What was the government s attitude towards the demonstration? ( A) To approve of it. ( B) To let it be. ( C) To head off it. ( D) To crack it down. 32 Whats the US troop casualty? ( A) 9. ( B) 40. ( C) 49. ( D) 125. 33 From the report, we can infer that Fail, ah used to be _ ( A) one of US milita

24、ry bases ( B) near the Syrian border ( C) an insurgent haven ( D) the home of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi 34 Jamaile Morally was accused of all EXCEPT_. ( A) illegal possession of a gun ( B) attempted kidnap ( C) attempted murder ( D) attempted rape 35 When did the assault happen? ( A) May6 ( B) May7 ( C)

25、May16 ( D) May19 二、 PART III CLOZE (15 MIN) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. 35 Generally speaking, a British is widely regarded as a quiet, shy and conservative

26、person who is 【 C1】 _ only among those with whom he is acquainted. When a stranger is at present, he often seems nervous,【 C2】 _ embarrassed. You have to take a commuter train any morning or evening to 【 C3】 _ the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or d

27、ozing in a corner; hardly anybody talks, since to do so would be considered quite offensive. 【 C4】 _ there is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behavior which,【 C5】 _ broken, makes the offender immediately the object of 【 C6】_ . It has been known as a fact that the British has a 【 C7】 _ fo

28、r the discussion of their weather and that, if given a chance, he will talk about it 【 C8】 _ . Some people argue that it is because the British weather seldom【 C9】 _ forecast and hence becomes a source of interest and 【 C10】 _ to everyone. This may be so. 【 C11】 _ a British cannot have much 【 C12】 _

29、 in the weathermen, who, after promising fine, sunny weather for the following day, are often proved wrong 【 C13】 _ a cloud over the Atlantic brings rainy weather to all districts! The man in the street seems to be as accurate-or as inaccurate -as the weathermen in his 【 C14】 _ . Foreigners may be s

30、urprised at the number of references 【 C15】 _ weather that the British make to each other in the course of a single day. Very often conversational greetings are 【 C16】 _ by comments on the weather. “Nice day, isnt it?“ “Beautiful!“ may well be heard instead of “Good morning, how are you?“【 C17】 _ th

31、e foreigner may consider this exaggerated and comic, it is worthwhile pointing out that it could be used to his advantage. 【 C18】 _ he wants to start a conversation with a British but is 【 C19】 _ to know where to begin, he could do well to mention the state of the weather, k is a safe subject which

32、will【 C20】 _ an answer from even the most reserved of the British. 36 【 C1】 ( A) relaxed ( B) frustrated ( C) amused ( D) exhausted 37 【 C2】 ( A) yet ( B) otherwise ( C) even ( D) so 38 【 C3】 ( A) experience ( B) witness ( C) watch ( D) undergo 39 【 C4】 ( A) Deliberately. ( B) Consequently ( C) Freq

33、uently ( D) Apparently 40 【 C5】 ( A) unless ( B) once ( C) while ( D) as 41 【 C6】 ( A) suspicion ( B) opposition ( C) criticism ( D) praise 42 【 C7】 ( A) emotion ( B) fancy ( C) likeliness ( D) udgement 43 【 C8】 ( A) at length ( B) to a great extent ( C) from his heart ( D) by all means 44 【 C9】 ( A

34、) follows ( B) predicts ( C) defies ( D) supports 45 【 C10】 ( A) dedication ( B) compassion ( C) contemplation ( D) speculation 46 【 C11】 ( A) Still ( B) Also ( C) Certainly ( D) Fundamentally 47 【 C12】 ( A) faith ( B) reliance ( C) honor ( D) credit 48 【 C13】 ( A) if ( B) once ( C) when ( D) wherea

35、s 49 【 C14】 ( A) propositions ( B) predictions ( C) approval ( D) defiance 50 【 C15】 ( A) about ( B) on ( C) in ( D) to 51 【 C16】 ( A) started ( B) conducted ( C) replaced ( D) proposed 52 【 C17】 ( A) Since ( B) Although ( C) However ( D) Only if 53 【 C18】 ( A) Even if ( B) Because ( C) If ( D) For

36、54 【 C19】 ( A) at a loss ( B) at last ( C) in group ( D) on the occasion 55 【 C20】 ( A) stimulate ( B) constitute ( C) furnish ( D) provoke 三、 PART IV GRAMMAR otherwise, she would have made it. ( A) given ( B) to give ( C) to have given ( D) having given 60 He brought off the first prize in the spee

37、ch contest. Without your help, he _. ( A) would succeed ( B) will succeed ( C) would not succeed ( D) would never have succeed 61 Lets _ this has never happened. ( A) make believe ( B) make to believe ( C) to make believe ( D) to make to believe 62 Caroline _ her speech when a stranger rushed in and

38、 interrupted her. ( A) was to finish ( B) finished ( C) had finished ( D) was to have finished 63 In the sweatshops in Britain during the Industrial Revolution, the laborers _ day and night. ( A) made to work ( B) were made to work ( C) were made work ( D) were made working 64 He is a confirmed liar

39、 so excuses are not far _ as far as he is concerned. ( A) to seek ( B) seeking ( C) to be sought ( D) to be seeked 65 Betty would rather go home now than _ with the boring boy for one more minute. ( A) staying ( B) to stay ( C) stay ( D) to having stayed 66 Try _ the green button to see if the machi

40、ne will start. ( A) press ( B) to press ( C) pressing ( D) to have pressed 67 The shower _ over, we went on with our journey. ( A) was ( B) being ( C) to be ( D) been 68 She was regarded as a beauty when she was at college. After giving birth to a baby, she became _ beautiful. ( A) the most ( B) mor

41、e ( C) most ( D) all the more 69 The father told the boy “You are not _ to drive a car yet.“ ( A) quite old ( B) old quite ( C) old enough ( D) enough old 70 The White House and other federal buildings were _ as a plane enters the restricted airspace. ( A) vacated ( B) empty ( C) deserted ( D) evacu

42、ated 71 At 12 a. m I will send Carol to _ you from your post. ( A) release ( B) relieve ( C) ease ( D) comfort 72 BIRD-X offers pest bird control products to _ , control and get rid of birds. ( A) compel ( B) propel ( C) repel ( D) dispel 73 The election campaign is carried out _, with almost everyo

43、ne involved in one way or another. ( A) in full blast ( B) in full fling ( C) in full view ( D) in full feather 74 His urgent letter finally brought me _ to give money to the school. ( A) around ( B) in ( C) about ( D) off 75 You have to be _ when you try to work out mathematical formulas. ( A) reas

44、onable ( B) rational ( C) logical ( D) sound 76 At the turn of the Millennium, some people believed the Day of Judgment was close _. ( A) on hand ( B) at hand ( C) in hand ( D) by hand 77 Though jane was offended by her sisters rude remarks, she only _ her lips and said nothing. ( A) compress ( B) c

45、ondense ( C) contract ( D) constrict 78 I am glad you show my letters _ in the family, for I like them all to know what I am doing, and I cant write to every one. ( A) off ( B) round ( C) up ( D) out 79 Ifs no good _ him. He is always indifferent towards others matters. ( A) to turn to ( B) turning

46、to ( C) turn to ( D) turned to 80 Facial tattooing is a standard _ among certain peoples. ( A) custom ( B) habit ( C) practice ( D) tradition 81 Not only was the paper money _ which Napoleon so graciously distributed to the unfortunate, but even silver lost its value in relation to gold. ( A) invalu

47、able ( B) valueless ( C) priceless ( D) valuable 82 Historically the Ukrainians are an ancient _ which has persisted and survived through terrible calamity. ( A) country ( B) nation ( C) state ( D) territory 83 That there really was something could not be doubted, and, the _ were invited to put thei

48、r finger on the wound of the Scotia. ( A) credulous ( B) credible ( C) incredulous ( D) incredible 84 The professor _ his habit of getting up early in the morning to do writing all his life. ( A) projection ( B) retained ( C) retailed ( D) revitalized 85 It was the ordinary _ of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, and the following words were written upon it in a faint delicate handwriting. ( A) writing ( B) handwriting ( C) stationary ( D) stationery 85 The Carnegie Foundation report says that many colleges have tri


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