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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 145及答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 Read carefully the following excerpt on competition, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether competition is really of great importance. You should

2、 support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Competition, Good or Bad? To some, competition is regarded as natural, hea

3、lthy, and essential for building character. To others, competition is regarded as harmful, psychologically injurious, and detrimental to cooperative activity. Competition can be both productive and counterproductive and that its the adults who can determine what effects competition can have on a chi

4、ld. With the young athlete, the emphasis must be on fun, encouragement, and building on success. A coach said, “Winning isnt everything, its the only thing!“ He retracted this statement shortly before he died, saying that he meant putting forth the effort necessary to win was important, not stamping

5、 out values and morality in order to win. Unfortunately, many adults still have this attitude and are passing it on to children at a high expense. In interviewing several young athletes, the top reasons for participation in sports are to have fun, make friends and stay in shape. Winning was near the

6、 bottom. What many coaches dont realize is that if they make developing relationships and meeting emotional needs of their athletes a top priority, winning will be much more likely to occur. Despite beliefs that competitive sport is harmful to children, one thing is very clear: Competition is a big

7、part of our childrens lives, and its here to stay for a long time. With that in mind, whether we like it or not, we have to make the most of it to create positive experiences for our children. 2 Read carefully the following excerpt on traditional custom, bullfight, and then write your response in NO

8、 LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether bullfight should be preserved. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language

9、quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Bullfighter Victor Barrio killed by bull in Spain In Spain, a bull attacked a bullfighter with its horn, which killed the bullfighter. Its the first case that a bullfighter has died in the ring there for more than 30 ye

10、ars. Victor Barrio, 29, is a professional bullfighter. The fight, in the eastern town of Teruel, was being broadcast live on TV. Television footage shows the bull throwing Barrio into the air before its horn pierced him on the right-hand side of his chest and violently threw him. El Pais newspaper s

11、aid that in the past century, 134 people, including 33 bullfighters, had been killed by bulls in Spain. About 2,000 bullfights are still held every year in Spain, but the numbers are falling. In 2010, Catalonia became the second Spanish region after the Canary Islands to ban the tradition. Opponents

12、 describe the blood-soaked sporting events as cruel and violent, while fans say the tradition is an ancient art form deeply rooted in national history. In the other incident on Saturday, a man was killed while running alongside bulls in Pedreguer. Spanish media said he was trying to help another run

13、ner when he was pierced by the horn in the throat. Meanwhile, in the San Fermin bull running festival in Pamplona on Saturday, a 33-year-old Japanese man was stabbed in the chest and a Spanish man in the arm. Another 12 people were injured, the regional government in Pamplona said. 3 Read carefully

14、the following excerpt on commercialization of museums and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether museums should refuse commercial activities. You should support yourself with information from the

15、 excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Where Should Museums Draw the Line on Commercialization? May 18 marks the International Museum Day. Since its creatio

16、n in 1977, the International Museum Day has gained increasing attention. Recently, the Nanjing Museum in Jiangsu Province made headlines for hosting a real estate developers promotional activity. On April 26, the museums curator was suspended for an alleged misuse of power. According to Chinas regul

17、ations on the protection of cultural heritages, heads of museums do not have the authority to give the green light to commercial promotions at their institutions and should instead apply for approval for such events from higher-level authorities. The Nanjing Museums curator failed to follow this req

18、uirement. The case has again fueled controversy over the commercialization of museums. The increasing number of commercial activities in museums has caused widespread concern in China. People worry that allowing this trend to continue will tarnish the image of museums as respected cultural venues an

19、d also put at risk the cultural heritages and classic objects in museum collections. Others, however, argue that the commercialization of museums is happening around the world, and win-win outcomes are possible provided that the institutions abide by basic principles and maintain a balance between p

20、rofit-making and cultural heritages protection. 4 Read carefully the following excerpt on performance of Peking Opera blended with western classics, and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on whether tra

21、ditional Chinese art should integrate with western classics. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Pek

22、ing Opera Meets Western Classics In a desolate wasteland, sits a small mound overhung with boughs. The stage is set for a Chinese version of Waiting for Godot, a two-act absurdist play by Irish playwright Samuel Beckett that premiered in 1953. The uniqueness of the Chinese version lies in its incorp

23、oration of Peking Opera elements into the Western classic. Didi and Gogo adopt Peking Opera performances, while the other three characters use modern performing styles. This innovative revamp amazed the audience. Cui Hao, an undergraduate at Peking University who watched the performance, told that t

24、he play simultaneously took the form of Peking Opera while remaining loyal to the original plot. This time around, innovations in Waiting for Godot excited him again. The adaptation was created in 2005 by experimental actor Wu Hsing-kuo, director and playwright based in Taiwan. However, Wus moderniz

25、ation of Peking Opera has sparked criticism from some. Critics say that he has tarnished the traditional Chinese art in a bid to appeal to Westerners through a clumsy fudge of Peking Opera and Western plays and doubt the sustainability of his work. Nevertheless, Wu has not given up his quest to revi

26、talize Peking Opera. “Traditional opera can survive only by evolving with the times,“ said Wu, who remains dedicated to expanding theater. He added, “I want to build a bridge between the East and the West, and I wish Peking Opera could have a greater influence in the world.“ 5 Read carefully the fol

27、lowing excerpt on “IP film“ and then write your response in NO LESS THAN 200 words, in which you should: summarize the main message of the excerpt, and then comment on the prevalence of “DP film“. You should support yourself with information from the excerpt. Marks will be awarded for content releva

28、nce, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. The IP Boom A trend for adapting works from other mediums is sweeping Chinas film industry. An “IP film“ refers to a film adapted from an original work protected by in

29、tellectual property (IP) rights. Film adaptations are nothing new in China, Previously, the majority of adaptations had their roots in masterpieces of classical literature, stage plays or older films. With box office records being smashed by adaptations with alarming frequency, it seems Chinese film

30、makers are trying to throw anything and everything toward the vortex of the big screen from best-selling novels and short stories to properties from rather less traditional realms such as jokes, animated shorts, toys, digital games and pop songs. Even dictionary entries and certain catchphrases are

31、getting another potential day in the spotlight. Meanwhile, profit-hungry investors have swarmed film production. Not ones to be left out, large Internet companies such as Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent, Letv and Youku have set up film departments. Ten years ago, no more than 100 movie investors were in

32、operation, whereas now, there exist more than 1,500, the majority of whom inhabit the private sphere. During the Beijing International Film Festival in this April, many filmmakers mentioned the fierce race for adaptation rights. At present, the film industry is experiencing a shortage, not of invest

33、ment, but rather of creative ideas. This is one of the reasons why film producers so frequently use adaptations as recourse. 专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 145答案与解析 一、 PART VI WRITING 1 【正确答案】 The Importance of Competition Competition can be both advantageous and disadvantageous; this is particularly true with youn

34、g athletes. On the one hand, adults demand victory regardless of these athletes wishes for enjoyment in sports, which can be harmful to their character building. On the other hand, competition is inevitable. By making good use of it, these athletes can achieve their full potential. As for us, I beli

35、eve competition is also of great significance. First of all, competition is a powerful force to urge people to excel themselves. Without competition, there will be no challenge for us and we will not test our limit or even go beyond it. If, in a sport game, two or more persons are in a competition,

36、athletes have to bring their A game to outplay the opponent. If, unfortunately, one loses the game, he must set his heart and mind to get better to win the next competition. In this way, the athletes are driven to improve themselves. Secondly, competition is a catalyst to boost innovation. For examp

37、le, in the Silicon Valley, many new technological applications are released on a daily basis. Subject to the competitive industry environment, they have to come up with new, distinctive and unique idea to survive. Owing to this, we are enjoying many benefits brought by their cutting-edge design and

38、invention, which resulted from competition. In conclusion, competition is important for us in that it makes us get better and brings us countless innovations. 【试题解析】 本题的主旨是讨论竞争是否重要这个话题。首先应当总结概括材料中内容,再给出自己的观点。文章结构安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料内容,提出自己的看法 竞争很重要。 第二段:列出理由论证观点。首先,竞争是人们不断超越自我的动力,以运动员比赛来说明该观点;其次,竞争是创新的催

39、化剂,以硅谷创新为例子。 第三段:总结全文,重申观点 竞争很重要,能让我们超越自我,不断推陈出新。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Bullfight Should Be Preserved Astonishment sweeps throughout the world as the first case that a Spanish professional bullfighter has been gored and killed by a bull in the ring for more than 30 years. Since many casualties have als

40、o been reported related to bullfights, the number of them is falling and some regions have even banned this sporting event. Opponents protest its violence and cruelty while fans support its status as an ancient art form deeply rooted in the nations history. As far as I am concerned, I think bullfigh

41、ts should be preserved. First, bullfights, undeniably, provide many job opportunities and a source of income for many families. There are at least 400 arenas in Spain with more than 2000 bullfights held annually, lasting for 7 months. Therefore, a ban on bullfights will surely put many people out of

42、 business and add more instability to the already fragile Spanish economy that heavily depends on tourism. Second, bullfights are conductive to the spread of Spanish culture and the display of its national spirit. The tradition is an ancient art form; as an emblem of strength and bravery, this ancie

43、nt art form shows the world the unwavering valor and passion of Spanish people. It favors us a taste of ancient pleasure, which is a reason for which many people are drawn to it. To conclude, I think bullfights are of great economic and cultural significance so that it should be preserved. 【试题解析】 本题

44、的主旨是讨论是否应当保留斗牛习俗。首先应当总结概括材料中内容,再给出自己的观点。文章结构可安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料内容,提出自己的看法 要保留斗牛习俗。 第二段:分二点铺陈论述 自己的观点。第一,斗牛比赛为这个国家提供了很多工作机会,而且也是很多家庭的生活收入来源;第二,斗牛赛有利于传播西班牙文化以及展现西班牙国民精神。 第三段:总结全文,重申观点 斗牛传统应该要保留。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 No Commercial Activities in Museum The curator of Nanjing Museum was suspended for breakin

45、g the regulations which indicate that heads of museums are not authorized to allow commercial promotions held in their institution. The suspension has triggered a heated discussion among the public upon the commercialization of museums. Some support it for it brings profits for cultural heritage pro

46、tection, while others doubt its damage to the image of the museums and the collections. From my perspective, commercial activities should be discouraged in museums. For one thing, the visitors to museums intend to appreciate cultural heritage and antiquities, not to be engaged in the bustling and an

47、noying activities. These activities will put visitors in a bad mood and make museums an unattractive place. For another, many museums are actually rather crowed on holidays such as the National Day and holding any commercial activity only leads to the overcrowding in museums. The contradictory is th

48、at companies favor overcrowding because more people join in or are exposed to the commercial activities, better effectiveness these activities will achieve. Thus, so long as commercial activities come, museums will lose their own meaning as the place for knowing history. In conclusion, commercial ac

49、tivities should be blocked out of museums. Interventions and more strict regulations on the commercialization of museums ought to be carried out by government to make museums a better place for visiting and knowing history. 【试题解析】 本题的主旨是讨论是否应当拒绝博物馆商业化。首先应当概括材料中的内容,再给出自己的意见。文章可安排如下: 第一段:简要概括材料,提出自己的看法 应该拒绝博物馆商业化。 第二段:陈述自己的理由 第一,商业活动影响游客的参观心情;第二,商业活动会造成过度拥挤。 第三段:总结全文,重申观点 应该拒绝博物馆商业化。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Traditional Chinese Art Meets Western Classics Chinese version of Waiting for Godot, whose innovative incorporation of Peking Opera


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