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1、专业英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 46及答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 Some people think to get a degree is the only important thing while studying in college. Do you agree with them or not? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Degree and University Study 2 Major choice has long been a h

2、ot issue for university students. Some people believe that it is not proper to ask students to choose a major right before they go to university and they should be given at least one year to try different courses so as to find their field of interest. Others, however, do not think so. Whats your opi

3、nion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: Should Students Decide on a Major before University Studies? 3 To be a boss in a company is admirable and a symbol of success, but can you imagine the boss is a student? It is fashionable and a tendency for a student to run a compa

4、ny. Then whats your idea about starting a company before graduation? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic; Starting a Company before Graduation 4 Recently a newspaper has reported that salaries for college students are equivalent to wages for migrant workers. Apparently this

5、 comparison is too simple and superficial. However, job-hunting is much more difficult for college students but may be easier for migrant workers. Whats your opinion? Write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: The Main Factors Influencing Salaries for College Graduates 专业英语四级(作文)

6、模拟试卷 46答案与解析 SECTION A COMPOSITION (35 MIN) 1 【正确答案】 Degree and University Study In our society, the most commonly recognized standard of a students academic achievement is the degree. Consequently some people regard getting a degree as the only thing valuable while studying in college. Admittedly,

7、getting a degree is essential for students who expect a prosperous future, but it is by no means the only purpose at university. University provides one with an enjoyable atmosphere of study and other activities. Meeting different people on campus, discussing with professors over a topic, and readin

8、g in the quiet library can strongly shape ones inclination, mature ones thoughts, widen ones horizons, and enrich the personality. University study provides new ideas that can give rise to ones profound insight into the world. For the student who considers the university as a place to enhance his st

9、andard of appreciation and taste, and to receive education in all aspects, university often gives him more than the degree it will be an all-round reward. University furnishes students with a variety of opportunities; degree is only one of them. What one has learned at university is more essential,

10、for it is the real asset. Make full use of what the university provides, and then there can be a brilliant future. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,所讨论的问题是大学生以及社会都非常关注的学位问题。有的人认为没有学位,大学学习就没有意义。就此话题,要求考生对大学学习进行深刻思考,分析学习与学位的关系,阐述并论证自己的观点。我们可以有两种写作思路: 思路 1:大学中重要的是学习过程,学位并不是唯一重要的事情。 大学学习对学生来讲应是全方位的, 可以跟不同的人交流,可以跟随教授

11、学习,也可以在图书馆里看书。这能够完善人格,开阔视野。此外,大学里的新思想对一个人世界观的塑造也很有帮助。 思路 2:大学中学位是最重要的,不获得学位,大学学习就没有意义。 大学学习应该注重结果,享受过程。享受过程指的是要充分利用大学资源,在学习、人际交往等方面均获得实际能力的提高。注重结果,意味着四年学习后,应该拿到学位证,给自己、家长和社会一个交待。学位是一种证明,是大学四年学习成果的证明,是自身能力的证明。没有学位,虽然不能完全否定大学学习的意义,但是至少 可以说是大学学习生活中的败笔。 范文采用了思路 1,认为学位不是大学学习中唯一重要的事情。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 S

12、hould Students Decide on a Major before University Studies? Chinese students have to choose a major when applying for universities and most of them have no opportunity to change that decision. Many people, however, begin to question whether this is the best practice. I would argue that students shou

13、ld be allowed at least a year to find the major they are really fond of. For one thing, high school students have little knowledge of majors at universities, since they only learn fundamental knowledge of basic subjects. They may choose astronautics just because of the Shenzhou VII, only to find tha

14、t the basic skills involved in this major are just what they are not good at. If they are allowed to make that decision in the second year of university, they can get more advice from professors and those juniors and seniors. For another, the choice of high school students may be largely swayed by t

15、heir parents, who tend to choose those so-called lucrative majors in the hope that their children can get a job with a decent salary, disregarding whether they are interested in it or not. In the meantime, during the first year, they can develop varieties of skills by learning different disciplines.

16、 The problem-solving skill and analytical skill acquired in this process will prove invaluable in their future learning. In conclusion, students should be given chances to make a wise decision on their major, which may determine their careers in the future. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,提出了两种观点:学生应该在上大学前选定专业和

17、学生应该在入学后用一定的时间考虑选什么专业。要求考生用自己的想法或经历对此问题进行分析比较,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由进行论证。 思路 1:学生应该在入学前选定专业。 首先,这样可以让学生一入学就有一个明确的目标,不至于漫无目的地学习,浪费时间。其次,如果给学生一学期或一年的时间随意选课,然后考虑专业的话,可能会给教学管理带来很大麻烦。 思路 2:学生应该在入学后有一定时间考虑选什么专业。 首先,高中生学习的只是基础学科的基础知识,对大学的专业并无了解,因此选择专业的时候没有很好的依据,可能所选的专业并不适合自己。其次,学生的专业选择也常受到父母的左右,所选专业往往并不是自己喜欢的。最后,

18、花一些时间学习各门学科而非主攻一门,能拓展思路,培养各种能力。 范文选取思路 2,在解释原因的同时提出一些具体可行的解决方案。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Starting a Company before Graduation Recently, having a company is becoming a fashion for students when they are still in college. As to this trend, different people hold different opinions. For me, this trend has adv

19、antages as well as disadvantages, but the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. On the one hand, having a company before graduation can bring some advantages to the students. Firstly, the students can earn some money and support themselves. That will cultivate their independent and exploring spirit

20、. Secondly, the company can serve as an important channel for the students to communicate with the outside world. Finally, the students can gain some useful experience which they cannot learn in college. However, the negative effects of having a company before graduation should not be neglected. To

21、run a company will cost too much time which should be spent on studying. The main task of students is studying. Without studying related knowledge, one may fail in running a company well and thats why many students abandoned the company and returned to classes. In addition, students lack financial s

22、upport and economic knowledge to handle a company. From the above discussion, I hold the view that college students should be careful when they decide to start their own company. They should remember that they are students, and their study at university is an essential preparation for their success

23、in society after graduation. 【试题解析】 本题是一个对比选择型题目,核心问题是学生是否应该在毕业前就开办公司。要求考生用自己的想法或经历对此问题进行比较分析,然后选择其中一个观点,给出理由并进行论证。 思路 1:学生毕业前可以有自己的公司。 有自己的公司首先可以多方面锻炼自己,积累经验。同时也可以为自己带来财富,减轻自己及父母的经济负担。 思路 2:学生毕业前不应该经营公司。 经营公司会耗费大量宝贵的时间,学生缺乏必要的经济知识,经营公司弊大于利。 范文采用思路 2,认为学生毕业前不应该经 营公司。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Main Fact

24、ors Influencing Salaries for College Graduates Recently, the salary for college students is very low, and there has been a heated argument about whether college graduates should have a high salary. Some people are for it; however, others are against it. As for me, I think we should consider this pro

25、blem rationally. Salaries for college graduates depend on many factors, and the main factors come from themselves. First of all, most of the graduates dont master the professional skills. Most college students dont learn professional knowledge diligently, and what they have done at universities are

26、focusing on passing various exams. Still, other college students are obsessed with surfing the Internet and seldom attend regular classes. Anyway, being unskilled in their speciality is the most important factor influencing college graduates salaries. Second, many students overestimate themselves. S

27、ome college graduates think that they are superior to others and they always prefer higher salaries. But the fact is that they learn a lot of theoretical things while they cannot apply them well into practice. Finally, variety and limitation in major have an effect on salaries. Different fields have

28、 different levels in salaries in a short term. In conclusion, three main factors influence college graduates salaries, including professional skills, self-evaluation and major, hence college graduates should treat their salaries much more rationally. 【试题解析】 本题是一个给定观点 型题目。要求就影响大学毕业生薪水的主要因素展开探讨。既可以从大学

29、生自身角度来分析主要因素,也可以从社会角度分析,还可以结合两方面来综合分析影响大学毕业生薪水的主要因素。 思路 1:从大学生自身来分析主要因素。 影响大学生薪水的主要因素有:有的大学生在大学期间并没有真正掌握专业知识;大学生过于高估自己的能力,理论能力强,但实践能力差;性别因素也是主要因素之一。 思路 2:从社会大背景角度来分析主要因素。 当代社会需要更多有实际经验的从业者,而大学生获得更多的是理论知识,无法将理论应 用于实际工作中;另外经济危机导致很多中小企业面临破产,因此借由压低薪水降低运营成本。 思路 3:从大学生自身及社会背景两方面来阐述。 结合大学生自身的条件及当代社会大背景两方面来综合阐述影响大学毕业生薪水的主要因素,而不是将责任归于一方。 范文采用了思路 1,着重从大学生自身来分析。 【知识模块】 作文


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