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1、专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 214及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage wi

2、ll be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 214答案与 解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage

3、will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done a

4、t normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1 【正确答案】 The Solar Water Heater Solar water heaters are used around the world and are not very difficult to build. / The system is based on a design developed some years ago. / It can heat seventy liters of water to sixty degrees

5、Celsius. / It can do this between sunrise and noon on a clear day / with an average air temperature of thirty-two degrees Celsius. / There are two parts to the solar water heater. / One part is made of a sheet of metal painted black. / Black surfaces become hotter in the sun than surfaces painted an

6、y other color. / The second part of the solar water heater holds the water for the system. / This storage tank can be a container that holds about one hundred liters. / Two rubber pipes are attached to the water storage tank. / One pipe lets water flow into the system. / The other lets water flow ou

7、t. / The solar water heater will last about two years / before the rubber pipes need to be replaced. / 【试题解析】 太阳能热水器 世界各地都在使用太阳能热水器,且这种热水器建造起来并不难。这种太阳能热水器由两个部分组成。一个部分由漆成黑色的金属薄片制成。在阳光照射下,黑色的表面比漆成其他颜色的表面更容易吸收热量。太阳能热水器的第二个部分用来给系统储水。这个储水箱可以容纳 100升水。有两条橡胶管连接到储水箱上,一条是进水管,另外一条是出水管。 【知识模块】 听写 2 【正确答案】 Appli

8、cations of Lasers Lasers have numerous applications in various fields. / They have made measurement an exact science. / Astronomers have used lasers to measure the moons distance from Earth to within a few centimeters. / Mappers and builders use laser technology every day. / For example, drawing a p

9、erfectly level straight line on a construction site is easy using a laser. / Manufacturers have used lasers for years to cut and join metal parts. / And the jewelry industry uses lasers / to write on the surface of the worlds hardest substance, diamonds. / Lasers have also changed the way we live. /

10、 Super-fast Internet connections let people watch movies / and send huge amounts of information at the speed of light / Laser printers can print out forms and documents quickly and are relatively low in cost. / Laser barcode scanners have changed how stores record almost everything. / They help busi

11、nesses keep track of products. / They help in storage and every detail of the supply process. / 【试题解析】 激光的用途 激光在众多领域有着各种各样的应用。激光使得测量成为一门精确的科学。宇航员利用激光把月球到地球距离的数据测量精确到厘米。此外,激光还可用于各种金属零件及特殊材料的切割和焊接等等。现在,激光已经融入了我们的日常生活并让我们的生活更加便利。 【知识模块】 听写 3 【正确答案】 MP3s An MP3 is a kind of file used for sending music o

12、r other material over the Internet. / These files are compressed, or reduced in size, / compared to songs on a compact disc, or CD. / MP3 files are played on a computer using media programs. / MP3s can also be played on small players / as well as some wireless telephones that can store music. / Many

13、 players can hold thousands of songs / yet are small enough to carry in your pocket. / Music fans can change their music collections from CDs to MP3s. / They are also able to download MP3 music files from the Internet much faster / because of the MP3s smaller file size. / File sharing services make

14、it possible for people to exchange copyrighted music at no cost. / However, the record industry starts to get concerned / because people are trading free music on the Internet / instead of buying it in music stores. / 【试题解析】 MP3 MP3是一种通过网络传输音乐或其他材料的文件。相对比光盘里的歌曲,经压缩后的 MP3文件更小。 MP3文件可以在电脑上用媒体软件打开。此外,

15、MP3还能在小巧的播放器或是能存放音乐的手机上播放。很多 MP3播放器可以存放上万首 MP3格式的歌曲,却小巧玲珑,便于携带。音乐爱好者可以将他们收藏的音乐从 CD转到 MP3。他们也可以从网上下载 MP3音乐文件。 【知识模块】 听写 4 【正确答案】 E-books An e-book is the electronic version of a traditional print book. / Instead of words on paper, it is words on a screen. / Anyone who uses the Internet can find e-boo

16、ks. / But a copyright makes it illegal to sell or copy an e-book / without the permission of the writer or publisher. / Many e-books do have copyright protection. / Some writers even write books that sold only as e-books. / In the coming years, the number of e-books is expected to continue to increa

17、se. / Many now include music and images. / And many come with links to other e-books on the same subject. / Some people are happy to sit at their computer when they read an e-book. / But others like to be able to carry a book with them. / These people may want to buy an e-book reader. / This is a sm

18、all device that can link with a computer / to load the contents of a book. / 【试题解析】 电子书 电子书是传统印刷书的电子版,其文字显示在屏幕上,而非纸张上。任何人都可以在网上找到电子书。但是,如果没有经过作者或出版商的同意,随意出售或复制电子书的内容是违法的。未来电子书的数量还会持续增加。现在,很多电子书均配有音乐和图片,还有许多也提供主题相同的其他电子书的链接。 【知识模块】 听写 5 【正确答案】 Flash Mobs A flash mob is where young people suddenly gat

19、her in a large group for no apparent reason. / Flash mobs can involve hundreds of people who do not all know each other. / But they all meet at the same time, then leave the area quickly. / A flash mob can be held for any reason, / but usually just to have some fun. / The people involved in a flash

20、mob do not know the time or place of the meeting / until just minutes before it takes place. / They get the details from a web site, / or by e-mail or as a text message on their wireless phone. / What do people do at flash mobs? / Flash mobbers in a store will all ask for the same product. / On a st

21、reet, they may sing a song at the same time, / shout meaningless words, hug each other or make some kind of noise. / Then, just as quickly as they came, they leave. / It all happens in a flash. / 【试题解析】 快闪 快闪是指一群年轻人不为什么明显的缘由而突然聚集在一起。快闪通常有好几百人参加,他们互不相识,在同一时间聚集在一起,又迅速离开。快闪族会做些什么呢 ?他们聚集的时候会在商店里面要同一件商品。在大街上,他们会同时唱同一首歌,大喊一些没有意义的词语,互相拥抱或制造某种噪音。 【知识模块】 听写


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