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1、专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 66及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the pa

2、ssage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute 专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷 66答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to

3、 the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals

4、 of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute 1 【正确答案】 Negative Effects of Television Spending too many hours watching television wastes the precious time / that can rather be spent in fruitful and

5、 healthy activities like exercise or reading. / It also uses up the time / that you can rather spend with your family and friends. / Chatting with your near ones, spending time with your close ones / is a better way of spending time than watching TV. / People watching television, especially children

6、 and youngsters, / start identifying with what is shown on TV. / They relate to television shows and films to such an extent / that they get bored of living a normal and simple life. / They are eager for fame and money; / they long for living the lives of their favorite TV characters. / This may lea

7、d to a high amount of dissatisfaction for the real world. / As real life is the contrast of the life shown on TV, / such TV addicts become hungry for power, money and status. 【知识模块】 听写 2 【正确答案】 Culture Shock Culture shock isnt a clinical term or medical condition. / Its simply a common way to descri

8、be the confusing and nervous feelings a person may have / after leaving a familiar culture to live in a new and different culture. / When you move to a new place, / youre bound to face a lot of changes. / That can be exciting and stimulating, / but it can also be overwhelming. / You may feel sad, an

9、xious, frustrated, and want to go home. / Its natural to have difficulty adjusting to a new culture. / People from other cultures may have grown up with values and beliefs that differ from yours. / Because of these differences, / the things they talk about, the ways they express themselves, / and th

10、e importance of various ideas / may be very different from what you are used to. / But the good news is that culture shock is usually temporary. 【知识模块】 听写 3 【正确答案】 Environmentally Friendly Cars Environmentally friendly cars are supposed to be the vehicles of future generations. / Nevertheless, such

11、cars exist now / and are becoming more popular in the modern car market than traditional vehicles / which work on fossil fuels. / The advantages of such cars are not only in their lower harmfulness for the environment and peoples health / but also in the lower fuel costs. / However, their production

12、 is rather expensive, / so it is still a controversial point / both for the customers and the automobile manufacturers. / Although they are more expensive to buy, / they pay for themselves in a period of about 5 years / because they consume less expensive fuels. / The common types of environmentally

13、 friendly cars include electric cars, fuel-cell-powered cars, crossbreed cars and solar cars. / And environmentally friendly cars have become the choice of many people / who decided to reduce the influence of burning fossil fuels on the nature. 【知识模块】 听写 4 【正确答案】 The Earth Day Our Planet Earth has s

14、o much to give us. / From the beautiful natural surroundings to the rich types of creatures, / Planet Earth has loads of things to offer / that only make the life more beautiful. / However, have you given a thought to how many individuals actually respect this planet? / April 22nd is known the world

15、 over as Earth Day. / It is celebrated to create more awareness about our planet / and situations that we need to take care of / to ensure our Planet Earth is well loved and cared for. / As things are, we need to celebrate it on one day / to remind us of the responsibilities we need to handle in the

16、 coming years. / The importance of Planet Earth is something / that should be taught to children in their early years, at home and in the school. / Only then will the young and old alike, understand the issues / such as global wanning, energy conservation and the importance of recycling. 【知识模块】 听写 5

17、 【正确答案】 Differences Between Chinese and Western Eating Habits There are great differences between Chinese and Western eating habits. / Unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, / in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. / If you are being treated by a Chin

18、ese host, / be prepared for a ton of food. / Chinese are very proud of their culture of cuisine / and will do their best to show their hospitality. / And sometimes the Chinese hosts use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate. / This is a sign of politeness. / The appropriate thing to do would be to eat whatever-it-is / and say how tasty it is. / If you feel uncomfortable with this, / you can just say a polite thank-you and leave the food there. / And you should never tap on your bowl with your chopsticks, / which can be very insulting to the host. 【知识模块】 听写


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