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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 231及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) How has the man been doing lately. ( B) How to do a project for government class. ( C) How to use a computer to

3、 do a project ( D) How to use computer labs on campus. ( A) Tuesday 7:30 am. ( B) Wednesday 6:30 p.m. ( C) Friday 8:30 am. ( D) Saturday 5:30 p.m. ( A) Go to the computer training workshops. ( B) Sign up for the workshops in the library. ( C) Take part in instructional tutorials sessions. ( D) Ask f

4、or individual assistance on his work. ( A) To give students fair chances of using the computers. ( B) To limit the number of students who are waiting in line. ( C) To reduce students complaints on long waiting time. ( D) To facilitate students completing their homework on time. ( A) Use the computer

5、s. ( B) Delete the information. ( C) Save it on the hard drive. ( D) Bring a USB disk. ( A) Because she doesnt want to spend too much money. ( B) Because most of the places have already been taken. ( C) Because there arent many places to choose from in that area. ( D) Because all the new students ar

6、e looking for accommodation. ( A) At her parents home. ( B) In a hotel. ( C) In a large suitcase. ( D) In a flat she rents. ( A) Its in a noisy street. ( B) It has two bedrooms. ( C) It has two floors. ( D) It has a back garden. ( A) On Friday evening. ( B) On Saturday afternoon. ( C) On Saturday mo

7、rning. ( D) On Friday morning. ( A) A van. ( B) A lorry. ( C) A container. ( D) A car. ( A) Because its a lovely city. ( B) Because he wants to save money. ( C) Because his relative lives there. ( D) Because hed like to study English. ( A) To visit his relatives. ( B) To take an English course. ( C)

8、 To do some snowboarding. ( D) To do some skiing. ( A) By ferry. ( B) By plane. ( C) By bus. ( D) By walk. ( A) He thinks it would be really fun. ( B) Hell definitely join a walking tour. ( C) He thinks its a good way to travel. ( D) He may make some friends his age. ( A) In May. ( B) In June. ( C)

9、In July. ( D) In August. ( A) Academic foundation courses. ( B) Those he can further study. ( C) Those can guarantee him a job. ( D) Practical university courses. ( A) They cost more than the university courses. ( B) The courses include both study and work. ( C) You can get real working experience f

10、rom it ( D) The teaching gives more personal attention. ( A) A university degree. ( B) A foundation degree. ( C) An honours degree. ( D) University admission. ( A) Theoretical and practical nature of organisations. ( B) How organisations are set up and structured. ( C) Principles and management tech

11、niques in leadership. ( D) How to apply psychological factors to public services. ( A) Sign up for the course. ( B) Take an information pack. ( C) Learn more about the course. ( D) Come back for more details. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 231答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversat

12、ions. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best ans

13、wer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 W: Hey Miguel, howve you been lately? M: Stressed. I have to do this big project for my government class, and I need to use a computer to do it. 1I dont know much about the computer facilities here o

14、n campus. Do you know anything about how the computer labs work here? W: Actually, I worked as a part-time student employee in one of the open labs for two semesters. What do you want to know? M: Wow, great! Well, first of all, where are they? I know there are quite a few labs spread throughout the

15、school, but I am not sure where they are. W: Well the open labs are in Murphy Hall and in the basement of the library. There is also another lab just for liberal arts majors in the arts building. M: Oh, OK. Theyre all there together. Are they open 24 hours? W: Unfortunately no. 2Theyre open from 8 a

16、m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday. 9 to 5:30 on Friday. During the fall and spring semesters theyre open Saturday and Sunday until 5. M: Uh huh, and do they offer any kind of training on the computers? W: Yes, they do actually. They hold computer training workshops twice a month. You can sign up

17、for one in the library. 3There are also instructional tutoring sessions for students who need help with their course work in the individual labs, and of course, individual assistance is available, too. M: Can I just walk in and start using a computer, or do I need a password or something? W: You do

18、need a student account and password to show that you actually attend the university. Once you show them your student ID card, they will set up an account for you and give you a password. Actually, I have a pamphlet in my bag if you want to take a look. M: Yeah, sounds good. Hey, this says I can only

19、 use the computer for one hour. Then I have to check out of the lab. Why is there a one-hour limit? W: 4 Well there are only 30 computers, so that way all students can get an opportunity to use them. Last year, some of the waiting lines were getting very long, and people complained about waiting for

20、 long periods of time. Some people couldnt complete their assignments on time. M: Ah. It says here I need a USB flash disk? Why is that? W: Well, 5because so many students use the computers, all the information on the hard drives is deleted at the end of the day. So, youll need a USB disk if you wan

21、t to save any of your work. M: OK, I think Ive got that. Thank you! 1. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? 2. At which time can the man use the computer labs? 3. What can the man do if he needs help with coursework? 4. Why is there a one-hour limit on computer use? 5. What should the man

22、 do if he wants to save his work? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话通篇是女士向男士介绍校园电脑设施的使用方法和注意事项,因此 D项是对话的主题。 A项是对话开头两人的问候寒暄,并非对话主题。男士提及 government class需要做一个项目,从而引出需要使用电脑实验室的话题, B项也非对话主题。男士提到需要使用电脑做项目,但这只是为引出主要话题做铺垫,因此 C项也不是对话的主题。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项均为时间,可基本确定问题为时间细节题,听音时应留意时间信息并做好笔 记。 对话中女士说明了电脑实验室的开放时

23、间,三段时间范围分别为周一到周四早上 8点到晚上 9点,周五是早上 9点到下午 5点半,春季和秋季学期周六日开放至下午 5点。选项中除了 B项以外,其他选项都不在电脑室开放的时间范围内,故 B项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项均以动词原形开头,可预测提问可能与行为动作有关。 问题问男士在课程作业上需要帮助时可以怎么办。对话中提及个别电脑实验室会提供教学辅导课 (instructional tutoring session)给 完成课程作业时需要帮助的学生,也就是说学生可以参加教学辅导课得到作业辅导, C项为正确答案。 根据对话,电脑培训研习会是提供给需

24、要学习电脑操作的学生的,因此 A项错误。 B项关于参加电脑培训研习会,与问题无关。对话中提及了可以请求个人协助(individual assistance),但并未细说用于解决何种问题,因此 D项错误。 【知识模块】 对话 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项均为不定式结构,可预测提问可能与行为的目的相关。 对话中男士询问女士为何电脑实验室设置了一小时的使用时限,女士 回答说电脑室中只有 30台电脑,设置时限使所有学生都有机会使用电脑 (all students can get an opportunity to use them), A项是其同义转换,是正确答案。 对话中女士说到了去年排

25、队使用电脑室的学生很多,有学生抱怨等候时间很长,还有些学生不能按时完成作业,这些是对没设置使用时限之前的具体举例说明,但设立使用时限的目的并非控制等候人数、减少投诉或方便学生完成作业。因此 B、 C、 D项是对原文的断章取义。 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项均为动词原形,且与电脑操作有关,可预测提问可能与电脑操作行为相关。 问题问男士如果想保存自己的文件要做些什么。对话末尾男士问为什么要带 U盘,女士解释说因为很多学生使用电脑,所以电脑硬盘上的所有资料在每天结束时都会被删除,如果要保存文件就要自备 U盘。由对话可知,本题应选 D。 A项 “使用电脑 ”过于笼统,很

26、容易排除。 B项是电脑实验室每天关门前会做的操作,而不是男士保存文件应做的事。对话说每天结束时硬盘 (hard drives)上的资料都会被删除,所以男士不能把文件存在硬盘上。 C项错误。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【听力原文】 M: Hello? W: Dad? Is that you? M: Hannah? W: Dad. Yes, its me. M: Hannah, have you found a place to live yet? W: Yes! I think I have at last. M: Wonderful! W: Im relieved, because Im fed

27、 up looking. I didnt think it was going to take me three weeks. M: It hasnt been easy for you. 6I suppose its the beginning of the academic year and you have all the new students looking for places as well. W: Yes, thats probably the reason, and it also pushes up the rent. M: Well, tell me, how much

28、 is it? W: It isnt cheap for this area. Its 400 pounds a month. M: That is much more than you had expected. W: Yes, it is, but I cant face looking any more. I want a place where I can put my things, instead of living out of a suitcase. 7I dont want to stay in this hotel any longer. M: I guess not. S

29、o whats the new place like? W: Oh, its really, really nice. M: Oh, good. W: Its in a very quiet street Its a second-floor flat with one double bedroom, a large living room, kitchen and toilet and bathroom. M: Sounds very nice. W: Oh it is. And guess what? M: Yes? W: 8Its got a small roof terrace loo

30、king on to the garden at the back. M: Great W: And its big enough to have my plants and a small table and chairs. M: Brilliant. M: Now, whats the address? W: Its 22b Whitehart Road. M: Okay. I dont think I know the road. W: Its a side road. But you do know the area because its off Garret Lane. M: Oh

31、 right. Which end? W: The other end from the stadium. M: So it wont be too noisy then. W: You can still hear it from here when theres a match on. M: Mmm. When are we going to see you? W: Well, I was going to come home on Friday evening after work. 9And then we could bring my things by van on Saturda

32、y afternoon. I want to move all of my stuff out to give you and Mum more space. M: Well need to hire a van then. W: Its okay. Ill pay for it. M: No. No. Dont worry. Itll be a gift from your Mum and me. W: Oh, all right. Thanks, Dad. M: And if youre taking everything we might need to hire a container

33、 lorry. W: Oh, Dad! M: Im only joking. W: I know. M: 10Ill hire the van for the Saturday then. I can pick it up first thing in the morning. W: Right. 6. According to the man, why is it difficult for the woman to find a place? 7. Where is the woman staying? 8. What do we know about the womans new pla

34、ce? 9. When is the woman going to move her things out? 10. What are they going to hire for moving out? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项都有 Because,可知本题问原因。 对话里,父亲猜测因为现在是开学,所有新生都在找地方住,所以女儿很难找到合适的地方, D与之意思一致,其中选项 looking for accommodation是原文 looking for places的同义转换。 其他几个选项也有可能导致女士找住宿比较困难,但都不是父亲想到的原因。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【

35、正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是表示地点的短语,同时根据选项里的 she和 her,可知问题与女士相关。 女士说: “我不想再住在这个酒店了。 ”说明现在她正住在酒店,答案选 B。 对话中父亲在电话里问女儿找到地方住没有,可知该女士没有和父母一起住, A不对。女士说她不想 living out of a suitcase,指的是不想再过旅行包式的生活,而不是住在行李箱里,所以 C也不对。 D“她租的公寓 ”是女士新找到的住所,但还没搬进去。 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 看选项表述猜测问的可能是某个住所的具体情况,注意相关细节。 D项 “有一个后花园 ”与原文中

36、 “the garden at the back”信息相符,故为正确项。 A“在嘈杂的街道 ”与原文 in a very quiet street(在一条非常安静的街道上 )意思相反。 B“它有两 个卧室 ”是对原文的曲解,原文说的是 “它有一个双人间卧室 ”,指的是卧室里有双人床或者可以放得下双人床。 C项 “它有两层 ”是对原文中的 a second-floor flat“位于二楼的公寓 ”的误解。 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是时间短语,注意对话中的相关内容。 女士在对话中说会在周六下午把东西搬出去,答案选 B。 A项 “周五晚上 ”是女士回家的时间,但

37、搬家要等到周六。 C项 “周六早上 ”是他们清理女士房间的时间。 【知识模块】 对话 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项都是某种交通工具,注意对话的相关信息。 父女打算周六用 van(中小型运货车 )把女儿的东西运走,答案选 A。 父亲说如果女儿要搬走所有东西,可能要去租一辆 container lorry(集装箱卡车 ),但他后来说到这只是开玩笑,所以 B和 C也不对。 【知识模块】 对话 11 【听力原文】 W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Yes, Id like to get some information about trips to

38、New Zealand. W: Certainly. Take a seat and Ill be right with you. M: Thanks. W: Now, where would you like to go in New Zealand? M: Well, I was hoping to do a bit of travelling around, actually. There are a few things Id like to see and do before I go back home. W: Right. M: One thing I really want t

39、o do is go to Christchurch. 1I would like to visit my mothers cousin there and I can stay with him. W: Yes, its a lovely city. And staying with relatives will help with the budget, of course. M: The budget? W: It will save you some money. M: Oh right! Well, Im not too worried about that Ive saved qu

40、ite a bit of money working in Australia. W: Oh, thats nice. Good for you! Well, you know that New Zealand consists of two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, and Christchurch is on the South Island. M: Is it? I was never very good at geography at school! Do you have a map I could lo

41、ok at? W: Sure! Here we are. M: Right. I see. Id also like to spend some time in Auckland. 2And maybe I could do an English language course there. Can you organise that sort of thing for me? W: Certainly. Wed be happy to arrange that. But bear in mind that Auckland is in the North Island. M: OK And

42、Id also like to do some skiing or maybe even some snowboarding. I hear New Zealand is a great place for that. W: Yes, absolutely. But you should go to Auckland first for your studies, and then you can get the ferry across to the South Island and take the bus down to the snow. M: Oh, I dont like boat

43、s very much. Im not much of a sailor. 3I think Id prefer to fly. W: Right What about joining a walking tour in the South Island? That could be really fun. M: Not sure about walking, but it might be a good way to travel, 4because then I might make some friends my own age. W: Now, lets get some detail

44、s. Can I have your name, please? M: Yes, its Jack Lee, and you can call me Jack. W: OK, Jack. And whats your address here in Melbourne? M: Im living with my aunt in the suburb of Kew. W: OK And when do you want to travel? Because youll need to be down south in July or August. M: Oh, yes. Of course.

45、Thats winter, isnt it? 5So Id better go to Auckland in May. W: Yes, Lets say departing from Melbourne on the first of May thats a Saturday and then you could begin your course on Monday the third. M: That sounds great! 1. Why does the man particularly want to go to Christchurch? 2. What does the man

46、 want to do in Auckland? 3. How does the man want to go to the South Island from Auckland? 4. What does the man think of joining a walking tour? 5. When will the man probably begin the trip? 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中,男士说到他非常想去 Christchurch“基督城 ”,因为他想去拜访他母亲的堂兄弟,而且可以住在他那里,答案选 C。 A“那是个可爱的城市 ”是女士说的,男士并没有这样

47、说。女士跟男士说住在亲戚家可以省钱,但男士说他不太担心 预算的问题,所以 B“想省钱 ”不对。 D“想去学英文 ”对话中也有提到,但不是在基督城学。而是在奥克兰。 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是不定式结构,故本题问原因或目的。 男士说他想去奥克兰一段时间,在那里可以上一个英语课程,与 B项意思一致。 A“探访亲戚 ”是男士想在基督城做的事情,不是在奥克兰,所以不对。 C项 “玩滑雪板 ”和 D项 “滑雪 ”男士也想做,但女士说要在南岛才有雪,而奥克兰在北岛,所以都不对。 【知识模块】 对话 13 【正确答案】 B 【 试题解析】 选项都与交通方式有关,注意对

48、话相关内容。 女士建议男士可以从奥克兰坐渡船到南岛,但男士说他不太喜欢坐船,他更喜欢坐飞机,所以 A不对,而 B正确, by plane是 fly的同义转换。 C项 “坐公共汽车 ”是女士建议南岛去雪山的交通方式,而不是从北岛坐车去南岛。女士还问到男士是否想在南岛参加徒步旅行,但并不是要从北岛走路去南岛,所以 D错误。 【知识模块】 对话 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说到徒步旅行会认识很多同龄人, D正确。 女士说参加徒步旅行团非常有趣,但男士说他不 太确定,所以 A、 B都不对。男士说到参加徒步旅行团 might be“也许 ”是一种很好的旅行方式,但他并没有用肯定的语气,所以

49、C也不对。 【知识模块】 对话 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项都与月份有关,注意对话中说到这几个月会发生什么事。 女士说男士要在 7月或 8月去到南岛,因为那时候是冬季,可以滑雪和玩滑雪板,男士说那他最好在 5月份去奥克兰,所以最有可能 5月份开始旅程, A正确。 【知识模块】 对话 16 【听力原文】 W: Hi, are you interested in doing a foundation course? M: Well, Im not sure actually. W: Thats not unusual. Are you thinking about further study, or planning to go straight into a job? M: I was always thinking Id go to university, b


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