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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 273及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) His apartment. ( B) The things in his apartment. ( C) His house. ( D) The things in his house. ( A) Because she

3、 is curious to know where the man lives. . ( B) Because it has something to do with the cost of the insurance. ( C) Because she wants to know if the man is telling the truth. ( D) Because she wants to give some suggestions to the man. ( A) $615. ( B) $450. ( C) $1,150. ( D) $4,000. ( A) In England.

4、( B) In Austria. ( C) In China. ( D) In Australia. ( A) Teacher. ( B) Doctor. ( C) Worker. ( D) Student. ( A) She went on board a cruise liner. ( B) She went out with some nice people. ( C) She went on holidays in Thailand. ( D) She made preparation for her work. ( A) Everyone has his own office. (

5、B) Most people share the desks. ( C) Most peoples desks are very hot. ( D) The woman has no private space. ( A) The staff can feel more relaxed. ( B) Customers will become delighted. ( C) Customers tend to reduce pressure. ( D) Workers are proud of the company. ( A) Bring the food in. ( B) Cook in t

6、he office. ( C) Order take-away food ( D) Eat in the canteen. ( A) On Monday mornings. ( B) On Monday afternoons. ( C) On Thursday mornings. ( D) On Thursday afternoons. ( A) A graduation form. ( B) The mans diploma. ( C) A warning flag. ( D) The graduation requirements. ( A) Obtain 24 credits at th

7、e intermediate level. ( B) Schedule a plan with the department chair. ( C) Wait for an instruction letter to be issued. ( D) Figure out what he needs in the final year. ( A) He needed to obtain eight more credits to complete his study. ( B) He should take two intro courses with field experiences. (

8、C) He would have an easy way to meet the credit requirements. ( D) He could meet the course requirements with extra fieldwork. ( A) The fieldwork is not recognized on the computer. ( B) The two courses are still shown as of basic-levels. ( C) The fieldwork arrangement hasnt been verified. ( D) The c

9、redits he has got are waiting to be certified. ( A) Cancel his graduation celebration. ( B) Contact his chairperson right away. ( C) Call the woman as soon as possible. ( D) Certify his course credits immediately. ( A) Reserve a hotel near the coast. ( B) Book a tour to watch whales. ( C) Find a job

10、 in the travel agency. ( D) Buy a popular watch in the town. ( A) Its by coach rather than minibus. ( B) It takes two hours on the way. ( C) The maximum of people is 50. ( D) The tour is kept small and personal. ( A) April the 18th. ( B) June the 2nd. ( C) In three days. ( D) In two weeks. ( A) Its

11、near the main beach. ( B) It is located in the town. ( C) The food there is pretty good. ( D) Some rooms have nice views. ( A) Bushwalking near the hotel. ( B) Taking part in a fishing trip. ( C) Visiting the reptile park. ( D) Playing tennis at the hotel. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 273答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSAT

12、IONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four

13、 choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 【听力原文】 W: Good morning. Can I help you? M: Yes, 1Id like to get some insurance for the contents of my home. W: Fine. When did you move into the house? M: A co

14、uple of weeks ago, 1and its an apartment actually. I was told by the landlord that it would be a good idea to get some insurance for the furniture and other personal possessions. W: Fine. Well, lets get some details. What kind of apartment is it? M: Its a two-bedroom apartment. W: What floor is it o

15、n? M: Why do you need to know that? W: 2Because it affects the cost of the insurance. An apartment on the ground floor isnt as protected as others and theres more chance of a break-in. M: Really? I didnt know that. Its on the third, no, second floor. W: Second. and how much is the rent? M: Its $615

16、per month. W: Good. And where is it located? M: In Biggins Street, South Hills. W: I see. And what things did you want to insure? M: Well, what do you recommend? W: Well, the most important things are those which you would normally find in a home. Things like the television, fridge and so on. M: I s

17、ee. Well, Ive got a fridge and a stereo system which Ive just bought from a friend. W: And how much did you pay for the fridge? M: Er, $450. W: 50 or 15? M: 50, 3and the stereo system costs $1,150. W: OK. Well, is there anything else you want to insure? M: Yes, Ive got a couple of watches and my CDs

18、 and books. W: How much do you think theyre worth? M: The watches are worth $1,000. W: For both of them? M: No, each one and, all together, the CDs and books cost me about $400. W: OK, so the value of everything you want to insure is $4,000. M: How much will the insurance cost? W: Let me see, $4,000

19、 divided by. plus 10%. right, so this kind of insurance, er, thats Private Contents insurance, it comes to $184.00 for a twelve-month period. M: $184. Well, that sounds pretty good. OK, Ill take that policy. M: Can I arrange the policy over the phone? W: Sure, just let me get the details down. So th

20、ats Mr. M: Gavin Murray, thats M-U-R-R-A-Y. W: And the address is? M: Its 16C Biggins Street, South Hills. W: Right, are you Australian? M: No. 4I was born in London, although my mother is from Tasmania. W: Now, are you working at the moment? M: No, 5Im a full-time student at Sydney University. W: R

21、ight, good. 1 What does the man want to insure? 2 Why does the woman want to know what floor is the mans apartment on? 3 What is the cost of the stereo system? 4 Where was the man born? 5 What is the mans job? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话开头,男士说要为他家里的东西 (the contents of my home)投保,且后来提到他的家是 apartment“公寓 ”,而不

22、是 house“房子 ”,所以正确答案为 B项 The things in his apartment。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从各选项开头的 Because可知本题问原因,听音时要留意表示原因的信息。 女士问男士的公寓在几楼,男士反问她为什么要知道那个。女士回答说因为楼层会对保费有影响, B项中的核心词 the cost of the insurance与原文一致,为正确答案。 A“她很好奇男士住哪 ”、 C“他想知道男士是否撒谎 ”和 D“她想给男士一些建议 ”在原文中都没有相关信息。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项都是价钱,

23、可知本题问某个东西的价钱,注意记录相关信息。 根据男士所说,该音响系统 (stereo system)的价钱是 C项 $1, 150。 A项$615是公寓每月的租金, B项 $450是冰箱的价钱, D项 $4,000是所有需要投保的东西的总价值。 【知识模块】 对话 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项都与地点有关,要特别注意听录音出现的地点词及相关信息。 女士问男士是不是澳大利亚人。男士给了否定回答,说他出生在 London。伦敦是英国首都,可确定答案是 A项 In England。 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项都是对身份或职业的描述,因此预测问题可能与男

24、士的身份职业相关。 女士问男士现在是不是在工作,男士说他是悉尼大学的学生,所以选 D项 student。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【听力原文】 M: Sarah! Good to meet you again! And welcome on board! W: Thanks Philip. Im very pleased to be here. M: 6I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Where did you go? W: 6I went to Thailand. It was lovely, with beautiful scenery, great be

25、aches, delicious seafood, and also nice people. I stayed there for nearly two weeks. Pretty relaxing! M: Lucky you! Its time for hard work now, though! W: Absolutely. Im ready for it! M: Let me show you to your office. W: Wow. What a surprise! 7I didnt know Id have my own office! So you dont hot des

26、k here? M: Well, most people do, as you can see, but we thought youd need all your own private space, especially if youre meeting clients directly. But the atmosphere is actually quite informal because its open plan. W: Thats good. I like that you definitely get the sense of everyone being really bu

27、sy! M: Yes, they are I hope! M: So this is your space! W: Wow! Great lots of space! My last office was much smaller, with just a desk and a chair. The office really looks great. I didnt expect to see a couch here. It looks very cozy. And the paintings on the wall are so beautiful. I like them a lot.

28、 M: 8Were always proud of the office design in our company. This can delight the customers eyes when they first come here and at the same time help release the staffs pressure. W: Yeah, its really nice. M: By the way, how many people did you work with in your last company? W: I had a team of three.

29、M: Well, here youll have six people under you. Well introduce you to your sales team after lunch. All of them are very energetic and outgoing people, and also they are really hard-working. I hope you can work well and get along well with them. W: Hmmm, absolutely. What do you usually do for lunch? M

30、: Some people bring it in. We have a pantry over there, with a microwave, a fridge, and a coffee machine. You can definitely have lunch there. 9But theres a canteen on the ground floor. The foods actually quite good, and pretty cheap! Its more convenient. W: Great. M: Now then, Ill tell you about yo

31、ur schedule theres a sales and marketing meeting every Monday, 10as well as a meet-up with the various heads of department on Thursday afternoons, just so we know what were doing. Other than that, how you organize your time is up to you. W: Thats fine. Im a good time manager! M: Okay. Well leave you

32、 to it then! W: I think Im going to like working here! 6 What did the woman do before she starts to work? 7 What can we learn from the conversation about the office? 8 What is the advantage of the office design according to the man? 9 What does the man suggest the woman do for lunch? 10 When does th

33、e woman have a meeting with the department managers? 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话开头,男士欢迎女士人职 (welcome on board),并询问女士假期去哪里玩了。女士的回答是: “我去泰国了。那里很好,有漂亮的风景、美丽的沙滩、美味的海鲜以及友善的人们。我在那里待了大约两周。真的很放松 !”由此可知 C项 “她去泰国度假了 ”为正确答案。 “她上了一艘邮轮 ”误解了对话中 on board“加入团队,入职 ”的意思。 B项中的 nice people在对话中是指泰国当地人,女士并没有 “与友善的人外出 ”。由女士话语中的

34、Pretty relaxing可知她是去放松的,而非 D“为工作做好准备 ”。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据选项中的 office, desk, space等关键词可推测本题与办公室相关。 对话中,女士对于自己能有自己的办公桌表示很惊讶,她问男士: “大家在这里是不是不共用办公桌 (dont hot desk)?”男士回答大部分人会, B项的 share the desks是 hot desk的同义替换,故正确。 女士对自己有独立的办公室表示惊讶,可见 A“人人都有自己的私人办公室 ”不对,与男士所说的大部分人共用办公桌也不符。 C“大部分人的桌子是热的 ”误解

35、了 hot desk的意思。女士有单独的办公室,是因为男士觉得女士可能需要自己的私人空间,特别是有时要直接与客 户见面, D“女士没有自己的私人空间 ”与此相反。 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士表示办公室看起来非常好。她说没想到能在这里看到一张舒服的长沙发椅,而且墙上的画作也很漂亮。对此男士表示: “我们一直都对我们办公室的设计引以为豪。这样的设计不仅能够愉悦客户的眼睛 (delight the customerseyes),而且同时也能帮助员工释放压力。 ”由此可见, A“员工能更放松 ”是办公室设计的优点。 delight the customerseyes“

36、愉悦客户的眼睛 ”指的是看起来美观, B“顾客变得高兴 ”是对原文的曲解。 C“客户更易于减少压力 ”错在对the staff“员工 ”张冠李戴。 D“员工对公司引以骄傲 ”错在宾语,应为 office design。 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项都是动词短语原形,预测问题可能与行为动作或建议相关。 女士问男士午饭一般怎么解决。男士说: “有些人会带饭。我们在那边有一个食物储藏室,有微波炉、冰箱和咖啡机。你当然可以在那里用午餐。但是在一楼还有餐厅,食物价廉物美,会更加方便。 ”由此可见,男士建议 女士在食堂吃饭。 【知识模块】 对话 10 【正确答案】 D 【试

37、题解析】 选项都是表示时间的短语,涉及周一、周四、上午、下午四个信息点。 对话最后,男士告知女士工作时间安排的相关事宜,他说每周一有销售和市场部的会议;每周四下午与不同部门的主管开会。由此可知,女士与部门经理开会的时间是 D“周四下午 ”。 【知识模块】 对话 11 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Id like to drop off my graduation form. I understand you need this in order to process my diploma. W: OK, Ill take that. Uh, before you leave, let me ch

38、eck our computer. It looks like youre OK for graduation and. hmm. Actually, 1Im getting a warning flag on your academic record here. M: Really? W: Yeah, lets see whats what. Uh, OK, are you familiar with our graduation requirements? M: I think so. W: Then you know you need 48 credits in your major f

39、ield to graduate, and at least 24 credits at the intermediate level or higher. Also, 2after your second year, you have to meet with your department chair to outline a plan for the rest of your time here. In the past, we also issued letters before a students final year began to let them know what the

40、y needed to take in their final year to be OK. But we dont do that anymore. M: I definitely met with my chairperson two years ago. He told me that I needed eight more courses at the intermediate level or higher in the last two years to be OK. So Im not sure what the problem is. I made sure I got tho

41、se credits. W: Unfortunately, the computers usually pretty reliable, so Im not sure whats going on here. M: It could be that Ive taken two basic courses but coupled both of them with field experiences. W: What do you mean? M: Well, I could only take intro courses because there were no intermediate-l

42、evel courses available for those particular topics. 3My chairperson told me that if I did independent field research in addition to the assigned work in each course, they would count as intermediate-level courses. Some of my classmates did this for an easy way to meet the intermediate course require

43、ment. But I did it to get the kind of depth in those topics I was going for. As it turned out, I really enjoyed the fieldwork. It was a nice supplement to just sitting and listening to lectures. W: Im sure thats true, but 4the computers still showing them as basic-level courses, despite the fieldwor

44、k. M: Im not sure what to do, then. I mean, should I cancel my graduation party? W: No! No reason to get worried like that 5Just contact your chairperson immediately, OK? Tell him to call me as soon as possible so that we can verify your fieldwork arrangement and certify those credits right away. It

45、s not like theres an actual deadline today or anything, but if more than a few weeks go by, we might have a real problem that would be very difficult to fix in time for you to graduate. M: Ill get on that. 1 What does the woman find in the mans academic record? 2 What does the man have to do after h

46、is second year? 3 What did the man learn from the chairperson? 4 What is the problem of the mans academic record? 5 What will the man probably do next? 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项均为名词短语,且从 graduation, diploma等词中可以预测问题与毕业相关。 对话中女士说她在男士的学业记录上发现了一个警 告标记(getting a warning flag),故答案为 C项 A warning flag。 对话开头男士说

47、: “我来递交我的毕业表格,我知道你们需要这个来处理我的文凭。 ”因此 A“毕业表格 ”是男士要交给女士的东西, B“男士的文凭 ”是女士需要处理的东西。 D“毕业要求 ”是女士问男士是否清楚的事项 (are you familiar with our graduation requirements)。 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是动词短语原形,推断问题可能 与行为动作相关。 问题问男士在第二年结束之后应该做什么。女士指出男士应该与系主任见面 (meet with your department chair)制定一个计划 (outline a plan)以

48、完成余下学业, B项schedule a plan with the department chair是其同义转换,为正确答案。 A“获取中级课程 24个学分 ”是 graduation requirements“毕业要求 ”的最低标准,不是第二年之后要做的。女士指出以前官方会寄出相关信件告知学生最后一年要做什么,但现在已没 有这项服务 (we dont do that anymore),所以 C“等待指示信的下达 ”错误。对话中指出学生需要和系主任商量制定余下学年的计划。而非 D项所说的在最后一年自己弄清楚 (figure out)。 【知识模块】 对话 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】

49、 选项以 He和情态动词开头,由此可推断问题与男士应该或需要做的事情有关。 问题是问男士从系主任那里了解到什么。对话中男士说,系主任告诉他如果他完成每门基础课程指定的作业外,再进行额外的实地研究,就可以当作修了中级课程。 D“额外的实 地研究能让他达到课程要求 ”是其概括,故正确。 系主任告诉男士,他需要再多修八门中级以上的课程 (courses),而不是 A项所说的八个学分 (credits)。 B项中的 “修两门本身包含了实地实验的初级课程 ”可以算作中级课程,系主任并没有说男士非要这样选课,选项中的 should不对。男士提到有些同学会以此作为达到中级课程要求的捷径,但他则将此作为深入了解课题的机会 (to get the kind of depth in those topics), C项犯了张冠李戴的错误。 【知识模块】 对话 14 【正 确答案】 B 【试题解


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