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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 340及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will

2、 be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While listening, you may look

3、at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 1 Distance Education I . Introduction

4、 of distance education focus: 【 T1】 and technology 【 T1】 _ aim: delivering teaching on an individual basis to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting II. Studying online vs. going abroad studying online advantages: lower costs: flexible 【 T2】 : 24-hour-a-day 【 T2

5、】 _ access to learning materials disadvantages:no human 【 T3】 of meeting people face to 【 T3】 _ face, etc. going abroad advantages: opportunities to learn a new culture: new friends to practice the language with: chances to see different parts of the world disadvantages: the challenge of 【 T4】 a new

6、 culture and 【 T4】 _ way of life, etc. III. Reasons why educational institutions 【 T5】 distance learning 【 T5】 _ expanding access alleviating capacity 【 T6】 【 T6】 _ making money from 【 T7】 【 T7】 _ catalyst for institutional transformation IV. Methods of 【 T8】 of continuing education 【 T8】 _ much con

7、tinuing education makes heavy use of distance learning 【 T9】 study, videotaped/CD-ROM material, broadcast 【 T9】 _ programming, etc. conference-type group study 【 T10】 education 【 T10】 _ 2 【 T1】 3 【 T2】 4 【 T3】 5 【 T4】 6 【 T5】 7 【 T6】 8 【 T7】 9 【 T8】 10 【 T9】 11 【 T10】 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this

8、 section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of

9、A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. ( A) It is not allowed to dress casually. ( B) Most people wear suits and ties. ( C) It is not proper to wear a tie to work. ( D) Few people are dressed formally. ( A) She

10、dresses more formally than most people. ( B) She is the only woman who is wearing a suit. ( C) She prefers to wear comfortable clothes. ( D) She wears different clothes every day. ( A) Nice clothes tend to win others respect. ( B) Good clothes make a person more impressive. ( C) Beautiful clothes gi

11、ve people confidence. ( D) Formal clothes make people brilliant. ( A) Students wearing white lab coats. ( B) Police officers or firefighters wearing uniforms. ( C) Doctors and nurses wearing white gowns. ( D) Judges wearing heavy black robes. ( A) It reminds himself of his job. ( B) He feels happy a

12、bout his clothes. ( C) His brain works more furiously. ( D) He remembers what to do. ( A) He had bad working performance. ( B) His employer was downsizing. ( C) He didnt handle the relationship well. ( D) He didnt finish work on time. ( A) To express her sadness and depression. ( B) To emphasize it

13、is easy to find another job. ( C) To show it is a common thing to lose a job. ( D) To comfort and encourage the man. ( A) She had great difficulty finishing her work. ( B) She had a lower position than she had expected. ( C) She thought little about her future development. ( D) She was too busy with

14、 her work all day. ( A) She started her own business. ( B) She went to another company. ( C) She started learning about gardening. ( D) She waited for opportunities. ( A) Seek for another job as soon as possible. ( B) Think about what he wants to do. ( C) Join in the business run by the woman. ( D)

15、Open his own company in a short time. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 340答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second

16、 and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1 【正确答案】 A Midlife Career Change What should a person do or think about / when c

17、ontemplating a midlife career change? / First, clearly define your priorities. / Next, have a big-picture goal for your career and your lifestyle in mind. / Knowing that you want to make a change is the first step in the process, / but be sure not to get stuck there. / Take the next step by identify

18、ing specifically / what you would like to see in your next career. / Also, know what you are hoping to achieve this time around / that is different from what you have already done up to this point. 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION A TALK In this section you will hear a talk. You will hear the talk ONCE ONLY. While

19、 listening, you may look at ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word (s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking. You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task. 1 【听力原文】 Dis

20、tance Education More and more universities around the world are offering opportunities for students to obtain degrees online from the comfort of their own homes, and many of these institutions are accredited, meaning that they have met certain standards of excellence. (1) Distance education or dista

21、nce learning is a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom. If you decide to take language courses online o

22、r any subject for that matter, be sure to evaluate the benefits of studying online vs. going abroad. (2) The advantages of studying online are that the costs are usually lower, you can study at your own pace, and you have access to the materials 24 hours a day from almost any computer in the world.

23、(3) However, you wont get the human interaction of meeting people face to face like you would if you were physically attending a school overseas. On the other hand, the advantages of going overseas may include day-to-day opportunities to learn a new culture, meeting new friends with whom you can use

24、 and practice the language, and chances to see different parts of the world. (4) However, there may be a number of disadvantages for some, including expenses, time away from ones school, family, or work life, and the challenge of adapting to a new culture and way of life. Diana G. Obliger, writing s

25、pecifically of the US context, has identified (5) four broad reasons why educational institutions might embrace distance learning. First, expanding access: Distance education can assist in meeting the demand for education and training demand from the general populace and businesses, especially becau

26、se it offers greater possibility of flexibility. (6) Second, alleviating capacity constraints: Being mostly or entirely conducted off-site, the system reduces the demand on institutional infrastructure such as buildings. (7) Third, making money from emerging markets: She claims an increasing accepta

27、nce from the population of the value of lifelong learning beyond the normal schooling age, and that institutions can benefit financially from this by adopting distance education. Fourth, catalyst for institutional transformation: The competitive modern marketplace demands rapid change and innovation

28、, for which she believes distance education programs can act as a catalyst. (8) The method of delivery of continuing education can include traditional types of classroom lectures and laboratories. However, (9) much continuing education makes heavy use of distance learning, which not only includes in

29、dependent study, but can include videotaped/CD-ROM material, broadcast programming, online/Internet delivery and online interactive courses. In addition to independent study, the conference-type group study, which can include study networks as well as different types of seminars/workshops, can be us

30、ed to facilitate learning. (10) Virtual education is a term describing online education using the Internet. This term is used in K-12 schooling, often to refer to cyber schools, and in higher education, where so-called virtual universities have been established. A virtual program is a study program

31、in which all courses, or at least a significant portion of the courses, are virtual courses. 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 teaching methods 【试题解析】 讲话者在第二段开头对远程教育进行了定义。由句 (1)可知,远程教育主要关注教学方法和科技。因此填入 teaching methods。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 study pace 【试题解析】 由句 (2)可知,在线学习的优势是花费通常较低,学生可以按照适合自己的速度学习,可以使用世界上任何一台电脑一天二十四小

32、时获取资料。此空在讲座中没有出现原文,因此总结为 study pace。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 interaction 【试题解析】 由句 (3)可知,在线学习的劣势是学生不能像在海外的学校上学那样与面对面地与人互动。因此填入 interaction。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 adapting to 【试题解析】 由句 (4)可知,出国留学的劣势是花费高,远离自己的学校、家人和工作以及要适应新文化和生活方式的挑战。因此填入 adapting to。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 embrace 【试题解析 】 由句 (5)可知,讲话者提到了教育机构采用远程

33、教育的四个大致原因。因此填入 embrace。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 constraints 【试题解析】 由句 (6)可知,教育机构采用远程教育的第二个原因是为了减小容量限制。因此填入 constraints。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【正确答案】 emerging markets 【试题解析】 由句 (7)可知,教育机构采用远程教育的第三个原因是为了从新兴市场赚钱。因此填入 emerging markets。 【 知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 delivery 【试题解析】 由句 (8)可知,讲话者提到了继续教育的传递方法。因此填入delivery。 【知识模块】 听

34、力 10 【正确答案】 independent 【试题解析】 由句 (9)可知,远程教育的方式不仅包括自学,还包括录像带光盘资料、广播节目、在线网络教育和在线互动课程。因此填入 independent。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 virtual 【试题解析】 由句 (10)可知,讲座最后提到了虚拟 教育,虚拟教育是描述利用网络进行在线教育的术语。因此填入 virtual。 【知识模块】 听力 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each con

35、versation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSW

36、ER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 12 【听力原文】 W: Hi, Adam, nice tie! M: Thanks. W: By the way, can I ask you a personal question? M: Ask away! W: (1) How come youre the only one at the office who wears a tie to work every day? Im not criticizing your fashion choices, and

37、you dont have to answer if you dont want to. M: No, Im happy to answer that question! (2)I assume youre like most people, you prefer to wear comfortable clothing whenever possible, right? W: Absolutely! If its a special event or a business meeting or something, then sure, Ill put on a suit or a nice

38、 business dress. But I much prefer to dress more casually. M: I understand that logic. But of course youve heard about “power dressing“ , yes or no? W: Yes. (3) If you wear nicer looking clothes, people take you more seriously, right? M: Thats the idea. I think everybody knows that the clothing we w

39、ear affects how others perceive us. But Ive also discovered that what I wear affects how I think. W: Really? Thats an interesting idea. What exactly do you mean? M: Well, theres a lot of research out there that says the position of our bodies affects our thoughts. W: Ive heard about that. I read an

40、article that said, if you sit up straight, your thoughts become sharper than if you were slouching. M: Exactly! But there are some new studies that show what you are wearing can also affect your thoughts. W: Give me an example. M: (4-1) Scientists found that students who were wearing white lab coats

41、 performed better on tests than students who were wearing their own clothes. W: Ah! So because the white lab coat has an association with intelligence, the students brains actually got more intelligent? M: Have you ever heard the saying “clothes make the man“? It might be truer than we imagine. W: (

42、4-2) When a police officer or firefighter puts on his uniform, it must affect his psychology. It probably gives him a sense of responsibility and authority. M: Absolutely. (4-3) When a judge puts on that heavy black robe, it transmits an image of power, and it also serves as a reminder to the judge

43、of the responsibility of his position. W: I know when Im wearing a nice suit, I feel a lot more confident. If Im going out for a night on the town and Im all dressed up, I feel a lot better about myself than if I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. M: Yes. I think putting on a shirt and tie actually af

44、fects the way my brain works. W: Thats a very interesting concept! M: (5) My eyes look down and see what Im wearing and my brain gets a reminder that Im a businessman, and I think the brain responds to expectations. W: Interesting. Maybe I should start wearing a suit. 1. What do we know about the ma

45、ns office? 2. What is the womans dressing habit? 3. What is the CORRECT explanation for “power dressing“? 4. Which is NOT mentioned as an example for “what I wear affects how I think“? 5. According to the man, what happens when he looks down and sees his clothes? 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由句 (1)可知,女士询问男士为何

46、他是办公室里唯一一个每天上班都打领带的人,由此可知他们所在的办公室里很少有人穿着正式。因此答案为D。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 由句 (2)可知,男士认为女士同大部分人一样,喜欢尽可能地穿舒适的衣服。因此答案为 C。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由句 (3)可知, “power dressing”意味着如果你穿更好看的衣服,人们就会更认真地对待你,也就是 “power dressing”会使人得到尊重。因此答案为A。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 由句 (4-1)可知,科学家发现穿着白色实验服的学生会比穿

47、普通衣服的学生考得要好,故排除 A;由句 (4-2)可知,警察和 消防员的制服可以给他们一种责任感和权威感,故排除 B;由句 (4-3)可知,当法官穿上黑色长袍时,长袍会传递出一种权威的形象,同时也提醒法官他们的职责,故排除 D。因此答案为C。 【知识模块】 听力 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由句 (5)可知,当男士低头看到自己的着装时,他的大脑会提醒自己是个商人。因此答案为 A。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【听力原文】 W: Mickey! Good to see you! Its been too long! M: Hi, Suzanne! Youre right! It has

48、 been too long! W: Hey, is everything OK? You seem kind of down. M: I got laid off last Friday. W: Oh.Im so sorry to hear that. M: (6) They said it had nothing to do with my performance. They just need to try and save on costs. So theyre axing a bunch of jobs. W: Oh! Losing a job is such a nasty exp

49、erience. M: Yep, it sure is. I guess I have been a bit depressed. W: (7) I remember when I got fired from my job as a senior manager with a web design company, I felt awful for weeks. But you know something? Getting fired turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. M: And why was that? W: It gave me a jolt that I really needed. (8)I was just coasting along in my position day in and day out, never really


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