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1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 49及答案与解析 一、 PART I DICTATION (15 MIN) Directions: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be read at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the pass

2、age will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be read at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. You will then be given 2 minute SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several con

3、versations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 The woman wants to go to the movies because ( A) she is tired of staying home all day. ( B) there is a good film in the neighborhood theater. ( C) she enjoys going to the movies. ( D) she is sick of watchi

4、ng TV every day. 2 Finally the couple decides to ( A) go and see a horror film. ( B) stay home and watch TV. ( C) go to see a movie in the neighborhood. ( D) go downtown next Friday. 3 You may infer from the dialogue that ( A) the man and the woman are tired of watching TV. ( B) baseball games attra

5、ct them more than films do. ( C) there arent any films worth seeing in local cinemas. ( D) the woman is rather hard to please. 4 Why does the woman know so much about Albuquerque? ( A) Her sister lives there. ( B) She attended college there. ( C) She lives thirty minutes from there. ( D) She visited

6、 there last year. 5 What can be inferred about the man? ( A) He has been to New Mexico many times. ( B) He has just graduated from college. ( C) He enjoys sports. ( D) He has relatives in Albuquerque. 6 According to the woman, what may cause the most problems in the Albuquerque? ( A) The low humidit

7、y. ( B) The changes in climate. ( C) The high altitude. ( D) The extreme temperatures. 7 Where did the man see the woman yesterday? ( A) On television. ( B) At registration. ( C) In class. ( D) At work. 8 According to the man, what is the major advantage of the distance-learning course? ( A) It allo

8、ws them to meet students from other universities. ( B) It promotes the concept of self learning. ( C) It allows more flexibility in students schedules. ( D) It doesnt require any examinations. 9 How was the distance-learning course different from traditional courses? ( A) Students are not required t

9、o attend regular class lectures. ( B) The professor videotapes class lectures for review. ( C) Classes are held at various locations throughout the area. ( D) Students receive credit for work experience. 10 What does the man think is a disadvantage of distance learning? ( A) It requires too much tra

10、veling. ( B) It limits interaction among students. ( C) It will increase class size. ( D) It will encourage students to watch too much television. SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follo

11、w. 11 There are _ in the sea. ( A) coral islands in all places ( B) some coral islands ( C) warm water ( D) many flowers 12 What can be found in the holes in corals? ( A) Flowers. ( B) Little corals. ( C) Grass. ( D) Sea animals. 13 The seeds of trees, grass and flowers ( A) are brought by wind and

12、birds to the coral islands. ( B) are brought by wind only to the coral islands. ( C) are brought by people to the coral islands. ( D) are brought by fishes to the coral islands. 14 What is the talk mainly about? ( A) Overland transportation in the nineteenm century. ( B) Historical aspects of mail d

13、elivery. ( C) Vehicles currently in use by the postal service. ( D) The invention of the railroad. 15 According to the speaker, why was it a problem for mail carriers to cross rivers in the 1600s? ( A) Boats used on rivers were extremely crowded. ( B) The current was too swift for boats to cross eas

14、ily. ( C) Bridges were too weak to carry the weight of a stagecoach. ( D) Ferry service was infrequent. 16 What can be found in the museums philatelic collection? ( A) Models of the first airplanes used for mail delivery. ( B) Replicas of railway mail cars. ( C) Historical stamps. ( D) Engravings of

15、 nineteenth-century railroad scenes. 17 According to the speaker, why dont students like studying history? ( A) History teachers are not patient. ( B) Students are not hardworking. ( C) The professors dont make it attractive. ( D) Students dont think it important. 18 In what aspect were Dr.Ninns lec

16、tures different? ( A) She described the events clearly. ( B) She described things like a news reporter on the radio. ( C) She made the events lively. ( D) She summarized history into a system. 19 What did John Adams do? ( A) He trained men in the army. ( B) He was a soldier. ( C) He was a silversmit

17、h. ( D) He was a statesman. 20 What kind of weapons did people have when the battles were fought in 1775? ( A) Primitive but fatal. ( B) Advanced. ( C) Ineffective. ( D) With short range. SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully

18、 and then answer the questions that follow. 21 Which of the following details is INCORRECT? ( A) The film, Mr. And Mrs. Smith, will definitely be a hit. ( B) Theres a lot of anticipation this weekend for the release of a new film called, Mr. And Mrs. Smith. ( C) The movie stars Brad Pitt and Angelin

19、a Jolie have been getting an awful lot of press lately. ( D) Historically, movies that mix on and off-screen romance have a spotty record at the box office. 22 What is NOT the effect produced by climate change to the Inuit? ( A) Their livelihood is threatened. ( B) Their culture is being destroyed.

20、( C) Their hunt is affected. ( D) Their population is decreasing. 23 How did the attack in London affect the global financial markets? ( A) It led to steep falls on global exchanges. ( B) It brought a little rise on European exchange. ( C) It had no affects at all. ( D) It didnt cause any sustained

21、falls. 24 How did Tokyos Nikkei average change? ( A) It was up 0.3%. ( B) It was down 0.3%. ( C) It was up 0.5%. ( D) It was down 0.5%. 25 Who will be imposed sanction according to the agreement of the conference? ( A) Other eastern African countries. ( B) Islamic militia in Somalia. ( C) Clan warlo

22、rds in Somalia. ( D) The Kenya Foreign Minister. 26 Why did Kenya refuse some people to enter the country? ( A) Because they set bank accounts in foreign countries. ( B) Because they should take responsibility for miseries in their hometown. ( C) Because they enjoyed the facilities in Kenyas five-st

23、ar hotels. ( D) Because they would create hell in other countries. 27 What is the possible result of dismantling Unified Energy Systems? ( A) Another power companies will be reformed. ( B) The state-controlled electricity sector will be intensified. ( C) It will be divided into a lot of small compan

24、ies. ( D) Unified Energy Systems will sell plant and equipment. 28 What is Russians attitude towards this reform? ( A) Concerned. ( B) Optimistic. ( C) Pessimistic. ( D) Indifferent. 29 Who approved the proposal to legalize gay marriage? ( A) Conservative group. ( B) Catalan Christian Democrat Party

25、. ( C) Socialist group. ( D) Nuns and bishops. 30 Why couldnt me gay marriage bill be passed in Spain? ( A) The majority was not favor of gay marriages. ( B) Two parities joined to oppose it. ( C) Conservative group demonstrated in Madrid. ( D) Bishops didnt allow the Senate to pass it. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 49答案与解析


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