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1、专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷 19及答案与解析 SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 What is true about the man? ( A) He was born in Scotland and brought up in England. ( B) He was born i

2、n England and brought up in Scotland. ( C) He was born and brought up in Scotland. ( D) He was born and brought up in England. 2 What is the expectation of the mans parents for him? ( A) To be strict with himself. ( B) To be a good man. ( C) To get on well with others. ( D) To be independent and con

3、fident. 3 Which of the following statements is true? ( A) The woman has an older brother and a younger sister. ( B) The man often fought with his brother during childhood. ( C) Now the man is on good terms with his brother and sister. ( D) The woman got along well with his brother during childhood.

4、4 The woman was late because ( A) there was a car accident on the road. ( B) she went shopping. ( C) she had another appointment. ( D) she got some gardening to do. 5 What is the woman going to do immediately? ( A) Do TV work. ( B) Have an appointment. ( C) Do gardening. ( D) Go on a business trip.

5、6 The man will NOT put on smart clothes later because ( A) he likes brand new outfit. ( B) he is keen on the womans trip. ( C) he has to do some gardening later. ( D) he will be on TV soon. 7 They want to go on holiday because ( A) they cant bear so much work everyday. ( B) they planned to go travel

6、ling a few months ago. ( C) they think they should have a rest. ( D) they are invited to have a trip. 8 What can be known about their destination for their holiday? ( A) To Maldives directly. ( B) To Sri Lanka. ( C) To Maldives before going to Sri Lanka. ( D) To Sri Lanka before going to Maldives. 9

7、 When will they come back from their holiday? ( A) In 10 days. ( B) In 12 days. ( C) In 8 days. ( D) In 2 days. 10 What is the possible relationship between the two speakers? ( A) Classmates. ( B) Colleagues. ( C) Relatives. ( D) Roommates. 11 Why did the woman come to the library so early? ( A) Bec

8、ause she wanted to get the scholarship. ( B) Because she wanted to look for some books about trips. ( C) Because she had to complete her essay. ( D) Because she wanted to see the beautiful flowers in the library. 12 Why didnt the woman catch the fish? ( A) The water was cold. ( B) It was difficult t

9、o catch the fish in the water. ( C) There was no fish in the river. ( D) No one helped her to catch the fish. 13 Why was the son late for home? ( A) He met with something funny. ( B) He had a drink in a pub. ( C) He worked overtime. ( D) He had a road accident. 14 Which statement is true? ( A) A roa

10、d accident happened on Lyns way back home. ( B) Lyn got hurt when another car crashed into hers. ( C) A man waiting for a bus was hurt in the accident. ( D) A policeman saw what had happened. 15 What happened to the old lady? ( A) She was run over by Lyn. ( B) She was caught by the policeman. ( C) S

11、he greeted and thanked Lyn. ( D) She was looking for her false tooth. 16 What does the mother think of the story? ( A) Funny. ( B) Untrue. ( C) Hard to believe ( D) Uninteresting. 17 What does the woman think of the house they are talking about? ( A) It needs little repairing work. ( B) It is as int

12、eresting as the one they are living in. ( C) It looks the same as all the other houses on their street. ( D) It is different from the house they are living in. 18 It can be inferred from the conversation that ( A) the couple often go to the restaurant. ( B) the couple would probably buy the old hous

13、e. ( C) the woman enjoys cleaning and painting of the house. ( D) the man is more sensible than the woman. 19 Which of the following is true about the house they live in? ( A) Very old. ( B) Common. ( C) Unusual. ( D) Being near the cinema. 20 What will the couple most probably do next? ( A) Go to s

14、ee the film. ( B) Go to the restaurant. ( C) Have some drink and snack. ( D) Read the newspapers. 专业英语四级(对话听力)模拟试卷 19答案与解析 SECTION A CONVERSATIONS Directions: In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 【听力原文

15、】 W: So, Callum, where were born? M: I was born in Scotland. W: And where did you live as a child? M: Well.I grew up in a town called New Milton which is on the South Coast of England, between Bournemouth and Southampton. W: So you grew up there you spent your childhood there. And what kind of upbri

16、nging, did you have? I mean were your parents strict with you? M: I guess my parents didnt really bring me up too strictly. W: So your upbringing the way your parents brought you up, wasnt too strict? M: Well, I was always told to be polite and have respect and so on, but they tried to let me make m

17、y own mistakes. I think it was because they wanted me to be able to stand up for myself. W: Well, yes being able to stand up for yourself, being independent and confident is important! M: Yeah, you need to stand up for yourself in this world. W: Anyway, what about brothers and sisters? Do you have a

18、ny? M: Yes Ive got an older brother and a younger sister. W: Do you get on with them? M: Yes, we get on well we have a great time when we see each other. W: So you get on well now, but what about when you were children? Didnt you ever use to fight? M: Well sometimes of course, but even as children w

19、e got on quite well we used to play together a lot. W: Well you were very lucky I didnt get on with my brother very well at all when we were children we used to argue about everything! 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实判断题。 Callum回答 “I was born in Scotland ”, “I grew up in a town called New Milton which is on the

20、 South Coast of England”。 【知识模块】 对话 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。由 “I was always told to be polite and have respect and so on, but they tried to let me make my own mistakes I think it was because they wanted me to be able to stand up for myself ”可知父母最终期望他能独立、自信。 【知识模块】 对话 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节判断题。材料中并未提及 th

21、e woman有一个哥哥和一个妹妹,选项 A错误。当被问及童年时是否和兄弟姐妹打架时,男士的回答是“sometimes”,而不是 ”often”,由此可知选项 B错误;对话的结尾 the woman说 “I didnt get on with my brother very well at all when we were children-we used to argue about everything!”可知答案 D错误;根据对话中的 “we get on wellwe have a great time when we see each other”,可知答案为 C。 【知识模块】 对

22、话 4 【听力原文】 M: Oh there you are, Vicki. At last. Where have you been? Youre late! W: Im sorry . Im sorry Im late . I went shopping . and I forgot all about the programme. M: Well, youre here now - thank goodness! W: Just in time! M: Whats in your bags? W: Ive just been buying some new clothes - Ive g

23、ot a brand new outfit. M: Wow! Thats fantastic . Because first today, I want to talk about clothes and what we wear. Why dont you tell us about your shopping trip and your new outfit. W: I love to try on new clothes. M: Yes, I like seeing if clothes in shops fit me or not, too. W: Im doing some TV w

24、ork later, and I have to dress up. M: Yes, you better wear smart clothes if youre going on TV. W: So thats why I bought this new outfit, Callum, Im going to put on this brand new outfit. M: Very nice. Well Im not putting on smart clothes later Ive got to do some gardening so I need to wear my scruff

25、y old clothes instead. 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实推理题。女士承认 “I went shoppingand I forgot all about the programme ”。 【知识模块】 对话 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。由 “Im doing some TV work later, and I have to dress up”,可知女士要制作电视节目。 【知识模块】 对话 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实推理题。男士说道 “Well Im not putting on smart clothes laterIve got t

26、o do some gardening so I need to wear my scruffy(破旧的 )old clothes instead ”。 【知识模块】 对话 7 【听力原文】 W: I think its time for us to get away from it all Matt. M: Get away from it all? Go away and leave all our work behind? Where are we going? W: Well I thought we could get away from it all and go on holid

27、ay! M: I love holidays. Where are we going? W: Well Matt, we dont have to plan a holiday that carefully. We could just take off somewhere. M: Take off somewhere - what? just leave now without planning anything? W: Sure. Why not? We could just go to the travel agent today and buy some tickets. Weve b

28、een working hard presenting this programme - we deserve a holiday! M: Right! Im going to pack my bags now! W: Matt, Ive just been to the travel agent and Ive got us tickets to go to the Maldives. M: This is just too exciting. So, when do we set off? W: The plane leaves tomorrow afternoon so we need

29、to set off for the airport at 1 lam. M: Just let me write that down so I dont forget. So, we leave at 11 am. Do we stop off anywhere on the way or are the flights direct? W: Well, there werent any direct flights, but we are very lucky. With these tickets we can stop off in Sri Lanka. So we can stop

30、and spend two days there on our way to the Maldives. M: Vicki - you are brilliant. Ive always wanted to go there. So we stop off in Sri Lanka. And, just one more thing.when do we get back? W: Well return home in ten days time M: Wow, so we set off tomorrow afternoon, we stop off in Sri Lanka for 2 d

31、ays on our way to the Maldives, and we get back in ten days time. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实推断题。从前半部分两人的对话得知他们两个人手头的工作还有很多,但是没有忍受不了而去旅游,两人也没有事先计划去旅游,完全是临时起意,而且他们打算去找旅游公司询问机票的事情,所以选项 D也可以排除了。 【知识模块】 对话 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。由 “there werent any direct flights(直达航班 ), but we are very lucky. With these ticket

32、s we can stop off in Sri Lanka So we can stop and spend two days there on our way to the Maldives ”可知。 【知识模块】 对话 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 时间判断题。对话中出现了两个地名和两个时间 (2 days and 10 days),其实相关的信息在对话中不止一次的出现,只要答题者仔细听,可以不止一次听到跟这个题目有关的信息,在对话的末尾 MATT说道 : “we stop off in Sri Lanka for 2 days on our way to the Maldives

33、, and we get back in ten days time ”,可知答案。 【知识模块】 对话 10 【听力原文】 W: I took a hike with my parents this weekend. M: Oh, that must be fantastic. Where did you go? W: Not far away. We just went to the small hill two kilometers away from my house. But I do enjoy the beautiful flowers and blue sky there. M

34、: I believe you and your parents must walk a lot, but why do you come to the library so early? Dont you need more rest? W: I have a paper to work on. And I have to finish it by the end of this afternoon. M: Well, What else did you do during the hike? W: Yeah, it sure is. There is a small lake at the

35、 foot of the hill and its water is clear enough to see the fish in it. M: Fish? Did you catch any fish? W: I wanted to, but it is winter now, the water. Its freezing. M: What a pity. Did you take any photos? W: Of course, hundreds of photos M: Well, I can hardly wait to see the photos. W: They are a

36、ll in my computer. I can send them to you by e-mail tonight. I have to get back to my paper. You know I dont have much time left. I will talk about it with you later. 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 推断题。对话发生的地方应该是在图书馆,因此可以断定两人是同学。 【知识模块】 对话 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。在对话中当女生被问到为何昨天远足今天还这么早来图书馆的时候,我们可以听到 “I have a pa

37、per to work on And I have to finish it by the end of this afternoon ” 【知识模块】 对话 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。根据对话 M: Fish? Did you catch any fish? W: I wanted to, but it is winter now, the water Its freezing 【知识模块】 对话 13 【听力原文】 M Son W Mother W: Ah, there you are. I was getting worried about you. Its late

38、. M: Yes, I bumped into Lyn and went to the pub for a drink. She was telling me about a funny thing that happened to her yesterday. W: Oh, what was that? M: Well, she was driving home from work when suddenly she saw an old lady on her hands and knees in the middle of the road. W: On her hands and kn

39、ees? M: Yes, in front of her car. She was shocked that she stopped without warning, and the car behind crashed into her. W: Oh! Was she hurt? M: No, she wasnt, fortunately. W: Where did this happen? M: Near the church on York Street, where theyre repairing the road. W: And what was the old lady doin

40、g on her hands and knees? M: Im just coming to that. so Lyn got out of her car and the other driver got out of his. Then the old lady picked something up, and walked away without saying a word. Then a policeman came; but he didnt believe their story. W: Oh? M: Luckily there was a witness, a man wait

41、ing for a bus. He saw it all. W: I havent the faintest idea. M: She was looking for a false tooth! It fell out as she was crossing the road. The witness heard her mumbling, Oh, my gold tooth. . W: I dont believe it. M: Its true. Ask Lyn. 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节推断题。当母亲责怪他晚归时,男孩说道 “I bumped into Lyn and

42、 went to the pub for a drink ” 【知识模块】 对话 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实判断题。从文中 “and the car behind crashed into hers ”可知Lyn在路上出了事故,后面的车撞到了她的车子,后文紧接着提到 Lyn没有受伤,所以 B项排除;而且文中也没有提及有其他人受伤,所以 C项也排除;看到整件事情经过的不是警察而是一个目击者,所以 D项排除。 【知识模块】 对话 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实判断题。排除法,对话的后面 一部分讲老太太跪在地上找她的假牙,她在马路中间找假牙的奇怪姿势引起了 Lyn的好奇,

43、结果被后面的车子撞上了。 【知识模块】 对话 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 态度主旨题。当母亲听到了儿子讲述的故事之后,说道 “I dont believe it ”。 【知识模块】 对话 17 【听力原文】 M: Well, it is a nice house, and I agree its more interesting than the house we live in now but its too old! W: I know it needs a bit of work cleaning and painting and that sort of thing. But

44、 it would be such fun. M: Thats because youve never done it! Its not just a question of a little paint here and there. Every room has to be done. It also needs a new roof and new electrical. W: But we can get someone to do the roof and the electrical. M: Have you any idea just how much that will cos

45、t? And then there is the cost of moving our furniture. W: But do we really want to go on living here? I know its new but Id like to live somewhere where all the houses dont look the same. On the street they all look like exactly the same. W: Yes. Im sorry. Im being stupid. I suppose youre right. M:

46、I know you like that old house we saw. I do too in some ways, but we do have to be sensible. It would be so much work. I think we should start looking all over again. W: You mean looking at the newspapers again and visiting. Lets just have some coffee, listen to some music and forget about it for a

47、while. 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节判断题。根据两人的对话内容, A、 B、 C选项都是男士对房子的看法。 【知识模块】 对话 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实推断题。接下来是不是要去吃饭对话中没有提及,对话结尾时女士同意了男士的看法 :两人决定不去买这幢房子而继续看房子,所以 B选项排除;而关于 C选项在对话中的相关语句是 “I know it needs a bit of work一 cleaning and painting and that sort of thing But it would be such fun ”这样的话语确实会给人以误解而选它,但

48、是女士在说这句话的前提是当男士提出房子很旧需要花费很多精力打扫的时候女士为了打消他的疑虑的时候而说的,并不是真的认为打扫卫生和粉刷房子就是一种享受。 【知识模块】 对话 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 事实判断题。 “I know its new but Id like to live somewhere where all the houses dont look the same On the street they all look like exactly the same。 ”根据男士的这句话,可以推断出答案 B是正确选项,而其他选项均可以根据对话中的相关内容排除。 【知识模块】 对话 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。在对话的末尾女士说道 “Lets just have some coffee,listen to some music and forget about it for a while”。 【知识模块】 对话


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