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1、专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 The dialogue is to ( A) end the tension between the two countries. ( B) emphasize the importance of the nuclear reduc

2、tion. ( C) send the perpetrators of the attack in Mumbai to justice. ( D) summarize the lessons from the terrorist attack in Mumbai. 2 What is the cause of sharp drop in exchange markets? ( A) Haitis earthquake. ( B) Widespread swine influenza. ( C) The slow speed of world economic recovery. ( D) In

3、vestors low confidence in global industry. 3 What is the main idea of the news? ( A) Irans nuclear plan. ( B) U.S.s nuclear plan. ( C) The problem of Irans uranium. ( D) U.S.s talk about Irans nuclear problem. 4 Who will meet in Belgium Friday? ( A) Korea and U.S. ( B) International powers. ( C) Oba

4、ma and the officials of NATO. ( D) Obama and the officials of European Union. 5 Where did the terror attack happen last November? ( A) In Pakistan. ( B) In Indias capital. ( C) In Mumbai. ( D) In a small town of India. 6 Which statement is TRUE about the suspects? ( A) They are barred in a prison in

5、 Mumbai. ( B) They carried out the plan themselves. ( C) They claimed that they are innocent. ( D) They were charged with killing 116 people. 7 What is the main purpose of President Obamas visit to Republic of Korea? ( A) Climate change. ( B) Bilateral relationship. ( C) The economic issues. ( D) Nu

6、clear program and free trade. 8 Which statement is TRUE about Obamas visit to China? ( A) Obama visited China after leaving South Korea. ( B) Obama talked about North Koreas nuclear program. ( C) the details of the meeting have declared to the public. ( D) The leaders talked about economic issues an

7、d climate changes. 9 How many people were shot in the military base in Texas? ( A) 13. ( B) 31. ( C) 44 ( D) 57 10 Why was a civilian policewoman praised by the officials? ( A) Because she was an army psychiatrist. ( B) Because she helped end the shooting. ( C) Because she was very brave before the

8、attacker. ( D) Because she helped send the victims to the hospital. 11 How much money has been provided to Afghanistan citizens? ( A) $50,000,000,000. ( B) $1,500,000,000. ( C) $5,000,000,000 ( D) $150,000,000,000 12 Which was NOT criticized by EU foreign ministers? ( A) The political reform. ( B) T

9、he governing methods. ( C) The state building. ( D) The financial reform. 13 How much has Chinese economy increased between April and June? ( A) 9.9%. ( B) 7.9%. ( C) 6.1%. ( D) 7.1%. 14 What has China done to improve its economy? ( A) Expanding the domestic demand in the country. ( B) Having taken

10、a series of steps including expand exports. ( C) Having taken a series of steps including expand imports. ( D) Cooperating with other countries whose economy is weak. 15 How many soldiers have been stationed in Afghanistan? ( A) 4,000. ( B) 6,500. ( C) 9,000 ( D) 9,500 16 According to the request fr

11、om the American commander, how many soldiers will be stationed in Afghanistan? ( A) 65,000. ( B) 69,000. ( C) 99,000 ( D) 105,000 17 Under the agreement between Turkey and Armenia, ( A) Switzerland will join the agreement. ( B) Turkey agreed to pay for Armenian loss during World War I. ( C) diplomat

12、ic ties between the two countries will be reestablished. ( D) the border between the two countries will be opened for the first time. 18 How can the agreement be passed? ( A) Citizens of the two countries approve it. ( B) The parliament of Switzerland agreed to it. ( C) The governments of the two co

13、untries sign it. ( D) The parliaments of the two countries approve it. 19 Why did the protesters spill blood in front of the prime ministers office? ( A) To demand new elections be held of the country. ( B) To show their discontentment against the Prime Minister. ( C) To show their support for the f

14、ormer Prime Minister. ( D) To demand that the Prime Minister dissolve the Parliament. 20 What is Mr. Abhisits attitude toward the protest of the red-shirts protesters? ( A) Frightened. ( B) Indifferent. ( C) Opposed. ( D) Angry. 21 Who dont take part in the strike? ( A) Teachers. ( B) Doctors and nu

15、rses. ( C) Car workers. ( D) Traffic policemen. 22 Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( A) 16 countries in Europe are using the euro. ( B) The civil servants waved banners during the strike. ( C) This year the budget deficit of Greek has reached to 12.7%. ( D) The European Union are not

16、satisfied with the budget deficit in Greece. 23 How many people were shot in the attack? ( A) 13. ( B) 15. ( C) 30 ( D) 31 24 What kind of punishment will the murderer face? ( A) Imprisonment. ( B) Life imprisonment. ( C) Death penalty. ( D) Probation. 25 When did the earthquake happen? ( A) On Mond

17、ay. ( B) On Tuesday. ( C) On Wednesday. ( D) On Friday. 26 Which country was NOT affected by the earthquake? ( A) Indonesia. ( B) Laos. ( C) Thailand. ( D) Vietnam. 27 How many cases of flu happened in Washington State University? ( A) 200. ( B) 250. ( C) 2000 ( D) 2500 28 What measures are taken by

18、 the school to treat the sick students? ( A) Asking them to stay at the dorms. ( B) Sending doctors to come to the campus. ( C) Sending them to the hospital immediately. ( D) Asking them to attend the classes as usual. 29 What is the purpose of Hillarys trip to Angola? ( A) To establish bilateral re

19、lations. ( B) To provide economic assistance. ( C) To help people there out of poverty. ( D) To call for democratic systems there. 30 The president of Angola is criticized for ( A) refusing the help from USA. ( B) putting off the presidential election. ( C) refusing to cooperate with other nations.

20、( D) failing to help the people out of poverty. 31 What is the reason for reducing troops in Iraq? ( A) U.S. cannot provide enough supply for the soldiers. ( B) The protests in Iraq were very serious. ( C) The conditions in Iraq have improved. ( D) American people oppose to the stationing more troop

21、s in Iraq. 32 Under what condition will the final decision be made on troop cuts? ( A) The situations in Afghanistan change. ( B) The battles against Taliban militants end. ( C) The President and the Defense Secretary agree. ( D) The General makes recommendations next month. 33 What is the topic of

22、the news? ( A) The conflicts in poor countries. ( B) The missions of the United Nations. ( C) The releasing of child soldiers. ( D) The violence of child abuse. 34 Why is Iraq mentioned in the news? ( A) High rates of corruptions. ( B) Lower frequency of conflicts. ( C) High casualty rates of child

23、soldiers. ( D) Negative development of the economy. 专业英语四级(新闻听力)模拟试卷 9答案与解析 SECTION C NEWS BROADCAST Directions: In this section, you will hear several news items. Listen to them carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 【听力原文】 Indian Foreign Minister Nirupama Rao says the meeting with

24、her Pakistani counterpart Salman Bashir is another sincere attempt by India to initiate dialogue with Pakistan. The talks on Thursday mark the end of a diplomatic freeze which followed the terror attacks in Mumbai in November 2008. After blaming the assault on Pakistan-based militants, India suspend

25、ed a four-year peace process and demanded that Islamabad bring the perpetrators of the attack to justice. Indian officials say the future of the dialogue will depend not on what New Delhi says but what it hears from Islamabad on its concerns. Islamabad wants to raise all bilateral issues which troub

26、le their relationship and says a narrow agenda will not allow much progress. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。根据新闻中的 “The talks on Thursday mark the end of a diplomatic freeze which followed the terror attacks in Mumbai in November 2008 ”可以排除题目中的其他选项,从而确定答案是 A。 【知识模块】 新闻 2 【听力原文】 Stocks dropped sharply on Asia

27、n and European exchanges, as investors worried that the pace of a global economic recovery is slowing. Shanghais stock market fell almost 6%. Japans Nikkei Stock Average lost more than 3%, while Hong Kongs Hang Seng dropped over 3.5%. European markets seemed to be following the trend with declines i

28、n the 2% range in Britain, France and Germany. 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。根据新闻导语 “Stocks dropped sharply on Asian and European exchanges, as investors worried that the pace of a global economic recovery is slowing ”可知该题的答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 3 【听力原文】 President Obama says the United States has begun talks with

29、 its international partners about Irans failure to accept a proposed nuclear agreement. The president said that a number of possible steps will be developed over several weeks. He told reporters in Republic of Korea Thursday that the aim of the steps would be to send a clear message to Iran. Mr. Oba

30、ma also said he continues to hope that Iran will decide to accept an international plan for the countrys nuclear program. Under the plan, Iran would send its uranium to other countries for enrichment. A European Union official says international powers will meet in Belgium Friday to discuss Iran. 3

31、【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主旨大意题。由于伊朗拒绝接受关于核问题的协议,美国已经开始和其国际合作伙伴开展对话,准备采取行动劝说伊朗接受国际社会的建议。 【知识模块】 新闻 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据新闻末尾 “A European Union official says international powers will meet in Belgium Friday to discuss Iran ”可排除题目中的其他选项而选择 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 5 【听力原文】 Pakistani lawyers have charged seven men with plann

32、ing and helping to carry out the terror attacks last November in Indias financial capital. One-hundred sixty-six people were killed in the attacks in the city of Mumbai. All seven suspects say they are not guilty of the charges. The seven are being tried at a high security prison in Rawalpindi. The

33、court case is not open to the public and legal officials did not provide details of the charges. A lawyer for the suspects told VOA that the defendants are innocent and that the legal system has not treated them fairly. The charges come one day before the first anniversary of the attacks in Mumbai.

34、5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。在导语中可以听到 “Pakistani lawyers have charged seven men with planning and helping to carry out the terror attacks last November in Indias financial capital ”由此可知答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。由 “The seven are being tried at a high security prison in Rawalpindi ”可以排除选项 A; “Th

35、e court case is not open to the public and legal officials”由此可以排除选项 B;而导语中提到了这 7个嫌疑人不但策划而且也参与实施了恐怖袭击,导致 160人死亡,因此可以排除选项 D;而在新闻中我们可以听到 “All seven suspects say they are not guilty of the charges”,由此可知答案是C。 【 知识模块】 新闻 7 【听力原文】 President Obama has arrived in South Korea. He is expected to discuss Republ

36、ic of Korea nuclear program in Seoul, the last stop of his 4-nation visit to Asia. Mr. Obama is also expected to meet with Republic of Korea President Lee Myungbak. They are to discuss a free trade agreement between the United States and Republic of Korea. Mr. Obama arrived in Republic of Korea afte

37、r a visit to China. In Beijing, he met with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao. Both sides declared they want closer relations on economic issues, climate change, and other concerns. But neither President Obama nor Chinese leaders announced any detailed plan of action. 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题

38、解析】 细节题。新闻开头可知 “He is expected to discuss North Koreas nuclear program in SeoulThey are to discuss a free trade agreement between the United States and South Korea ”。 【知识模块】 新闻 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。首尔是奥巴马总统亚洲四国访问的最后一站,由此可以排除选项 A, 由 “In Beijing, he met with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier We

39、n Jiabao Both sides declared they want closer relations on economic issues,climate change, and other concerns ”可知选项 B是错误的,而可以确定选项 D是正确答案,而在新闻的最后 “But neither President Obama nor Chinese leaders announced any detailed plan of action ”,根据这样的内容可以排除选项 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 9 【听力原文】 Thirteen people are now confir

40、med dead in the shooting at an American military base in Texas. Thirty-one others were wounded. Officials say the suspected gunman Major Nidal Malik Hasan is being treated at a hospital after being shot four times. Officials are praising a civilian policewoman for ending the shooting Thursday at For

41、t Hood. An army official told reporters Friday that Kimberly Munley exchanged gunfire with the suspect after he began shooting. The policewoman and the rest of the wounded are also hospitalized. The reason for the attack remains unclear. Major Hasan is an army psychiatrist. He was said to be opposed

42、 to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 数字推理题。在新闻的开头我们可以听到 “Thirteen people are now confirmed dead in the shooting at an American military base in Texas Thirtyone others were wounded ” 13+31=44,由此可知答案是 C。 【知识模块】 新闻 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。根据 “Officials are praising a civilian police w

43、oman for ending the shooting Thursday at Fort Hood ”可知答案是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 11 【听力原文】 European Union foreign ministers have promised to increase civilian aid to Afghanistan. The ministers met in Luxembourg on Tuesday. The E.U. is already providing Afghanistan with about $1,500,000,000 a year in civilian

44、aid. Officials did not say how much that amount would increase. A document from the ministers meeting criticized Afghanistans progress on political reform, governing methods and state building. It said there was little or no progress. The European Union said it would seek better governing methods by

45、 the next Afghan government. 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 fifteen hundred million写作 $1, 500, 000, 000,因此可知答案是B。 【知识模块】 新闻 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 根据新闻中的 “A document from the ministers meeting criticized Afghanistans progress on political reform, governing methods and state building”(对阿富汗的政治改革 ,政府管理和建设提出了批评 )可知答案是

46、D。 【知识模块】 新闻 13 【听力原文】 China says its economy expanded at a rate of 8.9% during the three-month period between July and September. The expansion represented a 1% increase compared to the period between April and June. The Chinese economy grew 6.1% during the first three months of 2009. The total val

47、ue of goods and services produced in China has risen 7.7% in the first nine months of this year. The Chinese government launched a series of steps when the world economy was extremely weak to help the countrys exports. 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 数字推理题。新闻的开头提到从今年 7月到 9月的经济增长是8 9,比上个季度提高了 1,由此可知 8 9-1=7 9,因此答

48、案是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。根据新闻后面的内容 “The Chinese government launched a series of steps when the world economy was extremely weak to help the countrys exports ”由此可知答案是 B。 【知识模块】 新闻 15 【听力原文】 British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has announced plans to send an additional 500 troops to Afgha

49、nistan. Mr. Brown said the troops will be sent on three conditions. They are that the right equipment is in place, the Afghan government speeds up the training of its soldiers and that NATO allies also increase their troop levels. The announced increase would bring the total number of British forces to 9,500. Britains force is the second largest in Afghanistan after the United States which currently has about 65,000 troops there. President Obama is considering a request by the top American commander in Afghanistan for 40,000


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