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1、专业英语四级(短文听力)模拟试卷 32及答案与解析 SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 Today, the earth is in trouble for the following reasons EXCEPT that_. ( A) our planet is a closed system ( B) facto

2、ries pour dirty water into rivers ( C) cars and factories put poisons into the air ( D) people throw bottles and paper carelessly 2 To continue to survive, we must_. ( A) shut down the factories ( B) learn how to use the limited resources reasonably ( C) stop the production of cars ( D) impose sever

3、e punishment on people who throw wastes carelessly 3 According to the passage, we should_nature. ( A) abuse ( B) control ( C) coexist with ( D) struggle against 4 In the past, hip-hop was a place for people to sing about_. ( A) love ( B) social injustices ( C) what was happening in family ( D) frien

4、dship 5 Rapping could be described as speaking or singing words_. ( A) at a slow speed over music with quick beats ( B) at a fast speed over music with slow beats ( C) at a fast speed over music with quick beats ( D) at a slow speed over music with slow beats 6 Today the turntable may be replaced by

5、_. ( A) music produced on computers ( B) music produced by two records ( C) music produced by instruments ( D) music produced by the video. 7 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) The origins of lace making. ( B) The size of the lace making machines. ( C) The intriguing history of lace. ( D) The wa

6、ys to manufacture lace. 8 How did the British solve their problems with lace? ( A) They smuggled the machine to America. ( B) They sent their lace to France. ( C) They invented a lace-making machine. ( D) They bought a machine from France. 9 What made it possible for the American women to have the c

7、ustom of wearing lace veils at weddings? ( A) The increased appreciation of lace. ( B) The importation of lace. ( C) The invention of the lace making machine. ( D) The importation of lace making machines. 10 Which reason for students absences is discussed in great detail? ( A) Punishment by teachers

8、. ( B) Poor academic performances. ( C) Truancy. ( D) Illness. 11 Who will benefit from the scheme being tried in Florida? ( A) The Board of Education. ( B) Principals of city schools. ( C) Students with good academic records. ( D) Students with good attendance records. 12 What measure has been take

9、n in San Francisco to reduce the destruction of school property? ( A) Punishing students who damage school property. ( B) Rewarding schools that have decreased the destruction. ( C) Promoting teachers who can prevent the destruction. ( D) Cutting the budget for repairs and replacements. 13 What is t

10、he main topic of the talk? ( A) Recently discovered manuscripts. ( B) Similarities among religions. ( C) Methods of analyzing ancient manuscripts. ( D) How ancient manuscripts are preserved. 14 According to the speaker, whats one aspect of the manuscripts that is very significant? ( A) The simplicit

11、y of their language. ( B) Their age. ( C) The location of their discovery. ( D) The material they are made of. 15 What was an early source of information about Buddhism? ( A) Orally preserved teachings. ( B) A collection of letters. ( C) A diary. ( D) A scholarly article. 16 What do scholars expect

12、to learn about from the manuscripts? ( A) Ancient settlers in Asia. ( B) How Buddhism is practiced today. ( C) The spread of Buddhism in Asia. ( D) Why some languages disappear. 17 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) Getting the kids prepared for college early. ( B) Teaching lessons about Economi

13、cs in the middle school. ( C) Picking classes for the first year of higt school. ( D) Developing management skills at a high school. 18 When is the best time to start discussing college planning with the kids? ( A) When they are about 6 to 8 years old. ( B) When they are in junior high school. ( C)

14、When they are taking a college prep course. ( D) When they are in latter part of middle school. 19 What can we know about the Department of Educations “Think College Early“ program? ( A) It is accessible at a website on the Internet. ( B) It provides suggestions to high school teachers. ( C) It is m

15、ainly about money management issues. ( D) It provides a savings account to the high school students. 20 What leads to success in high school according to the passage? ( A) Experiences in the latter part of school. ( B) Skills and attitudes developed earlier. ( C) A good mix of college prep courses.

16、( D) Good skills in managing time. 专业英语四级(短文听力)模拟试卷 32答案与解析 SECTION B PASSAGES Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow. 1 【听力原文】 Environment on our planet is a closed system. Nothing new is ever added. Na

17、ture recycles its resources. Water, for example, evaporates and rises as visible drops to form clouds. The same water returns to the earth as rain or snow. The rain that falls today is actually the same water that fell on the land 70 million years ago. (11)Today, the earth is in trouble. Factories p

18、our dirty water into our rivers, many fish die and water becomes unhealthy for people to drink. (11/12) Cars and factories put poisons into the air and cause plants, animals and people to get sick. People throw bottles and paper out of their car windows and the roadside becomes covered with all sort

19、s of wastes. Over the years people have changed the environment and we have pollution. (12)To continue to survive, we must learn how to use the earths resources wisely. We have to change our habits and stop dropping such enormous amounts of industrial waste into the water and air. (13) We must coope

20、rate with nature and learn better ways to use, not abuse our environment. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。原文中指出地球目前面临困境的原因为:工厂排出的废水污染河流,汽车尾气污染空气,人们随意乱扔的固体垃圾形成白色污染。故本题答案为 A。 【知识模块】 短文 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。原文中指出要继续生存,我们必须学会如何合理利用资源,故本题答案为 B。 【知识模块】 短文 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。原文中指出我们必须学会与自然共存,故本题答案为 C。 【知识模块】 短文

21、4 【听力原文】 Hip-hop music started in the South Bronx area of New York City in the early 1970s among young African Americans and Latino Americans. People would gather in the streets singing and dancing to hip-hop. (18)It was a place for people to sing about social injustices as well as what was happenin

22、g on the streets. Some of the worlds greatest hip-hop singers started this way. Now, hip-hop is popular worldwide. It is often used to express social and political issues. Some people call these musicians socially conscious hip-hop artists. Today we will tell about how performers in several countrie

23、s use rapping to spread messages. (19) Rapping could be described as speaking or singing words at a fast speed over music with quick beats. Some reports say rapping came from the West African tradition of Griots. These storytellers would quickly tell a story while someone played music. Hip-hop beats

24、 were made when a DJ used two records to create a special measured sound. Sometimes the DJ would move one record while holding the other one down. Other times he would move both records at the same time producing a quick measured beat. This is called scratching. DJs do this using a turntable. (20)To

25、day the turntable may be replaced by music that is produced on computers. 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。原文中说嘻哈是美国街头黑人文化,最初用来吟唱对社会偏见和歧视的不满以及街头发生的小事。 【知识模块】 短文 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。对于 rapping的定义,本文叙述得很明确,是伴随着轻快的鼓点以较快的语速说唱歌词,故本题答案为 C。 【知识模块】 短文 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。原文中最后一句提到如今用电脑制作的音乐取代了转台,所以本题答案为 A。 【知识模块】

26、短文 7 【听力 原文】 The delicate material that most American brides wear upon their wedding day, lace, was a surprisingly serious issue in the politics of Europe and the United States until this century. In the 1500s, the British economy was almost drained by the purchase of foreign lace. The nations of Eu

27、rope began requiring their ambassadors to observe and report upon the state of the lace making industry in large lace producing countries such as Belgium. (12) The British solved their problems by creating a lace-making machine in the 1600s. The machines were considered such state secrets that they

28、were illegal to export. Finally, however, several of the machines were dismantled and shipped to France by ship. The Frenchmen brought the fashion to America and the Americans followed the same route as their French comrades they smuggled lace making machines from Britain. Unfortunately, these machi

29、nes weighed too much and covered an area of fifty feet long and ten feet wide, making them difficult to transport all the way across the Atlantic. Finally, in 1909, (13)the British allowed lace making machines to be freely and legally imported to the United States. It wasnt until the conclusion of a

30、ll this international intrigue that the custom of wearing lace veils at weddings was feasible for the typical American woman. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 主旨题。文章开头就讲到大多数美国新娘在婚礼上所穿的蕾丝材料直到这个世纪前都是美国和欧洲政治方面的严肃问题。最后这个事件终于在英国同意向美国出口蕾丝加工设备而画上句号。故整篇文章就是围绕蕾丝这种材料的历史展开的,选 C项。 【知识模块】 短文 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。文中指出英国通过自己创造制

31、作蕾丝的机器来解决蕾丝加工方面的问题,故 C项意思正确 。 【知识模块】 短文 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。文章末尾说直到英国同意向美国出口蕾丝制造机器,以此解决了这一国际间的问题,才使得美国新娘形成了在婚礼上穿蕾丝的习俗。故 D项正确。 【知识模块】 短文 10 【听力原文】 In some large American city schools, as many as 20%-40% of the students are absent each day. There are two major reasons for such absences: one is sickn

32、ess, and the other is truancy. That is staying away from school without permission. (18)Since school officials cant do much about the illness, they are concentrating on reducing the number of truancies. One of the most promising schemes has been tried in Florida. (19)The pupils there with good atten

33、dance have been given free hamburgers, toys and T-shirts. Classes are told if they show improved rates of attendance, they can win additional gifts. At the same time, teachers are encouraged to inspire their students to come to school regularly. When those teachers are successful, they are also rewa

34、rded. “Weve been punishing truancy for years, but that hasnt brought them back to school, “ one school principal said. Now we are trying the positive approach. Not only do you learn by showing up every day, but you earn. In San Francisco, the board of education has had a somewhat similar idea. (20)

35、Schools that show a decrease in deliberate destruction of property can receive the amount of money that would be spent on repairs and replacements. For example, 12, 000 dollars had been set aside for a schools property damages every year. Since repair expenses of damaged property required only 4, 00

36、0 dollars, the remaining 8, 000 dollars was turned over to the student activity fund. “Our democracy operates on hope and encouragement, “ said the school board member. “Why not provide some positive goals for students and teachers to aim at?“ 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推断题。根据文中信息 “Since school officials ca

37、nt do much about the illness, they are concentrating on reducing the number of truancy ”,以及以后提到的相关内容,可以推出正确答案是 C。 【 知识模块】 短文 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。根据文中信息 “The pupils there with good attendance have been given free hamburgers, toys and T-shirts, ”,可以找出正确答案为 D。 【知识模块】 短文 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。根据文中信息

38、 “Schools that show a decrease in deliberate destruction of property can receive the amount of money that would be spent on repairs and replacements ”可以推出正确答案为 B。 【知识模块】 短文 13 【听力原文】 Today, we are going to continue our discussion of Buddhism. In our last class, we talked about how it practiced. Toda

39、y, Id like to talk a little about early Buddhism, which we really dont know much about. (16)Well, what is known is that the teachings of Buddhism were memorized, and passed on orally for centuries by its followers. (14) Recently, there was an important discovery of Buddhist manuscripts (15) that are

40、 believed to be the oldest ever found. They may be 2, 100 years old. And there may be as many as 20 of them. (17) Its expected that we will be able to learn from them about the spread of Buddhism from present day India into China and throughout Asia. But the scrolls themselves have presented challen

41、ges too. They were very fragile, found rolled up in clay pots. Before they even could be looked at, they need to be dampened over night in fact, and then carefully flattened with tweezers. And its not that anybody could just sit down and read them. The scrolls were written in a language that is real

42、ly rare today. Only a few people are proficient at it. Considering these challenges, its easy to understand why it takes scholars so long to examine the scrolls. 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 判断题。根据文章中 “Recently, there was an important discovery of Buddhist manuscripts that are believed to be the oldest ever f

43、ound ”,以及后面叙述的内容,我们了解到演说者主要讲述了最近发现的、距今已经有 2, 100年历史的佛教经文,因此获正确答案是 A。 【知识模块】 短文 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。根据文中信息 “ that are believed to be the oldest ever found They may be 2, 100 years old ”,可以知道这些经卷是迄今为止发现历史最悠久的,它们年代的久远性受到人们的关注,因此可以找出正确答案为B。 【知识模块】 短文 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。根据文中信息 “Well , what is know

44、n is that the teachings of Buddhism were memorized, and passed on orally for centuries by its followers ”,可以知道在早期人们是通过口头传述的方式来传播佛教教义的,因此正确答案为 A。 【知识模块】 短文 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。根据 “lts expected that we will be able to learn from them about the spread of Buddhism from present day India into China, a

45、nd throughout Asia ”可以知道学者希望通过这些经文来了解早期佛教在亚洲传播的情况,因此正确答案是 C。 【知识模块】 短文 17 【听力原文】 According to the U. S. Department of Education, the best time to introduce children to college planning is when they are in the sixth, seventh, or eighth grade, depending on the maturity of the children. (14) You may wa

46、nt to initiate discussions about college and explain the importance of developing good study habits and getting involved in extracurricular activities to implant the idea that your family supports higher education. You may also want to encourage your children to begin thinking about the career they

47、would like to pursue, which is likely to influence their choice of college, as well as to establish a savings account that could be earmarked for education expenses. (14)In addition, you can teach basic lessons about compounding, investing, and other money management issues. (16)The Department of Ed

48、ucations “Think College Early“ program, which can be accessed at www, ed. gov/think college or by calling 1 800 -USA-LEARN, provides additional suggestions. When students are in the latter part of middle school, they can also start planning to make the most of high school experiences with an eye tow

49、ards college. Remind your budding scholar that (17) success in high school depends on skills and attitudes that are developed in middle school or earlier. For example, time management skills developed in the middle school may eventually help a high school student manage schoolwork, a job, sports, and other interests. And when the time comes to pick classes for the first year of high school, a good mix of college prep courses may be important. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 主旨题。文章第一句话就是本文的主题句 the best time to introduce child

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