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1、专业英语四级(语法与词汇)模拟试卷 109及答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1 A: Why, its eight oclock already. B:

2、Im surprised at_being so late. ( A) it ( B) its ( C) it is ( D) its 2 An old fashion has departed quite unregretted. The italicized part functions as a(n)_. ( A) appositive(同位语 ) ( B) object ( C) adverbial ( D) complement 3 Which of the following is a compound word(复合词 )? ( A) upstart ( B) postwar (

3、 C) enslave ( D) counteract 4 Which of the following sentences does NOT contain subjunctive mood? ( A) We propose that somebody neutral take the chair. ( B) He will remain here if need be. ( C) Were I to do it, I should rely on you. ( D) If Fred didnt leave before five, he cant be home yet. 5 The fo

4、llowing determiners(限定词 )can be used with both plural and uncountable nouns EXCEPT_. ( A) enough ( B) lots of ( C) quantities of ( D) several 6 Which of the italicized parts indicates CONTRAST? ( A) Mr. White is principal of the school, and an expert in translation. ( B) He is not man enough, and th

5、ats all. ( C) Jack grew wheat on his farm during the day, and at night he studied astronomy. ( D) He got up very early, and he failed to catch the morning train. 7 Which of the following CANNOT be used as a nominal substitute(名词替代词 )? ( A) Little. ( B) None. ( C) Kind. ( D) Not. 8 All the following

6、sentences definitely indicate future time EXCEPT_. ( A) Jenny is going to be thirty tomorrow. ( B) He is spending his holidays in Switzerland this year. ( C) He is resembling his father more and more as the years go by. ( D) Am I to wait here till their arrival? 9 Which of the following sentences is

7、 grammatically INCORRECT? ( A) Twenty years in prison were the penalty he had to pay. ( B) Acoustics is a branch of science that is growing fast. ( C) Is draughts a game for two? ( D) Good cutlery is expensive. 10 Which of the following phrases indicates a subject-predicate relationship? ( A) The oc

8、eans roar ( B) The Young Pioneers red scarf ( C) The younger generations education ( D) The shippers invoice 11 Which of the following italicized parts serves as an appositive? ( A) I have one or two things to do before I turn in. ( B) They made plans to live in Paris. ( C) They promised not to do t

9、hat again. ( D) This is a good rule to go by. 12 Which of the following is NOT an imperative sentence? ( A) Off with the lid. ( B) Away with them. ( C) This way, please! ( D) Off they went! 13 If the captain _more careful, his ship would not have been sunk. ( A) should be ( B) were to be ( C) Were (

10、 D) had been 14 Which of the following sentences does NOT express a presumption? ( A) Why isnt he here? He must have missed the train. ( B) Bad seeds must bring bad crops. ( C) He cant have been to your home. He doesnt know your address. ( D) You must be Mr Jones. 15 The following are all dynamic ve

11、rbs(动态动词 )EXCEPT_. ( A) run ( B) get ( C) jump ( D) imagine 16 I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into_when judging my examination. ( A) count ( B) recount ( C) account ( D) discount 17 Theyre calling_all men and boys over the age of 14 to join the army when the country is on the verge of

12、 war. ( A) on ( B) up ( C) for ( D) back 18 His bad eyesight_him from military service. ( A) contempted ( B) exempted ( C) attempted ( D) tempted 19 From the_it was clear that he was guilty, because he did appear on the scene. ( A) onset ( B) outcome ( C) outside ( D) outset 20 The government claims

13、 to be doing all it can to_corruption. ( A) eradicate ( B) cancel ( C) ignore ( D) fight 21 He is clever, but not very good at getting his ideas_to us. ( A) across ( B) over ( C) around ( D) through 22 You will find it to your_to learn some French before you visit Paris. ( A) good ( B) benefit ( C)

14、advantage ( D) profit 23 No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest_. ( A) integrity ( B) integration ( C) intensity ( D) intention 24 Jason failed one of the exams, but we should make_for the fact that he had been ill for a year. ( A) permit ( B) allowance ( C) permission ( D) conse

15、nt 25 Most of people develop bad reading habits during their childhood, and never get_them. ( A) through ( B) over ( C) up ( D) back 26 Being both spoiled and lazy, he_everyone else for his lack of success. ( A) criticized ( B) blamed ( C) charged ( D) accused 27 In my viewpoint, we should participa

16、te in physical labor so that we can_ourselves with working class. ( A) incorporate ( B) combine ( C) identify ( D) cooperate 28 Neil_that he broke the window, but Im sure he did. ( A) denies ( B) refuses ( C) rejects ( D) contradicts 29 When the interval came everyone made_the bar. ( A) out ( B) to

17、( C) up ( D) for 30 When the crowd saw the queen on the street, shouts and cheers_. ( A) broke through ( B) broke up ( C) broke forth ( D) broke off 专业英语四级(语法与词汇)模拟试卷 109答案与解析 一、 PART IV GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY (15 MIN) Directions: There are thirty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there

18、 are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. 1 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 动名词。当动名词的主语指时间时,只能用 A项 it,不能用 B项属格。注意 D项是 C项的缩略形式,不是属格。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 句子成分。双重谓语结构, quite unregretted实际是主语 an old fashion的补语。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 词。

19、首先考生要了解最小的语义单位,即词素,其由以下两类构成;自由词素是指本身具有完整意义,可以独立使用的词素;相对而言,粘附词素指没有完整意义不 能独立使用的词素。派生词是由词根 (主要是自由词根 )+派生词缀 (分为前缀和后缀 )构成,例如 B、 C、 D项,词缀分别是 post一, en一,counter-;复合词通常是由两个或两个以上自由词素构成,如 A项,由 up和 start组成。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 虚拟语气。 A项属于 “建、决、要、命 ”类动词后的 that一从句中使用 (should)+动词原形的虚拟结构。 B项属于 be-型虚拟语气,此类

20、结构多现于固定表达中,表达祝愿、诅咒,或者表达一种特殊的态度。 C项中是 if引 导的非真实性条件句使用虚拟, if省略后,从句中主谓倒装。 D项是 must表示 “推测 ”的用法,当 must用于推测意义时,其否定形式通常不是 must not,而是 cannot。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 限定词。 A、 B、 C项可以和复数可数名词和不可数名词搭配;只有 D项只能与复数可数名词搭配。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 并列连词。 A项表示意义增补; B项表示评注; C项表示对比; D项表示转折或让步。故本题选 C。 【 知识模块

21、】 语法词汇 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 名词性替代。用替代词取代名词词组或者名词词组中心词这一语法现象叫做名词性替代,能充当名词替代词的词项主要是 one ones, all, both,each, some, any, many, much, (a)few, (a)little, enough, several, none等不定代词,以及 the same, kind,和 sort等。如: 1)There are good films as well as bad ones 2)American food is not the same as theEnglish kind 3)C

22、an you get me some nails?I need some 4)I dont want any more food Ive had enough D项 not是分句替代词,通常用来替代否定陈述分句。如: A: Do youthink he win come?B: No I think not 【知识模块】 语法词汇 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 时态:将来时间表示法。 A项是表示是即将发生某事; D项 be to do表示按计划安排将要发生的动作。 B项是现在进行时表示将来时间,但只适用于动态动词,特别是表示位置转移的动词,而不能用于静态动词;相比较, C项相当于 is b

23、ecoming moreand more like ,意思是 “变得越来越像 ” ,表示一个过程。因此, C项不表示将来时间。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 主谓一致。 B项主语是 “声学 ”, -s结尾的学科名词,谓语动词使用单数; C项主语是 “跳棋 ”,一 s结尾的游戏名词,谓语动词使用单数; D项主语是“刀叉餐具 ”, 集体名词,谓语动词使用单数。 A项主语中心词是 years,虽然是表示时间的复数名词,但往往被看作一个整体,谓语动词应采取单数形式。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 名词属格。 B项表示所属关系; C项表示动宾

24、关系; D项表示来源,意指 “托运单 ”。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 不定式的句法功能。 A、 D项都做后置修饰语,其中的名词短语在意义上是不定式动词的宾语,处于动宾关系。 C项作宾语。只有 B项中 plans的内容即 to live inParis,故为本题正解。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 祈使句。 A、 B、 C项系无动词结构,是祈使句的一种省略形式。而 D项属于陈述句型的感叹句。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 虚拟语气。 if引导的非真实性条件句,表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句用 “i

25、f+主语 +had+-ed分词 ”结构,主句使用 “主语 +would have+-ed分词 ”结构。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 情态动词。 A、 C、 D项表示推测,即说话人看来一定是,其中 C项是 must用于推测意义的否定形式。 B项表示根据逻辑推理必然要发生某事。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 动词。 A项是表示持续动作的动词; B项表示改变或位置转移的动词; C项表示短暂动作的动词,是以上三类都属于动态动词。静态动词是指相对静止状态的动词,只能用于非进行体,如 be和 have, D项是表示心理或情感状态的动词,故属

26、此类。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 固定搭配。 take sth into account, take account of sth, take sth intoconsideration,均表示 “考虑,体谅,斟酌 ”,如: Your objections will be taken intoaccount你们的反对意见会得到考虑。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 动词词组辨析。 call sb on upon意为 “对 做短时间访问 ”,而call on sb todo sth表示 “号召某 人做某事 ”,如: They ca

27、lled on the workers of the nation to supportthe strike他们号召全国工人支持这次罢工。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 形似义异辨析。 exempt sb sth from sth意为 “使 (某人某物 )免除或豁免 ”,如: Small businesses have been exempted from the tax increase小公司免去增加税收。 contempt是名词, 出现于此是用于混淆考生。 contempt意为“轻视,轻蔑,鄙视 ”,一般和介词 for搭配,如: I feel contemp

28、t for those who maltreat children我鄙视虐待孩子的人; attempt表示 “尝试,努力,试图 ”,一般用于 attempt to do sth; tempt表示 “劝说,吸引,引诱,诱使 ”, tempt sb into sth doing sth, tempt sb to do sth,如: Theytried to tempt her into staying with offers of promotion他们提出给她晋级来劝说她留下。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 19 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 at from the outset意为 “一开始 ”,

29、如: There was trouble atfrom the outset一开始就出现了麻烦。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 动词形异义异辨析。 eradicate意为 “根除,消灭 ”,强调彻底地消灭,如: eradicate illiteracy扫除 文盲, eradicate bad habits根除坏习惯。 cancel表示 “取消,撤销 ”; ignore强调 “故意不理睬 ”; fight意为 “打架,搏斗 ”。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 动词词组辨析。 get sth across to sb意为 “使 (尤指

30、一群人 )理解(接受 ),讲清楚自己的意思 ”,如: The idea got across to him这个主意被他接受了。 get over一般指 “从 (疾病、震惊等 )中恢复过来 ”; get around表示 “(消息等 )传开 ”; get through意为 “通过 (考试等 ),用完,用光 ”。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 22 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 to ones advantage是固定搭配,意为 “对某人有利 ”,如: It would be to youradvantage to agree to his demands同意他的要求对你来说是有利的。 【知识模块】

31、 语法词汇 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 名词形似义异辨析。 integrity意为 “正直,诚实,廉政,诚恳 ”,如: He wasparticularly respected for his integrity他因为人正直。特别受人尊敬。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 24 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 固定搭配。虽然这四个词有相近的意思,都表示 “允许,准许 ”,但是只有 allowance和 make搭配,组成词组 “make allowance(s)for”,意为 “(对某些特殊因素的 )考虑,顾及 ”,如: We must make allowances for his you

32、th and inexperience我们应 当体谅他年轻,没有经验。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 25 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 动词词组辨析。 get over意为 “克服,战胜 (困难、偏见等 )”,如:You willsoon get over your shyness你会很快克服羞怯心理的。 get through表示“通过考试 ”; get up表示 “起床 ”; get back意为 “回来,回家 ”。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 26 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 动词形异义近辨析。 blame sb for sth blame sth on sb意为“责备,指责,责怪,归咎于

33、 ”。原句也可以改成: Being both spoiled and lazy,he blamed his lack ofSuccess on everyone else如: Public opinion blames him for leading the girl astray舆论责怪他把那位姑娘引入歧途。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 27 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 动词形异义异辨析。 identify oneself with意为 “把 认同于,与 密切联系 ”,如: He refused to identify himself with the new political party

34、他拒绝与那个新政党有关系。 incorporate表示 “包含,加入 ”,一般和介词into搭配,如: They incorporated his proposalsinto their plan他们把他的建议纳入他们的计划; combine意为 “结合,联合 ”。一般和 with搭配; cooperate表示“合作,协作 ”,用于词组 cooperate with sb sth。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 28 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 动词形异义近辨析。 deny表示 “否认 ”,后面可以跟 that从句或doing,如: The suspect denied having attac

35、ked a policeman犯罪嫌疑人否认曾袭警。 refuse意为 “拒绝 ”; reject表示 “拒绝接受 ”; contradict意为 “反驳 (某人 )的 (言论或文字 ),驳斥 ”,如: If you contradict me once more, youre fired你再顶撞我一次 ,我就解雇你。 【知识模块】 语法词汇 29 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 动词词组辨析。 make for表示 “(通常很快且有目的地 )移向,冲向 ”,如: Itstarted raining, so she made for the nearest shelter开始下雨了,所以她向最近的避雨处奔去。 make out一般指 “开出,写出 ”,如: make out a check开出一张支票;没有 make to这个词组; make up有 “虚构,捏造,编造,化妆,组成 ”等意思。 【知识模块】 语 法词汇 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 动词词组辨析。 break forth表示 “(声音等 )进发, (怒火等 )爆发,突然呼喊起来 ”,如: The fans broke forth in cheers when the movie star appeared该电影明星一出现,粉丝顿时发出欢呼。 【知识模块】 语法词汇


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