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1、专业英语四级(阅读)模拟试卷 127及答案与解析 一、 SECTION A In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 0 (1)In response to mass unemployment and the prospe

2、ct of having to emigrate, an unemployed Irish graduate has spent 2,000 on a massive billboard advertisement asking employers not to let him leave the republic. (2)Feilim Mac An Iomaire, who erected an advertising hoarding on the busy Merrion Road in south Dublin in an attempt to find a job, has said

3、 he has been overwhelmed by the response. (3)The ad contains a picture of the 26-year-old marketing graduate facing a number of famous landmarks from Sydney, London and New York with the message: “Save me from emigration.“ (4)His ad has struck a chord across Ireland at a time when about 50,000 citiz

4、ens, many of them young graduates, are expected to leave this year for work abroad. There are still up to 400,000 jobless workers in Ireland due to the property crash and the countrys fiscal crisis. (5)Mac An Iomaire said he came up with the idea after being unemployed for eight months after a year

5、in Australia. “I had a good bit of money saved when I came home from Australia but I was managing to live on jobseekers allowance. I gave it a week of hard thinking to come up with the concept and nothing was going to stop me then,“ he said. “The great thing is that everyones been so positive about

6、it. No one has really had a bad word to say. Everybody who is close to me knows Ive been pretty annoyed about being unemployed and feeling like Ive been on the sidelines.“ (6)Mac An Iomaire also set up a Facebook page and Twitter account, and has been drowned with emails and messages. (7)“Ive had so

7、me really nice replies. Some CV experts are willing to spruce up my CV so Im pretty overwhelmed with that,“ he said. “It looks good for something to come out of it, anyway. I am not exactly looking for a concrete job offer. I would sooner go through the whole process of doing an interview,“ he added

8、. 1 Sydney, London and New York are the places . ( A) where Mac An Iomaire had worked before ( B) which Mac An Iomaire had visited before ( C) where Mac An Iomaire wouldnt like to work ( D) which Mac An Iomaire thought were the most prosperous 2 By saying “everybodys been so positive about it,“ Mac

9、An Iomaire means that _. ( A) people have expressed approval of his advertisement ( B) his friends have encouraged him to look at the bright side ( C) the unemployed have confidence in the job market ( D) the country will overcome its present fiscal crisis 2 (1)The family of Sirycs refused all the b

10、enefits of civilization. Now they live in a forest near Zhitomir and enjoy their hermits life. (2)52 year-old head of the family Ivan Siryc, his wife Victoriya and their 12-year-old son Stepan live in a sun-dried hut, covered with thatch(茅草屋顶 ). There are 3 rooms in it(each of them is about 2 square

11、 meters). They are joined together with the other room, in the middle of which the stove can be found. (3)The Sirycs happen to be indoors only in winter, in summer they spend all their time in the workshops. During the whole year a hayloft serves as a bed for them. They even made a glass roof above

12、it to see the stars. They say, no one can see such a wonderful view in the city. As for the toilet, they didnt build it at all. They just have some special place in the forest not far from their hut. (4)To move into such conditions was a joint decision. 8 years ago the Sirycs were successful artists

13、 in Moscow. But one day they accidentally heard on the radio the story about the dolmens(巨石墓 )on the Caucausus and decided to go there. Stepan at that time was 8 months old. Victoriya remembers herself sitting near the brook and holding her son in her arms while Ivan was examining those wonderful pl

14、aces. When he returned they both suddenly realized they wanted to change their life. (5)Now the Sirycs eat only raw food, because they believe the food heated to 40 immediately becomes dead. So they eat berries, pickled and dried mushrooms. The latter tastes like chips, they say. But you should be c

15、areful and not to eat too much of them, because they swell in your stomach and you can feel like youve overeaten afterwards. (6)So at first they were vegetarians, now they are raw food eaters but what they really dream about is to become “air eaters“. Such peoples bacteria produce all necessary elem

16、ents from air and are gradually becoming younger and even able to “grow“ new organs. Victoriya, for example, has already grown two new teeth. (7)As for their son Stepan, he goes to school once a month. Hes in the 4th grade now. But actually he doesnt like to go there because other children often tea

17、se him because of his long hair. But Stepan cant cut them off because he believes this is connection with cosmos. (8)His father taught him to draw and make sculptures. Later hes going to become a sculptor. 3 What do we learn about the Sirycs home according to the second paragraph? ( A) There are res

18、pectively three rooms in and outside the hut. ( B) There are totally four rooms in their hut. ( C) Each of the three rooms has a stove inside. ( D) Each of the three rooms is joined together with the other two. 4 In regard to diet, the Sirycs are most likely to agree that _. ( A) mushrooms are not g

19、ood for our health ( B) one should not eat too much raw food ( C) meat should also be eaten raw ( D) no meat at all should be eaten 4 (1)If you want to know how I spend my money, go to B. Each time I make a purchase on my credit card, the amount Ive spent and the name of the place Ive spent it autom

20、atically pop up on this weird new site. Why would any sane person volunteer to publicize that information? Philip Kaplan, a technology entrepreneur and one, of Blippys co-founders, hazards a guess: “To tell people friends, acquaintances, maybe even strangers a little bit more about you.“ (2)I had a

21、different theory. If large numbers of people could see and comment on what I was buying, maybe I would be shamed into spending less. Could there be a practical use for the exhibitionism and groupthink of social networking? Location-centric sites like Foursquare encourage people to blast where they a

22、re and what theyre buying. But Blippy takes things to a new level, since information goes straight from point of purchase to website. You dont have to push a single button; just agree to let Blippy broadcast the details that end up on your credit-card statement. Marketers are constantly mining all s

23、orts of consumer data, and Blippy which has received seed money from big-name investors like Sequoia Capital and Twitter CEO Evan Williams wants to help individuals start harnessing this kind of information too. (3)Conversations on Blippy occasionally revolve around how people should spend less for

24、things. If you pay more than $29.99 a month for a gym membership, expect to hear about it. But more often the comments are pro-purchase. Thats especially true when people choose to specify what theyre buying on sites such as Amazon, iTunes and Netflix. (4)During my first month on Blippy, which was i

25、n beta(测试 )until Jan. 14, my inclination for eating at Mexican restaurants quickly became a topic of conversation among the strangers who started following me on the site. As I scrolled through other users purchases, I was reminded that most people sometimes go to grocery stores instead of eating ou

26、t every night. I noticed another Blippy member joking about how often charges showed up from a particular bar. He said that to avoid the appearance of a drinking problem, maybe he should switch to cash. (5)I ran my cost-control theory by Kaplan, and he said it was interesting but that he had witness

27、ed his spending habits being swayed in the other direction. On a recent trip to Bali, he battled with a friend over who would get to pay for dinner. He wasnt being gracious. He simply wanted the Blippy community to see that he was in a cool place. (6)I, too, eventually found that sharing details abo

28、ut what I was buying only made me want to spend more. With friends on New Years Eve, I asked to be the one to purchase a bottle of champagne. In an odd way, I felt I would be ringing in the New Year with my Blippy peers. And that made me realize Blippy isnt primarily about spending habits. Like any

29、other social-networking site, its mostly about feeling as if youre surrounded by a particular group of people even when youre not. 5 The authors spending information appears on B _. ( A) because he wants to share his life with others ( B) so that he can pay for his purchases by credit card ( C) with

30、out his knowing it ( D) with his prior consent 6 Which of the following is NOT true about the website B? ( A) Sequoia Capital and Twitter have invested money in it. ( B) It can help members exploit their spending data. ( C) It broadcasts the details of its members every purchase. ( D) Its members ar

31、e most likely to discuss the deal before purchasing. 7 By saying “his spending habits being swayed in the other direction“(Para. 5), the author means that Kaplan _. ( A) became more generous than before ( B) was more enthusiastic about sharing ( C) wanted to spend more money than before ( D) no long

32、er went to that particular bar 7 (1)Prolonged sleep deprivation increases the risk of suffering from a stroke or heart disease, according to a major long-term study based on the experiences of hundreds of thousands of people across eight countries. (2)The trend for late nights and early mornings was

33、 described as “a ticking time bomb“ by the researchers at the University of Warwick who linked a lack of sleep to a range of disorders which often result in early death. (3)Chronic short sleep produce hormones and chemicals in the body, which increases the risk of developing heart disease, strokes a

34、nd other conditions, according to Dr Michelle Miller of the University of Warwick. (4)She and Professor Francesco Cappuccio, who co-authored a report published in the European Heart Journal, followed up evidence spanning seven to 25 years from more than 470,000 participants across eight countries, i

35、ncluding Japan, the US, Sweden and the UK. (5)Professor Francesco Cappuccio said: “If you sleep less than six hours per night and have disturbed sleep you stand a 48% greater chance of developing or dying from heart disease and a 15% greater chance of developing or dying from a stroke. The trend for

36、 late nights and early mornings is “actually a ticking time bomb for our health so you need to act now to reduce your risk of developing these life-threatening conditions.“ (6)Professor Cappuccio added: “There is an expectation in todays society to fit more into our lives. The whole work/life balanc

37、e struggle is causing too many of us to trade in precious sleeping time to ensure we complete all the jobs we believe are expected of us.“ (7)“But in doing so, we are significantly increasing the risk of suffering a stroke or developing cardiovascular(心血管的 )disease resulting in, for example, heart a

38、ttacks.“ (8)He also warned of the implications of sleeping too much, more than nine hours at a stretch, which may be an indicator of illness, such as cardiovascular disease. (9)He said: “By ensuring you have about seven hours sleep a night, you are protecting your future health, and reducing the ris

39、k of developing chronic illnesses. The link is clear from our research: get the sleep you need to stay healthy and live longer.“ (10)Ellen Mason, senior cardiac nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “We know sleep is essential for staying healthy and this research adds further evidence about

40、the possible consequences for our health if we dont get enough.“ (11)“Although there appears to be an association between heart and circulatory disease and lack of sleep, it is not yet fully understood. There seem to be some hormonal and chemical changes in the body when lack of sleep occurs, so ove

41、r a period of time these may have some impact on the heart and circulatory system.“ (12)“There are plenty of reasons why sleep deprivation is a problem. Easy Internet access, a growing number of TV channels, financial worries and longer working hours all distract us from going to bed. But its import

42、ant more of us make sleep a priority and get our restorative six to eight hours a night.“ 8 The phrase “a ticking time bomb“ in the second paragraph is used to stress _. ( A) the risk of sleep deprivation ( B) our concern about good health ( C) one possible cause of early death ( D) our ignorance ab

43、out the lack of sleep 9 Which of the following statements about Dr. Michelle Miller is true? ( A) She used to co-author a report with Professor Cappuccio. ( B) She had one report published in the European Heart Journal. ( C) She collaborated with Professor Cappuccio on a long-term study. ( D) She ch

44、ose participants who suffered long-term sleep deprivation. 10 What does Professor Cappuccio think about sleeping too much? ( A) It may result in cardiovascular diseases. ( B) It may be as harmful as lack of sleep. ( C) It may cause more risks than lack of sleep. ( D) It may be a symptom of some dise

45、ases. 二、 SECTION B In this section there are five short answer questions based on the passages in Section A. Answer the questions with No more than TEN words in the space provided. 11 PASSAGE ONE 11 Why did Feilim Mac An Iomaire put on the billboard advertisement? 11 PASSAGE TWO 12 What happened aft

46、er the Sirycs visited the dolmens on the Caucausus? 13 What is the writing purpose of this passage? 14 PASSAGE THREE 14 What is the ultimate function of Blippy, according to the author? 15 PASSAGE FOUR 15 According to Professor Cappuccio, what makes modern people sacrifice their sleeping time? 专业英语四

47、级(阅读)模拟试卷 127答案与解析 一、 SECTION A In this section there are several passages followed by ten multiple-choice questions. For each question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer. 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据题干中的 Sydney, London and New

48、York定位到第 3段。该段末尾的 Save me from emigration意为 “请不要让我移居外国 ”,结合上文提到的Mac An Iomaire登广告的目的,可以推断 Sydney, London和 New York代表Mac An Iomaire不想去工作的国外的城市,故本题应选 C。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 第 5段是 Mac An Iomaire对他的广告创意的介绍,他首先讲到了他是怎么想到这个创意的,接下来讲了人们对这个广告的看法,本题引号里的内容就是人们对这个广告的看法。因此,其中的 it应该是指这个广告,可见, A“人们十分认可他的广告

49、”与原文该句的意思最为接近。其他选项都没有正确理解 it的所指。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正 确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项中的关键词是 rooms,关于 Sirycs一家的居住条件,特别是“房间 ”的情况,主要看第 2段最后两句,原文提到屋内有 3个房间,且这三个房间和一个中间放置有火炉的房间相连,该句中的 the other room是单数,表明这个房间是不同于前面讲到的三个房间的另外一间,即他们家一共有 4个房间,可见B正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第 6段第 1句提到 Sirycs一家以前是素食者,现在是生食者,据此,可以推断他们早就不吃肉了,他们现在吃 的东西不会包括肉类,因此本题应选 D。注意排除干扰项 B,在第 5段最后一句中, not to eat too much of them中的them指代 dried mushrooms,强调一次不能吃太多的干蘑菇,而 B则从整体上说不能吃太多的生食,事实上,他们一家现在只吃生食,所以 B与原文不符。 【知识模块】 阅读 【


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